yu feng xing

Chapter 33: The Strongest Killer

The shadow is plated with moonlight, like ten bows, and ten arrows shot into the government guest group.

Every shadow is accompanied by a huge sword spirit, as if it is splitting a huge wave, and the spirit is fierce, and the hearts and lungs of the people who bear the brunt are cracked. Those who dare to take it hard are bound to break the meridians and become useless if they are not for their own internal skills.

This is Chen Rufeng's great move, which is divided into virtual shadows with the "fantasy" realm of illusory skills, and injecting an unrivaled sword spirit on the shadow, which is divided into ten ways. It is impossible for those who have achieved martial arts in their families to display such power.

No one dares to touch its edge directly. The encirclement of the guests was suddenly washed away, and the air shadow penetrated through the night sky. After all, it was not a real human manipulation, but a virtual shadow turned into a real gas. The guests only used a few tricks to kill these shadows, but it took most of their strength.

The ten shadows turned into dust, but Chen Rufeng did not know where to go.

Under the night, more than a dozen anxious guests looked at each other and were in a hurry.

Chen Rufeng has already taken this gap to flash into the deep courtyard of the prime minister's mansion, like a wandering shadow, passing at a wind-like speed.

The scenery is like a ball of silk ropes wrapped together, which can't be distinguished at all in Chen Rufeng's extremely fast speed.

"Where on earth did Li Linfu hide people?" Chen Rufeng searched everywhere for suspicious places and searched the houses one by one, but still did not find Jin's mother-in-law and Mei Ling.

Firewood houses, kitchens, warehouses, Chen Rufeng even broke into the door and knocked on every floor to see if there was any hidden secret roads, but everything was in vain.

For a moment, Chen Rufeng's heart was anxious.

"Where is it?"

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng remembered a very important thing.

Among the guests, Ye Zhihang is not seen.

Chen Rufeng frowned. Ye Zhihang was the only person in the prime minister's mansion who could control him. Why didn't he appear tonight?

Since some government guests came to ambush him, Ye Zhihang must have known that he would come to save people before setting a trap.

But now he hasn't appeared. He just let these guests come to make trouble for him. What does he want to do?

"Is it because this battle is a wise man, so he didn't take action to be fair?" Chen Rufeng was thinking that the sound of rapid footsteps had come to his ears. He reacted very quickly and flashed into a dark shadow and hid in a dark corner.

Converging his mind, Chen Rufeng unfolded the second layer of "e�" and turned his body into invisible.

Tonight, the prime minister has been shocked, and everyone can hear the violent fighting and vigorous sound in mid-air.

Chen Rufeng almost passed by several government guests, and he urged him to "eun" with his true spirit, and no one could see him at all.

However, "ecap" needs to consume a lot of true qi, so it cannot be maintained for a long time.

After all, the prime minister's mansion is where Chen Rufeng once lived, and he knows the pattern here. Now only the eastern wing has not been searched.

Mei Ling and Jin's mother-in-law are very likely to have been hidden there by Li Linfu.

Chen Rufeng gritted his teeth and stepped on it. He no longer maintained a state of escape. He came out and floated quickly to the roof.

Several sensitive guests immediately kicked up and caught up with Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng turned around and drove the angry sword to sweep. The green sword was like a long snake, forcing the guests away. Chen Rufeng got a gap, moved his body and disappeared in their eyes, not knowing where to go.

The eastern wing was also brightly lit at this time, and the whole prime minister's house was in a panic.

The bright light makes it more difficult for Chen Rufeng to move, and a little carelessness will make people find out.

Now that the whole prime minister's mansion has been shocked, Jin Yilai should also guess that he came. They once said that they wanted to deal with each other, but why didn't Jin Yi come to take action at this time?

In the midst of trembling, Chen Ru is at risk.

However, most of the rooms in the east are Li Linfu's family. Naturally, those housekeepers responsible for searching dare not dare to come in, let alone use light skills to fly around, so as not to make those family members panic.

In this way, although Chen Rufeng is struggling in the east wing, the guests are not much better than him.

With a dark body, it sneaks quietly.

"Damn, what are you guys doing here?" Hearing a grunting and resentful voice, Chen Rufeng could vaguely recognize that it was Li Shiao, Li Linfu's son.

"Young master... an assassin entered the house. For everyone's safety, we are also helpless." The guest explained timidly.

Li Shiao continued to curse again. Chen Rufeng held the atmosphere and snorted. The situation was urgent. He accelerated his pace again, hiding from the mountain, crawling against the wall, avoiding the light and continuing to move forward. Li Shiao's complaints were soon left behind.

Chen Rufeng jumped on the top of the corridor and couldn't help looking at the pavilion in the pool. He was not very clear in the night. Some old things in the past seemed to jump into his mind involuntarily. Chen Rufeng shook his head, got rid of miscellaneous thoughts, and continued to walk along the corridor.

