yu feng xing

Chapter 67: Divide the Wind

Chen Rufeng's eyebrows sank, and the powerful momentum came, like a rolling stone on the mountain. The people around were secretly shocked. This unknown person was so heavy that he had a deadly power, and he didn't know where he came from.

But even if Chen Rufeng was the first to take the brunt, he did not mean to dodge. If it was too late for him to draw his sword, he had to hit a palm to resist. The palm fell on the figure, and several overlapping waves spread around the two people, making everyone have to take a few more steps back like an invisible wind.

After a long confrontation, the two of them rose and fell one after another in the hall. People with slightly lower skills could not stand at all, and the tables and chairs were also overturned. Finally, Chen Rufeng's palm shook him away, and his anti-shocking force also shook Chen Rufeng's footsteps. The figure swept back and showed his true face.

When he saw his face, someone exclaimed: "Ruiyun Zhenren!"

Chen Rufeng's feet suddenly stabilized like a rock, and two cold lights stared at the shady robe in front of him, and his face seemed to be a depressed Taoist.

Although his appearance is embarrassed, his expression is extremely fierce, and his eyes exude a forest, like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on the enemy, and he will never return to the immortal bone when he was the "Eight Hidden in the Central Plains".

The hall has also become a mess, but it can give up a little room for everyone.

Lu's cunning eyes swept over the two people, and his mind had begun to make a calculation.

This Ruiyun came uninvited. Naturally, he will not be good intentions towards Chen Rufeng. The enemy of the enemy is his friend, so that Ruiyun can also be classified as the same line as himself.

Maybe the appearance of Ruiyun will reverse his original disadvantage.

"Hey! Ruiyun!" Ling Xiaoyu raised her waist and didn't seem to realize that she was just a descendant at all. She said to Ruiyun by name, "I didn't expect you, a real court felon, to dare to appear in front of the public. Are you really afraid that those people in the ghost house will come to you?"

Ruiyun glanced at him fiercely and hummed, "Do all the children who don't have the same hair dare to talk nonsense here?"

"Ruiyun!" Chen Rufeng pulled out his angry sword and pointed to Ruiyun Zhenren, "How dare you appear here today, just let me avenge the Ghost King!"

Ruiyun sneered and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, your tone is so big. I'm here today to avenge my apprentice and let you pay for your life!"

Ruiyun's words were not unreliable, because Li Linfu found him upside down a few days, explaining that as long as he could help him get rid of Chen Rufeng, he could help him get rid of his crime. Li Linfu wanted to bring Ruiyun back to the house by attracting Ye Zhihang at the beginning, so as to fill Ye Zhihang's vacancy and remove the thorns in his side. The same is true for Ruiyun. The two hit it together, so that Ruiyun could rush into the Tianfeng Gang in full view of the public.

Lu Zhiyin and Ruiyun couldn't help saying this. Ruiyun pointed directly at Chen Rufeng, which undoubtedly led to his own strong support.

Chen Rufeng said to Tianfeng to help everyone: "I'll leave it to you!" After that, he shook his body and turned into a green wind and flashed out of the hall. Ruiyun also snorted coldly, and a phantom followed him.

Lu Qiyin and others can't hide their joy when they see Chen Rufeng's departure. Without Chen Rufeng as a strong enemy, the strength of the Tianfeng Gang will be halved, and today's chances of winning will be a little more.

"Hey, Mr. Lu, our owners are all back. Are you dogs leaving or not? We don't have time to greet you." Ling Xiaoyu shouted at him.

Today, the laborers came to the crowd. How can they come back with empty hands? Lu Qiyin and others simply tore their faces and said with a ferocious smile, "Today, no matter what, we will put the Tianfeng Gang into our arms!"

Hu Jiuwei scolded harshly, "Lu Chiyin! Regardless of whether you have the ability to swallow the Tianfeng Gang or not, it is enough to cause public indignation in the world alliance if you gather other gangs to make trouble in our Tianfeng Gang!"

Liu Feilong said proudly, "Only the winner has the right to finally speak!"

As soon as the words fell, the people on that side had lifted their bright blades one after another and were about to have a bloody battle with the people of Tianfeng Gang.

Those who came with the four gang saw that this had come to an end, and there was no room for them to become a tiger, so they had to fight with the people of Tianfeng Gang.

However, the Tianfeng Gang has gone through twists and turns, and is in danger. The continuous departure of the crowd has been greatly damaged, which just gives Bi Xuexuan and other tigers and wolves a chance to take advantage of the situation.

Tianfeng helped everyone's blood boil, and no one had the heart to retreat and vowed to fight with each other to the end.

"Who dares to make it here?" A middle-pitated voice came.

"Mr. Perak!" Hu Jiu was not overjoyed. It turned out that a group of people from Peijiazhuang arrived under the leadership of Peri Shouyang and Per Xianlong and joined the brigade of the Tianfeng Gang.

"Damn!" Lu Chiyin shook hands and gritted his teeth with hatred. He didn't expect that the people of Peijiazhuang would arrive in time, and the situation immediately turned around.

The Perak House brings not only the number of people, but also their frightening hidden weapons.

