I have something to do with you

221 Who is the winner

He is a little frustrated, but it's no wonder that since he has let go, what does it matter to the master? What did he worry about? I thought this was sick and that was crazy, but it turned out that it was abnormal to be myself.

But on the first day of May, he found that something seemed to be wrong with the master.

From the morning, I have been a little distracted. As the sun moves, my eyebrows become deeper and deeper.

He pinched his finger... Isn't it? But every day with "one" every month is the day of "receipt", and after careful calculation, the master hasn't been to Tianxiang Tower for a month.

For a moment, I was excited and was busy preparing the equipment to leave the palace for my master. I swallowed a voice change pill first. I was still surprised. What am I happy about?

But the master did not move.

Hu Lun's heart gradually calmed down.

It seems that the master is really going to let go, but the silver... So it belongs to Luo Wen'er?

However, at night, when Hu Lun walked into the Bichi Palace with Anshen tea, he was shocked to see that the master crooked on the hibiscus couch had disappeared.

He looked around, but only saw Lang Hao, but Lang Hao also said that he didn't see Wang Shang.

Hu Lun was dumbfounded. The master left him and Lang Hao here and left the palace alone?

Go to find... Luo Wen'er?


The late spring wind is soft and soft, gently brushing the temples, bringing the fragrance of gardenia in the distance.

Luo Wener picked up the wine jar, took a sip, and looked at the night sky again.

On the first day of the moonless lunar year, the stars are dotted, like pearls, like broken snow, like silver, densely spread all over the sky, much like the night of the grassland.

She blinked, and the water mist gathered and dispersed in her eyes, and she saw the star seem to float down leisurely, flying like a firefly.

is more similar.

She smiled and reached out to pick up the stars, but only the cool and wet wind passed through her fingers.


It turns out that no matter how high she is, she can never pick stars higher.

Just like that person...

Thousand Wings, do you remember? Last year today, you took me to Shengjing, and in a few days, it will be us...

You also said that spring would take me back to Yucheng, and now spring is almost over...

She squeezed her lips and took another big sip.

Apply the corners of your lips.

The ancient wine was not as spicy as modern wine, but she was choked into tears.

I lay on my knees for a while, then looked up and picked up the wine jar...

A long figure, even if there is no moon, is still lightly spread on the green tiles as neat as fish scales.

The wind blows and the clothes swing gently.

She moved her eyes and returned to the wine jar: "The money has been prepared in the account room..."

At the end of the speech, hold up the wine jar...

But it was empty in his hand. The next moment, there was a person sitting beside him, holding the wine jar: "What good wine did you get? Is it a person hiding on the roof to drink?"

Then, he couldn't help but take a big sip and frowned: "The wine tastes worse, but..."

Suddenly a smile: "If it is stained with the fragrance of beauty, it can be called a peerless wine!"

Luo Wen'er stared at him and grabbed the wine jar. She wanted to drink, so she heard him say, "I don't know what would taste like if it touched my lips?" And..."

Extremely stretched out his legs: "Men and women drink a cup together, this should be called..."

Luo Wener had already got up, but her wrist suddenly tightened, and she was a little drunk. She didn't know what was going on and fell directly into a slightly cold embrace.

The complex and contradictory smell of water suddenly came to her face, which was so familiar and kind that her eyes were hot.

"Gone go!"

But how can she earn more than Qian Yumo?

Qian Yumo surrounded her struggling and stroked her shoulder, as if he was holding a angry kitten in his arms.

His voice fell softly on his ears, like the night wind in late spring: "Are the clouds in a bad mood?"


"Yuncai, I just want to ask you, if you tell the truth, I will let you go..."

When the action is stagnant, continue to struggle... Why should I listen to you?

"Cloud," his tone was slightly hesitant, but he was looking forward to it. When he opened his mouth again, he was already trembling several times: "Your fault, is there a little... for me?"

It seemed that a stone suddenly fell into the lake, with a "dong" sound and smashed the surface of the microwave.

But a little... is it for him?

Luo Wener couldn't explain it clearly. All she knew was that it was an unexpected surprise to see him suddenly appear in front of him that day, but he was inexplicably angry and inexplicably embarrassed her, also known as taking away her small vault... In fact, that was what she wanted to share with him, but...

Forget when she liked to share her happiness with him. When there was a happy event, the first thing I wanted to tell him was. When something difficult happened, I also wanted to find a solution with him.

He looks like her friends, relatives, like...

