yu feng xing

Chapter 3: Despicable Blackmail

He walked slowly, and his robe was slightly raised, but he didn't feel a trace of wind.

Like the dress of a desert traveler, two bright eyes under the hood stared ahead, suddenly standing, and their feet seemed to take root into the ground and remain stable.

The man frowned when his sleeves moved.

In the Lion Town in front of you, the houses are arranged on both sides, and the streets are full of stalls, mostly newly picked vegetables and fruits, and some of which are still dry.

There is no noise in the big city, and it is a little more quiet and pleasant. Although the streets and alleys are much smaller, they do not seem shallow and narrow. Like a petite and exquisite beauty, she sits quietly on her knees in this quiet water town.

Since Tong Wanguan and other villains who plundered children were removed by Chen Rufeng, Lion Town has been at peace until now. There are no thieves and no thieves. Everyone was safe and lived in harmony. Until the sunset, the village was full of voices of talk, laughter and joy.

The man moved and walked on the street, causing others to look sideways.

Originally, there were not many outsiders in Lion Town. Most of the town are residents of the town. You can distinguish whether there are outsiders at a glance, especially this person's strange clothes, which is particularly eye-catching.

The man ignored the eyes of others and kept walking forward, but where he passed by, everyone only felt a murderous atmosphere in their hearts. They couldn't help beating a trembling and timid person retreated and avoided it.

No one knew the purpose of this sudden strange man coming to Lion Town, staring at his back and slowly watching him walk into the depths of the town.

When I came to a house, the door of the house was half open. Through the crack of the door, I could see a beautiful back working hard, as if I were packing up the dishes and chopsticks. Although it is a coarse linen coat, it still can't cover the beauty of this woman.

The man's eyes flashed, and one hand stretched out and opened the door.

The woman heard the door rustling and turned her head. She was stunned at first, but she saw the hood thrown away, and her face turned into panic, as if she had seen the most ferocious ghost in the world, and her face turned pale.

"Long time no see." He said in a low voice.

"Me Ling, is Yi Lai back?" A white-haired old woman poked her head out of the kitchen, but saw Meiling looking at a strangely dressed man with a pale face, and doubts flashed in her eyes.

Jin Yilai carried a few hunted hares, walked by with a faint smile on his face, and said a few acquaintances, but heard people around him talking about it. His ears were so clever that he heard what they said was a mysterious man who suddenly came to the town, and his body was extremely powerful. He suddenly felt pain when he heard this, and his uneasiness surged to his whole body. He hurriedly left the hare and ran away.

When I came to the door of the house, I saw that the door was open, but there was no one inside. He rushed into the house, and the man in thick robe was leisurely using tea on the bench, as if he were waiting for Jin Yi to come back, as if he were the owner of the house.

Jin Yilai stared at the man, clenched his five fingers into the flesh, and said coldly, "Ye Zhihang!"

Ye Zhihang put down the teacup and turned his head indifferently, as if smiling, "Are you back?"

"What about my mother and the spirit? Where did you catch them?" Jin Yilai's whole body suddenly pushed towards Ye Zhihang, and Ye Zhihang did not do it deliberately, and a stronger momentum surged out, as fierce as a lion. Compared with Jin Yilai's momentum, which can only be regarded as a vicious dog, he was suddenly suppressed.

"Don't worry." Ye Zhihang said calmly. Obviously, he showed a feeling of aging, but his spirit was so energetic and superb that he didn't even make concessions for a man in his prime.

Jin Yilai knows the root of this person and is by no means his opponent. But now there is no other way but to fight against him.

"I didn't expect that Meiling would lose her martial arts skills after using the 'true method of destroying Yang'. Even if I wanted her to go back to the prime minister's mansion to help, I had to give up." Ye Zhihang's tone revealed no emotion, as if deliberately procrastinating, to make Jin Yilai restless and anxious.

