yu jie

Chapter 162 Snow Girl


The scattering of earth and stone blocking the hall shows a huge gap.

The five bear men at the end of the gap were stunned. They thought something had happened in the hole and immediately pulled out their daggers. You squeezed me, I squeezed you, and jumped over from the hole together. However, there is thick dust everywhere in this hall, and there is a blur everywhere, and it is impossible to see who is there.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in the dust fog and strode towards them. The bear people were very nervous and hurriedly stabbed the dagger.


A white light suddenly appeared, and the thorny person couldn't open his eyes. Then came a mountain and sea wave, instantly blocking all the short swords and turning the five bear men back, and all of them fell down.

The five people looked up in shock and saw that the white light gradually converged, and the dust and fog strangely dispersed in the white light, showing the person who had just made the work.

"Li Hero? Hey! It's you!" Jili got up and said excitedly.

"Well, of course it's me." Li Tian laughed.

Isn't it Li Tian?

If it were someone else, these five bear men would have returned to the west now!

Five bear men looked at the bodies all over the ground and said in surprise, "Oh, my God, what happened here? How could so many giants die? If my eyes are not hallucinations. It can't be...Li Hero, did you alone?"

Li Tian did not answer and asked, "What do you think?"


At this time, I don't know Li Tian's current situation on Leyi's side!

Old Cook Village is as quiet as ever, as if nothing has happened here. People still hide by the fireplace in the room to make a fire. The old people gather around the fire and drink delicious hot coffee while imagining how their sons are fighting in the troll cave at this moment.

Bears are always so optimistic and calm, just like thousands of miles of ice outside the house, and there are no strong winds and waves that can make them feel desperate.

In Xiongwang's house, it is another scene.

Mr. James Batu has been smoking his dry tobacco bag. After smoking one, he continued to put the tobacco leaves by the fireplace and continue to smoke.

Leyi still walked around the living room, occasionally lying in the window to see the situation outside the window, and then continued to walk around anxiously.

Lin Yuan didn't say a word, sat by the fire and looked at the beebling flames and swallowed, slightly stunned. The firelight shone on her jade-like white and flawless face, reflecting her face red, like a ripe apple. She opened her big black and white eyes and stared motionlessly at the flames, with her thoughts.

Originally, she wanted to go back to support Li Tian, but when she arrived at the entrance of the hall where Li Tian was, she found that it had been blocked by huge earth and rocks. Because she was worried that Le Yi's speed was not fast enough to protect the bear king from retreat quickly, and she didn't want to let Li Tian down, she had to return and help. Leyi took the bear king safely to the old Cook village together.

Although she does not have martial arts skills now, her ability to lead people to escape is first-class. Except for Li Tian, who has wind ham, it is estimated that no one can surpass the speed of her, the agile supporter of fairy elixir soul.

After going back, Le Yi heard that the earth and stone at the mouth of the cave had been sealed, and his heart calmed down a little. Lin Yuan guessed that Le Yi must think that the master is absolutely capable of resisting danger, so in order to protect everyone from harm and to avoid accidental injury, he closed the hole.

But she is worried...

However, after all, she only has speed and no martial arts, and there is no way to open the cave at all. Now I have to lean against the stove and look at these flames in a daze, praying for Li Tian over and over again.

Le Yi was very calm at first, but as time passed, his mood began to become more and more restless. After sitting for almost half an hour, I couldn't sit still and paced back and forth, looking at the window repeatedly.

"It's been three or four hours. Why hasn't the master come back yet?" Leyi is really anxious now.

James saw Leyi's anxious face and knew that he was in a bad mood now, so he comforted him: "Le Hero, don't worry, I think your master will turn bad luck into good luck and successfully get out of the troll hole."

"Oh, I hope so!" Le Yi sighed that his mood at this time was completely different from before, and there was no longer the previous calmness.

James brushed his braided beard, thought about it, and changed the topic and said, " By the way, didn't you say you were looking for me? Why don't you tell me now? I will do my best!"

In this way, Le Yi and Lin Yuan's attention has really shifted.