Percy Shouyang walked to Hu Jiuwei's side with a smile, held his fist and arched his hand and said, "L. Hu, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Hu Jiu didn't smile and said, "It's not too late. It's just right."

With the arrival of strong aid, Tianfeng Gang and other people were energetic and excited. Under the growth of the other, the convenience of Lu Chiyin seemed a little decadent before the war.

The two sides are at the time of tension, and a fierce battle is about to begin.

A hall turned into a battlefield, full of gunpowder smoke before the coming.

However, at this time, Ling Xiaoyu stood between the two sides unhurriedly, looked at Lu Chiyin, Yuan Fan and others, and laughed and said, "After all, this is the place of our Tianfeng Gang. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to start a war here. I have a proposal that our "Three Heroes of Tianfeng" will fight against your four leaders, Lu Qiyin, Yuan Fan, He Chengpiao and Liu Feilong. If we are defeated, we are willing to give up the Tianfeng Gang. If it is you who are defeated, you have to let us deal with it. How about it?

Everyone immediately woke up, and a rash fight here will inevitably devastated the Tianfeng Gang. At that time, even if they break the enemy, it will be difficult to make up for the damage of the Tianfeng Gang. However, the second half of Ling Xiaoyu's words made the people of Tianfeng Gang and Peijiazhuang jump wildly. Although the strength of the three heroes of Tianfeng is obvious to all, it seems that there is still something to fight against Lu blain and other leaders. However, Ling Xiaoyu dares to boast here, which is a little overpowering.

Thinking that Chen Rufeng used one strength to fight against the four of them at the time of the World Alliance, and the four of them were not an opponent. This incident can be described as a great humiliation in their lives. Ling Xiaoyu's words implied trampling and made them even more angry.

Lu Qiyin's mind turned rapidly. At this time, the opposite person was strong and strong, and there was little chance of winning. According to Ling Xiaoyu, as long as they can defeat the three heroes of Tianfeng, they can win the Tianfeng Gang, and in terms of strength, the strength of the four of them should be above the three juniors of Tianfeng Sanjie. The wise choice is self-evident.

"Good! I promise you!" Lu Qiyin responded now.

Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang pulled Ling Xiaoyu anxiously and said, "Xiaoyu, are you betting too much?"

Ling Xiaoyu smiled, "Is it that you don't have confidence in our three heroes of Tianfeng?"

Hu Jiu didn't say anything: "It's up to him. I believe Xiaoyu."

Liu Hong and Chai Yuanlang had to let go. Ling Xiaoyu looked at Chuan Countercurrent and Ding Yu and got a confident and positive look.

"In this case, we will take turns to fight, and the winner can continue to fight. Who will you send first? Ling Xiaoyu raised his arms, as if he presided over everything here.

Everyone secretly shouted in their hearts. They don't know why Ling Xiaoyu decided on such a favorable confrontation to the opposite side. It is very likely that Lu Chiyin will clean up all three of them alone. Even if they are lucky enough to win one-on-one, they are likely to face two consecutive opponents.

Lu Chipin took a whole pair of sleeves and stepped forward, obviously to take the lead first.

Ling Xiaoyu also smiled and was about to come forward, but Ding Yu took the lead.

"Xiaoyu, let me do this battle." Ding Yu held the long gun tightly, and his eyes stuck to Lu Zhiyin.

Ling Xiaoyu was stunned first, then smiled, patted him on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, and retreated to the court.

Everyone gave up a circle knowingly, so that Lu Chiyin and Ding Yu had room to play.

"Well, you unworthy person, if you knew that you would come to bite me back today, I really shouldn't have put you under the door on that day!" Lu Qiyin said.

Ding Yu said neither humble nor arrogantly, "Master, this is the last time I call you master. What you have done is really disgusting. After this war, you and I have lost your master and apprentice. He will have a chance to repay your kindness to me!"

Lu Chipin said disdainfully, "I'll talk about it if you win." As soon as the words fell, he rushed to Ding Yu and didn't allow him to underestimate himself again. After all, he used to be his master. If he is defeated in this battle, he will certainly lose face.

However, he said that Chen Rufeng led Ruiyun all the way, with the same mentality as Ling Xiaoyu to avoid causing greater chaos in the Tianfeng Gang.

Chen Rufeng stood on his feet, and the cool breeze came to his face, blowing a chill.

The two came to the top of the wall castle. When Ruiyun saw that Chen Rufeng no longer left, he also stopped and did not take action immediately.

"Three days of farewell, look at each other with new eyes. Your skills have improved so much that you can block my momentum. Ruiyun said slowly.

Chen Rufeng grabbed the angry sword, split a sword spirit in the air, and crossed the white light in mid-air.

"If you don't advance, you will retreat. Presumably your shadow crane method will not stay at the previous level, right?" Chen Rufeng asked back.

"Come and see it and it will be clear!" Ruiyun smiled, but his eyes burst out, and his feet had already floated up.

At the top of the sky wind, the cool wind suddenly turned sharp.

The sky is like a curtain, and the top of the castle is like a platform.

Chen Rufeng was awe-inspiring and flew up to meet him.