yu jie

Chapter 165 Waterway


Li Tian raised his eyebrows to Leyi, motioned behind him, and then patted the dust behind Leyi meaningfully and said, "Look, we are on our way and forget that there is a lot of dust on our back. There are two stains behind you, probably when you entered the Fire City.

After saying that, Li Tian seemed to wipe off the dust, stretched out his hand and swayed in front of Leyi, and then gently patted it off.

However, just as he was wandering in front of Leyi, Leyi found that there was no dust or stains on the master's hands, and then looked at Li Tian in surprise.

Li Tian still smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. It's okay to erase it!"

How shrewd the old man Leyi was. Seeing Li Tian's strange behavior, he immediately heard Li Tian's deep meaning.

But what does it mean?

He only knows that Li Tian's real intention of this move is definitely not dusting, but he is not very clear about what it is for the time being. However, after analyzing Li Tian's previous words, he quickly analyzed that Li Tian wanted to tell him about the "behind" things. Because the master said the word "behind" three times in a row!

Is there someone following behind it?

Thinking of this, he immediately became alert and checked everyone under his consciousness again to see if there were any suspicious people and suspicious behavior. In less than a few seconds, he found two pairs of sneaky eyes.

Sure enough, it's really targeted...

"Ha ha ha, it's my negligence, my negligence! Alas, the wind is so strong today that it is dusty everywhere. If I don't pay attention, I will be stained." Le Yi also smiled and nodded.

Seeing him speak like this, Li Tian knew that the deputy master had understood and was very satisfied - finally there was no wrong person. This Leyi is a good helper!

"Now, let's see what Leyi can do." Li Tianxin said that he originally wanted to disclose the information that someone was following to Leyi, and then let Leyi leave them and go behind the stalker to investigate the two, or the two, so that they could get rid of the two annoying "tails".

Leyi checked the road ahead. There were three fork roads in front of them, one of which was a narrow and uninhabited alley. After passing through the alley, it was another street. Leyi pointed to the alley and suggested, "Well, you take that road first, and when you walk to the opposite street, choose the nearest inn to stay first. I'm going to buy some clothes for you. After buying them, I'll come to find you.

"It's so good, then there will be Brother Le!" Li Tiangong smiled.

This time, he deliberately didn't call Leyi's real name, because he didn't want the two people behind him to hear it, and he didn't want to reveal his identity and Leyi under their consciousness.

The first time he called himself "Brother Le", Leyi may be puzzled, but in this case, his heart was as clear as a mirror.

Naturally, he never mentioned the word "master" and bowed his hand to salute him. He only said simply and clearly, "Farewell!"

After saying that, he took another fork in the road and quickly drowned among the pedestrians on the road.

Lin Yuan looked at the two with some doubts, opened her curious eyes, and asked inexplicably, "When did you become so polite?"

"Let's go!" Li Tian interrupted her and walked forward quickly.

"You haven't answered my question yet?" Lin Yuan then caught up with him.

Jili and Gree had to trot all the way and followed Li Tian and Lin Yuan into the narrow alley...

When Li Tian, Lin Yuan and others booked five rooms and lived upstairs, Le Yi had come in with a huge package on his back. Li Tian couldn't help frowning about it. He originally wanted Leyi to deal with the two stalkers. Why did he willingly carry those two people back?

Looking at the package motionless, he probably knocked the two people unconscious.

Come on, since you have carried it, bring it in. After entering the room later, ask carefully what's going on. I believe that Leyi will not be so stupid, and there is no need not to carry the two stalkers.

"Brother Le is back? Come on, come on! I have booked all the rooms for you!" Li Tian greeted Le Yi upstairs.

The second child in front of the counter downstairs saw that Leyi was a friend of the guests upstairs, so he directly ignored it and continued to be busy with his own business. Le Yi immediately carried his bag to the upstairs and led him to the upstairs room under the guidance of Li Tian. At present, it's still early for dinner. Instead of going back to their rooms, they all gathered in Li Tian's room for tea and chatting.

After Li Tian and Le Yi walked in, Li Tian closed the door tightly. Le Yi banged and threw the big package on the ground casually.

"Huh? Uncle Le, what is this? Lin Yuan said curiously.

Jili wondered, "Le Hero, your efficiency is too high! Have you bought so many clothes in such a while?

Gree couldn't help nodding and admired him.

"Ha ha, there are no clothes in it. Er, of course, there are a few..." Le Yi replied.

"No way? Let me see, what clothes have you bought?" Lin Yuan doubted that she would not believe that Leyi would really buy so many clothes.

"Yes, take a look! I don't know if there are any clothes suitable for us?" Gree was also excited, touched his trousers that had been mended, and muttered, "Well, it would be better if there was a pair of trousers I was wearing!"

Three people, one doubt and two excitement, went to this big package with their own purposes.

