yu feng xing

Chapter 49: Sad Son

Returning to the Tianfeng Gang, Chen Rufeng immediately began to fight back against the four gangs of Bi Xuexuan, Dou Ri Faction, Canying Pavilion and Kunpengmen without frowning.

Don't give tit for tat, and let them be sick cats that day?

Bixuan is the master of Caoyun, and the Dou Ri faction and Kunpengmen are in the same camp, and the remnant shadow pavilion sells rice. All of them have been operating properly. With continuous growth, the development area has expanded around like a flood, and the power is high in the world. It can be said that they will be counted after Qianjianmen, the Red Devil Altar, Ice Tomb and Tianfeng Gang.

Now the four gangs jointly deal with the Tianfeng Gang. Although the Tianfeng Gang is strong, they can't shake it head-on. The four gangs are united, and they have to make a clever plan to deal with it properly.

Chen Rufeng thought about it for a few days and nights, and then gathered Hu Jiuwei, Chai Yuanlang, Liu Hong and "Mr. Boubai" to discuss. Chen Rufeng was determined to never give in to the four gangs. He was angry when he spoke. He remembered that Luoyang's battle and wanted to attack their door immediately. Tianfeng Gang stayed up and down for several nights, and even when the stars were hanging high, Chen Rufeng's room was still lit with candles and discussed with Han Ling all night.

On this day, the Tianfeng Gang finally took action.

Tianfeng Gang has the intention of protecting hygiene. It is in full swing, and the wealth and silk are endless. When it comes to financial resources, Tianfeng Gang can definitely be called the best among the four gangs, but its overall strength is still lacking.

Chen Rufeng decided to make a move to "hurt people with this". When Haimen fought with each other that day, he also used this trick to make the Tianfeng gang anxious and almost knocked down Daji. This time, I used my skills again and squeezed four gangs.

Tianfeng Gang waved its big sleeves, and most of the silver in the warehouse flowed out like a collapse of the embankment. It was aimed at the transportation, silk and rice line that the four gangs relied on to survive. Chen Rufeng's thunderous methods, and all kinds of open and dark tricks were used to expand the business scope of the Tianfeng Gang. Originally, Tianfeng Gang had the intention of protecting hygiene as a signboard. Naturally, the Caoyun industry made it popular. It made high-priced shipbuilding, and lowered the freight rate, which was very popular. Suddenly, it forced Bi Xuexuan to raise his head.

As for silk and satin, Chen Rufeng took up a famous store in Suzhou and jointly opened a wide range of shops. There was a famous store number hanging outside, but behind it, it was manipulated by the Tianfeng Gang. The whole south of the Yangtze River also became a piece of fat soil of the Tianfeng Gang. The Dou Ri faction and Kunpengmen were overshadowed and could not compete with the Tianfeng Gang.

With the transportation in hand, the rice grain is even more like a fish in water, and the trade is endless. The rice line is like a satin village, spreading out with the momentum of sweeping, but the remnant shadow pavilion can't speak. Looking at the daily decline of guests before the rice trip, the dry rice has caused insects.

by mistake, the original intention was to consume costs and hurt people, but unexpectedly, the income of Tianfeng Gang has more than tripled, and the original money invested has been recovered. With financial resources, Tianfeng Gang immediately bought a large number of excellent weapons and armor to strengthen their strength. All factions in the world were worried, especially those gangs that had had a quarrel with Tianfeng Gang before, and came to apologize.

As for the four gangs, they were killed by Chen Rufeng. If it hadn't been for the three nails on the rotten ship, they could barely cope with the recent losses with the previously accumulated financial resources, but they would be overstretched over time. It won't be long before they would have to come up with a strategy to solve them. Naturally, they would not whisper to Tianfeng to plead with Tianfeng, but Chen Rufeng used a series of thunderous means to avenge the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall in Luoyang, forcing them to say nothing.

Chen Rufeng's heart was full of hatred, and his heart was extremely smooth. Thinking of the furious appearance of the four gang leaders, he couldn't help grinning.

The four gangs are not waiting to be killed. Seeing that the situation of their gang's portal is gradually declining, they gathered urgently to agree on countermeasures.

In the Bixue Xuan Hall, the red flag scarf hung down on the wall, which was slightly dim and reflected the whole hall.

Lu yin's face sat on the seat as if it was painted with a layer of ink, holding his cheeks. Under the seat were Liu Feilong, the owner of the Shadow Pavilion, Yuan Fan, the head of the Dou Ri faction, and He Chengpian, the owner of Kunpeng Gate. The four men who were over half a hundred years old but were still extremely refined were all sad. Why was they worried about why they work?

"Guys, if there is any way to deal with the Tianfeng Gang, you can say it, you don't have to hide it. Now our four groups have to work closely together to compete with them. Now if he ignores it, Tianfeng Gang will grow a little every day, and it will be difficult for him to deal with it. Lu Qiyin broke the silence and was bored. Seeing that the other three people looked like eagles that could not be eaten, they even scolded a group of useless guys in their hearts.

The three people are not inflexible. They have to weigh the pros and cons and think about what is most beneficial to them before they are willing to make a plan.

Liu Feilong rolled his eyes, brushed his chin and long beard, pretended to be calm and said, "We only need to hire a killer from the film club to assassinate him in the most direct way."

