I have something to do with you

308 Qianxiang Jingfang 2

It turns out that there will never be absolute justice in the game, and it will be biased because of what the heart wants and what it wants.

"Four seasons and spring" has begun to be auctioned, and the sound waves are endless.

It can be said that off-site support also affects the judges' impression and judgment to some extent, and it is not only the nightless people who are competing to buy "Four Seasons in the Spring".

Duan Yuzhou doesn't seem to have a group of relatives and friends. There are only a few nobles gathered around Chengyang Square, which are purely lively. Because it is said that the nightless court was very noisy, the five princes made Ximen Yuan angry and seriously ill in order to compete for the throne, so they handed over the government to Liji to take care of and added fuel to the fire.

The stability of a country has a great impact on people of any class in China. It is difficult for Duan Yuzhou to be so calm, clear-headed and unrest in the face of danger.

She looked at him with admiration, and Duan Yuzhou was looking around the excitement, with a faint smile on the corners of his lips.

It is not like the arrogance of the Xueling people, but a kind of relief, a kind of relief, a kind of happiness that is finally recognized and appreciated after all the hard work, just like a butterfly lurking in the cocoon. After several efforts, it finally got out of the bondage, so it spreads its gorgeous wings and walked against the wind.

Maybe he will get what he wants this time.

However, she couldn't help looking at Mu Liansheng...

Just as his eyes were changing, the assistant behind Duan Yuzhou suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her.

She unconsciously looked back at the past, but saw the man bow his head again.

Somehow, she suddenly felt that she had seen this person somewhere, but when she searched her memory, she couldn't find it. The vague sense of familiarity seemed to be a very faint fragrance, as if it was still there.

Before, she believed that not only herself, but also everyone's eyes were attracted by the man in gray behind Ding Yizhi. If Duan Yuzhou's assistant had not suddenly looked at her and dodged, she would never have paid attention to him. Moreover, she inexplicably felt that this person probably also had a sense of déjà vu with her. However, when she looked over again, the man always lowered his head and seemed to find that he was noticed, buried his head even more, and hid behind Duan Yuzhou.

His body is rare and slender, so it is easy to hide himself behind Duan Yuzhou's body, revealing only a pointed jaw, and his skin is a little white and blue.

The sound of gongs.

In the end, it was the boundless people who won the "Four Seasons Spring", and the rest of the boundless people are celebrating.

I have to say that although Wuya people are extremely patriotic, they also know how to be inclusive, which is probably an important reason why they can develop from a small island to a big country that cannot be ignored in less than 200 years.

How can you not be strong if you can love yourself and others?

She suddenly felt that God still favored her, and let her travel to such a country, not like the domineering of the country, not like the fierceness of the Hui Kingdom, not like the conservative closure of Xueling, not like the feminine and cunning of the night, but magnanimous and broad, like the rising sun, with infinite vitality.

She exhaled gently and thought that she represented this country in the competition, and her heart suddenly warmed.

However, at this time, the shadowy eyes floated again in a wisp of wind, blowing the hair of her temples...

"Four Seasons Spring" competed for the current highest price of this conference.

Duan Yuzhou saluted the boundless man with an elegant posture and a solemn look.

Although the old man of the Mu family was smiling, the corners of his lips were unnatural. He wink at Mu Liansheng when he was unprepared.

Mu Liansheng lowered his eyes and bent the corners of his lips relaxedly, as if he was really happy for his opponent, and as if he was confident about his work, but he didn't know if he had seen the face of the old Mu family.

The sound of gongs, the auction ended, and the aftermath did not stop, Mu Liansheng took a step forward.

Everyone showed their surprise, because it is reasonable that if the last "Xiangwang" participated in the competition, he would always make the last appearance to show the finale of the play and relieve the pressure on the rest of the players, but...

The old man of the Mu family was a little dull. He just asked Mu Liansheng to be careful of Duan Yuzhou. How could he be wrong? But according to his cleverness, he should not be able to...

"Students visited the western foothills and met a spring in the forest. The spring water is clear, and fine stone fish can be seen. The fish is very strange. The fish is short and bright in color, and looks like a koi. However, the tail is quite large, divided into three petals, some even four petals and five petals, swimming like peach blossoms. The eyes are also extra prominent, such as night vision ghosts. The head is even more strange, giving birth to many pieces, just like sea urchin..."

Luo Wener blinked. Did he say that he was talking about the lion-headed goldfish? Mo Xi had bought one at the market and threatened her to take care of it, but the fish had already died in the tank. However, Mo Xi also seemed to have forgotten about this matter and did not ask her for mental loss.

"The student was curious when a woman suddenly appeared by the spring, with a bright moon-like face, a color like spring flowers, and a beautiful dress. She said that these fish were not only lost, but also became such a look when they were not good at learning and leaped into the gate.

