yu jie

Chapter 78 Man Becomes a Beast (2 Update)

"So this is the legendary Yitian swordsmanship! It really lives up to its reputation.

Li Tian looked up at the sword spirit that was about to hit him and muttered.

It doesn't matter if anyone present says such a thing, but Li Tian can't say it. Because he is the subject, because he is about to be attacked by Yitian Jianqi, because he may die because of this! But now Li Tian is like a bystander who has nothing to do, and he also criticizes this sword spirit, which is simply strange!

"Can connect the spirit of heaven and earth and create an electric sword spirit, this Qiao's third paragraph should be the middle level of immortality. It seems that you can't deal with such a person without a lot of true qi!" Li Tianxin said that he took out a large amount of true qi water from the tripod on the pagoda of hell, carried it between his palms, and patted out a wide water-blue true air wave surface, resisting all the exquisite Yitian swordsmanship.


All kinds of sword shadows collided on Li Tian's true air wave surface and shattered, and Mars splashed everywhere.

This true air wave surface is like a sky cover, covering everything below from any dumping and harassment from the outside world.

"Is it so powerful?" Qiao Sanduan was surprised that with his four-fold power of immortality, he could not be so strong. Now with this move, his true anger began to fight with Li Tian's true anger. The two were deadlocked and attacked each other.

Qiao Sanduan knew that he could not fight against Li Tian only by his own true qi, so he continued to attract the natural true qi of heaven and earth, turned it into his own use, and constantly harassed Li Tian continuously.

The last time, Li Tian fell into a catastrophe and burned nine *. This time, Li Tian did not intend to do that. It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that there are still many people in the hall. Li Tian doesn't want to hurt the innocent. Unless it is a last resort, I will cause a disaster.

If you don't lead to natural disasters, you can only rely on martial arts skills.

It happened that Li Tian is now very skilled in bundling the golden wire. He flew over his true air wave on the spot and proudly welcomed Qiao's dazzling, dangerous and horrible countless sword shadows.

"This boy is crazy..."

"Does he want to commit suicide?"

"Yitian swordsmanship is a prefecture-level martial art. Does he have a more advanced one? Dare to compete with it?"

Everyone is talking about it again.

Li Tian laughed cheerfully and said, "Fighting with the sky, its joy is endless, fighting with the earth, its joy is endless, fighting with people, its joy is endless!" Hahahaha... Qiao Sandan, I will fight your Yitian swordsmanship with my martial arts today!"

After saying that, Li Tian folded the golden silk rope back and turned it into a long whip and danced wildly in the shadow of the sword.

After more than a month of experience, Li Tian's current whip is so amazing and unpredictable that even the gods and ghosts are scared when they see it. I saw him hit a line vertically, hit a fan horizontally, received a ball in his hand, and swept a piece in his hand!

Qiao's three-stage sword shadow sword flower was rotten at a touch under Li Tian's whip. Seeing this, Qiao Sanduan was not willing to admit defeat, and he also kept wielding his swordsmanship to compete with Li Tian.

The more Li Tian plays, the more energetic he becomes, and the more comfortable he becomes. Play the prodigal ball in the front and the back with a mace on the spine. Hit the tiger at the foot of the mountain on the left and hit the horse's crotch on the right. A pillar of incense was hit up in the sky, and the black dog lay down. He put a whip in his hand freely, fast but not messy.

Suddenly, I saw that Qiao's three swords suddenly increased, and maybe he would try his best to win or lose. Li Tian also suddenly moved his power and quickly shook the whip, like dancing the golden dragon and silver snake. The rings were connected and impenetrable, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, sweeping the falling sword flowers like rain.


All kinds of sounds were mixed and exploded in front of the two people.

Looking at Qiao Sanduan's donkey standing in the air, Li Tian smiled and said, "Hey, have you run out of tricks? Now it's time to use mine!"

"Wo!" As soon as Li Tian shook the gold wire and tied the rope, the whip immediately dispersed and became four or five times longer than just now. The hidden weapon generally attacked Qiao's three sections.

Ah? What kind of skill is this? Qiao's three sections were unprepared and fell into half empty.

Li Tian took his bundle of divine rope and wanted to hit Qiao Sanduan again, but Qiao Sanduan has now lost his fighting spirit. Seeing that Li Tian did not stop, he immediately arched his hand and apologized, "Hey, hero! Everyone is looking for wealth and treasure, so don't fight with each other anymore! All right? Let's stop this matter!"

"Hmm! Next time you dare to be arrogant with me, I will sweep your head with a whip!" Li Tian put away the rope and scolded him.

"Yes, yes!" Qiao's skills are not as good as others, so he has to be soft and accompany him with a smiling face.

At this time, the two also came up and smiled awkwardly at Li Tian. As soon as Qiao Sanduan pulled the two, they wanted to run upstairs. Now it's only in the upstairs room, and chatting can cover up the shame...

"Ah! My head hurts!"

"My stomach hurts!"

"There is poison in the wine!"

"It's also poisonous in the food!"

"This is a black shop!"