He Chengpiao glanced at him and said with sarcasticity, "Master Liu's idea is too simple. Chen Rufeng walked alone in the world and inherited the ethereal achievements handed down by the court. Is it so easy for you to send a killer to get rid of him? Thinking about that day, although Zeyu was the winner, there were various rumors that Chen Rufeng defeated Ze Yu, but because of the rules, there was no honor of this winner. With such high martial arts skills, I'm afraid that the No. 1 killer Tianzi will not touch him!"

Facing He Chengpiao's continuous refutation, Liu Feilong blushed and almost stood up and said angrily, "Fuck your ass! Why don't we pay a lot of money to hire more killers?

Liu Feilong scolded each other, and He Chengpiao did not allow much to make rude words and foamed. "It has been said that Chen Rufeng has made ethereal achievements and unparalleled light skills, just like annoying flies. If you send a few big men there, you will only be fooled by it!"

Yuan Fan saw that the two of them scolded each other one by one, and stood up angrily. It seemed that he spoke with great importance here and said, "Don't quarrel with them!" As I think, the world alliance will be soon, and we will give it to Ze Kunyun at that time. I'm afraid he won't sit idly by! There is no need to use these evil methods!"

Hearing Yuan Fan's words, both of them turned their heads and snorted coldly and sarcastically, "Chen Rufeng has a good relationship with Ze Kunyun. Do you think he will really listen to you? Besides, don't you use the evil method? Don't pretend to be righteous in front of me!"

Yuan Fan was speechless when he was said like this, and he stared at the two of them with sulking anger.

Lu Chiyin saw that the three of them quarreled and blushed. He shook his head and sighed how he could keep up with these people. He coughed a few times to interrupt the three people. All three of them turned their heads together and their eyes gathered on his face.

"Does Lord Lu Xuan have a perfect solution?" The three asked in one voice.

Looking at the almost thorny eyes of the three people, Lu Chiyin was slightly stunned and smiled dryly and said, "No."

The three of them snorted with disdain.

As the organizer of this chamber of commerce, Lu Chiyin felt that he could not lose everyone's demeanor. Suddenly, he suppressed his anger and said without changing his face, "I said that we should do our own plans and fight against the Tianfeng Gang both in plain and secretly. Chen Rufeng is really bullying now. On that day, he not only killed our elite disciples, but also interfered in our business, forcing us to lose our jobs. We don't need to show mercy to him. We should not only hire a killer to assassinate him, but also state his sins in the World League, take good care of our business, and fight back step by step.

Lu Zhiyin summed up the words of the three people in one breath and added one of his own opinion. Suddenly, he felt extremely smart and energetic for a moment.

Hearing Lu Zhiyin's words, the three of them were immediately angry, but he talked about it again in the hearts of the people, and they all disagreed with it. Now they began to conspire and agree on a plan.

In the Tianfeng Gang, Chen Rufeng looked at the sky in a daze, thinking that Luoyang's heart would leave without saying goodbye that day, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Recently, the Chinese affairs have settled down. The four gangs have been suppressed by me to raise their heads, and the World League has also been intensively prepared. For the time being, I don't need to work hard. It's better to go to Peijiazhuang for leisure." As soon as the idea moved, Chen Rufeng did not hesitate and used his erraic work. He flew out of the fortress as a green light, crossed the forest and swept away in the direction of Peijiazhuang.

On the mountain road leading to the valley where Peijiazhuang is located, the green light flashed and the figure of Chen Rufeng appeared. That physical method just consumed a lot of his true energy, and he had to recover from time to time, and he no longer used his errare skills and changed it to walking.

The mountain birds sing sharply, and the wind blows and leaves make a rustling sound, just like music.

Chen Rufeng didn't care much, but he heard a sound of resentful flute, which made people feel numb and tearful. Looking at the four directions, the mountains are full of trees, and the sound of the flute seems to come from all directions, and it is impossible to be sure of the direction.

The sound of the flute is really sad, as if it brings out all the sadness in the heart of the player's heart, turning around for a long time.

After walking for a while, I saw a young man in cyan cloth, about 20 years old, sitting against a tree and holding a bamboo flute in his hands. It seemed that the extremely resentful and touching sound of the flute was played by him.

The man's eyebrows were sad, his face was like white snow, and he was very handsome, but his eyes were closed, his eyebrows moved slightly, and there was a faint graceful and touching woman, and his elegant and gentle atmosphere followed him.

Chen Rufeng did not expect that there was such a person playing the flute by the roadside in the wilderness, and suddenly became curious and looked forward. But the man was so fascinated that he didn't realize that someone walked within ten feet, as if tears were about to break out of his eyes and his eyelids trembled.

Chen Rufeng couldn't bear to disturb him for a moment. Seeing that the man seemed to have difficulty in telling his feelings, he sighed secretly and was about to turn around and leave, but his low voice stopped abruptly.

"Please stay." The man also opened his voice with bursts of sadness and coldness, and Chen Rufeng stopped walking. The man gradually opened his eyes, his eyes shining like a sparkling lake.

"What's the matter, prince?" Chen Rufeng asked politely.

The man put away his flute and stood up, nodded and thanked, "Just now, the chivalrous man did not dislike it. He was willing to stay here to listen to play. Thank you very much."

Chen Rufeng was stunned. Unexpectedly, he realized that he was beside him, but he didn't break it. He immediately guessed that this person should have certain skills. In addition, the sound of the flute was enough to immerse the unstable person in the sadness he created and could not extricate himself. Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that this person was not simple and became vigilant.