yu jie

Chapter 80 Stone Island 2 (4 Updates)

When he got to the shore, Li Tianxia got a boat and immediately hid in the woods of Stone Island.

Looking at the generals leading the beasts to the depths of the forest, Li Tian was heartbroken. These monsters are all transformed by human beings, and they have been poisoned by some generals. What a vicious method to make monsters from people.

If this is a sacrifice to demons, it is not an animal sacrifice, but a human sacrifice.

Li Tian dyed his clothes with dirt, blackened his face, and quietly followed the road beast army. Although the island is not big, it is not small, covering an area of 100 square kilometers. The trees and flowers on the island are lush, and it is not easy to detect behind these people.

Along the way, Li Tian was like a ghost, either flying through the treetops, crawling over the grass, or mixed with the belly of the beast, and finally followed the troops to the castle.

The generals drove the monsters here and returned to their posts, and the general drove the monsters into the castle.

Li Tian hid in the distance and looked at the castle as high as a hundred feet, thinking that tens of thousands of fierce beasts had not seen one along the way. Are they all in this hundred-foot castle? Is this oriental island owner really going to sacrifice demons? How did he sacrifice it?

There are many people guarding around the castle, mostly small characters, probably the same title as the general of the stone inn. As for the three grand marshals, Li Tian hasn't seen them yet. The mysterious eastern island owner was also not found.

"These four should all be in the castle, right?" Li Tian guessed.

Just outside the castle, a general came out. Li Tian subdued him with one move when he was not paying attention. Then, he immediately stuck his neck and pulled him to a place where no one was, forcing him to ask, "Where have your marshal and island owner gone?"

The man replied in horror, "The owner of the Oriental Island and the three marshals live in the island owner's mansion north of the castle. Tonight, the million stone marshal is on duty and is guarding the castle."

"Where is the castle?"

"Second floor!"


Re summoned 180 fierce beasts, and Li Tianming blatantly walked to the castle.

The three generals responsible for the meeting were surprised when they saw Li Tian and asked warily, "Who are you? Why did it appear here?"

Li Tian also pretended to be surprised and said, "I'm the general of the Stone Inn who specially asked me to send it for him once? What, didn't he apply to you? Don't you know?"

The three generals sneered at each other. One of them said, "Oi, just bring the monster here. You can go back now!"

"You're welcome. I'll help you send the monsters in!" Li Tian smiled and took the fierce beast to the gate of the castle.

"Hight!" Three people chased in at the same time.

"Bastard! Don't you want to live?"

"Kill him! Kill this boy!"

"Yes, you can't leave it alive!"

All three began to shout angrily.

As soon as he entered the castle, he saw that the fierce beast, which had been very docile, suddenly became extremely fierce, his eyes turned red, burning with fierce anger, strong voices, and gasping for anger.


A group of fierce beasts rushed to the three generals, completely covering and suppressing them.

Outside, there were no three generals at all. Only a group of fierce beasts jumped up and down and roared.

"Bum bang!"

Three punches, like three shells, shot among the fierce beasts and bombarded four or five fierce beasts.

But there were too many fierce beasts. They walked four or five and squeezed seven or eight.

How can Li Tian allow these three generals to send out information?

In less than a minute, the three generals died under the claws of the fierce beast.

"Who is it?"

A martial artist flew from downstairs, dressed in a white robe, full of Kong Fang's patterns, bare-handed fists, and restless. Looking at this temperament and demeanor, Li Tian felt that his realm was extraordinary at a glance.

"You are a million stone, aren't you?" Li Tian said indifferently.

The warrior narrowed his eyes, as if he wanted to take a closer look at Li Tian, and then roared, "Bold assassin! How dare you break into Stone Island!"

After saying that, he slapped his hand, and his palm was thunderous and roared.

Noise, heat, electric light, sharpness, all kinds of true air rushed to Li Tian's whole body.

The palm wind must be uncomfortable. Li Tian felt very painful before he was hit. He immediately closed his eyes and pushed a palm, and at the same time ordered all the fierce beasts around him to attack millions of stones.

"Hmm! Do you dare to fight with me if you know how to operate hundreds of fierce beasts? It's really immeasurable!"

When millions of stones saw more than 100 fierce beasts, they were not nervous at all. They still swept their fingers leisurely. The real gas was like a broom, and the fire was unparalleled. Seeing the flesh and blood turning gas, and seeing the muscles and bones turning ashes.

"Amazing!" Li Tian was shocked and immediately said, "It seems that 180 fierce beasts can't deal with you. I'll give you 1,800!"

