yu feng xing

Chapter 22: Song of embattle on all sides

Stepping on the steps, the dull echoes into Chen Rufeng's heart.

"Lord!" The high-shouldered and broad-waisted guard of the world on both sides arched his hands in unison. Chen Rufeng nodded slightly and went straight to the hall.

The flags in the world alliance dance against the wind and are majestic. Today is not a special day. There are few people gathered here, and the figure of Chen Rufeng walking alone looks a little thin.

Chen Rufeng stopped, and there was already someone waiting in the hall.

With a frown, Chen Rufeng seemed to hesitate on his feet and finally stepped in.

The man waiting in the hall heard footsteps, and looking back, his face was cold.

"Master Ze!"

"Lord Chen!" The two saluted each other politely, but there was not much joy.

Chen Rufeng walked to the leader's seat and slowly sat down. This position was originally seated by Ze Gengyun, but now the positions of the two have been exchanged, which is a little embarrassing. However, Ze Kunyun was a generous person and didn't care much about it. He chose the closest seat next to him and sat down.

There are only two of them in the huge hall.

Although Chen Rufeng was in a high position at this time, he had always respected Ze Kunyun as an elder and did not put on much airs. Ze Kunyun has a self-evident majestic spirit. Chen Rufeng is not well-skilled and dares not be arrogant.

"Master Ze came here this time and must have something urgent to make Zhang Ziqian report to me in such a hurry." Chen Rufeng said with a faint smile. When Zhang Ziqian told him that Ze Kunyun came to the World League and said that he wanted to see him immediately, he guessed why he came here, but at this time he knew it, hoping that he had guessed wrong.

"Recently, it is said that the alliance leader signed an oath to remove the restrictions and supervision of the Red Devil Altar. Is this possible?" There was gradually a chill on Ze Kunyun's face.

Chen Rufeng's face did not change, but paused for a moment and nodded, "It's true."

"Is the Oracle really written for you?"

"I wrote it myself."

Ze Kunyun stood up and his eyes flashed. He was the first master in the world, and his heart was higher than ordinary people. Even if there was anger in his stomach at this time, he would not easily attack irrationally.

Chen Rufeng sat still, and the two of them looked at each other.

In the hall, there seems to be a dullness that has swallowed all the sounds and turned into silence.

"Do you know what the whole world was in when the demon king Xingshi was sitting on the altar of the Red Devil?" Ze Kunyun's voice was peaceful, but there was a faint fire surging.

"Forgive the ignorance of the younger generation. At that time, the younger generation was only a few years old, and later he only heard about it, but he did not have a deep understanding of these old things." Chen Rufeng claimed to be the younger generation, indicating that he had respect for Ze Kunyun and did not intend to offend him.

Ze Kunyun's originally slightly tight body also loosened down. For a long time, he spit out from his mouth.

"At that time, it could only be described in one word," Ze Kongyun looked at the window behind Chen Rufeng, and several red clouds were dyed in the sky, and it was almost dusk.

"Bloody storm."

Chen Rufeng looked at his solemn color and could already feel what a terrible black curtain the Red Devil Altar had set up on the world at that time, bringing the world into a dark night without day.

"Every day, a gang disappears in the world, big or small, and the people inside are slaughtered and no one lives." Ze Xingyun breathed a sigh of chill. After many years, the scene at that time seemed to make him feel lingering. "These gangs are all against the arbitrary and rampant behavior of the Red Devil Altar, which caused the disaster."

"Most of the whole world is deterred by the ** power of Xingshi, and dare not say anything. The Red Devil Altar is like a huge claw, fiercely clasping the lifeline of the world and subverting the whole world. Ze Yuyun's tone gradually became heavy. "Later, the gangs were really unbearable. They all came to the Qianjian Gate and knelt down and begged us to stand the altar of the Red Devil. They really didn't want to live in fear every day. I don't know that one day they will suddenly die in the hands of the demon family."

"Originally, I have always tolerated the behavior of the Red Devil Altar on the grounds of the stability of the world, but when I saw the hundreds of people kneeling in front of my Thousand Sword Gate, I knew that if I put up with it any longer, it would only make the Xingshi more arrogant, and the whole world would fall into his hands. So I joined the ice tomb and called the famous master at that time - that is, your master, to fight against the stone together and make an appointment to die on the broken stone cliff.

"Jing Shi was in the sky at that time. Although I, Leng Feijue and Chaoguo were as good hands as him, he did not pay attention to us at all. We also know that the Broken Stone Cliff is very dangerous in World War I, and we are ready to return.

"But we know more clearly that without removing the stone, there will never be peace in the world. Even if it violates morality, it will kill him on the broken stone cliff. We carried the expectations of a group of gangs and stepped on the broken stone cliff.

Chen Rufeng looked at Ze Kunyun's expression change, and his mind almost returned to the time when the wind and clouds surged with him. Although Chaogua once told him these past events, Ze Kunyun also said many details that he did not know.

"We originally planned to ignore the morality of the world, and the three of us worked together to kill Xing Shi. Unexpectedly, when we arrived at the Broken Stone Cliff, Xingshi actually took the initiative to let the three of us go together, not to fight alone. At that time, we took the lead in the downtrend. Although Xingshi was a traitor and evil person, he showed a tolerance for the enemy. He was free and natural, which was unpredictable. He was really worthy of being a world-class demon king. Ze Kunyun remembered the appearance of the punishment stone, and even if the two sides were incompatible, it was difficult to stop his appreciation for him.

"I just didn't expect that the three of us still seemed weak to deal with him, and finally we had to use the method of sneak attack to win." Ze Kunyun said with a little shame, "This is how Xing Shi was killed by us in the stormy waves of the broken stone cliff."