"I knew that this method of concealing the truth from the sea will eventually be discovered by you." Jin Yilai tried his best not to be distracted, otherwise he would have been defeated without fighting. He breathed a calm sigh, "On that day, Meiling and I strongly applied the 'true method of destroying Yang' in a battle, and the injury was almost incurable. At that time, I took her pulse and thought of a method to treat her. When I noticed that you were watching, I made a plan to create a fake death, and then pretended to be crazy. Stupid, able to get out of the prime minister's mansion.

"That method is to let her disperse her martial arts and live as a mortal from now on. After you left the prime minister's mansion, you lived in seclusion with her, married her, and lived a pastoral life. It's so comfortable. Ye Zhihang said.

"In this case, you know that I don't want to ask about the world anymore, why do I have to work hard?"

Ye Zhihang closed his eyes and said, "The meaning of the prime minister should not be reversed."

"Li Linfu is worthy of your loyalty to work for him, regardless of benevolence and righteousness, and not even let go of weak women and old people?" Jin Yilai's voice trembled and asked harshly. When it comes to his relatives, he can no longer maintain a consistent static state that is not affected by external things.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt them." Ye Zhihang Road.

Jin Yilai is ready to go, "Then what on earth do you want to do?"

"I just want to invite you back to the prime minister's mansion to do business for the prime minister."

"Dream." Jin Yilai simply replied and refused without thinking, "If I do evil things with that old fox again, I will not tolerate it."

Ye Zhihang looked at him coldly, "Then your mother and your wife will be afraid..."

The momentum rushed with the fist, like a dark surge suddenly bursting, turned into a turbulent wave gathering and forming, and suddenly came.

Ye Zhihang was very good. Although he was as strong as an arrow, he was close to half an inch. When he could not go out, he moved out and raised his palm to face Jin Yilai's fist. Although Jin Yilai was full of strength, the vast palm in Ye Zhihang's palm was not inferior to him. Jin Yilai's fist was like crashing into the thorn, which was extremely painful. He suddenly closed his fist. His lower legs had swept out, and the black dark magic flew with his legs. Ye Zhihang's steps repeatedly avoided several times like knife legs and retreated outside the house.

Jin Yilai took advantage of the situation to pursue, and his dark and true strength had been completely exhausted. His whole body was wrapped in black smoke and rushed to Ye Zhihang.

Seeing that the two began to fight on the street, the masters dared to approach and retreated on both sides one after another. The farther the better. There were no smoke in front of the house, leaving only two of them.

Ye Zhihang's palm shadow protected himself and did not let Jin Yi have any chance to continue the series of strikes. He wanted to take advantage of the situation several times, but was slapped by Ye Zhihang's just right palm, and his dead spirit had to retreat. Jin Yilai knew that only by bringing Ye Zhihang into his dark and powerful aura could he have a chance to beat him. So he continued to attack with both hands and legs to attract Ye Zhihang's defense. The dark and true power on his body penetrated around like a cunning tongue.

"It seems that you are not lazy and have made great progress in martial arts." Although the two were in a relationship, Ye Zhihang still did not forget to praise.

"I knew you would come back sooner or later, how could you not be prepared?" While Jin Yilai spoke, the offensive had fallen on Ye Zhihang like a storm, but Ye Zhihang was steady and continuous defense and was not in a hurry to attack.

The two come and go, and the rhythm is gradually settled. In the long run, it is to value their true strength. Whoever can consume it to the end is the winner.

Suddenly, Jin Yi made a change of his move. The dark finger stretched out like a sharp electric and went to the weak point of Ye Zhihang's defense. It should know that the dark mysterious finger is the most profound martial arts. With one finger, it can break a thousand points. Ye Zhihang has to guard all his mental strength to that finger. With this good opportunity, Jin Yilai's empty hand quickly turned into a palm and pushed it, and the dark and true power rushed to Ye Zhihang like a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun, and suddenly pulled Ye Zhihang into the dark aura.

Jin Yilai was overjoyed. In the dark aura, he was like a fish in water, while Ye Zhihang could only be slaughtered by others. The fist is like a sharp thorn, and the feet are like a blade. In the dark arena, the dark spirit is more than several times strong, just like dragging people into a arsenal. All kinds of sharp blades can be used at will, and can be used together, and the power is naturally greatly increased.

