yu jie

Chapter 292 Struggle

Huh? Are you? Are you a robbery?" Li Tian was shocked.

"Well, ignorant boy, I'm not a royal disaster, is it a royal sister?" The Shinto warrior said coldly, without a trace of emotion in his tone.

"Why did you take my house?"

"Kid, it's your honor for you to be taken away by this seat. For so long, if you hadn't relied on this seat, you could have come to this day? It's me who makes you have today's glory. It's me who makes you a generation of masters. As compensation, now, you should also give me your body, right? Yujie said rudely.

Li Tian has heard and seen it for a long time.

His good friend Xiaowu was robbed by his enemy, Long Haotian, the leader of the Fire Dragon Sect. Li Tian didn't want his body to be controlled by the robbery. Although Yujie is very helpful to him, to be honest, if there is no Yujie, he will still practice his skills, revenge and start a business.

I did not agree to enter my body, but quietly entered. Now, the imperial robbery has to forcibly seize his body on the grounds of helping Li Tian. Li Tian disagrees!

"What if I don't give you my body?" Li Tian calmed down.

Do you think you have that ability now? My heavenly disaster and hell pagoda is the most wonderful treasure in the world. My soul is integrated in this pagoda. If you want to enter the high level of the Holy Road, you must be operated by me to advance. Now, you have awakened me in a fixed way. Now the feng shui has taken turns, and it's my turn to sit in the village today. The sound of the disaster came again.

Li Tian was silent and anxious.

How to get rid of this damn robbery is a big problem!


The hell tripod is still boiling.

Li Tian suddenly had an idea and said, "What if I send you together with this hell pagoda into the hell tripod? I want to refine you with this pagoda and refine a pure pagoda of heaven and hell without any popularity! Only the pure spirit of heaven and hell!"

"Hell God's Tripod?" Yujie was stunned and seemed to be a little confused, but he soon realized and laughed, "What hell god tripod, all things related to hell belong to me! Including your body!"

With such a mistake, Li Tian immediately understood that he did not know this hell tripod. The reason why he said that later was just to confuse himself. It's really a cunning fox!

So, this hell god tripod should really be regarded as Li Tian's own thing, not the robbery.

The Heavenly Disaster and Hell Sutra is an artifact with thousands of skills. No one can guarantee that it will combine with others, what new changes will be produced, and what new artifacts will be generated. This can be proved by the doubts and disguises behind the robbery.

As a master, there will be no such doubts. Since there is doubt, even if it is only a second and a half, it must be seriously considered.

Li Tian secretly decided to try this hell tripod. Anyway, through the highest level of determination, I have broken through the limitations of array and been able to use skills.

"I've managed to practice until today, do you really have to take away my house?" Li Tian pretended to be depressed, but secretly moved the hell tripod slowly under the pagoda of heaven and hell.

"Return to the original owner, it is natural and earthly righteous. This heavenly disaster and hell mind method originally belongs to me. Now that you borrow my mind method to use it today, it is time to return it to me. In addition, your body will also be given to me as interest during this period!"

After saying that, the robber began to urge the pagoda of heaven and hell to expand, as if to occupy the whole Dantian.

"Please do well and don't take away my sacrifice, okay? Please!" Li Tian still "persistently" imploted, "Really, I'm still young, and I really don't want to lose consciousness like this. If you really want to take away my house, can you take me away after a while and let me enjoy a good life for a few days first? I still have two beautiful wives in my help, and there are countless delicacies in my help. These beautiful things in the world are waiting for me to enjoy! Don't be in such a hurry to take it away!"

The robbery was not very annoying, and he couldn't help saying angrily, "What a useless coward. If a man dies, he will die. What are you afraid of?"

"But at least leave me some time! For so many years, can't you leave a minute or a second to me?" Li Tian continued.

"If you don't stay, I don't want you to control the pagoda of heaven and hell for a moment!" The robbery is annoying.


"What's wrong with me?"

"Well, in this case, at worst, everyone will die together, and I will kill myself now! Bite your tongue and do it yourself, I won't let you get anything!" Li Tian said urgently.


Yujie was silent for a while and suddenly said annoys, "Well, it's really a useless thing. I'll give you three minutes. Three minutes later, just give me your body!"

When Li Tian saw that he finally stopped, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. After a while of tossing, his hell god tripod had completely moved under the hell pagoda.

In less than a minute, he suddenly found that several gates of the hell pagoda were quietly opening.

He opened a lot this time, and opened them in this order.

The ninth level of the mythical beast hell of the fierce beast in the first hall.

The ninth level of evil hell in the second hall.

The ninth level of the divine soldier hell of the third temple.

The ninth layer of the divine wood hell of the fourth hall.

The ninth level of fire hell of the ruthless hell of the fifth hall.

The ninth layer of water and sky in the sixth hall of Wanfa exile in hell connect with hell.

The ninth layer of immortal hell in the seventh hall of infinite hell.

The ninth floor of the fifth thunder hell in the eighth hall.

The ninth floor of the hell of the ninth hall.

Seeing so many disaster series all of a sudden, Li Tian felt a little numb!

Good guy, if he hadn't prepared to attack himself, Li Tian really didn't know that the robbery was secretly preparing to act. What a cunning guy! Fortunately, I was already prepared, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't have to wait for three minutes, and I would die at his hands.

This robber deserves to be the owner of the hell pagoda. Silently, he opened the nine-storey hell disaster in the nine halls of hell. Together, it is 1,620 disasters. Although the number of this natural disaster is not very large, which is tens of thousands of disasters than Li Tian's previous. This 6,20 is really a pediatric department, but in terms of strength, this 620 disaster is really 100 times stronger than all the previous disasters combined.

Previously, a mythical beast hell disaster made Li Tian anxious. What's more, now there are not only mythical beast hell disasters, but also other kinds of holy heavenly disasters?

While the door of hell has just opened and the 1,620 days of disaster has not fully taken effect, the best way is to kill them in the bud. Li Tian did it as soon as he thought of it. His heart suddenly raised the hell tripod and trapped the pagoda of heaven and hell.


Bang bang!


The hell tripod boiled crazily, and the true spirit of the tripod splashed crazily, and it was crazy to recycle and continue to melt the hell pagoda.

Those unreleased natural disasters were just disturbed by the true anger of the divine tripod at the door. They attacked each other and bombed each other, and the pagoda of hell trembled.

"What's going on?" The disaster was in chaos, and he was shocked.

He never thought that Li Tian would have this move, and he never thought that Li Tian would brazenly attack the pagoda of hell first. This is completely different from Li Tian's previous begging for mercy and cowardly style.

"Well, you, go to hell with your hell pagoda!" Li Tian said coldly. Originally, he was a little in awe of this disaster, but from the moment when the saint wanted to destroy himself and take his house, Li Tian has completely lost any friendship with him.

No one is qualified to take the body of others, even a saint!

It's not enough to take away others, let alone take away your own!

Li Tian hated the people who took away. At the thought of Xiaowu being taken away by Long Haotian, he couldn't wait to kill all the people in the world!