The tiles were silent, and those guests who were running quickly under the long porch could not notice that the person they were looking for was on the top.

Chen Rufeng walked to a garden, turned over and jumped in. Seeing that the lights here were not very bright, it was most likely Li Linfu's Tibetan land. However, the night was dark, and he couldn't see which house it was. It was not until he fell into the garden that he smelled the familiar fragrance of flowers.

He hid against the wall, with his five fingers close to the wall and slowly moved his body. At this moment, he was full of his mind on guard against the enemy and did not carefully study the fragrance of the flowers.

Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed towards him.

The angry wind sword resisted, and the sword light rose, like a conical wind around the sword, shaking away the dark shadow.

As he was about to take advantage of the situation with his sword, the dark shadow seemed to see the angry wind sword and whispered, "Rufeng, it's me!"

Chen Rufeng had enough eyesight, and then he saw that the person in the shadow was Jin Yilai.

"Why are you here?" Chen Rufeng put away the angry sword, compacted to Jin Yilai's side, and lowered his voice.

"I saw that there was a sudden chaos in the house tonight, so I guessed that you were coming. I took advantage of the chaos to look for it, but I couldn't find my mother and wife. I was about to look for it here." Jin Yilai whispered.

"I have the same intention as you." Chen Rufeng said.

Suddenly, a candlelight sprinkled on their faces. As soon as their eyes touched the light, they reacted. Chen Rufeng waved his sword like lightning, and Jin Yilai condensed in the palm of his hand with real strength, ready to give the person a heavy blow.

"Ah!" With a delicate cry, the person took a step back, and the candlelight in her hand also illuminated her face.

Chen Rufeng saw her face clearly, suddenly took the sword, stabilized the sword, and quickly pressed Jin Yilai with the other hand.

We met on that day, and now it's like a thousand years apart.

It's just that it's not a good couple.

Chen Rufeng's sword was mounted on Li Yinru's pink neck, and his eyes became like a chaotic pool.

"Why are you here?" Although Jin Yilai was pressed by Chen Rufeng, the momentum in his palm has not disappeared.

Li Yinru has been looking deeply at Chen Rufeng, her eyes are full, and she doesn't seem to hear Jin Yi's question.

She looked at the sword on her neck, as if a few tears were about to overflow from her eyes, but it was abruptly suppressed by her.

"I just heard people's voices here, so I came to have a look." Li Yinru replied faintly, but her voice trembled.

A person who had a hard time putting it down suddenly reappeared in front of her, as if someone had dug out a box she had buried before and opened it to show her the old things inside. This feeling is really hard to say.

Chen Rufeng's face turned slightly red and slowly put down his sword.

It was he who was negative to her, and a kind of awkward guilt unconsciously rose to his heart.

The three fell into silence for a moment.

Jin Yilai moved uneasily, as if to remind Chen Rufeng of the purpose of breaking into the prime minister's house tonight.

Li Yinru looked at the two and tried her best to calm down and said, "I know that my father imprisoned Jin Xia's mother and wife, so you are coming to help Jin Xia save people tonight."

"Do you know that too?" Chen Rufeng said with a little surprise, but now the situation is urgent and asks flawlessly, "So do you know where he hides people?"

Li Yinru didn't seem to dare to look directly at Chen Rufeng. He kept staring at the ground and shook his head. Jin Yi came to listen and lowered his head slightly depressed.

"However, I have a way." Li Yinru's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"What?" Chen Rufeng couldn't help asking.

After brewing for a long time, Li Yinru said it out.

"If you take me as a hostage, you can threaten my father to tell me where the Tibetans are." Li Yinru's eyes suddenly darkened.

"No!" Chen Rufeng refused, but he couldn't think of a better way at the moment, "You...you...you shouldn't be involved in this matter!"

"But this is the only way!" Li Yinru was so anxious that he wanted to cry, "Dad has done such a bad thing, let me, the daughter, atone for his sins!"

Chen Rufeng still disagreed, Jin Yilai was silent, and the cloud on his face was thicker.

"Moreover, I must be held hostage by Jin Daxia! Dad, he knows that you won't hurt me!" Li Yinru didn't know what to do. When she said this sentence, she cried uncontrolfully and burst into tears.

Chen Rufeng clenched his fist, and he had defeated Li Yinru first. Now he wants to take her hostage because of saving people. What he owes her is even more difficult to count. But if you don't do this, you can't save people.

Although Jin Yilai was very eager to do what Li Yinru said, after all, Chen Rufeng volunteered to save people and had to be decided by Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng was also in a dilemma for a while.

Looking at Li Yinru's tearful eyes and Jin Yilai's worried face, Chen Rufeng sighed secretly and his eyes fell on Li Yinru's face. He didn't know how to compensate her in the future.

"In that case, I will offend you."

Li Yinru squeezed her fragrant lips and nodded.