yu feng xing

Chapter 5: lobbying the wind

Horseshoe dust, a luxuriously decorated carriage galloped through the mountains and forests. The woods are lush, the spring breeze dances, and the horseman is also happy and powerful.

The fortress of the Tianfeng Gang is close in front of you, like a boulder connecting the sky in front of it. The windows are open, especially many exposed places, changing the closed and locked style when the Haimen is stationed. He only came here in the battle with Jinghaimen that day, and he has never been here since he moved to the gang.

The curtain of the carriage slightly exposed a fine crack, and Jiang Shengtian peeped from it. After the transformation, the fortress was different and quite a huge demeanor. The surrounding vegetation was lush. After being repaired, it formed a natural barrier. The terrain was easy to defend and difficult to attack. No wonder Chen Rufeng had to eliminate public discussion and moved here. It was indeed for the development of the Tianfeng Gang. Great benefits.

Soon, the carriage drove to the outer wall, which was the first line of defense of the Tianfeng Gang and the first door to enter the fortress of Tianfeng Gang.

The horse stopped in front of the door, and Jiang Shengtian opened the curtain and jumped off the carriage. He was dressed in gorgeous clothes, waistbanded with jasper, long-sleeved gold thread, smiling on his face, and walked to the two gangs guarding the door. Those two gangs were later income. They didn't know Jiang Shengtian, and they also wanted to intercept and ask about their body methods. The two asked, "Who is coming?" Can I have an invitation letter?"

"No." Jiang Shengtian replied with a smile. Unexpectedly, after Tianfeng Gang was promoted to the four major gangs, the access control was much stricter. Not everyone could come in and out freely and put on gang airs.

A young gang frowned slightly, "No invitation letter, no entry."

"I didn't inform you in advance. Today came abruptly, but it was rude." Jiang Shengtian said, "But today I came to negotiate business with your gang on behalf of the Prime Minister of the current dynasty. I hope you two can let them go."

Seeing that he lit up the Prime Minister, the two looked at each other with hesitation and finally refused to get out of the way.

"I'm sorry, there are rules in the gang. It's not a Tianfeng gang. You need an invitation letter to enter." The two gangs stand firm and stand firm.

When Jiang Shengtian saw that the two were so stubborn, he felt admiration. At this time, a voice behind him said, "Who said he was not from the Tianfeng Gang? He is your master!"

Turning his head, Hu Jiuwei strode forward with a warm smile on his face. At first, Jiang Shengtian looked at his body from top to bottom, and then patted him on the shoulder as a greeting. Jiang Shengtian seemed to be restrained and nodded back with a slight smile. The two gatekeepers saw that the elder seemed to want this person to know each other, and they never knew that there were two masters of the Tianfeng Gang. They suddenly became confused and looked at Jiang Shengtian suspiciously.

However, since they were led by the elders, of course, the two did not dare to obstruct any more and quickly made way. Jiang Shengtian followed Hu Jiu's future to the second inner wall defense line, which was guarded by more skillful disciples. Seeing that it was Hu Jiuwei, he also hurriedly retreated.

Seeing that Jiang Shengtian was puzzled, Hu Jiuwei smiled and said, "Our Tianfeng Gang has been developing and has accumulated a lot of enemies. To be safe, we have to be so defensive. There are alarms that you can't see in the outer wall. As long as you are alarmed, you must be on alert.

Jiang Shengtian nodded silently. In a blink of an eye, the two came to the gate of the fortress, which was guarded by a team of disciples. At a glance, it could be seen that they were internal temperament, with a bright face and a tiger's back. Seeing that Hu Jiu had not arrived, they nodded and saluted. Many of them recognized Jiang Shengtian and looked surprised.

"Brother Hu, in fact, I'm here this time..." Jiang Shengtian was about to say something, but Hu Jiuwei stopped talking.

"Come on, you haven't been here since we moved from Cuihua Mountain. It's rare for you to come today. I have to be a guide to get to know each other." Hu Jiuwei smiled enthusiastically, just looking at Hu Jiuwei's smile. Jiang Shengtian inexplicably felt a sense of guilt.

Hu Jiu did not introduce the rooms and halls in the fortress for Jiang Shengtian. Sometimes some people saw Jiang Shengtian and couldn't help shouting "helpers", which attracted everyone's attention. Jiang Shengtian became more and more embarrassed, and his mood gradually became complicated. To those who greeted him, he could only squeeze out a smile to respond a few times.

As he walked, Hu Jiuwei took Jiang Shengtian to the top of the fortress.

As soon as he got out of the zenith, he felt a few strong winds coming. If Hu Jiu hadn't supported him, he would have been swept down by these strong winds. There was a faint sound of sword fighting. When I fixed my eyes, I saw that several figures were fighting with each other, which was very fierce.

Seeing a few familiar faces inside, Jiang Shengtian couldn't help but be surprised. Chen Rufeng is fighting with Ding Yu, Ling Xiaoyu and a bitter Facebook student who can't name it. Chen Rufeng is one against three, and he is still skill-fed.

Chen Rufeng stabbed the sword in the air, shoveled the angry sword to the ground, and the sword spirit was steep. The green wind raised and cut up from the ground, as if it were a high wave that stirred into a wall. Ding Yu, Ling Xiaoyu and Chuan countercurrent hurriedly dodged and dodged.

The angry wind sword shook again, and the storm shattered into pieces of air blades. It flew around and swallowed the three people. The three had to do their best to count. Ding Yu's blood gun was crazy, the long gun was like a pen, the red light was like ink, and the air was paper, as if he had pierced the air blade. Ling Xiaoyu turned around in mid-air, punched out, the tiger rushed forward, the long dragon shook himself, and the dragon and tiger shuttled alternately, finally smashed the air blade. The river against the current has a sad face, sad face, the bamboo flute dances with it, and the blue light protects the body, and the blade is as if it were bamboo-like. The posture is elegant, just like dancing in the green rain.

