yu feng xing

Chapter 40: Qingshiwu Hall

"The next game, Ding Yu, Zhuang Wenxiang!"

Hearing Hu Jiu on the stage, he announced in a loud voice that Ding Yu and Zhuang Wenxiang were both stunned, but Zhuang Wenxiang soon had a whole face. On the contrary, he hung a deep smile on the corners of his mouth. He took a look at Ding Yu, jumped to the ring first, and easily played with the iron ring on his finger with one hand.

In contrast to Ding Yu, he looked at Chen Rufeng, who was seated again with a panic. Chen Rufeng just smiled at him and nodded to him, showing great confidence in him.

Ding Yu was determined, supported the ground with a long gun, and flew to the ring. His eyebrows were horizontal. He looked at Zhuang Wenxiang and his eyes did not dodge.


"Who is your younger brother?" Zhuang Wenxiang's smile added a trace of disgust, "You have long been expelled from the master because you lost the 'Blue Blood Martial Arts'. Why do you falsely call it my brother here? Moreover..." Zhuang Wenxiang glanced at Chen Rufeng under the stage again, "You are now involved in the door of Tianfeng Gang, and you are no longer a person of Bi Xuexuan."

Ding Yu's eyes condensed, and his hand unconsciously clenched the long gun. "Bi Xuexuan has always spoken with strength. Let's see who can laugh to the end today."

Chen Rufeng looked at the tense momentum of the two on the stage and was satisfied. He intends to arrange Ding Yu to fight against Zhuang Wenxiang, which can not only compensate for the entanglement between Ding Yu and Bi Xuexuan, but also frustrate Bi Xuexuan's spirit.

With the sound of gongs and drums, Zhuang Wenxiang took a good step, held out his single palm with an iron ring, and smiled confidently. On the contrary, Ding Yu was too nervous, and his hands holding the long gun oozed sweat.

"Come on, 'Brother'." The last two words Zhuang Wenxiang deliberately smiled and made a mouth shape, which was extremely provocative. Ding Yu was angry and stabbed away with a gun.

The two teachers went out of the same door, and what they made was "blood power". Ding Yu's long gun was like a rainbow, and the red light soared, as if it had pierced a piece of lava. The blood was shining, and the tip of the blade was red and sharp. Zhuang Wenxiang's palm glowed red, and he slapped the head of the gun fearlessly and turned a blind eye to the tip of the gun.

The two sides were pale, and the palms were shaken. However, Zhuang Wenxiang only took a step back with his right foot, and the other foot was as stable as Mount Tai, while Ding Yu staggered a few steps by the force of his counterattack and pulled away ten feet away.

This fight can already show the depth of their skills, and Zhuang Wenxiang is obviously better.

Chen Rufeng frowned when he saw it. Zhuang Wenxiang was worthy of being the best disciple of Bi Xuexuan's young generation. His internal skills were very profound, and Ding Yu, who had just struggled hard, could not get any advantage.

"Insufficient internal strength, move to remedy." Chen Rufeng meditated, hoping to convey his heart to Ding Yu's heart. Ding Yu couldn't hit it. At this time, his heart was flustered and his hands trembled, and even the long gun was unstable.

Under this, Zhuang Wenxiang smiled proudly, rushed to Ding Yu, and took advantage of the victory to pursue. Ding Yu quickly raised his gun to resist, and the shadow of the gun unfolded into a net and covered him in front of him, intended to deter Zhuang Wenxiang.

Zhuang Wenxiang's eyes were contemptuous, and his blood gathered and bumped into the shadow of the gun. For a moment, the red dot broke out, and the blood was stirred, as if the termites eroded the wall, leaving only the long gun in Ding Yu's hand. The straight fist was suddenly collected and released again, as if the blood flowing from the rushing river poured out. Ding Yu raised the gun in a hurry, urging the blood of his whole body and condensed into a red sun-like wall.


The vigor spread, making the faces of the people in the field cool and feel a slight fishy smell. Zhuang Wenxiang's punch was on the blood-condensed wall, and the strength of the fist was also transformed by blood gas. As soon as the two blood clashed, it naturally caused a drastic change. Ding Yu's blood wall was suddenly washed away and difficult to gather. He himself vomited blood with a "wow" sound, and his face was as pale as paper.

Zhuang Wenxiang was also not very uncomfortable. He didn't expect that his blood punch on Ding Yu's blood wall would cause such a big shock. Although he was shallower than Ding Yu's injury, the punch just now was his powerful blow, and now it made him a little embarrassed.

Ding Yu has a gun body and has no blood color on his face. Zhuang Wenxiang bent down for a moment, took a few breaths, then recovered, and looked at Ding Yu with a smile.

Ding Yu suddenly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly appeared. With a roar, he attacked Zhuang Wenxiang again. Zhuang Wenxiang couldn't help but be terrified. He thought that Ding Yu had just been more seriously injured than him, and he absolutely did not dare to take the lead. Unexpectedly, he came with such an unexpected injury and couldn't help but be unprepared.

Chen Rufeng looked at his heart and cheered. Ding Yu took advantage of the other party's mentality that he would not take the lead. Instead, he caught the other party off guard and narrowly won.

But Zhuang Wenxiang is not the kind of blunt person who is still blank when others kill him. He waved his palm and hurriedly greeted him. Between the sharp turn of the gun head and the iron ring on the palm of the hand bit each other, sparks burst out. Ding Yu's gun kept drilling into the gap, trying to take advantage of the situation to enter. However, Zhuang Wenxiang took the lead, and every step was blocked in front of Ding Yu's gun to prevent water from leaking.

