yu feng xing

Chapter 48: The Beginning of the Disaster


The first ray of sunshine has not yet fallen, and the two dark figures are sneaky and half-falling along the wall to walk out of the valley.

The night was quiet, and the two people couldn't help looking at the back of Peijiazhuang. They seemed to feel guilty and their footsteps accelerated.

The trees lined up side, as if they were staring at these two strange people, which made them feel even more chilly.

The exit of the valley was close in front of them, and the two finally rushed out of the mouth of the valley and escape into a forest fog.

The light slowly pierced, as if breaking a crack in the darkness, illuminating the faces of the two.

Pianjing and Xue Chengui leaned against the tree breathlessly. The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling of escaping from death. Their clothes are no longer shining that day, and the rags are everywhere, and they look even more embarrassed.

"The second master... we finally escaped." Xue Chengui's black and dirty face showed his first smile for a long time, and his heart slowly calmed down.

Xuanjing has lost its vitality of the day. His feet were soft and fell next to the tree. There was also a pale smile on the corners of his mouth. He looked back at the long-no longer outline of the Peijiazhuang with lingering heart, with a little sadness and a little relief.

"Yes, if I want to spend my whole life in the cell, I would rather die. Percy Xuanjing said with emotion, Xue Chengui looked at him a little strangely, and his eyebrows sank.

Like a beast that has been worn out, there is only hope for survival in the comfort.

The sun slowly climbed to the sky, and the sun fell on the ground like gold.

"I have to say that you are a very talented person." Perak Xuanjing rested for a moment and looked at Xue Chengui, who was thinking alone, and smiled.

Xue Chengui slowly turned his head, his eyes were a little strange, as if smiling.

"The cell in Pejiazhuang is nothing. I have a deep understanding of the environment in Pejiazhuang, but I didn't expect that there was still the secret of the tomb of Vulcan. I haven't found it in the village for many years. I'm really ashamed."

Percy Xuanjing was touched and sighed heavily. He looked at the sky and said, "Maybe Qing'er is really destined to be the owner of this Perak House."

Xue Chengui's face suddenly became more gloomy.

"Second head, are you so willing?" Xue Chen turned his face away.

"It's not that I'm not willing, but that my life is not up to me." Per Xuanjing said with a wry smile.

Xue Chengui fell into silence.

Percy Xuanjing moved his back away from the trunk of the tree, looked at Gukou with a little worry, and said, "Let's leave here quickly. Although it has been some distance from Zhuang, it won't take long for them to find that we have escaped." Percy Xuanjing proposed this because he was afraid of the arrival of pursuers.

Pian Jing was about to start, but Xue Chengui's footsteps did not move.

Percy Xuanjing stared at him with some doubts, and Xue Chengui slowly asked, "Where can we go?"

This problem is obviously that Percy Xuanjing had not thought about it before and was dumb for a while.

"How big the world is, there must be a place for us, otherwise we will find a comfortable place to live in seclusion and spend the rest of our lives." Perak Xuanjing pondered for a moment before saying.

Xue Chengui smiled dryly, but the laughter made a chill in Pei Xuanjing's heart.

"Seclusion? Second head, you are nearly half a hundred years old, so naturally there is no problem. But I'm in my glorious years, and you have the heart to let me waste my spare time with you?"

Pianjing was stunned when he heard the words. Xue Chengui calmed down his expression, as if he wanted to persuade him in a good voice, and then laughed, "Second head of the house, I am sure that we can help you regain the position of landlord..."

Before he finished speaking, Percy Xuanjing interrupted him and said, "Today I have broken my heart for power, and now Perak House is also smooth sailing. Why should I deliberately disturb it? During my stay in the cell, I figured out that as long as the Peijiazhuang can flourish, no matter who is the owner, I am worthy of the ancestors of the Pei family.

"In this way, are you worthy of your original ambition?" Xue Chengui's tone gradually turned into a hurry, thinking that Pei Xuanjing was so frustrated only because he was defeated by Pei Xinqing that day. He did not persuade him to change his mind and vowed not to give up. He said, "I'm not afraid that Pei Xinqing's power in the village is deeply rooted now. I also have a way to eradicate them."

He has been planning how to help Xuanjing turn defeat into victory for many days in his cell. He finally came up with a wonderful idea, but he didn't expect such a change in his state of mind after the two escaped.