Although he is still so unso serious, she knows that he has never hurt her heart, not only that, but also helps her everywhere.

But since it's for her good, why do you have to push her step by step?

These days, she hasn't thought about breaking the deadlock, but look at him...

In the past, he came to Tianxiang Tower for three days, but now... he doesn't seem to have appeared for a month, right? There was no trace in the other courtyard, and it suddenly appeared now. Do you remember that the account has not been collected yet?

How did she become such an unprofitable financial relationship with him?

She can't believe it when she thinks about the past, and when she recalls the warmth and warmth of the past, compared with today's meanness and ruthlessness...

Such clarity may be the reality, but why is reality always like a dry watercolor painting? As long as you touch it, it will change from perfect to cracked mottled?

" Let go of me!"

As soon as the words came out, tears fell down first. Then, there seemed to be endless depression, grievances, anger... all rushed out along the crack.

She wanted to suppress the cry, but the harder she worked, the happier those emotions ran.

Qian Yumo hugged her and let her push and rub her, but he didn't let her leave. He patted her on the back like a child and said, "Cry, cry, just cry..."

She had drunk a lot of wine. Although the degree of ancient wine was so low that she would not sleep with a sip, she was also drunk. After crying for a long time, she was even more dizzy.

In a trance, I heard Qian Yumo smile.

He suddenly woke up... He didn't come here to annoy her, did he?

Qian Yumo was really happy. He picked up the wine jar and put a bowl in front of her: "Come on, drink!"

Seeing that she didn't move, there was a trace of evil charm on the corners of her lips: "Why, do you really want to drink with me?"

She burst into tears and opened her mouth again with a strong nasal voice, and even her tongue didn't work well: "Are you happy now?"

Qian Yumo nodded: "Happy, very happy!"

took a big sip with his hand, showing a soundness.

Indeed, he is happy.

Luo Wener frowned angrily and tried to make several beaten faces in front of her: "Then you can go!"

"Go? Why should I leave?" Qian Yumo is puzzled.

"You've seen enough jokes. You won. Is that a good reason?"

"Win? What wins?"

Still puzzled, he realized in an instant, smiled, and looked at his shadow: "Yes, I won..."

Now, it took two months to put it down.

"You..." Luo Wen'er was furious.

I wanted to hit him, but I couldn't tell which one was his real head. As a result, he suddenly waved and was caught by him: "Actually, the real winner is you, and I have lost a long time ago..."

From the moment I saw you, from the moment I "saved" you out of the prison, from... I forgot when, all I knew was that every point I approached you, I lost one point. Now, I have nothing, and can you accept this person who loses himself to you?

I didn't come to you to collect the bill today. Even a few times ago, I just want to see you angry, so as to judge that I have some weight in your heart, but you...

It's not that I haven't thought of letting go and trying to avoid everything related to you, but...

Today is a "good" day, because today is the day when that person will take you back to Beijing. If it's the past, I'm afraid I've forgotten it. However, since when did I connect all my time with you?

I know you will be sad. I really want to come with you, but...

I hesitated and watched the shadow move. Finally, I summoned up my courage and came. Because the night will hide a lot of things I don't want you to see.

But what did I see?

You cried.

Although this sadness is mostly for that person, there are also tears that belong to me, right?

I lost and lost powerless, but I also won, and my heart blossomed.

And you... you fool!

Fill the bowl and hand it to her: "Come and drink this cup for the winner!"

Luo Wen'er was already confused. She didn't understand the analysis of winning or losing for most of the day, but when she saw that he was not naive, she was angry: "Who wants to drink with you? Didn't you come to settle accounts with me?"

Qian Yumo showed his innocence: "Didn't we just release our past grudges?"

"Who will let go of your past grudges with you?"

"We have drunk a jar of wine together, and we have made up. Is it possible that you really want to fight with me for the rest of your life?"

What 'lifetime'? You go now!"

"What if I don't leave?"

"Are you leaving or not?"







Luo Wener began to kick him, but somehow, Qian Yumo suddenly jumped out a "go", and then she picked up a "no go!"

Then he was stunned immediately.

Qian Yumo laughed and said, "This is what you kept me!"

Luo Wen'er was angry: "If you don't leave, I'll go!"

"Okay," Qian Yumo grabbed her: "The child is angry and turns his face. Are you not as good as a child?"

"Children are ignorant and unintentional mistakes and can be forgiven, but what if adults are unreasonable?"

"You are a little unreasonable!"

Angry: "You go!"