I have something to do with you

058 Choice for a moment

What is this place?

When Luo Wener opened her eyes, she only saw a black scene.

No, there is still light...

Light yellow, dots connected into a series, then suspended in the air, hanging motionless in the distance.

She is afraid of the dark, and the light is in front of her, but she dares not move.

That seems to be a mysterious place. As long as you walk over, you will never get out again.

But it's so cold here.

She has sat up and is rubbing the cold around her.

It seems to be made of stone, and the space is not large, which can only accommodate her alone.

She suddenly remembered something, groping with her frozen fingertips and took out the Night Spirit Star in her arms.

The dark light dimly illuminated the world in front of her, and drew a trembling light with her movement.

However, it quickly settled down and trembled...


She suddenly screamed, and the sound hit all directions, making continuous echoes, and then came from the depths, like a ghost.


She didn't know if she was still screaming, but only listened to strange voices one after another, as if she were surprised, happy, crying and laughing.

I don't know where the Night Spirit Star has fallen, but it is still releasing light faithfully, so a row of huge and cold shadows are faintly clothed on the stone wall, looking at her gloomily...

And she is actually in one of the dark shadows...

That's a sarcophagus...



A thousand wings opened in the dark, and a burst of screams rushed to his face.


He rushed forward, but the ground under his feet that should have been unusually strong suddenly sank...

At the same time, there was a dull sound behind him, as if a heavy object was about to fall in an instant. However, he was stuck in place because of his pause, but he was coveted and ready to go.

The squirrel emerged from the hole and looked up with its big eyes... If there was no hair on its face, it should probably be able to see its face change in an instant.

The squirrel straightened his voice and shouted at him, with a sharp and urgent voice.

It quickly rushed out of the hole, knowing that Qianyu's wings did not turn back, and still pointed to the top desperately with its front paws...

Broken Dragon Stone!


Until the opening of this tomb door hidden from earth and stone decoration to the extreme, thousands of wings knew that this territory was contested by boundless and nightless, and everyone was waiting to see who was blessed in this long-sleeping "dragon horn" place. They didn't know when such a secret mausoleum had been built.

This is the legendary feng shui treasure. If it can be buried here a hundred years later, it can not only make the descendants flourish for thousands of generations, but also increase the spirit of the emperor and make the country prosperous and continue.

Ten years ago, in order to compete for this place, he led his army to fight with the Nightless Kingdom for two months, and forced 100,000 enemy soldiers back to Qicheng 35 miles away, tracing the water as the boundary.

However, the previous king had built a mausoleum in Lushan at that time. If he wanted to rebuild it, it might not be completed in ten or eight years, so construction has not been started. Anyway, the treasure is in hand, who doesn't use it? And the previous king soon drove away.

As for Qian Yumo... Although once the king ascends the throne, the first thing is to build a mausoleum, Qian Yumo has never moved. Do you think you can live immortally, or do you think that your throne is not open and guilty?

But now such a mausoleum suddenly appeared.

The construction of the mausoleum is not easy. Even if it is an ordinary specification, it can't be done for ten years. What's more, it has to be done without people's awareness... He really wants to admire this person's ability, but he doesn't know that the people who sleeps here have been favored?

However, when the dull sound roared, his heart was shocked.

This mausoleum has not been buried yet.

As the tomb gate of the mausoleum, there are one floor for nobles. However, if it is the tomb of the emperor or the king, the tomb gate is divided into two floors inside and outside. After the tomb owner is put in and everything is placed properly, a mechanism will be opened, and then the broken dragon stone will fall, and the people outside will seal the tomb. From then on, they will be separated by yin and yang.

In order to prevent tomb robbery from destroying feng shui, the broken dragon stone is as heavy as ten thousand. Even the magic weapon, even explosives can't be opened, let alone lift it up. Even if he can lift a thousand catties of tripod and come to the broken dragon stone, he can only be smashed into mud. Moreover, as soon as the broken dragon stone falls, it immediately enters the ground three feet. If you want to dig, it will sink and there is no end.

And the switch of this mausoleum is actually set at the mouth of the cave and can be stepped on at will. In the future, it must be an excuse to deceive an unknown person to see if all the arrangements inside are intact.


At this moment, according to his skills, lift your feet... With the help of flying back, you can leave safely, but...

Wenwen, what should Wenwen do?

Moreover, she must be trapped in "sound killing" now and can't hear her call at all.

Of course, he can leave first and then try to save her. Even if there is nothing he can do, he will lift the mountain.

