yu feng xing

Chapter 52: Strong Hand

The sun rises in the east, and the sun shines all over the earth.

Chen Rufeng came to the Juyi House with Sichuan against the current early. She came to meet with good clothes. She has regained the affairs of the village and fulfilled the responsibility of the owner. The senior generation of the Perak family were all present, and Perak's heart sat upright on the main seat, smiling faintly at the corners of his mouth.

Everyone looked at the Sichuan countercurrent with suspicion. Chen Rufeng can't help but introduce and explain the origin. When Perce Shouyang saw him holding the bamboo flute in his hand, his face was sad and happy, and his body was filled with a faint sadness, which showed a little quietness. He was surprised and asked, "Is the person who played the mourning flute last night not your Excellency?"

The river's countercurrent nodded, and everyone immediately looked at the river's countercurrent with new eyes. Unexpectedly, this weak-looking man knew that such a profound flute could blow sadness into people's hearts and affect people's hearts.

Chen Rufeng said jokingly, "It's really a little embarrassing to be around with such a bitter face."

The Sichuan countercurrent did not care about Chen Rufeng's words and sighed repeatedly, as if he was going to shout again.

"Bold to ask... Have you been able to play this flute since you were a child?" Pei Shouyang asked, and the river looked up blankly against the current and recalled silently.

"Well... I taught it together when my master taught me martial arts. However, I don't know why. After practicing the martial arts taught by him, it is always easy to be sad and inexplicably sad. It has always been like this since childhood. The river said slowly against the current. Chen Rufeng was also shocked. He didn't expect that he was so desolate today because of his practice.

Perce Shouyang stroked his chin thoughtfully, recalled the past, and sighed repeatedly.

"Your master is the 'thousand-wound monster' husband, isn't he?" Perak Shouyang said slowly, and the old man of the older generation of Pejiazhuang showed a suddenly enlightened look.

"To the extreme!" Chuan Countercurrent didn't expect his master's name to be so loud, which surprised him a lot.

"How's your teacher?" Perak Shouyang asked.

"Well, since he saw me frowning and sad all day long, he is like crazy, clap happily and doesn't know which end of the earth he has gone." I can't help but feel sad when I remember that I haven't seen my teacher for many years.

Perak Shouyang said, and the others looked at each other as if they knew it.

Chen Rufeng looked at the river countercurrent, which had always had only a sad face. Unexpectedly, this man's teacher Cheng had a great future, so he did not dare to look down on him any more, and was secretly happy that he could receive such a strong hand into the Tianfeng gang.

pi yang did not intend to hide it from him, sighed again, and said to himself, "I didn't expect that the realm of 'extremely happy' was realized in his apprentice."

"Is there no sadness or joy?" Chen Rufeng and Chuan have never heard of these four words, and Peril Xinqing also curiously pricked up their ears to hear what was going on.

"The flute playing skills you learned and the martial arts you have learned complement each other. The sound of the flute is your mental method. 'Sadness and unhungry' is the highest level of the mental method created by this thousand wounds. Unfortunately, he has never been able to forget love, so he has never reached this dream realm in his life. He placed his hope on you, an apprentice, and taught you to practice this mental method since you were a child. When you were young, you didn't know how to worry about it. The method of playing the flute he taught you slowly infiltrated this highest-level mental method of 'extremely and happy' in your heart, so you will be in the state as you are now.

After saying that, he doesn't know whether this is good or bad for the river against the current. If he can reach this level, as long as his martial arts can keep up, he will be a generation of masters who meet his opponents. But you have to be accompanied by sadness in your life. You have to mourn, let alone love. Isn't it a torture for ordinary people?

After listening to what Pei Shouyang said, there was no other expression on his face, only a sad face. Chen Rufeng shouted pitifully in his heart. Perhaps this kind of sadness has evolved into a habit in his heart, which is deeply rooted in his heart and can't be changed.

After everyone talked for a while, Pei Xinqing pulled Chen Rufeng to the back hall of the house. Chen Rufeng thought she was going to be coquettish to him for a moment, but he saw that she was straight and serious, so he had to restrain his smile and listen attentively.

