I have something to do with you

081 naked men all over the sky

It was full of hot fog. As soon as I entered, it seemed that my breathing was blocked by dampness.

Luo Wener walked carefully while trying to check around... I don't know if there is a single room.

In the fog, there is a large pool, and you can barely see several naked bodies inside, like a cloth bag on the edge of the pool. When she passed by, she heard someone say, "Well, there's another one..."

Although her voice was low, it was obviously a male voice. She immediately stopped, and the hair behind her neck immediately exploded.

At this time, a woman's laughter came from her ear, right beside her.

It turned out that there was a single room next to her, with a floor curtain hanging down, but the color was almost integrated with the fog, and she didn't see it.

It's just that the laughter is very special, mixed with another person's heavy gasp...

She suddenly understood and immediately turned around and ran away.

But in a hurry, my feet slipped and fell to the ground before I had time to struggle, and my ankle suddenly came with heartache.

There was a laugh next to it.

"It looks good..."

"It seems that I'm still a child..."

"Little girl, how much money for one night?"

"I'll give you one or two!"

"Tstingy, two taels!"

"Bah, three taels!"

"Haha, can you afford three taels?"

"Don't believe it, five taels!"

"Bah, the most expensive lady in the flower stage is only five taels. I'm going to risk it today, six taels!"

"Haha, do you think you are the blind man? Do you want to be a big man?"

"What's wrong? Although that girl is not good-looking, her figure... Tutut, although the blind man can't see it, he can touch it..."


Luo Wen'er's heart trembled.

"Little girl, come and let the old man touch it to see if it's worth ten taels of silver?"

The sound of water is loud, and someone has come with a warm moisture and caught her...

"Ren go!"

"Haha, I like this tune!"

The bare man picked her up on the spot and turned directly into the single room beside her.

"Don't worry, as long as you serve me comfortably, you will add money!"

As soon as Luo Wener fell to **, the man rushed up, and her fat body almost weighed her back.

"Get out of here! I'm not..."


"Thousand feathers..."


The naked man gasping in his ear suddenly screamed, and Luo Wener only felt a light body...


is the crisp sound caused by the close contact between the fat body and the smooth ground.

"Wenwen..." A pair of iron arms hugged her: "Is it really you?"

The man who was half dead was shouting "Ouch" and there was a lot of riot outside.

A messy footsteps rushed in, and several women screamed one after another, and then shouted in a few loud voices, "Who the hell is tired of living?"

"Get out of here!"

The voice fell, and the curtain had been pulled off severely.

However, after a muffled sound, in the sudden scream, a heavy object fell into the water, causing another chaos.

"Ah, someone smashed the scene!"

"Good, you blind!"

"Brothers, give it to me!"

The force around her body suddenly tightened, and then Luo Wener saw a sway in front of her eyes, and then in the continuous screams, she saw the most strange scene of her life... naked men and naked men flew all over the sky.

The crisp sound of the body falling to the ground fell behind him, and the wail sounded.

Qian Yuyi strode out with her in his arms, and the small stool also rushed out, but he grabbed the curtain at the door with one hand and wrapped himself, only showed his head, and called eagerly, "General, General..."

After the wind passes, even the warm wind on the spring night stirs up infinite coolness on the wet skin.

Qian Yufang realized that he only cared about saving the beauty, but now he was not in a daze, and the woman's exclamation came from the opposite side.

Qian Yuyi's expression was still cold and solemn. He only took two steps back and felt inappropriate, so he put Luo Wener down.

"Wait for me!"

Immediately jump back to the bathroom.


When Qian Yuyi came out, Luo Wen'er had disappeared.

He roared back to the guest room under the lead of a small stool.


The door can't be pushed open.

After working hard for a long time, the small stool looked along the seam of the door and whispered, "The door is tied inside."



He doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, right? Is it because of the late "rescue"? But how did he know that she would run to the men's bathroom? Or because she was in a hurry, she accidentally leaked the "spring light" and Wenwen was jealous?

"Wenwen..." He began to pat the door: "If you don't open the door again, I will break in!"

"General, this won't work. Look at me!" The small stool cleared its throat and whispered close to the crack of the door, "Sister, everyone came out to watch the fun."

Realitty, the door opened quickly.

Qian Yuyi's expression was first overjoyed, but soon sank down, turning his head and "looking down" at the small stool.

Luo Wener also took a look at the small stool and then turned her eyes.

Since the mausoleum came out, she hasn't talked to him, just because she has a pimple in her heart.

Of course, she also clearly remembers that when Yue Liying planned to throw her in the quicksand, he held Yue Liying's arm and eagerly stopped her...

She has been secretly observing him in the past few days...

She couldn't find anything suspicious.

Maybe it's her illusion, maybe the smell of people will be unexpectedly similar, and at that time, didn't she also feel that the smell of white sandalwood was much lighter than usual?

I don't know whether the small stool felt Luo Wen'er's recent indifference towards her or thought that this situation should not last long, especially the white cloth on Qian Yuyi's face facing him... It didn't work if the general called for a long time, but he just said a word...

So he quickly found an excuse to slip away.

As soon as the door sounded, Qian Yuyi caught Luo Wen'er: "Wenwen, why did you go there?"

Luo Wen'er is also angry.

It turns out that the inn is using that way to earn guests' money! Facing**, which man can resist?

Who said that the ancient people were feudal and conservative? I think they are very open!

Looking at Qian Yuyi's anxious face, he was even more angry: "Why can't I go?"

Although I went to the wrong room, there are too many unexpected "gains".

"If you have something to do, you can let Xiao Er find me, how can you..."

Qian Yuyi couldn't figure out how Luo Wener went to find him in such a place. What's the emergency? And thinking of so many bare men... I don't know how much she saw, and the fat pig...

clench your fist tightly.

If it hadn't been for the emergency, he would have photographed them into meatloaf, but it doesn't matter. Wait for the night...

"I also regret it. Why did I go to that kind of place?"

Luo Wener suddenly got rid of him, turned around and left.