Lin Yuan said sadly, "To tell you the truth, my brother Li Tian has been poisoned by the villain for more than three or four days. If he can't get the antidote within three months, he will lose his mind, turn into a walking corpse and become a loss..."

"Tears of Snow Girl?" Jenkins suddenly stood up and said in horror, but after thinking about it, he quickly sat down and shook his head and said, "No, I don't think so. The poison of the snow girl is very fierce, and it will usually be poisonous in three days..."

Leyi came over and explained, "Thanks to the strong internal strength of the master and the timely treatment of Langzhong, we took the medicine within three days to postpone the poison time of the master. And this poison is the tears of the snow girl.

"You came to me to get an antidote, right?" Xiong Wang asked, inexplicably disappointed.

But think about it, if these people hadn't been for the antidote, they would have died under the torture of the giants, and it was precisely because of these people looking for the antidote that he could escape. Speaking of which, this is also a kind of fate! Anyway, the kindness of saving a life should be recommable with a spring.


"Thank you two for telling each other frankly, it's not that I won't help, but..." Jenkins was a little embarrassed. Looking at Leyi and Lin Yuan's anxious inquiring expressions, he had to tell the truth: "I don't have an antidote now, and I've been taken away by others!"

"Ah?" Le Yi fell on the living room stool in shock and bounced again and asked, "Well, can you refine this antidote for us?"

Because he really doesn't understand what the tears of the bear king are. The name should be the tears of the bear king, maybe, that's why he asked.

Jenkins sighed, lit another dry smoke, and took a deep breath.

"The tears of the snow girl, the tears of the bear king, and the tears of the unicorn are actually crystals condensed by tears. If there is an original sample, it can be copied, but unfortunately, I don't have a crystal around me now. The tears of the bear king are not made by what I want to shed tears. Even it is not the tears in my eyes at all. It is tears of blood!"

"Tears of blood?" Lin Yuan and Le Yi took a cold breath.

I thought it was easy to get the tears of the bear king. As the name implies, just let the bear king shed some tears. The same is true of Jianghu rumors. Now it seems that it is really "the paper is shallow, and it is still necessary to know this matter". Facts are always too different from legends.

Speaking of which, this thing has a long story. Er... Let me make a long story short!" Mr. Jenkins sashed and stuffed the floor full of tobacco at once. Maybe this story is too long...

"Snow girl is actually the princess of our bear race, that is, my daughter. Twenty years ago, she went to Tianyuan mainland for a trip and fell in love with a young beautiful man who turned into a unicorn monster. When I learned about it, I was very annoyed, because this is against our human principles, and shemales can never be combined. But... Alas, my crazy daughter..."

Jenkins shook his head and sighed again and took a deep breath of dry smoke again. Unfortunately, the smoke entered the lungs, causing a severe cough.

Le Yi and Lin Yuan never thought that there was a deeper reason behind the antidote, so they patiently listened to Mr. Jenkins continue to explain.

"Actually, all sins are to be blamed on me. The two of them are more affectionate than gold, and they have vowed to stay together for a long time and never be separated. Even if the power of heaven comes, they will swear to stay together to the death. However, I didn't know that their feelings had developed to such a deep extent. I wanted to bring her back and lock her up at home for a few years, and she would gradually forget. In fact, I really did the same...

"However, the result I imagined did not appear. At first, the daughter always believed that her love would come back to save her. But after waiting for three years, she didn't wait for Kirin to appear and began to despair... However, for a few days, she seemed to be rejuvenated. I thought my daughter should have forgotten this relationship, so I made a marriage for her. However, I never thought that my daughter would kill the groom and devour his heart on the wedding night.

"What?" Lin Yuan was so scared that her face turned white. She was very puzzled and afraid of the snow girl's behavior.

Mr. Jenkins understood her doubts and continued, "In the bear race, there has always been a legend that if a woman eats the groom's heart on the wedding night, she will become a monster..."

As he spoke, two lines of old tears had silently flowed freely on the gully on their faces, and under the curling white smoke, they were even more old and sad.