"Are you really going to compete for the leader of the alliance on that day in the next world alliance meeting?"

Chen Rufeng didn't want to answer. His lips moved and pulled him aside, almost pressing him to the corner of the wall.

"I said earlier that it is best to get the support of the Ice Tomb and Qianjianmen. I am relieved at the Qianjianmen, but the Ice Tomb..."

Chen Rufeng waved his hand and said, "The ice tomb is closed, and even the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall is not present. How can I bother others?"

Percy Xinqing frowned, "If so, the chance of winning the position of leader of the alliance in the world will be low. The Qingshi Martial Arts Hall was not held smoothly. Although the prestige of the Tianfeng Gang has still improved to a certain extent, it is not enough to shake the whole world.

Hearing what Li Xinqing said, Chen Rufeng was not anxious. He had already had a full idea to support him, in addition to the Thousand Sword Gate, there was also the Red Devil Altar. On that day, Lan Yuer and Jun Moxiao both expressed their friendship to him, especially on the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall. First, they gave him the "Yanmo Dan" and then saved Pei Xinqing. Although they did not know what their intention was, it was beneficial and harmless for them to win the position of the leader of the world alliance.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get the position of the leader of the world's alliance. Believe me." Chen Rufeng put his hands on Pei Xinqing's shoulders, with a confident smile on his face.

Pei Xinqing was about to say more, but was also stopped by Chen Rufeng. However, seeing the sadness between his heart and eyebrows, Chen Rufeng couldn't bear to comfort him softly, promising that he would win a beautiful battle at the world alliance meeting in a few days. Pei Xinqing saw that he was confident in saying this. He couldn't say anything more and nodded.

"At that time, you will be the wife of the alliance leader." Chen Rufeng smiled mysteriously and plucked the tip of his nose mischievously. Percy's heart was suddenly overjoyed, smiled, and no longer made any more comments, allowing Chen Rufeng to go.

It's just that she looked at Chen Rufeng's back and seemed to remember something, and her face turned sad again.

Farewell to the people of Pejiazhuang, Chen Rufeng took the river back to the Tianfeng Gang. Along the way, Chen Rufeng remembered that the river countercurrent mind method said by Persoling Yang had reached the highest level of "extreme sadness and no joy", but his martial arts skills were not yet reached. The current river countercurrent is like a vast area of wasteland that has not been reclaimed in many places. If it is cultivated over time, it must have a bright future.

Consides of this, Chen Rufeng made up his mind to cultivate the river against the current and make him the pillar of the Tianfeng Gang. At present, he wants to weigh his ability and let him compare his skills with himself to see who comes to the Tianfeng Gang first. Chuankei is a person who doesn't know how to refuse, and he vaguely agreed.

Chen Rufeng pointed out the direction. The two started at the same time, and the river took a step against the current. Chen Rufeng has turned into a green light and shuttled away like a lightning.

In a daze, Chuan knew that he could not win against the current, and was afraid of being left behind by Chen Rufeng. When he didn't know his way, he immediately took a step, and his body floated lightly and jumped into the air like a swallow.

When the river reached the gate of Tianfeng Gang, Chen Rufeng had already waited for him at the door with a smile.

It was also a sour and sad face, so I couldn't see whether there was any frustration on his face. Although Chen Rufeng's face is faintly complacent and demeaning others, he is very satisfied with the countercurrent of the river, but it is only half an hour slower than himself. After all, it is really difficult for anyone to surpass him.

Leading the river back in, the river was curious and looked around, but he didn't know that it was rebuilt by the fortress that Tianfeng Gang occupied Jinghaimen.

Hearing Chen Rufeng's return, others came out to welcome him. Mr. Bui was busy preparing for the world alliance meeting and hid in the room all day long. Hu Jiuwei and Liu Hong were very busy. Only Chai Yuanlang, Ling Xiaoyu and Ding Yu were sitting in the living room. Chen Rufeng suddenly felt guilty. Everyone else was so busy, but he still had time to run out for a walk.

I made an introduction to Chuan Countercurrent. All three of them politely greeted Chuan Countercurrent. When they saw him return, they looked gloomy and extremely sad. They all felt strange, but it was inconvenient to ask more out of politeness.