However, Ye Zhihang did not seem to be carefree. His heavy fists and legs were about to hit the key points, but the palm of his hand did not seem to be restrained by the dark aura. He scratched a mysterious and strange trajectory for a moment, hooking out the white gas. The energy formed a leaf pattern, and the leaf veins were open, and the palm hit it again. The leaf sky widened and imprinted to gold. Easy to come. Jin Yilai hit it with his fist and feet, as if he had been shaken by a huge force. His fists and legs rebounded back, and even withdrew the dark aura.

Ye Zhihang was able to get out of the dark aura, and his palm turned cleverly. The leaf-shaped spirit did not dissipate after knocking away Jin Yilai. He retreated obediently as if he heard the call in Ye Zhihang's palm, condensed in front of Ye Zhihang's palm, emitting a murderous light, making people look awe-inspiring in their hearts.

"Wan Ye Xuangong!" Jin Yilai knew the fame of martial arts. No wonder Ye Zhihang had just been guarding it. It turned out that he was going to kill him. When he thought he was about to win, he suddenly turned the world around and made it difficult for him to return to heaven.

Wanye Xuangong was a famous martial arts of Baiyetang in those years. At that time, Baiyetang galloped around the world and became an invincible giant in the world.

Today, Jin Yilai has dealt with this kung fu, especially Ye Zhihang has long cultivated Wanye Xuangong to the realm of pure fire, and the end of defeat has long been irreversible.

But when he thought that Meiling and his mother were in his hands, although Jin Yilai knew that he was a dead end, he had to break through.

At this point, Jin Yilai rose up with dark and true strength, like the excitement of the night, flying through. Ye Zhihang also stared sharply, and his strength did not arrive first. He cut the bone into the flesh. Suddenly, he knew that what Jin Yilai used was the same way to return to the end. He filled his dark mysterious energy all over his body and used his body as an arrow. Once the arrow hit the enemy, the arrow urged the momentum to explode and enter the yellow spring with the other party.

Jin Yilai just wants to destroy and kill Ye Zhihang so that he can't harm them. With the charm, he has always been clever and must be able to save himself.

Ye Zhihang snorted coldly, and his sleeves waved. The leaves in front of his palm were broken into countless thin leaves and woven into leaf chains interspersed, breaking through the dark and true strength covered by Jin Yilai's body. The leaf chain was like a broken bamboo and tied into his body like a flexible rope, releasing the bulging energy in his body, which made him suddenly reduced his momentum. Ye Zhihang's feet were like stepping on the wind. He jumped out in a few steps and buckled the heavenly soul cover of Jin Yilai.

The energy penetrated in, and Jin Yilai suddenly felt that his head was about to crack, as if he had been bitten by countless poisonous insects. Even though he had always been stubborn, he couldn't help shouting in pain, kneeling on his legs and struggling to support him.

How about it? If you promise to return to the prime minister's mansion to assist the prime minister, I can not only spare your life, but also spare your wife and mother. Although Ye Zhihang looked cold, his words were extremely fierce.

Jin Yilai clenched his teeth so tightly that his teeth were almost broken. He still didn't say anything, but just let out a hissing and angry sound. His eyes were full of blood, and he turned up and stared at Ye Zhihang, eager to smash him to pieces.

"Otherwise, three lives..." Ye Zhihang patted the other palm of his hand, and the house exploded in an instant, and the flying stone smoke dispersed.

Thinking of the lives of his wife and mother, although Jin Yilai is a hard-hearted person, he can't ignore the lives of his relatives, and he has to soften at this moment.

He lowered his head and trembled all over.

He put down his stubbornness and chose to give in.

"I promise you! As long as you are willing to let them go, I will promise you everything!" Jin Yilai shouted loudly, and Ye Zhihang smiled coldly and put down his hand.

The pain suddenly went away, Jin Yilai hit the ground heavily, the blue veins on his face, the corners of his mouth overflowed, his hands clenched into fists and kept pounding the ground, tears in his heart, and he scolded his incompetence.

Ye Zhihang looked down at him as if he were looking at a humble bug.