yu feng xing

Chapter 1: Heart Injury is incurable

Chang'an prime minister's mansion.

In the deep study, it is only illuminated by the sunlight penetrated by paper windows.

Jiang Shengtian stood in front of the book case, and Ye Zhihang, who closed his eyes and meditated with anxiety, only saw back and forth. He felt that he was trapped in a very strange atmosphere. One person lay down on the bookcase and focused on the book in his hand, and the other sat cross-legated, acting independently, as if ignoring Jiang Shengtian's existence.

The birds outside the study sang happily, flapped their wings a few times, and flew away.

"Your Excellency." Jiang Shengtian owed his body, as if to remind him.

Li Linfu rolled up half of his eyes and stared at him, closed the book and put it on the edge of the desk.

Ye Zhihang didn't care and calmed down.

"Do you know that Chen Rufeng recently became the leader of the world alliance?" Li Linfu asked blankly. Jiang Shengtian was stunned and nodded silently.

When he learned the news, a burst of joy came up, and then brought an inexplicable sense of loss. This loss has gradually turned into today's jealousy.

"What will happen to Jiang Shengtian without Chen Rufeng? What will happen to Chen Rufeng without Jiang Shengtian? This sentence has been lingering in his ears, with a little ridicule.

The leader of the world's alliance, who leads all factions in the world, is no longer beyond his own reach.

What is he? The prime minister's mansion is just a small guest. Previously, he had made good use of Chen Rufeng in Chang'an. He was proud for a long time and thought that Chen Rufeng's ability was still far inferior to himself.

However, he can ascend to the throne of the leader of the world.

"Which one is better than me? He is just good at martial arts!" Thinking of this, Jiang Shengtian punched the wall and responded to him with only bursts of pain.

If I had not had a special physique and could practice internal skills, would there have been many different things today?

He is very displeaous that Chen Rufeng can lead the Tianfeng Gang to the grand glory alone and climb to the position of the leader of the world. He expected that nothing would happen without him.

But he always guessed wrong.

The fact that there is a mountain of solid evidence in front of him. Chen Rufeng will only win more without him, Jiang Shengtian. However, Jiang Shengtian has no achievements at all. At most, his achievements are only limited to this prime minister's mansion, while Chen Rufeng showed his strength in the whole world. One person is like an eagle in a tree nest, and the other is a phoenix flying for nine days.

Li Linfu looked at the changes in Jiang Shengtian's eyes, and naturally he would not be able to guess his thoughts. He smiled and said slowly, "When I helped build the Tianfeng Gang, I didn't expect to promote Chen Rufeng's day. The fate is really unpredictable and the twists and turns are extremely strange!"

Looking at Jiang Shengtian silently lowering his head and wandering in his own mind, Li Linfu's eyes showed a deep color and continued: "A person should drink water and think of the source, right? Since I helped build the Tianfeng Gang, I have completed today's Chen Rufeng. He should repay me, shouldn't he?

Listening to Li Linfu's question, Jiang Shengtian gushed out of disgust from the bottom of his heart. At the founding ceremony, Li Linfu still drew a clear line with the Tianfeng Gang in front of the heroes. Today, when he saw Chen Rufeng gaining momentum, he saw the wind leaning over, hoping to get a piece of the pie.

"What does the Prime Minister mean?" Jiang Shengtian frowned secretly and didn't know what the old fox Li Linfu was thinking.

Li Linfu crossed his hands and fingers and looked at Jiang Shengtian with a smile, as if he were looking at a cat that would help him catch fish, which made Jiang Shengtian's hair stand upright.

"I heard that the Tianfeng Gang has hands in the three sides of Caoyun, silk and rice grain, and is very profitable, covering half of the Tang Dynasty, which is actually a gang of the richest people in the whole world..."

"Isn't the Prime Minister interested in these wealth-making businesses?" Jiang Shengtian asked, you should know that every plant and tree in the prime minister's mansion is almost made of tens of millions of silver, and it is impossible for Li Linfu to lack money under his sleeves. Prime Minister, will there be less oil and water in the court?

Li Linfu laughed and said, "No, it's just that I'm curious to see how these businesses work, so I want to see if there are opportunities for cooperation with Tianfeng, so that I can also open my eyes!"

Jiang Shengtian knows that Li Linfu has always been right and wrong. This means that he wants to intervene in the business of Tianfeng Gang, but he can't figure out why the purpose is. There is no shortage of money in the prime minister's mansion, but why not for money?

"Unfortunately, I haven't been a part of the Tianfeng Gang for a long time." Jiang Shengtian's tone was secretly shirked, "Otherwise, he will definitely be able to contribute to the Prime Minister and negotiate with the Tianfeng Gang."

Li Linfu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. After all, your master's name is still there. If you are willing to help me negotiate with the Tianfeng Gang, it will come."

Jiang Shengtian's face looked embarrassed. Since the day he left the Tianfeng Gang, he has never thought about going back. Now Li Linfu wants him to go back in the name of the master to help him negotiate business cooperation. Thinking of the embarrassment that may occur when he meets Tianfeng Gang, Jiang Shengtian suddenly hesitates and doesn't know what to do.

"Sung Tian, I knew you were a shrewd person early, so I was entrusted with important responsibilities several times, and you didn't let me down." Li Linfu said slowly, "It's just that there is a difference between relatives. Although you have talent, Shi Ao is my son of Li Linfu, so I have to put most of my energy on him and cultivate him into a weapon."

