I have something to do with you

167 Mobile Bank

Hu Lun knew that this was specifically for Luo Wen'er.

In fact, the wanted notice posted on the street that day was specially arranged by the master, and then took Luo Wener out to let her see the tension of the situation.

However, is it for intimidation, to test, or to find it funny... The master often makes some pranks, but now how does he feel that the master is taking this opportunity to ask Luo Wener to stay with him, not dare to breed the idea of escaping, and let Luo Wen'er be grateful to himself, and then in the name of protection, okay? "Rail" thing?

However, the master warned him not to be "smart", and he did not dare to say it as true and half false as before. Looking at the master's reaction, he tossed back and forth in his heart, which was really tortured to death.

At present, the master asked him to " testify" and gave him a chance to speak.

He knew very well that the master was nothing more than pity for Luo Wener's careful appearance and hoped that she would be happy. But master, aren't you afraid that she is a Zhongshan wolf, and her ambition will be rampant? If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan! Besides, she doesn't know that you are worried about her at all. Isn't it thankless?

Master, when did you start the loss-making business?

But the master looked at him like that... Although he seemed to be unintentional and smiling, his eyes flashed...

He sighed secretly, but raised his tone: "Yes, our king has never wronged a good man, and he is generous and compassionate. This special Kaienli is for the people's happiness and well-being. So those small crimes that are difficult to get into the hall of elegance should be released as a small 'mosquito'.

After getting the "amnesty", Luo Wen'er couldn't help but be happy, but the definition of her crime was "difficult to go to the hall of elegance", and she couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

Why does what people do is a "career", which is an important role, and hers is a small fight, which is not worth mentioning?

Immediately emerged from behind Qianyu Mo and held his head high, but not for theory, but...

"I'm going to... 'dressing', don't follow me!"

Before the words fell, people got into the crowd and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master, look, I'm running away!" Hu Lun was so angry.

Qian Yumo shook the fan and smiled calmly.

Look at the direction of Luo Wen'er's disappearance...

Across the heads of the people, the four big characters "Rentai Qianzhuang" are shining in the sun.

The corners of his lips were also stained with Jincan, called Hu Lun, and whispered a few words.

Hu Lun immediately went away with a ferocious smile on his face.


After removing the heavy copper money, she also relieved her worries. Suddenly, Luo Wener felt that she could fly.

She took a long breath, took a deep breath, felt the existence of the thin silver ticket hidden on her chest, and suddenly felt full of her heart.

Steadily back.

Qian Yumo is standing there waiting for her.

People come and go, bustling, but they can't stain the snow coat with any dust.

Even if you are in the midst of complexity, the jade tree is still in the wind, brilliant, like a fairy outside the sky, coming to the mortal world.

She sighed that with such a demeanor, it was no wonder that the girls who came with her faces were red and their eyes flashed. Even she, among so many people, only looked at him with one eye.

Qian Yumo also looked over, shook his fan, and smiled at her lips.

In a good mood, she was not so upset to see the person she hated. She even smiled back at him.

Qian Yumo's smile is even more clear.

Through the sea of people, I walked to Qian Yumo.

"Where's Lao Wu?" She found that there was a person missing.

Qian Yumo shook his fan and smiled: "I'm going to do something."

"Eun son, son..."

The two were talking when Hu Lun squeezed back with difficulty. The tip of his nose was full of sweat, but he looked very happy.

"My son, what you need to do is done." Hu Lun presented something respectfully.

Luo Wener was not in the mood to care about their affairs, so she only glanced at it, but saw a dark piece of paper with some dense words on it.

However, Hu Lun had another thing. This time, it seemed to deliberately pass under her eyes, so she was naturally drawn to her eyes, and then... fixed.

Then, clenches your fists.

Then, grit your teeth.

Hu Lun seemed to be afraid that she was not angry enough, and slowly stressed, "The shopkeeper said that Rentai Qianzhuang will belong to you in the future. This is the stub left by a girl who just saved money. Because the master was in a hurry, they didn't have time to enter the account, so they asked me to show it to you first..."

Luo Wener saw Qian Yumo take over the stub, smiled at the corners of her lips, picked up the thin paper with her long finger, put the paper far away like the eyes of an old man, and narrowed her eyes: "Oh, seven taels of silver, you have made a lot of money these days."

I folded the stub with a smile and put it in my arms.

"How convenient is it to withdraw money from me in the future? How dangerous is it to run to the street if you have nothing to do? He took a fan and pretended to mysteriously point to Rentai Qianzhuang: "You don't go out, so I don't know... This bank is going to close down! Otherwise, other silver houses are 50 taels of silver to get a silver ticket. How did they get to you..."

Suddenly grabbed her wrist and put it on her chest...

Under the skirt is the "lucky" stub, and Luo Wener can even feel it crying.

"But now in my hands, it won't go bankrupt. I am your mobile bank. You are welcome to withdraw at any time..."

Luo Wener pulled out her hand with hatred.

Although the silver ticket was still close to her heart, it undoubtedly became a piece of waste paper. She only felt that the paper was cool now.

This Mo Xi is really sharp, mean, tricky, despicable and shameless, even if all the words in the world can't describe his badness!

No wonder he wore white all day long. It turned out that he wanted to cover up his black heart!

Do you still laugh at any time and think it's unrestrained and sunny? But I don't know that every smile hides sharp blades, sharp knives, and every trace of warmness hides calculations, insidious!

This jackal, tiger and leopard, demon and monster!

She suddenly wanted to cry. The hard work these days, the hardships of hiding money, and the hope before going to bed every night... is gone, all gone...

She lowered her eyes and walked forward.

"Oh, you..." Hu Lun was going to stop her.

How clear is the master's words... Let her ask for it, but she...

Qian Yumo stopped him and didn't say anything. He only shook the fan and still smiled calmly.


Luo Wener only walked with her head down, regardless of whether she would get lost or not. Anyway, she knew that no matter where she went, Mo Xi would follow her, just like chewing gum.

mouth, fragrance, sugar!

Why did she fall to this point? It was just a person who was rescued by him, and now he has become his prisoner. He can smile at her gently, but the next step is to do it without mercy, and he is dignified and righteous.

He was peeling her, little by little, layer by layer, until he grinded her so that there was no bone residue left.

People say that the spirit is free, but now, even the spirit is so powerless.