yu feng xing

Chapter 54: World League

The rest of the gangs arrived one after another, and soon the seats were full of people, talking endlessly and disturbing for a moment.

Looking around, there are only people who lack ice tombs in the hall. Everyone guessed that they should still be closed, so even the world alliance was absent.

Suddenly, the whole hall sounded like a muffled bell, and the loud sound immediately shook all the noise on the spot and became silent, only the sound of clouds swinging back and forth.

"Guys, the World League meeting is about to be held, and I hope everyone can calm down!" The sound transmitted by internal forces really hurts people's ears. Since the alliance leader dared not listen, Qunying immediately closed his mouth and waited for Ze Kangyun to speak.

Ze Kunyun walked to the main seat like a meteor, turned around and glanced at the heroes, and sat down with his hands waved his sleeves.

Everyone shouted in unison, "Lord!"

Listening to the shouts of everyone, Chen Rufeng's heart fluttered and thought of what it would be like if he sat on the throne of the alliance leader and watched the major gangs in the world call themselves as the alliance leader.

The feeling of staring at the heroes and the supreme!

The position where Ze Kunyun sits is exactly what Chen Rufeng yearns for.

"Gentlemen, it is rare for everyone to gather here today. I hope everyone can sit down and discuss important matters, abandon disputes, and discuss big plans together." When Ze Kunyun said this, Chen Rufeng and the four gang of people turned their eyes coldly, both with disdain.

Ze Yun gradually took the topic and continued to say: "Recently, the trend of gang annexation is serious. Although the law of the world is weak and strong, it will kill the survival of some new gangs and lead to the whole world. Moreover, the merger methods of various gangs are extremely fierce and unmeaning, which are despised by people in the world.

Lu Chiyin sneered and stuck his eyes to Chen Rufeng's face. "Yes, that day, the owner of Tianfeng helped to annex Jinghaimen with extraordinary means and jumped a few feet, so that the Tianfeng Gang could reach today's status, which is an example found in the mouth of the alliance leader."

Chen Rufeng looked at him with sharp eyes and said without thinking, "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If Haimen hadn't taken the lead in thinking about us, how could I use force against him, unlike those who have made trouble, thinking about how to kill others all day long." These words are like an invisible sword pointing to Lu Qiyin, saying that he is a difficult villain who likes to seek people. Lu Zhiyin's face was fierce, and his hands clenched.

Ze Kunyun watched the two of them sarcastically and attacked each other, and stretched out his hand to stop them to ease the tense atmosphere in the field.

"We will no longer pursue the past. However, the Tianfeng Gang is an excellent model. It has achieved today in just a few years, which is worth learning from those emerging gangs. When Ze Kunyun said this, Tianfeng Gang's faces were full of joy (except for the river countercurrent). On the contrary, Lu Yongyun and other Tianfeng Gang's opposites hated it so much that they gritted their teeth, and secretly scolded Daze Kunyun in his heart that he could only speak for Tianfeng Gang.

"To get back to the point," Ze Yun added, "I want to make a proposal to prohibit any merger between gangs."

As soon as this came out, all the people in the seat were shocked and talked about it. Some people frowned and thought, some people shook their heads repeatedly, and only a few people nodded and said good like the Red Devil Altar and the Tianfeng Gang.

Lu Qiyin finally couldn't help standing up angrily and shouted, "The alliance leader's move is very inappropriate! If mergers are prohibited, our gangs will not develop at all! It will only be suppressed by those gangs that have been high, and it will be difficult to look up!"

Other people who felt the same way also echoed with righteous indignation. The hall was chaotic for a moment, and the group of words were chaotic.

Ze Kunyun's eyebrows tightened and said in a low voice, "The merger is the main cause of the continuous bloody battles in the world. In the long run, how can there be peace in the world? As for the reason for development, each gang has its own business. As long as it is managed well, it is not difficult to develop.

Hearing Ze Yun say this, Lu Qiyin was even more angry and couldn't help shouting for a moment, "Isn't it difficult? Humph, our Bixuexuan, Douri School, Canying Pavilion and Kunpengmen's businesses have been touched by the Tianfeng Gang, and now even the livelihood of the gang has become a problem. I now suspect that you are just doing things from the standpoint of your own sect, prohibiting and doing nothing to do to you big gangs, but it is unspeakable for us.

Lu Qiyin said that most people on the seat felt the same way, and all of them sighed.

Chen Rufeng stared at him coldly. Seeing that he mentioned that he was speechless about his Tianfeng Gang, he stood up and said with a contemptuous smile, "Lord Lu Xuan, you are not good at management but you are ashamed to rely on our Tianfeng Gang? Although our gang has strong financial resources, your four gangs have long been deeply rooted in all walks of life. If the management quality is good, how can they be caught up by our descendants? Our Tianfeng Gang is open and upright in business, and the children are not bullied. They all follow the rules for transporting rice and grain. We didn't take the initiative to rob your guests, but your guests automatically came to us!"

What Chen Rufeng said is true, and there is indeed something wrong with the operation of the four gangs. They waited on themselves to work in the industry for a long time and did not pay attention to the dross inside. Instead, they accumulated more and more disadvantages, but no one else dared to interfere in their business. On the contrary, the Tianfeng Gang is like a newborn calf and is well managed, causing the old customers who were originally four gangs to turn to the Tianfeng Gang, so it can only be a matter of ability.

Lu Qi's face was red and swollen, and even his lungs were about to burst out. Yuan Fan and Liu Feilong quickly pulled him down. Chen Rufeng said that the key point made them unable to refute it. They had to stare at him angrily and vent their anger with their eyes.