He worked hard to help him escape from Pejiazhuang's cell, in order to rise again, instead of swallowing his anger and retreating from the mountains and forests!

Pei Xuanjing couldn't guess his intention and sighed slightly, "Chen Gui, I know that it's really difficult for you to live a secluded life at your age, and I won't force you, but you have to give up the idea of overthrowing Peijiazhuang."

Xue Chengui's eyes suddenly burst out. He raised his head and said coldly, "If I say no, what will happen to you?"

"I will do anything to stop you." Percy Xuanjing said lightly and was not afraid of Xue Chengui's eyes.

"Only by knocking down and restarting the whole Pejiazhuang can you take charge of the Pejiazhuang again! Only in Pejiazhuang can there be hope!" Xue Chengui said stubbornly, as if he felt the fierce momentum on his body and subconsciously took a step back.

Percy Xuanjing has taken a step forward, holding his neck with one hand and pressing him on the trunk of the tree. Xue Chengui moaned and grabbed the iron wrist of Perak Xuanjing in both hands. He felt sorry for his low martial arts skills and could not shake Xuanjing at all. He had to struggle like a raised hare.

"If you want to destroy Peijiazhuang, I will never tolerate you." Cold light released from the eyes of Perm Xuanjing.

Xue Chengui wanted to cough but couldn't cough. His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling. He put his hands down and no longer tried to open the hand of Percy Xuanjing buckled to his throat.

"I didn't expect that the second head who only sought the purpose and did anything at the beginning would have such a woman's benevolence today!" Xue Chengui said weakly to Pei Xuanjing.

"I'm also from Peijiazhuang. Although I love the stack power, I will never do anything wrong to Pejiazhuang!" Percy's Xuanjing stared at him, "If you give up this idea, I'll let you go."

Although he said so, his hand was not loose at all.

Xue Chengui stared into his eyes and said with a little ridicule, "What? Did the second head find his conscience now? Who tried every way to kill the young lady at the beginning? Eradicating dissidents and annihilating relatives..."

Per Xuanjing's hand tightened, and Xue Chengui groaned in pain, almost suffocated and could no longer speak.

"I just want to ask you, can't you give up this idea?" There was murderous intent in Xuanjing's eyes. As long as Xue Chengui dared to say half a "no", he would ask him to die on the spot.

But Xue Chengui's eyes at this time seemed extremely calm, as if he were looking back at Perak Xuanjing.

There is both regret and sadness.

"Unfortunately..." Xue Chengui could only make the mouth shape of these two words.

With a pair of Xuanjing's pupils, Xue Chengui is still laughing.

He suddenly felt a chill in his throat, and then a hot current gushed out.

His consciousness seemed to suddenly go blank, and even his hand holding Xue Chengui gradually faded his strength.

"You forced me... Don't blame me... Second head of the family..." Xue Chengui muttered, and his cuffs were facing Xuanjing's neck.

Perce Xuanjing stared at him in disbelief, and his body began to soften. He staggered back a few steps. There were three silver needles on his throat, flashing in the sun.

"Shadowless Needle... How can there be..." The blood on Pei Xuanjing's face was quickly dissipating, his feet began to be weak, and he fell to the ground decadently, and his eyes were still full of shock.

Xue Chengui relaxed his pressure and walked up slowly. He looked at Percy's half-white face, and his smile became more and more sinister. "Don't forget that although I'm not Perak, I'm the most proficient person in the manufacture of hidden weapons in Perak House."

Pianjing's lips were twitching, and his eyes were staring to death. In terms of martial arts, he was definitely several levels higher than Xue Chengui, but Xue Chengui made an unexpected plot, which made him think he was dealing with a person who had no ability to resist.

He never dreamed that he would die at his hands.

"Second boss, don't worry, I will fulfill your last wish." Xue Chengui smiled and turned around to walk away. Pei Xuanjing's hand stretched out as if he wanted to grab his back. After all, he had to hang down powerlessly.

Xue Chengui gradually drifted away and never looked back.

Pear Xuanjing lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, but there was no breath.

Not long after, there were faint rapid footsteps from Gukou in the distance. Obviously, people in Pejiazhuang had found two very important people who had escaped from the cell and immediately launched a chase to come here.