But when will that wait? And how can she resist the horror of sound killing?

Screaming is still strangely hitting the cold walls.

Wenwen, she is calling me...

The choice is only in an instant.

He once told her that life always faces various choices, but sometimes you can only make one decision.

Back... live, move forward... die.

However, there has never been the word "recede" in his past 25 years of life, and there will be no future!

So, before he had time to pass on to that foot, he fell back solemnly and firmly, and took a step forward without hesitation...


The broken dragon stone burst into a loud noise and slipped down in an instant, as if it had been cut off the last line of light without hesitation.

The dust stirred up by the fall of the boulder rolled like a tide, but it disappeared in an instant with the disappearance of light.

The ground trembled fiercely, the aftershocks continued, and the aftertlingus was difficult to eliminate.

It's cold and comes to my face...


Luo Wener covered her ears and shrank in the sarcophagus.

She did not continue to scream, because countless screams surrounded her, uncertain, yin and yang unpredictable, with cold, rushed out of an unknown place, as if she were a demon who had been imprisoned for thousands of years, once free, so she jumped happily and celebrated enthusiastically.

She is waiting, waiting for the screaming to stop, and then desperately thinking about what to do? Where is this? Why is she here?

That familiar breath still remains in my memory, but...

"Small stool, do you know? You have a faint smell of white sandalwood, which is a noble aroma..."

Will it be him? How could it be him? How could he... Why did he...

The key is the slender shadow...


She shook her head.

But why did she come here? What is that man going to do?

She screamed continuously, but it was only her voice.

Why is she alone?

Her brain is very messy, screaming is more chaotic, and she keeps changing, as if she is deliberately to torture her.

She tried her best to shrink herself to the corner of the sarcophagus, as if she could avoid the strangeness around her.

However, countless voices still emerge, and snakes generally swim from everywhere to look for her and surround her.

They climbed to the sarcophagus, twisted their bodies, and screamed and laughed at her.

They climbed into the sarcophagus, wrapped her ankles, and spit cold letters at her.

She bit her lips and didn't dare to make a sound, because they were waiting for her to scream, and then turned into more demons to torture her.

She could only cover her ears, but even so, they could still get in and laugh at her.

Her mind has been a little blurred.

Is she going to faint? If you faint, you don't have to hear this sound.

Really, the body is getting lighter and lighter, as if it has been held up by clouds. The clouds are very comfortable, very soft, gently wrapped around her, as if to say to her... Go to sleep, go to sleep...

She seemed to see the hairline float out of her body, slowly and ethereal...


In a trance, it seems that someone is calling her name.

Wenwen... That guy is the only one who will call her that.

But why is he here?

The residual sobriety in her mind is laughing at her.

She relaxed her body and let the hairline continue to float out, and her consciousness became more and more trance.


The voice is very soft. I don't know whether she is afraid of scaring her or the continuous sound.

She thought she was dreaming, otherwise how could this sound be so simple and clear in the reverberation? It was close to the ear, and at the same time, a little warmth fell gently on the shoulder, tentatively, but tightly clamped, and quickly melted into a blazing heat.

This temperature only belongs to him!

She suddenly opened her eyes...

In the dark light, in the gloomy shadow, there is only one person.

His figure seemed to be thicker than those black, and his eyes seemed to suck into all the light and drown them in them, looking at her for a moment.

"Thousand Wings..."

She must be dreaming!

But the pain came faintly on the shoulder, and the eyes as deep as night also had sparks jumping in it.

"Are you... a human or a ghost?" After an inexplicable sentence, his throat suddenly choked.

"There is a shadow..." He pointed to the wall.

"There is temperature..." He suddenly approached her.

"With a chin..." Pick up her hand covering her ear and put it on her jaw.

His jaw is square, with a groove in the middle, which is what she privately thinks is the most masculine jaw. Every time he sits on the horse, every time he teases her, as long as she turns her head, she can see the strong jaw.

At this moment, another layer of hard stubble grew on her jaw, which made her palm hurt.

"Am I a human or a ghost?"

The familiar breath fell on his face with temperature and filled his eyes.

"Thousand wings?" She still seems to be unbelievabl.

"Thousand Wings..."

She sobbed twice, suddenly cried and jumped into his arms.

"Don't cry, don't cry..."

He hurriedly pressed her face to his chest, not as if to comfort her, but to block her crying back.

Her nose was pressed against his strong chest and felt that it was about to collapse. She struggled out after a long time, and he covered her mouth and lowered his voice to warn: "Don't cry, or these sounds will never stop!"