Ze Kunyun waved his sleeves to calm everyone down and said loudly, "Since everyone has different opinions on this matter, let's raise hands to vote according to the principle of the minority obeying the majority!" Raise your hand if you agree to prohibit mergers!"

The people of Tianfeng Gang raised their hands first, and then a group of people from the Red Devil Altar looked around and raised their hands with sneers.

Some less powerful gangs have also raised their hands. They just want to develop at ease and don't want those gangs that are hungry like jackals to merge. Naturally, they are supportive of the prohibition of mergers.

Lu Chiyin, He Chengpiao, Liu Feilong and Yuan Fan stared around with great popularity, and many people raised their hands, accounting for almost half of the number of people in the seat. Those who did not raise their hands are the gangs that have always been doing evil in the world. They just strengthen themselves through continuous mergers. How can they agree to prohibit mergers as if they cut off their rice and food?

At this time, Lan Yuer swept the audience with smiling and streamer's charming eyes. Those who did not raise their hands only felt a chill rushing to their necks. In front of them, they saw Lan Yuer's virtual shadow swaying, with the meaning of charming **. Suddenly, some people could not keep their minds and were at a loss. Raise your hand.

Ze Kunyun frowned when he saw this, but didn't say much. After all, Lan Yuer's move was helping him, so it was difficult to stop him.

After a round of counting, more than half of the people raised their hands.

"The number of people in favor of prohibiting mergers is more than those who oppose it. Therefore, from now on, if anyone dares to commit a crime and then merge, if it violates the regulations of the World Alliance, it will be investigated to the end!" Ze Kunyun said a sonorous word, and those who didn't raise their hands dared not squeak again. Lu Chiyin's party could only blow his beard and stare angrily, helpless.

"This matter has been decided, and the following is to discuss the new alliance leader of the world."

After Ze Kunyun said, the people in the seat calmed down with their own thoughts. Jun Moxiao glanced at Chen Rufeng intentionally or unintentionally and saw him leaning against the back of the chair nervously, and a smile flashed through the corners of his mouth.

"Every time the world alliance is held, a new alliance leader must be elected to lead the world alliances to develop together and promote harmony. May I ask who is willing to come out to take on this heavy task? Ze Kangyun said with a smile, and his eyes swam through the heroes.

A gang veteran with white temples and don't know where he came from stood up. Chaoze Kunyun held his fist and said loudly, "The leader of the alliance is superior in martial arts and wit. It's best to be re-elected as the leader of the alliance."

The people of Qianjianmen in the seat shouted in unison and agreed with Ze Yun's re-election. In this way, everyone also applaud and agreed. On the contrary, Chen Rufeng's heart sank, and although his mouth also cheered, his heart was very uncomfortable. It is understandable that Ze Kunyun really insists on being re-elected. In terms of ability, he is still a little different from him.

But Ze Kunyun just smiled modestly, "Ze is not talented, because there are many things in the alliance in the world, and he ignores too many things in this family. It is inevitable to step down as the leader of the world's alliance this time. After that, he intends to focus on the affairs in Qianjianmen. Ze thanked Mr. Huang for his retention.

Hearing Ze Kunyun call this old man with white temples "Mr.", it is known that Mr. Huang's status is different.

Mr. Huang sighed regretfully, "Since the leader of the alliance has made up his mind, I can't force it." After saying that, he sat down again, and Chen Rufeng only felt that he immediately put down his heart.

"So, who is willing to stand up and assume the position of leader of the alliance?" Ze Kunyun narrowed his eyes and smiled, and his eyes were soft. He hoped that a wise man could stand up and take over the burden of the alliance leader at this time.

Chen Rufeng's heart is hovering between up and up, struggling painfully. He wanted to stand up, but felt an invisible force pressing on his knees, but the already formed idea in his heart kept giving him motivation and shouting in his ear, "Stand up!"

Finally, Chen Rufeng felt his feet light and stood up in front of a group of gangs in the world.

It seemed that he was suddenly lifted to a high mountain and looked at the hills below, looking a little at a loss.

Ze Kunyun saw Chen Rufeng and looked happy.

"If you don't give up, I, Chen Rufeng, am willing to assume the position of leader of the world's alliance!" As soon as Chen Rufeng's words came out, Tianfeng helped everyone applauded and encouraged him.

"Good! It's rare for you to have such courage. I, Ze Kunyun, am the first to support you to assume the position of leader of the world's alliance!" Ze Kunyun's words immediately caused a second uproar on the seat.

"I agree too!" Lan Yuer said in a delicate voice, and this big wave immediately became bigger.

Someone said loudly in the seat, "How can Chen Rufeng take over the position of leader of the world alliance?"

"At a young age, I don't have enough experience to shoulder this heavy responsibility." Another voice came out, and Chen Rufeng's face suddenly froze there.

Ze Kunyun raised his hands to stop everyone's voice.

"Chen Rufeng, as the leader of Tianfeng Gang, the rise of Tianfeng Gang is obvious to all. In addition, although the previous Qingshi Martial Arts Hall was not very smooth, he could solve many problems and his ability was beyond doubt. Ze Kunyun said in a helpful voice.

What Ze Kunyun said was the best help, and Chen Rufeng looked at him gratefully.

Even the Red Devil Altar agreed, and two of the four giants in the world agreed. What opinions can other gangs have?

Lu Chiyin stood up suddenly, his eyes were like a torch, and looked at Chen Rufeng like a blazing fire. "I was the first to oppose Chen Rufeng's position as the leader of the world alliance!"