yu feng xing

Chapter 10: Enemy and Friend

The three were strictly guarded and each occupied a key place. Song Zhuo's eyes swept over and quickly weighed it, knowing that it was impossible for him to escape from the siege.

One of the three people he recognized his appearance was Ye Zhihang, whom he had just released.

Ye Zhihang also saw him clearly, and the corners of his eyes were slightly**.

"This official has worked hard all the way." A middle-aged man with a long hair said oilily that although he was dressed in rough clothes, he could not stop his glowing. His eyes were bright and bright. From his voice, he could tell from his voice that he was the old man who had just finished his words.

Needless to ask, the remaining young man with clear eyebrows and looks only in his early twenties is the handsome man.

His afterglow glance at the people who followed him. All of them were wrapped in cloth, but their bones were exquisite. They were full of dignity between their hands and feet, and they could be seen at a glance that they were masters of the family.

Song Zhuoyuan smiled bitterly in his heart: "It turned out that I caught up with the strongest team in the remnants of Baiyetang. The masters gathered here, even though I have the ability to fly today." Thinking of this, Song Zhuoyuan was regretful and hated himself for acting hastily and underestimating his opponent. At the same time, he had a trace of luck. Thanks to his failure to call other arresters to come with him, otherwise he would definitely be completely defeated by him.

"Are you Ye Guqing, the 'iron-blooded eagle' of Baiyetang?" Song Zhuo stared at the man with his willow long distance and said that he had seen this person's portrait on the wanted list, but Baiyetang was one of several important figures.

The man with willow hair nodded and said, "That's right."

"Hey, don't recognize me because of my small reputation. I'm Ye Gongfan!" The young man said.

'Maple urges clouds?' Is it the young talent that suddenly appeared in the White Leaf Hall a few years ago? Song Zhuo looked at the young man in surprise, but he didn't expect that he was the famous rising star.

He has learned Ye Zhihang's skills. Although he is slightly inferior to him, he is almost the same. Now there are two top figures of Baiyetang, Iron-blooded Eagle and Feng Xun, who are here. In addition, more than a dozen masters behind them have been expected to lose.

Ye Gongfan continued to say with a smile, "We have already set up a defense nearby, waiting for the prey to enter the urn, but I didn't expect you to rush in stupidly."

"What did you say?" Hearing the word "you", Song Zhuoyuan was stunned.

In the direction of the way, a group of ghosts had been tied with their hands and were escorted by the people of Baiyetang. Most of them looked angry and embarrassed. Obviously, they had experienced a hard battle and were defeated.

It turned out that as soon as he left the town, he had fallen into the trap laid by Bai Yetang early in the morning. He could only blame himself for being too conceited and did not consider it in detail. Bai Bai wanted to kill his group of subordinates, suddenly showed grief and couldn't take action. Otherwise, the three of them would take action together, and they would lie on the spot before they pulled out their knives.

"Humph, you officers and soldiers usually chase us hard enough. Unexpectedly, we will suddenly come back and kill you off guard, right?" Ye Gongfan said proudly.

"They are not ordinary officers and soldiers." Ye Guqing looked at Song Zhuoyuan.

Ye Gongfan looked at his fast-dressing and said, "Sure enough, those officers and soldiers who chased us were all armored, but they were just ordinary bodyguard robes."

"They are from the ghost house." Ye Guqing pointed to the ghost house token at Song Zhuo's waist, and Ye Gongfan was shocked.

"No matter who they are, just kill them!"

"Yes, kill them!" The people in the White Leaf Hall behind the three people boiled in unison. The court annihilated their White Leaf Hall and killed the children in the hall repeatedly. I don't know how many brothers died under the sword of the officials. They all hated these officials and wanted to get rid of them quickly. Today, the ghost house and others were captured and became the object of their anger, and some excited people threatened to trample on their bodies after they were executed.

Although Song Zhuoyuan was in danger, he was fearless, but he was worried about the subordinates of the ghost house and could not let them die here in vain.

"If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want! But I beg you to let my subordinates live. If you want to vent, just let it out on me. Song Zhuoyuan shouted harshly, and his anger was like thunder, shaking those shouting and screaming on the spot.

Ye Gu looked at him with a little admiration. Although the other party was the enemy, he couldn't help admiring his righteous words.

"You are not even afraid of death?" Ye Gu raised his eyebrows and asked.

"We are in a fast position to catch, and we have long expected that one day we will die at the hands of evil people." Song Zhuo replied coldly.

"Isn't it boring to kill him so directly?" Ye Zhihang suddenly smiled.

"Oh, does Brother Hang have a way to make him more uncomfortable than death?" Ye Gongfan asked.

"I want him to bet on martial arts with me. If he can win, let him go. If he loses, all the people in the ghost house will be at our disposal." Ye Zhihang's eyes flashed fiercely and ruthlessly.

Ye Gongfan frowned, "If he wins, won't it be cheaper?"

"Isn't it interesting to compete with a beast fighting for the survival of himself and his companions and see how he struggles and roars beastly?" Ye Zhihang said that Ye Gongfan's eyes were shining, and he felt a little interesting when he thought about it, and he no longer had any objections.

When the people in Baiyetang heard Ye Zhihang say that they wanted to compete with Song Yaoyuan like a tiger, they all felt itchy for a moment and wanted to see this battle of trapped beasts. Ye Gu glanced at Ye Zhihang doubtfully and finally nodded.

Song Zhuoyuan said hatefully: "It is rumored that Bai Yetang is all brave and vicious. What I said today is true."