Luo Wen'er couldn't help looking at him a few times. At the beginning, Mo Xi pointed to the only lion's head in a pot of koi and was shocked and said, "Isn't this head full of bag coming out when he jumped the dragon gate?"

Is it that Mu Liansheng was also present at that time?

Is it...

Her heart beat. However, although Mu Liansheng is elegant, he lacks that kind of precious gorgeousness. He...

She laughed at herself secretly. How could she think he was Mo Xi?

"In fact, since you are a fish, you have to abide by the rules of the fish. If you barely do it, it is against God's will. If you don't become an anti-dog, you should be responsible for your own sins!"

Luo Wen'er finally heard the sound of the words. Mu Liansheng said that making incense is a matter of Xueling people. Except for Xueling people, everyone is overreliant. Such behavior is not worth mentioning and is vulnerable to the real test.

The unique height and pride of the Xueling people are overflowing here, but I don't know whether he includes all the participants from non-Xeling countries, or only for Duan Yuzhou?

This man is usually light and doesn't care about everything. Unexpectedly, he has a needle hidden in the cotton. He has a special heart. After careful study, it is three points more poisonous than Gan Luxuan's poisonous tongue.

However, it can also be seen that he did meet his opponent, and Duan Yuzhou did make him feel right.

She unconsciously looked at Duan Yuzhou, but when she saw that he was pale, as if she were just listening to a mythical story, she couldn't help but have some respect for him.

Looking at Lan Xiaoxin again, he was not very calm. He clenched his fists and the blue veins on his forehead jumped straight. The assistant behind him could only hold his sleeve tightly to remind him not to be impulsive.

And Mu Lian seems to be just talking about an adventure, and she is talking endlessly.

"However, God has the virtue of a good life, so let them practice in this spring, hoping to climb the Dragon Gate next time, and this spring is called 'Wish'."

Is this the magnanimity of Xueling again?


Luo Wener curled her lips.

No matter what ability a person has, if he is not right, it is rare to be respected by others.

Mu Liansheng has presented a masterpiece with a tray: "The woman said that anyone who meets this spring is predestined. Just make a wish and drink the water in the spring, and your wish will be fulfilled..."

Lan Xiaoxin suddenly interrupted and said in a bad tone: "Dare to ask Mr. Mu, did you promise to win the 'Xiangwang' at that time, so that..."

Mu Liansheng smiled, and his voice was still as elegant as the wind: "Liansheng has always believed that there are too many things in the world, far more important than the name of 'Xiangwang'..."

If he really doesn't have a sense of ridicule, this sentence is really a shining breeze.

"Humph," Lan Xiaoxin sneered: "You're just afraid to say it, so you admit that your 'Xiangwang' is not martial!"

Is Lan Xiaoxin always like this or was he really stimulated at the last Xiangdou Conference? What is the stimulus?

At the last conference, he was defeated by Mu Liansheng. Luo Wener originally worshipped him as a legend, but although he also performed well this time, he showed impatience and completely lost the foundation of the need to calm down. This sentence can only relieve the moment's anger, but in fact it has fallen.

She didn't know if the people present were the only ones who thought that Mu Liansheng wanted to use this "adult adventure" to create momentum for his work.

Some things are very strange, but it is just an ordinary stone. As long as you engrave it and say it is a prover, it will immediately be worth a hundred times, and even worshipped. This is the utility of advertising. She used it a lot when she opened the Tianxiang Building. If Lan Xiaoxin believes it, she may think that his last defeat was not a conspiracy... Of course, if this is also a conspiracy, then he is really vulnerable, and it is no wonder that Muliansheng just wanted to say such annoying words.

At this moment, Mu Liansheng did not take care of Lan Xiaoxin at all. He only looked at the judging table and restrained: "The students tasted the spring water, but they felt that it was clear and sweet, soft and transparent, like jade liquid, like agar. If there is substance in the mouth, it will be comfortable in the abdomen. Let alone what kind of wish you wish, just drinking this good spring is a great pleasure in the world. However, there is a strange thing..."

He deliberately stopped and attracted everyone's attention as he wished.

"When the student was ready to continue to ask, the woman suddenly disappeared. Only the trees are secluded, and the springs are clear..."

Everyone immediately cooperated to start the discussion.

"Isn't it a fairy?"

"Isn't it intentional?"

"Isn't it..."

The old man of the Mu family was even more involved. Despite the fact that he tried not to talk to his disciples during the conference to avoid practical avoidance, he leaned half of his body into the Qingyu case: "Liansheng, why have you never mentioned such a strange thing?"

This adds to the authenticity of the story.

Mu Liansheng smiled and said, "It's really because... it's all the students' fault."

Mu Liansheng should be a good speaker, which can easily arouse people's curiosity. Of course, this is also a skill that perfumers must master.