I have something to do with you

139 Let me out

"Come on, let me out, I'm going out..."

Luo Wener closed her eyes and said these words drowsily, and she didn't know whether it was a sober speech or a dream.

"...Wenwen, after so many things, don't you believe me?"

How many times have you asked me to believe you, I don't know if I should believe it, and other than that, I have no choice.

How many times have you asked me to believe you, and you are really worth believing, but why is there so much uneasiness in my heart? Am I too suspicious?

"... Wenwen, don't worry, I will only love you all my life, as long as you are one, I will not change! If you violate this, let me... lose you forever!"

A sudden pain in my heart... The price of this vow is too heavy, but is it my price or yours?

"... Wenwen, do you know that you are more important than my life!"

The eyebrows trembled slightly, which made the forehead ache.

She clenched her lip, but couldn't stop tears falling.

Qian Yuyi, you must come to me, you must find me...

She coughed twice, opened her eyes with effort, and only felt the dark yellowness shaking in front of her eyes.

She turned over, suppressed her nausea, and climbed towards the railing step by step.

He patted the railing and tried to shout, "Come on, let me out, let me out..."


"...I only read these words all day, woke up from sleep to time, and vomited in the afternoon..."

In a trance, Luo Wener seemed to hear someone talking in a low voice.

"Well, find a doctor to show her..."

This sound is lower.

She barely raised her eyes and saw two people standing outside the railing vaguely.

I just took a look and fell asleep again.


Luo Wener suspected that it was a violent impact-induced concussion. She seemed to be in a coma for a long time. When she woke up, she found that her clothes were stained with suspicious colors and smelling of sour and pungent smell, which made her almost spit out again. For a moment, she really wanted to throw away this dirty self away.

I was not so dizzy. I tried to recall what had happened during this period, but except for the two voices in my dizziness, I didn't seem to have seen anyone.

Who locked her up here? What are they going to do?

She moved to the side of the railing and saw for the first time that the left and right were narrow but empty, extending to the dark corridor and saw that the opposite and the adjacent cells were empty and silent.

Is she the only one here?

There was an infinite panic in his heart.

She grabbed the railing, looked at the silence in front of her again in disbelief, and patted the railing hard: "Is there anyone? Come on, let me out, let me out..."

The sound of the door suddenly... To be precise, it was the sound of a chain impact from the dark part of the corridor, echoing on the cold walls.

Luo Wener immediately clenched the railing and tried her best to poke her head out and look at the source of the sound.

Although the footsteps are light, they are very messy. There must be more than one person, and there is a faint aroma, mixed with the dry and cold mildew, which is a strange smell.

She watched the pairs of boots walk up to her... Stop, and the boots in front of her immediately gave way, as if they were humble.

So a rusty red robe was exposed, and all three of them were dressed in blue.

The yellow light is wrapped behind them, and you can't see the look on their faces clearly, but you can feel that they are staring at her uniformly.

This gives her a bad feeling, just like in modern society, she went to the zoo. She was outside the cage and the monkey was in the cage, but now the one in the cage has been replaced by her...

"Bring her out..." A strange voice suddenly opened his mouth, which was the leader.

Immediately, someone opened the copper lock and reached out to grab her.

She immediately hid back.

With such a move, I suddenly felt dizzy.

The leader seemed to frown: "Isn't it good yet? I just heard that the sound was very neutral.

turned around: "Take her out..."

Several people in blue couldn't help pressing her on the stretcher, lifting her up and leaving.

She was so afraid that she didn't dare to move, because she felt dizzy and had a headache when she moved. She could only hold the stretcher firmly, looked at the distant lights on the wall, and said nervously, "Your excellency, where are you going?"

The man in a rusty red robe seemed to enjoy such a name and cleared his throat: "The arraignment."


What mistake did she make?

She was so anxious to sit up.

"Don't move." The adult glanced at her and said, "Now you can't escape even if you want to escape. If you have anything to say, talk to the people of Dali Temple."

Dasi Temple? What does Dali Temple do?

However, she was not allowed to ask questions. The stretcher turned twice and had turned out of the corridor. At the end of the corridor is a slightly wide room, with several high candles in the middle, but a landscape screen is placed on the other side. The light inside the screen is dim and faintly audible.

Luo Wen'er was put in the light, but the people who brought her disappeared without a trace.

"Why doesn't the criminal kneel down?"

Luo Wen'er was holding herself, but she didn't know where she burst out a changed roar, which made the candle flame tremble together.



What crime did I commit?

But she dares not resist now, because even if she knows a little light skills, but these four sides are closed, where can she fly? What's more, she is dizzy now and can't do anything at all?

She lingered, fell and climbed up, and fell again. Coupled with her own weakness, she performed very vividly.

"All right, you can lie on your stomach." A strange voice of impatience came from the screen.

Combined with what she had just seen and heard, Luo Wener couldn't help looking into the screen again... Could it be that these people who arraigned her were eunuchs?

"Bold!" The strange tone sounded again.

However, there was a shack in the screen, and then he listened to the sound, and then lengthen the door: "What's your name?"

What's the name?

"Luo..." Luo Wener wanted to answer, but her mind quickly turned twice: "Cloud..."

She seemed to hear a soft smile, but when she raised her ears, there was no movement, and even the eunuch who interrogated her had no sound.

But only for a moment, the eunuch said again, "Who are you?"

Luo Wener turned her eyes and said, "Yucheng."

She really wants to say something, but since she came to this time and space, she has only been in Yucheng for a few months and is familiar with it. Once asked, she may be able to answer fluently. But when she thought about it, she suddenly regretted it. Why didn't she pretend to lose her memory? In this way, can she say nothing, and even if she really committed something, the punishment can be reduced? But what on earth did she make?