yu feng xing

Chapter 59: The bright moon has no light

The night is quiet, and the bamboo forest is like wearing a layer of quiet coat. One grass and one tree, one bird and one bird are silent.

The people who walk through it seem to inadvertently integrate into this world. The green bamboo gasps, the stream sings, and responds to each other. The shortcoming of beauty is that the dark clouds in the sky are thicker.

The black clouds that floated by erased the brilliance of the bright moon, and the stars and moon were slightly dim for a moment.

Unconsciously, the two seem to have gone a long way, but they have been speechless. I don't know whether it is because they are afraid of destroying this momentary tranquility or because their hearts are suppressing the burden that cannot be removed.

"Remember that we watched the sunset on the mountain of Peijiazhuang?" The evening wind blew gently and lifted the hair of the heart. Even if she couldn't see her fingers, Chen Rufeng could catch a comfortable smile on the corners of her mouth.

But his heart became heavier and unconsciously twitched.

He couldn't help closing his eyes and trying to calm the sadness in his heart.

"I foolishly told you at that time that it would be great if the sunset could stay in the sky forever and never fall. But this is always just my extravagant hope. At sunset and sunrise, the heaven and earth remain unchanged. How can we keep the sunset and have a small manpower? Percy said with an open-minded smile, with a little self-deprecating.

Chen Rufeng was stunned and suddenly realized. It turned out that the feeling of Qingxinqing on the top of Pejiazhuang was actually caused by himself. At that time, he did not realize that something was wrong and blamed himself for his carelessness.

Chen Rufeng was speechless. He thought of what he said that day, "Wherever you go, I will follow you. I will be inseparable." The pain in his heart and an indescribable bitterness surged up.

Every word I vowed to say at the beginning can't be realized at all now!

He has no resistance to reality except helplessness.

When his eyes were wet, Chen Rufeng didn't want to see his gaffe, so he turned his face away and hid in the deeper darkness.

Perilin stood still, and Chen Rufeng also stopped beside her.

She took his hand and looked up without seeing the stars and moon.

The bright moon has no light, and the dark clouds succeed.

Is God deliberately making things difficult for them?

Every time Chen Rufeng takes a breath, it is like a fierce confrontation.

He held Percy's hand tightly and looked up at the sky with her.

"I will always be with you, even if the sky and the earth are cracked and the sun and the moon are lightless." Chen Rufeng made up his mind and said.

Pei Xinqing shook her head with a smile. Chen Rufeng naturally couldn't see her every move clearly. He only stared at the sky, as if he was swearing to the world.

Although Chen Rufeng said so, he knew in his heart that there were few days left to accompany the sky.

But Percy's heart is obviously much more cheerful than him, and seems to forget that she is pregnant with two poisons.

The two stood quietly and raised their heads to the sky, as if waiting for the dark clouds to dissipate and the moon to regain their brilliance.

"The dark clouds will always dissipate, and we will definitely see the glory." Chen Rufeng said to Pei Xinqing, which seemed to be his words to comfort Pei Xinqing, but in fact, he was comforting his painful heart.

pi Xinqing just smiled, and her heart became detached at this time. Even in the face of death, she had no fear. Her mood has been elevated to a calm state, and she suddenly has a deep understanding of life and the world about the inevitable death.

What is the pain of life and death?

People in the world don't care about length, but only whether they have ever been engraved. If you just end a life aimlessly, even if it is long, it is lonely and meaningless.

She has been accompanied by Chen Rufeng, which can be said to be regretless. Naturally, her heart is as broad as the sea, open and smooth.

Although he is about to leave him, even if he is reluctant, he has been wonderful. Ask how many lovers in the world can really stay together, and it is very difficult to find a sincere person.

Percyinqing felt that she was very lucky, so she had no complaints.

"In this case, let's just lie here comfortably and watch when the dark clouds dissipate?" Percyine suggested that his tone was full of sunshine, instead of looking dead on this deep night.

Chen Rufeng smiled and said, "Okay."

What he is most afraid of now is that he doesn't know when Peixinqing will leave him unexpectedly.

The two slowly lay on the lawn and looked at the sky silently.

It is very quiet, as if the vast night has also turned into a flowing spring, with ripples at the beginning.

If this night will never pass...

They patiently waited for the moment when the moon would reappear. Chen Rufeng's face is like this, and the sky is covered by dark clouds. In contrast, she seems to be very confident that she can see the dark clouds disperse and keep smiling all the time.

The slight coolness covered the two of them like a gauze. Chen Rufeng didn't know how long he had been staring at the sky. He only felt that the disappointment in his heart was getting heavier and heavier. In the end, his whole body was swept by drowsiness. The day's mental fatigue finally made him unable to resist fatigue and closed his eyes.

shuang�xin qing hardly blinked and firmly believed that the dark clouds would eventually retreat.

The two hands have never left.

Gradually, the gloom in the sky seems to have diminished, the flower-like light faintly appears in the clouds, and the outline of the jade plate is also blurred and discernible.

The smile on Pershing's face became more and more enthusiastic, as if welcoming a long-awaited guest.

The dark clouds were opened by the light and retreated one after another. The white and flawless full moon shone on Chen Rufeng's face against the reflection of the stars.

pi Xinqing stared at him sideways with a smile, and her eyes were deep, as if she wanted to put his face deeply in her mind.

Unconsciously, her hand has been released, but this simple action seems to have exhausted her whole body.

She stood up, and Yuehua sprinkled her back gently, as gorgeous as a god.

For fear of disturbing his dream, she gently imprinted her lips on his forehead.

After all, there was still a drop of tears, like a lotus falling from the rain, softly fell on Chen Rufeng's cheeks. But he didn't realize that he was sleeping too deeply.

The heart suddenly looked at the moon, smiled with satisfaction, and closed his eyes.

The dark clouds no longer cover the moon, and the surroundings are still quiet.

When the wind suddenly rises, it is the dawn and the rising sun rises.

Chen Rufeng was woken up by the breeze and sat up sulkingly. Only then did he realize that the Yi people beside him had disappeared.

"Qing'er..." He looked around in a panic and kept shouting.


No matter how many times he shouted, there was no response.

His shouts became more and more bleak and helpless, which made people feel sad.

"She's gone." Chaoqi sighed and listened to Chen Rufeng's incompetent shouting, knowing that even if he shouted, no one would answer him.

"She doesn't want him to be sad when watching her leave. She would rather find a place quietly and leave alone." Han Ling rarely showed his melancholy, "How many things in the world can't be caught by human beings."

After shouting thousands of times, Chen Rufeng knelt down by the stream, and tears fell into the stream one after another.

Why is God so cruel to them that only one person can survive?

He would rather die with her, why didn't God agree?

Why do you want to go away silently and suffer alone? Do you know how many times the pain in my heart will increase?

The resentment turned into a sad roar and resounded through the bamboo forest.

When he returned to the erratic, Hanling's eyes showed concern, but it was difficult to see a trace of sadness in Chen Rufeng's expression, which made them feel surprised and worried.

The pain reaches the extreme, but there is no sadness and joy.

The departure of Percy Heart has caused a great blow to Chen Rufeng. After the so-called broken and standing, the heart is completely broken, a new heart is born. Therefore, Chen Rufeng has reached an extreme state at this moment, and his internal and external martial arts have been promoted to a new situation.

"I already know what to do next." Chen Rufeng said lightly, and his thoughts were extremely clear.