Ye Guqing refuted lightly: "It's just for the enemy. If we treat our brothers, we all value affection and righteousness, even if we are blindly."

Ye Zhihang said, "Don't say much, let's take action."

Ye Guqing and Ye Gongfan retreated to both sides, but secretly formed a restraint against Song Zhuoyuan for fear that he would take the opportunity to escape.

Song Zhuoyuan's heart is that his internal injury has not healed, and his strength is only 70% or 80% left. There are really few victories in this battle. In addition, the surrounding masters are coveting, and even if they win, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not repeat their tongues.

"It's really to treat others in their own way..." Song Zhuoyuan suddenly stared and thought that he and Ye Zhihang had also made a war contract with almost no difference a few days ago, and seemed to have guessed something.

Ye Zhihang was expressionless and unfolded "Wan Ye Xuangong".

Songzhuoyuan pulled the knife block, and the ghost spirit was like a moon arc, rising all over the body. Every time Ye Zhihang's palm fell, a leaf shadow came out, intertwined with the knife light, regardless of height.

The knife method is round and straight, and he wants to attack it unprepared in close defense, but Ye Zhihang's palm is not inferior, as if it were falling stones, and leaf shadows are patted on the knife light one after another like water waves.

After a long stalemate, sweat has dripping from Song's forehead and his chest is stuffy. This knife method continues to stimulate real strength and affects internal injuries. In the long run, even if he can survive to the end, he will die of exhaustion. But if he admits defeat, the people in the ghost house will have no vitality. In a single thought, they will be hit by Ye Zhihang's palms, and a leaf shadow suddenly expanded and pushed the knife back with the people.

"Ghost skills, break the dome and moon bend!" Song Zhuoyuan cut his breath with a knife, held the knife in both hands, bent his upper body backwards, and the tip of the knife touched the ground, twisting his waist to the extreme. The whole person was like a moon hook. The man and the knife rotated off the ground at the same time, like a moon ring moving in the sky.

Ye Guqing was very knowledgeable and couldn't help saying for a moment, "Is this one of the three skills of ghost martial arts? I heard that the martial arts of the ghost family are unfathomable. I saw it today, which was really unexpected and unprecedented.

Songzhuo's distant people's knives swirled together, and his body was like a bow. The moon ring turned sharply and killed Ye Zhihang in the blink of an eye. Ye Zhihang's palm turned into a knife, and Wan Ye Xuangong's strength concentrated on his arm and swept down the ring constructed by the rotating knife. Before his palm arrived, he felt a strong sharpness and stabbed his hand. He did not dare to go deeper. He closed his palms repeatedly. A picture of Ye Ying appeared under his feet as if he wasillusory. His footsteps swept along the leaf vein on the picture, and his body twisted left and right. It was Wan Ye. The magical footwork "Xuanye Step" in Xuangong, followed this strange step and could avoid the "breaking the dome moon bend" from Songzhuoyuan.

In this way, it is the ring back and back attack of Song Zhuoyuan's "breaking the dome moon bend" human knife hooked. Ye Zhihang's "Xuan Ye Bu" repeatedly, and his body changes with his feet, but he does not leave the leaf shadow map under his feet. It seems that the footstep between the leaf veins can avoid all the attacks in the world, and avoids the sharpness of the flying ring several times when it is not allowed to be launched. .

The two of you come and go, but the "broken sky and moon bend" can't help this "mysterious leaf step". Songzhuo has internal injuries in the distance, and he will inevitably be killed by Ye Zhihang's walking method.

Suddenly, Ye Zhihang took a step to the place where his feet stood side by side. The "broken dome moon bend" was like a shining electric shock. Due to the chaotic steps, he could not avoid it. In the chaos, he had to take a palm out, and the palm shadow shook out, and the leaf shadow map under his feet disappeared. Songzhuo was injured internally, and part of the true spirit could not be lifted up. The strength of the "breaking dome moon bend" naturally decreased by more than half, but it still hit Ye Zhihang with blood and blood. For a moment, he retreated and fell to the ground.

The "breaking dome and moon bend" was hit, and Song's far waist rod changed from bent to straight. When it landed again, he had to support the ground with a single knife, and his face turned pale.

"I lost." Ye Zhihang covered his chest and said.

All the people in Baiyetang were in an uproar except Ye Guqing. Ye Gongfan was unwilling to say, "He just won your move for the time being. Let's fight again..."

"Gong Fan, don't say any more." Ye Guqing raised his hand and stopped, "Since Hangzhou has admitted defeat, he is defeated."

Ye Guqing is quite famous in the White Leaf Hall, and no one dares to reverse his words.

"In this way, let them go as previously agreed." Ye Guqing looked at Ye Zhihang and said.

"But..." Ye Gongfan's eyes were annoyed. Ye Gu stared at him and had to close his mouth.

"In order to prevent them from continuing to track, I have to seal their acupuncture points first. Zhihang, it's up to you to stay here. When we go far away, you can untie their acupuncture points and keep up with us. Ye Guqing said that Ye Zhihang had no objection and nodded. Ye Gu leaned like a floating leaf and set the ghost house on the spot with a few gestures, but did not point the distant acupuncture point.

Ye Gongfan still had concerns and said, "What if they catch him later?"

"I have confidence in Hangzhou." Ye Guqing said a simple sentence and didn't allow everyone to say anything else, and immediately led everyone away.

Looking at the back of Bai Yetang, Song's distant eyes were complicated, but Ye Zhihang stared at him without saying a word until he turned his head, and the two looked at each other like two tides intersecting.