Le Yi quickly stopped them and said mysteriously, "It's okay to see the clothes, but don't make a sound when you see the clothes later..."

"Oh?" Le Yi's words further proved Lin Yuan's judgment. She nodded solemnly and squatted down with Jili and Gree to untie the package.

As soon as he opened the seal, he suddenly saw two unconscious men, whose hands and feet were bound, and their mouths were stuffed with cloth.

Lin Yuan's body trembled, as if she had met a hot potato, and urgently shrank her hand. Fortunately, Leyi's reminder just now laid a certain psychological foundation for her, otherwise she would be scared to scream now.

Jili and Gree are quite bold, but they don't understand why there are two people in the package.

When Leyi saw that the three of them had settled down, he was much relieved. He leisurely poured a cup of tea, sat at the table and took a sip. Slowly said, "I was going to solve these two people. These two threatened that they were from Shenfengmen, and their owner was in the city of Fire. . I didn't believe it from the beginning, but through the tattoos on their arms, I was finally sure that what they said was true.

Lin Yuan immediately pushed up the sleeves of the two unconscious people when she heard the words, and saw a pig's head clearly tattooed on their arms. ( This is the unique imprint of Shenfeng Gate, which is different from any sect in the world.)

At this point, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered Li Tian's strangely interrupted behavior before, and now she fully understood: "Oh, I see. You two have known that someone was following us for a long time! Humph, don't tell me!"

Jili and Gree beside them were still very puzzled and said, "What? Are the two of them following us?

"Ha ha, that's right! Thanks to the wise and martial arts of the master, I found these two bastards in time..." Le Yi laughed and then said, "After knowing that these two people were Shenfengmen, I came up with a better way to deal with them, so I temporarily changed my mind and knocked them unconscious and packed them up."

"What trick did you think of again?" Li Tian laughed.

Le Yi smiled and said, "You still know me!" I'm going to..."

While talking, he reached out to greet everyone gathered at the table and whispered to them for a while.


The next day, Li Tian made a finer disguise to avoid being recognized again in the city.

Gree was responsible for carrying this big package. Under the leadership of Jili, the five people came to a deep river in front of the west courtyard wall of the Kirin Martial Arts Academy.

The martial arts court never allows people outside the martial arts academy to enter. There are many detectors on the wall, which can detect the warriors flying in from the outside and issue an alarm to the guards of the military academy. Usually, if the guards judge that it is a bird, they basically ignore it. Occasionally, a few grumpy guys will order their hands to shoot those "bad" birds. If a warrior is found to break in, whether it is a grumpy or a gentle person, they will definitely make tea to the end, surround him, imprison him, and wait for the elders at the hospital level to fall.

The tunnel newly excavated by Xiong Wang is just a dead corner of the Wuyuan detector. A secret channel was dug under the water. From here, you can safely mix into the Qilin Wuyuan.

"The entrance of the tunnel is under this river!" Jili said.

"Hm! "Oh, no!" The two guys in the package woke up again and exhaled dull shouts from their sealed mouths.

"Dong! Dong!" Leyi stepped on his feet, and the sound in the package suddenly came.

"How far is the river? Don't stay under the water for too long and suffocate these two comatose guys!" Li Tiandao.

"It doesn't matter. If you are bored to death, you will be bored to death!" Le Yi Dao.

"Well, let's go in while there is no one now!" After saying that, Li Tian looked at Lin Yuan uneasily.

"It doesn't matter, I can swim!" Lin Yuan replied.

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop!

The sound of diving sounded repeatedly, and five people jumped into the deep river together.

Fortunately, the mouth of the cave in the river was not too far. Five people quickly swam there, got into the cave, and supported the wall of the cave with their hands. After swimming about ten meters, a small cave appeared.

"Puff!" Li Tian poked his head out from under the water cave and floated into the cave to rest.

After a while, Lin Yuan, Le Yi and Jili also surfaced. Only the Gerry behind them, who dragged the big package, was a little difficult and came out three minutes later than them.

Fortunately, the bear people live in the Arctic ice continent all year round and hunt in the cold river from time to time. Therefore, the function of closing their breath is quite powerful. But now for such a long time, he can't stand it...

As soon as he got out of the water, he began to gasp. Just now, he was almost suffocating under the water.

"Where's the package?" Leyi was puzzled.

"Oh, that's right!" Gree suddenly remembered that the big package of the two Shenfeng disciples with their mouths tied to their bodies was still in the water!

Immediately pulled it up from the water and untied the package to have a look.

The two were soaked, their faces were pale, and their eyes were bigger than copper bells, full of blood, probably caused by choking in the water.

Le Yi pulled out the cloth, and the two of them also gasped quickly. Fortunately, the two of them were practitioners, otherwise they would have died long ago.

Fortunately, he was not dead. In order to prevent them from shouting, Le Yi quickly stuffed the cloth into their mouths, making their eyes more and more red, and their eyes were full of murderous eyes.