I have something to do with you

091 King's Call

It happened a few days later. Now, Kirin solemnly got up and roared loudly. The flames spewed out almost hit Luo Wen'er's face.

When the shock calmed down, the two unicorns had turned around and walked less than ten feet. The colorful clouds suddenly rose and went away in the air.

Only ten giant golden turtles disappeared leisurely at the end of the aisle.

Until they could no longer see the dazzling golden light, everyone came to their senses and looked at the sky again. The auspicious clouds had collected, the colorful phoenixes disappeared, and the wind and sun appeared again. The white clouds were like satin, and the song of birds like music did not know when it would stop.

Everything just now is like an illusion.

However, if you really get this dream, your life will be smooth and auspicious.

But everyone coincidentally focused on the black-robed man who always sat on the horse...

It's quiet around, so quiet that you can hear the breeze blowing over the treetops.

Luo Wener still smelled the strange fragrance in the air. She took a deep breath and felt that her internal organs seemed to be ironed cool and comfortable.

She also turned her eyes to Qian Yuyi, but saw that his back was as straight as a gun, and she was silent on the spot.

For a long time, a small sound came from the crowd, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, which quickly spread away.

The honor guard of the Wang family was also shocked by the wonderful scenery. At this moment, they thought of playing drum music, but at this time, a sudden notification came. The sound was sharp and strange, but it had a strong penetration. It suddenly pierced the boiling sound around and hit the ear...

"The king is here..."

The people who just stood up bowed down again and shouted, "Kneel down to welcome my king, my king will live forever..."

Luo Wen'er saw the next team rushing on the long steps of Han Baiyu in the distance.

The leader wears a dazzling and heavy dress, standing tall and elegantly, with wind in action, like stepping on fog and clouds.

On both sides are the maids of honor, and there are wrestlers holding high Hua Gai and palace fans. They dress according to their clothes, but they are not as fast as the man in front of them.

But seeing him galloping all the way, there was no loss of dignity. The entourage followed without stopping with their robes and feet. Those wrestlers were the most pitiful and could only raise the objects in their hands and chase them wildly. The difficult thing was that they must keep the shape of the Hua Gai and the palace fan neat and sound. As a result, a solemn and solemn welcome scene made it a little funny.

Not only did Luo Wener hold back his smile, but even the people next to him tried their best to stiffen their faces, while the bodyguards looked left and right with their eyes slanted. Everyone's face was written with a big "emblance", as if they were deeply guilty for having such a "jump" state lord.

The endless lord of today... Qian Yumo...

Luo Wener narrowed her eyes... Didn't he and Qian Yuyi be twin brothers? Although it's far away, it doesn't look like that figure. Could it be that Qian Yuyi has participated in physical exercise since childhood, so he is more "open"?

However, looking at the man's behavior, it is really comparable to the rumors.

" Stay inside and don't come out!"

Hearing Qian Yuyi's whispering, then he got off his horse and strode forward like a meteor.

Everyone is kneeling while I'm hiding in the car. Is that okay?

However, it seems that she has grown so big that she has never knelt down. If she is really short...

Qian Yuyi is right. It's better to hide. In case she is found to be such a disrespectful king, she will not be dragged out and cut down?

Thinking about this, I couldn't help pulling the curtains again, leaving only a small needle-like crack to observe the outside.

But seeing two bright and dark figures approaching rapidly, as if two opposing planets running in the same orbit will collide with each other the next moment.

But the two of them didn't realize that the closer the distance, the faster the speed.

Finally, the planet collided...

Luo Wen'er watched the two brothers hug each other intimately. One was tall and the other was romantic, and they were so harmonious. However, she is also worried... Wuya is mainly strong there alone, but together with Qian Yuyi, it becomes a "hardcover". She kept pricking her ears, waiting to hear the crisp sound of his bones breaking, but only heard the breeze passing by.

Then she saw that the two finally let go. Qianyu's winged robes were shaken and they wanted to kneel, but they were pulled by the Lord of Wuya. They looked at each other for a long time, and then walked hand side by side to the tedious white jade ladder that seemed to be endless.

Is that all?

Luo Wen'er looked at the two people's distant figure and saw that the palace people who accompanied them also followed, and then turned her head to look at the soldiers around... What's wrong with leaving us here?

The welcoming people left in an orderly manner under the guidance of the praetorian guards. After half a pillar of incense, they were left alone in the huge square.

The sun is shining brightly. It's already May, and it's very hot inside and outside the car, especially inside, which is like sweat steaming.

Luo Wener picked up the rabbit and was ready to get out of the car. But as soon as he opened the car door, he was intercepted by Yue Liying: "The general has an order for you to stay inside!"