The warriors in the hall began to cover their stomachs and shout loudly, grinning one by one, and bean-sized sweat slipped down their faces. Only Li Tian did not drink, and it is still normal now.

Other warriors in pain became furious, some smashed the table, some broke cups and plates, and some even cut the pillars in the hall with knives. Qiao Sanduan and his two disciples have also been poisoned. As soon as they went up the stairs, they fell down from the top of the stairs and fell back step by step. The three of them were covered with blood.

At this time, the shopkeeper came out, playing the flute with his eyebrows, and constantly transmitted and echoed in the hall.

When everyone heard this, they all had a splitting headache and no longer had the mind and ability to fight back. They could only cover their heads and roll on the ground and howled.

"It turns out that the second child in this store is not an ordinary second child?" Li Tian was surprised.

"Of course, I'm the owner of this store! He is also the forward general of Stone Island! Humph! None of you can walk out of this stone inn today! Hahahaha..." The Stone Island general named "Xiao Er" laughed presumptuously.

"Then why did you want to leak the information of the guests at that time? Does it make sense for you not to leak?

"Of course it doesn't make sense, just to play! In my eyes, leaking is a result - that is, you will all become puppets of Stone Island!" The general looked coldly at Li Tian and all the other crooked warriors.

Everyone had a splitting headache and abdominal pain. They asked with difficulty, "You...what poison did you have?"

The general laughed loudly: "This is a monster assimilation poison! Hahahaha, your food contains this toxin. Now it's almost time. You will soon become monsters and add new strength to the beast army on Stone Island! Hahahaha!"

"You dream!" Qiao Sandan's two men were furious and resisted the severe pain and waved the general with their swords.

However, before a sword was cut down, the two of them had become a pair of ghost-headed bull-body monsters with blue-faced fangs.

"Ah?" All the warriors screamed and rushed out of the inn door, as if they could get rid of the fate of becoming monsters by rushing out of here.

Soon, whether it was rushed out or not, it all turned into all kinds of strange monsters. The only strange thing is that these monsters are very docile and squat there obediently, like a newborn baby.

In the scene, only Li Tian did not change into a monster!

Because he didn't eat food or drink at all! Whenever he is ready to drink and eat, there are always people who are not afraid of death to trouble him. Now think about it, you are also lucky! If these people hadn't come to find fault, he would have been one of these monsters now.

The general changed the sound of the flute, and the monsters suddenly regained their smart IQ. They all ran to the general and called themselves "general".

Li Tian stood in the hall and looked at the general among the beasts. He couldn't help but be furious.

"Why did you turn these people into monsters? What's good for you?" Li Tian asked.

The general smiled and said, "Benefits? Of course, there are many. This man becomes a monster, which is much easier to control than a pure monster. He is loyal and not afraid of death! To tell you the truth, all the monsters of our island owner are human beings, and most of them are ordinary people. They are not as powerful as purebred immortal monsters. At best, they are monsters that look like demons. So I have to welcome some martial arts immortals here in order to get more monsters like you!"

"What a poison! Hand over your antidote! Or I will kill you!" Li Tian threatened.

"Hahaha..." The general laughed: "The beast has become a man for a thousand years; man has become a beast for a moment. It is difficult for a beast to become a man, and it is easy for a man to become a beast. Difficult things are easy to solve, easy things are hard to do! It is impossible for these monsters to become human again! Hahaha..."

After saying that, the general ordered the monsters, "Pour the wine into this boy's mouth!"

"Yes!" The beasts echoed and ran back to Li Tian.

Seeing dozens of monsters rushing towards him, Li Tian smiled and said, "General, your plan is indeed very high, but unfortunately you are very lucky. You met me."

While talking, the monsters have surrounded Li Tian.

The general stretched out his hand to signal the beasts to pause and said leisurely with great interest, "Am I going to be unlucky when I meet you?" Humph, I'd like to know what you can do!"

Li Tian smiled and said, "You can drive monsters, and so do I, but I drive your beasts to be much stronger than yours!"

When it came to "many", Li Tian's eyes lit up and the cold light was blazing, and the general he saw couldn't help shaking.

"My fierce beast babies, come out!" Li Tian waved his hand.

"Wow..." The wind suddenly blew from top to bottom. The monsters looked up and saw the legendary famous wild beasts coming down to the earth one after another to protect Li Tian.

Ah? This...this is not driving the fierce beast, this is summoning beast robbery!" The general was stunned.

"Wo!" The fierce beast was furious and frantically bit and attacked the monster before and behind Li Tian.

A monster is not the opponent of a fierce beast, not to mention that there are only a dozen monsters and 180 fierce beasts now?

These monsters are like a few sheep getting into the wolf's nest and being torn apart, divided and destroyed in an instant. In less than ten seconds, these monsters were attacked by fierce beasts, and there was no hair left.

"See you later!" The general said in a hurry, turned around and flew away.

Li Tian threw the golden rope into the air and immediately tied the general tightly.

Li Tian poured a glass of wine and walked to the general with a bad smile.

"Come on, you can also taste the feeling of turning people into beasts..."