In such a confrontation between you and me, Ding Yu, who was originally seriously injured, seemed to be a little overwhelmed. The gun slowed down and changed from attack to block. The tip of the gun suddenly hit, with pricks, and the attack and defense suddenly reversed each other.

Zhuang Wenxiang was secretly happy. He thought that Ding Yu would definitely run out of strength for a long time, so he thought of grinding him so slowly and not rushing to kill him with one blow. The red palm light is like a long roll, and it fights with Ding Yu's long gun lightly.

Looking at Ding Yu making the gun more and more difficult, everyone under the stage thought that the victory or defeat had been decided, but it was only a moment away.

Only Chen Rufeng's eyes showed dark, staring at Ding Yu's stagnant shooting, and suddenly smiled.

On the stage, Zhuang Wenxiang also noticed Ding Yu's eyes and realized that he was not about to be defeated. Instead, he was calm, like holding a powerful bow and arrow in his hand.

"It's not right!" Zhuang Wenxiang shouted in his heart, but unfortunately it was too late. Ding Yu's long gun was suddenly blood-red, as if the blood in the gun was boiling. On the contrary, Ding Yu's face was whiter, obviously injecting the last remaining blood into the gun at that moment.

"Blood gun is broken!" The long gun poked straight out, as if the red sun had risen and broken. Originally, Zhuang Wenxiang tried to delay Ding Yu's strength with a gentle attack, but Ding Yu would pretend to be weak and suddenly fight back. When the blood gun hit, he could only barely stretch out his palm to block it, but this shot was made by Ding Yu with all his strength. How could it be so easily resisted?

The red light flashed, like the gate broken by the siege pile. Zhuang Wenxiang flew back and collapsed heavily on the ring. The blood he spit out was intertwined into a net. He could only raise his head slightly and stared at Ding Yu angrily, and there was no reason to get up.

Ding Yu is also exhausted, especially in this open ring, where the cold air blows down, making him constantly shiver and his whole body is about to freeze.

"Victory...Victory, Tianfeng helps Ding Yu!"

There were a lot of coaxes in the field, mostly to congratulate Chen Rufeng, and some people tried their best to applaud for Ding Yu's last witty blow, but the three disciples of the Douri School, the Shadow Pavilion and Kunpengmen were pale.

Chen Rufeng rushed to the ring first and put his arms around Ding Yu's shoulder and patted his chest to welcome him with joy and smile, but he felt that he was covered with frost. He immediately woke up and pulled him down from the ring and ordered someone to be wrapped in a blanket.

"It's okay... I won..." Ding Yu trembling his lips and looked at Chen Rufeng with a pale and weak smile. Chen Rufeng smiled gratefully at him.

The next competition unfolded without delay. At this time, Ling Xiaoyu had swept away her tiredness and seemed to be full of energy on the stage. Opposite him was Huang Ju of the Fighting School. The huge axe in his hand was constantly thrown up and down by him, closed his mouth and smiled, and did not pay attention to Ling Xiaoyu at all.

As for Ling Xiaoyu's same look, his expression seemed to say to him: You are not even as good as a piece of shit in my eyes.

Although there is no war, the gunpowder on the ring has long been very strong, and I don't know who will laugh to the end.

Ling Xiaoyu stretched out three fingers, raised her head and said loudly, "Believe it or not, I can kill you in three rounds!"

Huang Ju didn't expect Ling Xiaoyu to say such crazy words. He underestimated himself so much. At present, he was extremely angry and said carelessly, "Since you dare to make such a delusion, let me weigh how many catties you are!"

Within the sound of gongs and drums, Huang Ju has already picked up the huge axe and stride towards Ling Xiaoyu. Seeing this, the man in charge of beating gongs and drums hurriedly started the test.

Ling Xiaoyu smiled and got up and walked quickly in mid-air. Huang Ju suddenly changed his figure and turned into the air. At the same time, the huge axe also turned to lift up, and the edge was full of cold light. Even the stubborn stone would be divided into two by it. Everyone here marveled at the speed of Huang Ju's move and looked forward to Ling Xiaoyu's response.

However, Ling Xiaoyu did not frown and clamped his fists on the giant axe. These two fists are vigorous and condensed. One punch roars like a tiger, one punch like a dragon's head, and dragons and tigers come out together. Their power is naturally awe-blin for a while.

Huang Ju's huge axe was clamped by two fists, and his anger was immediately pressed down like a landslide, which immediately made his wrists crack, and his whole arm was almost broken.

"This is the first round!" Ling Xiaoyu had loosened her fists and vaguely saw the long dragon and tiger withdraw his body with his fists. This time, Ling Xiaoyu kicked his legs in a row. When Huang Ju had not recovered, he frustrated his chest. Huang Ju felt that several ribs on his chest had been broken. He was unspeakably bitter, and he stumbled back a few times.

"Seeing that you don't have the power to counter your hand, let's go straight to the third round!" Ling Xiaoyu said happily, with a little reluctance in her tone, as if she couldn't bear to end this good play so quickly.

Two punches came out one after another, the first dragon and then the tiger, roared angrily, and the fists cracked in the air, hitting Huang Ju's already frustrated chest.

was blown away weakly, and then fell to the ground heavily, and even coughed silently.

There was another uproar under the stage, and everyone thought that Ling Xiaoyu had caused people's lives. The competition rule of Qingshiwu Hall is to stop at the point. If it is too much, it won't work.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. At most, he was just seriously injured." During this speech, Ling Xiaoyu smiled and glanced at Kunpengmen and the two people who were preparing to play, and they were inexplicably shocked.

Chen Rufeng ordered people to carry away the dead fish-like Huang Ju on the ring while looking at the doormen of Kunpeng Gate and the Shadow Pavilion: "And Jun Moxiao and the mysterious masked man are waiting for you."