"Xiaoyu, come on." Chen Rufeng waved to Ling Xiaoyu, and Ling Xiaoyu stood up, turned his ghostly eyes and stood obediently in front of Chen Rufeng.

"Lord, what can I do for you?"

Chen Rufeng coughed dryly and remembered that Ling Xiaoyu had just returned from Luoyang and "borrowed" hundreds of taels from the warehouse, and then disappeared for a few days. When she came back, she lost her soul, so she guessed that those silver two were on the gambling table. With a handle in his hand, Chen Rufeng naturally didn't need to be polite to him. He pointed to him and Chuan against the current, "You two are here to compare!"

The two were stunned after hearing this, and they didn't know what Chen Rufeng meant.

"Click and stop, come on." Chen Rufeng raised his hand.

At this time, Ling Xiaoyu came up with all kinds of thoughts and was worried. She didn't know whether it was better to win or lose.

"Quick!" Chen Rufeng shouted loudly, woke up Ling Xiaoyu, and added, "Don't damage the objects in the hall, or you will look good."

Ling Xiaoyu was timid and chilled when she heard this. She intuitively told him that she would not feel good after losing this battle. She immediately made up her mind to fight hard.

Together with the wind, the fist roared out with a tiger and directed the chest against the river. Sichuan countercurrent did not expect Ling Xiaoyu's punching so suddenly, and there was the fierceness of a fierce tiger going down the mountain, like a large mountain forest that was shaken by the tiger's power to bend down and break branches, and hurriedly resisted the bamboo flute.

Chen Rufeng smiled in his heart. He wanted to compare the river countercurrent with Ling Xiaoyu to see where the jin of the river countercurrent went. Thinking that day when he was assassinated by the Earth Shadow Club, one person could deal with two masters against the current, which was really strong and arrogant.

But Ling Xiaoyu is not an easy person in the Tianfeng Gang. Presumably, both sides will do their best to split up.

The bamboo flute turned around in front of his chest, like a green bamboo exhibition, producing gusts of wind, which forced Ling Xiaoyu's fist forward. The bamboo flute took the opportunity to stab out like a long sword and hit the weakest part of Ling Xiaoyu's fist. The bamboo flute itself has real strength. Ling Xiaoyu knows that once her weakness is broken, she will undoubtedly be defeated. At present, the other punch is bombarded, and the fists are crossed. The fists are accompanied by the sound of the dragon's roar, as if the mad dragon looks up and faces the sharp strength of the bamboo flute.


Both sides were shocked by each other's strength and retreated sharply.

"From this point of view, although the river's countercurrent has been practiced to the state of 'extremely happy', the internal strength is not sufficient. This fight between the two sides shows how the internal strength is." Chen Rufeng meditated in his heart.

Just lost the opportunity, the river was no longer willing to be rebellious, and its feet were round, with a dance-like footwork. At the same time, the bamboo flute spread, and the green shadows moved casually, as if they were directing a large bamboo waves. Everyone saw green waves like a sea in front of them, and there was an extremely sad figure in the middle.

At this moment, all the sadness in the heart of the river against the current came to the extreme, and the bamboo flute danced according to the sadness in his heart. Watching the river dance with the flute against the current, and the clothes flutter up, there is a feeling of extreme compassion in his heart, feeling the impermanence of life.

Sichuan dances with a flute against the current and spreads with his heart, which contains a kind of mind-terrifying mysterious skill.

Ling Xiaoyu was in a trance, but only felt that there was a strong wind sweeping on his face. The spiritual platform immediately returned to Qingming, and his fists leaned forward like a tide. Dragons and tigers came out, roared and roared one after another. It was really powerful, earth-shaking, furious, and had the momentum of killing Buddha.

One side of the flute shadow is full of sadness, and a large area of green shadows sweeping like a huge wave in the sky, full of sadness. One fist is like a fierce beast coming out of the cage, which can penetrate the clouds and crack stones and go into the mountain to chisel holes. The two are evenly matched, and it is hard to tell which one will win or lose.

Chen Rufeng's eyes were wide open, and his heart was tense, as if he were on the field.