When Jiang Shengtian heard Li Linfu's words, he suddenly realized that Li Linfu had left many important things to Li Shi'ao to deal with, so as not to let him touch his hands, and carefully arranged a group of experienced people to follow him for his dispatch. Li Shi's arrogance is becoming more and more arrogant. He was originally estranged from Jiang Shengtian. Once he got his ambition, he was embarrassed by him everywhere, which annoyed Jiang Shengtian, but because he was the son of the Prime Minister, it was difficult to attack.

However, Li Shiao has always been a leader in doing things. Such as the communication with the important ministers of the imperial court and the drafting of the memorials of the court were made a mess by him. Li Linfu was so angry that he was completely disappointed with this son.

Now he said such a thing to Jiang Shengtian, but Jiang Shengtian touched another thought.

"If only you were my son. Not to mention my son, I'm satisfied to be my son-in-law. Li Linfu inadvertently said such words, which shocked Jiang Shengtian's heart and made a mess in his eyes.

Dare Li Linfu have noticed his affection for Li Yinru?

Indeed, since Chen Rufeng came to make a decision with Li Yinru that day, Li Yinru has almost been bedridden. Jiang Shengtian will visit her boudoir regularly and told Sister Ping to take good care of her. However, Li Yinru's face has always been pale, and her whole body seems to be as if only his eyes can move. Jiang Shengtian's heart is in sharp pain, and he can't wait to fry Chen Ru's heartless Hanfeng.

A bright-eyed person can also see that what he means to Li Yinru is not simple. Li Linfu probably also heard about this matter and understood some things, but today they put it out to lure Jiang Shengtian to negotiate and cooperate with the Tianfeng Gang for him.

Li Linfu looked at Jiang Shengtian's lost appearance, compladed, and secretly thought that the time had come, so he said, "If you can do this, I can marry you."

The last sentence made Jiang Shengtian feel like being touched by thunder, and his head cracked open, and he looked at Li Linfu in disbelief.

Is it shocking? Is it happy?

When his mind was slightly clear, he thought that Li Yinru's heart was not on him. What's the use of forced marriage? At this point, I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing.

"Oh, I'm too crazy to hate my daughter. Chen Rufeng's unintentional person, even if he doesn't want to, there is a good woman in front of him, but he doesn't know how to cherish it. Li Linfu regretted Jiang Shengtian, said all kinds of good things, and severely belittled Chen Rufeng.

Jiang Shengtian was silent for a moment and suddenly looked up to Li Linfu and arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, this matter will be handed over to the villain."

Li Linfu grinned when he heard the words, "Okay! OK!"

When Jiang Shengtian left the study, Ye Zhihang on his knees slowly opened his eyes, did not turn his eyes, and stared ahead.

"Are you finally going to take action?" Ye Zhihang seemed to be talking with the air in front of him, and he didn't look at Li Linfu.

Li Linfu smiled gloomyly and said, "This is just the first step. Don't be too hasty to encroach on this fat meat of Tianfeng."

"The three lines of rice grain, Caoyun and satin cannot be regarded as the pillars of the Tianfeng Gang. The Tianfeng Gang is now the most famous and has always been its guard. Li Linfu analyzed and said, "But the skin must be peeled from the outside to the inside, remove its protection first, and then go straight to the yellow dragon to kill him with a sword."

Ye Zhihang didn't say anything. Generally, he would point it out if there was a flaw after hearing Li Linfu's plan. This time, Li Linfu obviously has been planning for this plan for a long time, and it is comprehensive and flawless, so he won't say more.

"Chen Rufeng dares to swallow me, hey, I want him to pay me back a hundred times!" Li Linfu's voice suddenly became fierce and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Yes, I also heard about it." Ye Zhihang Road.

"Hmm?" Since Ye Zhihang mentioned it, most of them were also important, and Li Linfu did not dare not listen.

Ye Zhihang's eyes turned to the right, like staring out of the study door.

"Someone saw Jin Yi appear in Lion Town." Ye Zhihang said slowly.

Li Linfu was a little impatient: "Lion Town is where his mother lives, and it is not surprising that he appears there."

"Not only that, but also people have seen the spirits appear there."

Hearing the word "mei ling", Li Linfu trembled with fear and sweated profusely.

"Hasn't she been killed by Jin Yilai?"

"I also thought so at the beginning. That day, I followed them out of the city and saw that after the fall of Meiling, Jin Yi came to hold her body and cried bitterly, but I didn't see him bury her body. Ye Zhihang thought carefully that there were indeed many doubts on that day. He did not take a closer look at whether the charm had been cut off.

"But Jin Yilai has gone crazy and was driven away from the prime minister's house by me... Wait!" Li Linfu seemed to be enlightened and slapped the table vigorously, with anger on his forehead. He has put these things together and guessed the origin of one.

With a cold snorting, Li Linfu exhaled, "So it is! What a Jin Yilai, even the original appearance is bold enough to deceive! I was determined to take good care of you!"

Li Linfu is narrow-minded and hates, especially those who are unfaithful to him. He is even more ruthless. Thinking that Jin Yilai dares to deceive himself and treat himself as an ignorant child, he is full of anger and resentful eyes, which makes people feel chilling.

It seemed that he thought of the method of revenge, and Li Linfu's resentment turned into a cunning smile and laughed coldly.