"These three are the 'three heroes of Tianfeng' who have been in the limelight recently, and they are also made by the master." Hu Jiuwei said happily, "They are the most solid force of Tianfeng Gang!"

While talking, Chen Rufeng restrained his sword spirit, and the shadow of the sword unfolded with him. Ding Yu, Ling Xiaoyu and Chuan roared against the current and attacked together. Ding Yu's long gun was picked in, and his blood was sharp, like a broken bamboo, and he fought with Chen Rufeng's sword shadow. Ling Xiaoyu's fist front penetrated like mercury, and the drilled cracks to dismantle Chen Rufeng's sword shadow. The bamboo flute rose against the river, and the green waves were endless. It seemed that a green bamboo had been planted under him, and swept it in a row with his hands.

The three people attacked, and Chen Rufeng was still able to cope with it. The angry wind sword turned around crazily, as if countless green rings were protecting him. The tip of the sword stabbed the long gun with the power of soft water, and the strength of the three people was pushed back. The long gun shook back, the fist was closed, and the bamboo flute was frustrated. Then there was a whirlwind, as if countless green belts were blowing up. The three of them couldn't resist and were blown back by the wind and landed in confusion.

"His skills have also improved a lot." Jiang Shengtian stared at Chen Rufeng holding the angry wind sword and floated to the ground, and his heart was unspeakable.

"This is the end of the day." Chen Rufeng put his sword into the sheath, and his eyebrows were full of sharpness. Although he was still young, he was like the master of the three.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and they all looked exhausted. Ding Yu leaned on the long gun and gasped, and the sadness that had always been written on his face turned into fatigue, holding the flute and bent his waist. Ling Xiaoyu was even more outrageous. He spread it directly on the ground in a large shape and did not want to get up again.

Chen Rufeng shook his head and sighed, "How can we shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Tianfeng Gang?"

"Lord, you alone are enough to carry this burden." Ling Xiaoyu said with exhaustion.

Chen Rufeng snorted and was about to kick him, but when he saw Jiang Shengtian's cold face and Hu Jiu were not standing there, his heart suddenly shocked, and he only felt that his throat was dry and speechless.

Tianfeng Sanjie's eyes moved away from Jiang Shengtian's face, and everyone's faces were different. Ling Xiaoyu and Ding Yu both knew Jiang Shengtian. The former remembered that he had used Chen Rufeng to clear the enemy in Chang'an that day and looked contemptuous; the latter had been a guest with Jiang Shengtian and was a neighbor. He was very friends and surprised to see Jiang Shengtian's arrival.

"Are you back?" After a long time, Chen Rufeng spit out these four words.

Jiang Shengtian's eyes flashed with a strange color, as if he had struggled for a long time in his heart. Thinking of Li Linfu's promise, Li Yinru's appearance appeared in his heart again. His originally soft face turned pale again. He ignored Chen Rufeng, but said to Hu Jiuwei beside him, "E elder Hu, I'm here to represent Li Linfu and Li Cheng. Negotiate cooperation with your gang."

As soon as Jiang Shengtian said this, Hu Jiuwei's enthusiastic smile froze there, and Chen Rufeng's heart fell into the bottomless hole like falling from a cliff.

Originally, there was still a little hope, and he would answer, "Yes, I'm back."

He was even ready to answer, "I don't blame you. Welcome back."

It's just that the truth is never what he thought. He had just seen Jiang Shengtian's slightly moved expression and seemed to feel that this brother who had been away for a long time would return. After all, it's just my own illusion. A fleeting expression can't be accurate at all.

He never planned to come back.

Chen Rufeng can forgive what he had done before. Even if he used him to eliminate the enemy, he could not investigate and wait for the moment he agreed.

He has never claimed to anyone that Jiang Shengtian is no longer the leader of the Tianfeng Gang and has been waiting for the day he comes back.

But what Jiang Shengtian said turned all his hopes and fantasies into fragments and fell into the coldest ice sea, replaced by a penetrating chill.

He stared at Jiang Shengtian, and his eyes were full of hostility.

Jiang Shengtian looked at him and turned into a sharp arrow.

The two seemed to have a fierce confrontation, and no one gave in. Hu Jiuwei and others looked at this scene and did not dare to say anything for a moment.

In the end, Chen Rufeng spoke first. He sneered and said, "Why do you think we will do business with him?" Now our business is going well, and we don't need outsiders and energy sources to make money. Your prime minister will get a piece of the pie for no reason. I'm afraid the stupidest person won't agree, right?

"Master Chen," Jiang Sheng said respectfully, "and go to the hall and let me explain it to you one by one."

"Well, is it still worth believing that you are a person who forgets profits and takes advantage of your friends?" Ling Xiaoyu couldn't help opening her mouth with a frying face.

Jiang Shengtian glanced at him and hummed disdainfully, "Are you also qualified to speak?"

Ling Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows and said back, "It's also better than some loyal and treacherous people who work for tigers."

The river heard it in the fog, and I didn't know Jiang Shengtian's identity and his love with Chen Rufeng. His face was sad and doubtful. That expression made people feel funny.

Without waiting for Jiang Shengtian to speak, Chen Rufeng said, "Okay, let's follow me to the living room and discuss it in detail." After saying that, he turned around first and walked into the stairs.

Everyone looked at each other and had to follow. Jiang Shengtian pondered for a moment, his eyes condensed, and he also followed in.

Hu Jiu didn't see that Jiang Shengtian and Chen Rufeng could not reconcile. He sighed and followed them at the end.