"Ah?" Millions of stones couldn't help taking a step back.

Although he can resist 11,800 beasts, he has to consume a lot of true energy.


The beasts have rushed over, surrounded him and attacked on all sides. Million stones have been put on the shelf, but you have to resist it even if you don't want to resist it.

I have to say that millions of stones are worthy of being the peak masters of immortality. They are also 1,800 beast disasters, which makes it difficult for both of them to deal with, but millions of stones alone are very comfortable to deal with. Although they are all high-level immortals, their realms are different. The left and right envoys are only about seven or eight roads, and millions of stones are ninefold, and they are about to enter Yuandao.

"Ferocious! Robbery! Shangmu Robbery!"

In the face of such a powerful opponent, Li Tian can only show all the disasters again.

Ah? Are you a human or a devil? Millions of stones said in horror.

A large number of heavenly disasters pierced his body, and millions of stones shouted in pain, which was shocking.

Li Tian has already used his true spirit to cover the space near millions of stones, resisting his screams to spread out.

"Huh, do you want to kill me? I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Before the million stone was on the verge of death, he roared loudly and bit his collar, and then his body immediately expanded.

It turned out that at his collar, there was a poison of transformation and upgrading, which was stronger than the "monster assimilation poison" in the stone inn. Not only can you turn into a monster, but your body will become stronger and your soul will not weaken. That is to say, after eating this transformation poison, he is equivalent to raising his strength to the realm of monsters, and his body also becomes the realm of monsters. Even if you are about to die now, you will immediately become fierce after eating this poison, just like rebirth.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Li Tian was surprised.

All kinds of disasters have been completed, and millions of stones should have died at this moment, but he began to transform with a mouthful of collar. As the body keeps getting bigger, the appearance also begins to change. His head became as fierce as a tiger's head, and his body became as strong as an elephant. The ears become as long as a palm, the eyes become as big as the eyes of a cow, the nose becomes as big as a pig's nose, and the mouth becomes as big as a hippo's mouth.

What kind of monster is this? What kind of monster is this? Million stone, is he a human or a demon?

These are no longer important. All he knows is that the elephant-sized monster in front of him is more powerful and powerful than a million stones.

This is the monster! Although he was still a human just now, he has become a beast at this moment! He is no longer a human!

The poison of transformation and upgrading can not only change the body, but also change the essence of the sea of Qi and the true soul of the yuan god. In the body of millions of stones, there is now a first-level demon elixir of Yuandao.

"Wow! I'm going to kill you!" The million stone that turned into a monster still roared. His body has changed, but his soul is still the same.

After saying that, millions of stones swept with one claw and cut through the true air encirclement around him.

Ah? Gold wire bundle God!" Li Tian shouted and used three hundred and sixty-one knots of gold wire around the head of millions of stones to strangle the monster under the tough gold wire.

"Wuff!" In less than a few seconds, the golden silk bundled the stone's head four or five times.

"Ah, ah, ah! So painful! It hurts!" Million stone roared, struggling, stretching out his paws to scratch the ropes on his head.

"The golden wire binds the god, tie it harder!" Li Tian said anxiously, clenching his fists and cheering.

"I can't stand it..."

Million stone suddenly grabbed the golden rope at the root of his ear and tore it off from his head together with the palm-like ear.

He tore off his ear!

"The thorn..." The flesh and blood separated from the skin, making a horrible and penetrating sound.

Millions of stones tied half of the ears and the gold wire that continued to bind the ears to the ground hard.

"Isn't it? ......”

Li Tianjian is very speechless. I can't believe that this million stone can do such crazy self-abuse behavior. It was this self-abuse that made this guy escape from the bondage of gold wire and save his life.

Without the gold wire bundle, it is difficult to compete with the million stones that are already monsters! At present, the natural disaster is not capable of injure this monster. He is now a Yuandao monster. He doesn't have to care about the two-fold heavenly disaster of immortality.

"Wo!" Li Tian flew over and was ready to pick up his golden bundle.

Million Stone was very alert and patted Li Tian dozens of feet away with one claw. Li Tian's blood surged and almost vomited blood.

Falling in the woods, Li Tian just got up, and millions of stones have rushed over again, shouting, "Kid, die!"


Thank you Qianyuan Huanhua for rewarding this book for the third time. Thank you for your support! Welcome to visit me often! With everyone's support, I will definitely work hard to write and update it! Strive to continue to present more wonderful content and faster to everyone!!