Yue Liying won't deliberately trouble her when Qian Yuyi is not here, will she? Stay inside... Do you want to stay inside and have a try?

However, Yue Liying did not move, and Luo Wener couldn't do it, so she could only close the car door with hatred.

She leaned against the window and rolled up all the curtains to breathe.

A water bag suddenly appeared in front of him: "Drink some water to prevent heatstroke!"

She stared at the water bag for a moment and silently took it over.

Open the plug and take a sip.

The water bag was warmed by the sun, and the water inside was not much better, but she looked at Yue Liying's dry lips and silently handed over the water bag.

Yue Liying took a sip directly.

Although she marched and fought, everyone didn't care about this, but this person was Yue Liying. She treated Qian Yuyi... She treated her...

"You just stay inside. I'll see if I can find something to eat later."

Throw the water bag back into the carriage and turn around and walk away.

Is this still Yue Liying who wanted to throw her in the flowing sand? It seems that since she released blood to Qian Yuyi as a medicine guide, Yue Liying's attitude towards her has begun to change.

Of course, this transformation is elusive, but Luo Wener obviously feels that she has much less hostility to herself. However, she still can't be friends, because Qian Yuyi can only be separated from her.

Luo Wener lay at the window and looked weakly at the whitening ground of the square.

There seems to be something in my ear, getting louder and denseter.

Are there cicadas in this season?

She thought in a daze, her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and finally came together...

I don't know how long she slept, but I heard someone calling her and shaking her hard.

She tried to open her eyes, but when she saw Yue Liying withdraw her hand and rubbed her clothes, her face was full of irritation.

"What's the matter?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly found a string of saliva hanging on the corners of his lips.

The posture is wrong!

However, it was too late to get up and go back to sleep, so she had to smile apologetically at Yue Liying.

Yue Liying didn't have time to pay attention to her, just flashed aside...

A round face immediately came up.

She hurriedly hid back...

"Don't be afraid..." The man also took a step back and bowed slightly.

Listen to the sound, he is a eunuch.

"The general is in the hall, and the king ordered our family to invite Miss Luo to go there..."

Ask her over? Could it be...

Her head roared, and then the heartbeat sounded clearly and heavily in her ear.

Thousand wings shouldn't... He really...

Although he always said that he would ask the king for marriage as soon as he came back, and she didn't care about it, at this moment, the reality suddenly hit her, and she was still shocked.

Marry... She is about to get married... and Qian Yuyi...

It's not something she wants to do, but it's too fast, too fast. She doesn't seem to have anything to prepare, but what should she do?

Her mind was a little confused, and she got out of the car under the repeated urging of the eunuch.

My foot suddenly softened and almost fell down.

"Oh, please slow down."

The eunuch said strangely, grabbed her and looked at her carefully. His eyes were as strange as his voice.

I don't know whether Luo Wener's legs were numb or shocked by the news, but she felt that her feet were as weak as stepping on cotton.

After a few steps, he suddenly looked back at Yue Liying.

She stood there motionlessly, looking like a little poplar, but her face was frighteningly white, her eyes were black, and she looked at her for a moment. Seeing her turn around, she turned her eyes as if nothing had happened, but her face became more transparent.

Luo Wen'er's heart was a little uncomfortable.

Are you born and dead for several years to inherit your father's will, or to accompany him? But one of them left her forever, and the other wanted to marry another woman. She... what's left?

However, a figure suddenly flashed from behind her.

It's Yunfeng... When did he come?

"Miss Luo, hurry up. Wang Shang is still waiting." The eunuch urged.

Luo Wener turned her head and walked forward slowly.

In fact, sometimes people always feel that the scenery in the distance is good, the farther the better, but they don't know that the most beautiful scenery is around them.

However, she is not Yue Liying and can't decide for her.

Everyone has their own pursuit, and who can decide who?


Luo Wener stood outside the Chaoyang Hall and looked at the upright guards and eunuchs like crooked neck trees on both sides of the jade steps.

Everyone does not squint.

She also knew that she should also stand aside and wait for the summons, but she couldn't suppress her curiosity. Although she stood still, her eyes kept turning around.

After reading this and that, she only felt that these guards seemed to be the same batch of products produced on the assembly line, and the eunuchs were no exception. The same outfit is fine. Even the appearance is very close, and people can't think that they are multiple births, because these people line up straight from the highest steps to the palace gate dozens of feet away. How much production does it take?

Their expressions are stiff and look like woodcuts. If it hadn't been for the slight ups and downs in their chests, they would have thought it was a chiseled decoration.

She was sighing that the eunuch who had previously been notified came out.

"Miss Luo, Wang asked our family to take the girl in."