"The broken stone cliff...he, even the name is extremely sarcastic, as if it indicates that Xingshi is going to die here." Chen Rufeng gave a dry smile.

Ze Kunyun continued: "Although the punishment stone has been removed, the power of the Red Devil Altar rooted in the world is still very stubborn and huge. We gathered the power of the major gangs to compete with the Red Devil Altar to the end. In the end, the Red Devil Altar was willing to give in. It was supervised and controlled by the World League, and it was not allowed to expand and merge, and keep our own peace. Don't become a disaster again."

Finally finished everything, Ze Kunyun said to Chen Rufeng earnestly, "Now do you know why the World Alliance has set up such a deep supervision on the Red Devil Altar?"

"My master has already told me that in order to prevent the Red Devil Altar from trying to dominate the world again and causing trouble." Chen Rufeng replied.

"On that day, the Red Demon Altar was faced with the critical situation of the survival of the sect, so they were willing to give in and agree to let the world's alliance supervise and limit them, but I know that the demon family are all dead to the idea of the arrogant world. Once they have a chance, they are bound to come back. But you signed this letter to lift their ban for no reason, which is no different from helping Zhou. Ze Kunyun's expression suddenly became serious.

Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly in his heart. Why didn't he understand that the demon family was uneasy and kind-hearted? But at the Jinchi Inn, Lan Yuer threatened her with the lives of Ze Yuye Guhong and Shen Xinyu. How could he not obey at the critical moment of human life? After the incident, the three took the "memory water" again, and they didn't know that such a thing had happened. They could not prove that he was forced by Lan Yuer to sign the edict. I can't argue with Ze Kunyun now, and I can't say anything about it.

"Since this has happened, it can't be changed. The altar of the Red Devil is righteous to me, and I have to grant their request. Chen Rufeng said, "What's more, the Red Devil Altar has been suppressed for so many years, and maybe the sharpness has already been worn out..."

"You are too underestimated them." Ze Kunyun interrupted him, "Recently, I have also noticed that there are all kinds of ready-moving behaviors at the Red Devil Altar. I sent people to visit them and get some clues. They have already secretly built many small gangs, and they must have something to do."

"With me, I will never let the Red Devil Altar do something wrong." Chen Rufeng's tone suddenly became tough. He knew that Zeyu and the three of them could not testify for themselves, and it was useless to talk to Ze Kunyun.

Ze Kunyun's eyes stared at Chen Rufeng.

The sunset glow is gradually exposed, and half of the hall is bright and half dark, separating the two.

"I came here today just to hope that Lord Chen can recognize his behavior." Ze Kunyun raised his head.

"I will bear the consequences." Chen Rufeng said firmly that he had made up his mind that since this matter started by himself, all the responsibility should be shouldered by himself.

"Okay, remember what you said today." Ze Kunyun suddenly turned around and stepped on the half-dark floor and left.

Chen Rufeng stared at Ze Kunyun's unparalleled back. In addition to sighing, he still sighed.

I didn't expect to have a grudge against the Red Devil Altar, and now he turned against Ze Kunyun. Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that he, the leader of the world's alliance, didn't know where to go.

The night is vast. In a garden pavilion in Chang'an City, many people gathered around to drink and talk about wine. The table is full of delicious food, and the mountains and seas are all kinds of delicacies. It is a model for rich families to entertain distinguished guests.

The masters of the seat are Ye Zhihang and Jiang Shengtian, and the guests are Lu Zhiyin, Liu Feilong, Yuan Fan and He Chengpiao, the four masters of Bi Xuexuan, Canying Pavilion, Douri School and Kunpengmen.

Everyone's expressions were polite, and it looked like an ordinary banquet in the pavilion.

"I didn't expect to see Ye Daxia's demeanor. I, Liu Feilong, will live in my life." Liu Feilong's face was full of admonition. He was well aware of Ye Zhihang's details and the first master under Li Linfu's. Naturally, these people should be more abusing.

"I'm old, and I haven't been brave enough." Ye Zhihang sighed regretfully and raised his glass to take a sip.

"What is it?" Yuan Fan smiled and showed his teeth. "If Ye Daxia is willing to come out again, who else in the world dares to claim to be Ye Daxia's enemy?"

Everyone frowned when they heard it. Yuan Fan's words were a little exaggerated. There are many strong people in the world. Although Ye Zhihang is strong in martial arts, he may not be able to reach the top of the title, as well as Ze Kunyun and Leng Feijue and other masters.

"It's a pity that my identity is special, and I'm afraid that I won't set foot in the world for the rest of my life." Ye Zhihang said that Yuan Fan remembered that Ye Zhihang had been a criminal of the imperial court. The disaster started in the world. Inadvertently, he mentioned Ye Zhihang's indecent past. For a moment, his face was red and embarrassed, and he had to laugh and toast repeatedly to cover up his words.

"Actually, I invite you to come today. I have something important to discuss with you." Ye Zhihang's words went to the point.

Lu Chiyin raised his eyebrows, and suddenly showed a tricky look in his eyes. He smiled and asked, "I don't know what to teach you?"

Jiang Shengtian said, "It's about the Tianfeng Gang."

The pavilion suddenly became silent, leaving only the sound of the wind blowing in the pool.

He Chengpiao looked at Jiang Shengtian and said suspiciously, "I heard that this young man Jiang was also the leader of the Tianfeng Gang. Shouldn't that be right?"

The three suddenly showed anger in their eyes and stared at Jiang Shengtian together, as if they were hostile.

All four of them had unspeakable hatred for the Tianfeng Gang. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shengtian had such a big relationship with the Tianfeng Gang. They were angry with him for a moment, and none of them had good intentions. If it hadn't been for Ye Zhihang's presence, they would have turned against him immediately.