I have something to do with you

546 last

Unlike before, there was a shallow and broken kiss with warm wetness on the forehead of the temples and the tip of the nose and lips. He just looked at her and looked at her for a moment.

She saw her little shadow fixed in his eyes, as if it were frozen.

For a long time, she said softly, "Amo, let me go..."

Yes, in these two days, they acted separately and played a play for everyone.

As always, it is a tacit understanding, just for a purpose that I dare not say. Their hearts were tacit, and at this moment, they were suddenly broken by her words, and everything seemed to be immersed in silence for a moment.

She suddenly doubted whether she wanted him to let go or not. Should I stay or not...

However, no matter what, let me go, get out of here, and there will be no worries from now on.

The burden on your shoulder is so heavy that I can't help you share it. I can only take myself off your burden.

Amo, forgive me, I can't accompany you to the end...

Do you want to let her go?

He looked at her for a moment.

This is his favorite woman, the woman he wants to take care of for all his life, and the woman he can give up everything for her.

However, can he really give up everything?

With a heavy burden on his shoulder, he is more and more difficult to walk. He wanted to throw it down and leave, but the burden seemed to grow on him.

Lang Hao, A Xue, Chao Tang, Wuya... Whether he likes it or not, he has to carry it. There is also a her. How can he trap her in danger?

That day, he hugged her and walked into the forbidden place of Tianlong.

Hu Lun chased after him, but he was quickly blocked by the boundary, knelt on the ground, cried and howled, and begged him to come out.

He didn't look back.

Qian Yuhong came and stood silently outside the boundary. Suddenly, he said, "Hong knew that Brother Wang had always complained about my selfishness, and Hong was selfless today. She, you can't keep her. As the host of the dragon, she should be separated from the source of the dragon, or allow her to be safe for a lifetime. However, she walked step by step, but she was getting closer and closer to Longyuan. Especially the royal palace, the land of longan, they have the same breath. Even if you try your best to destroy Fang Jianghan's crystal ball, it won't help. The test dragon stone recognizes her, and one day she will expose her real body. Moreover, the thirteenth princess is coming to Shengjing. Do you think she just wants to marry you?

He stopped.

Yes, he knows that he knows that the thirteen princess is ully thinking. Now that the dragon is no longer a lie, how can she let go of this good opportunity? It may be emotional to let him sit on the throne above ten thousand people, but it is this ambitious woman who really wants to sit in that seat and command the world!

However, I'm afraid she will be disappointed.

If this is the time, he can't go out. What's the use of his wedding letter? Does the thirteenth princess want to marry and be a widow?

So, he left all the shouts behind, even if he suddenly learned an amazing secret. At that moment, he suddenly wanted to die on the spot, but he was still alive.

Darkness... Flame... Blood Curse... Sinking...

When he heard someone shouting... What a coincidence. As soon as Shang Yi woke up, Wang Shang also woke up.

He suddenly gained a joy.

But what's the use? For his burden, for the safety of more people, and for her, he could only let go of her.

He looked at her, her calm face, and her waveless eyes. However, he knew that the calmness must be rolling emotions. He heard her say... Amo, don't let me go, don't let me go.


He looked at her, with the corners of his lips slightly raised and spit out a word: "Okay..."

With just one word, it cuts off the front edge, cuts off all the fetters, and cuts off more than two thousand days and nights of mutual understanding and companionship.

"From now on, we will never see each other again!"

He added, but he held her hand but held her disobediently.

She looked at him, as if she were carefully tracing his eyebrows, and as if she wanted to erase the deep memories in her heart little by little.

Her lips moved slightly and spit out a word: "Okay..."

But why did her fingers hold him tightly, as if to pull back the easy response?

However, it's just silence.

They face each other, remember each other, and try to forget each other.

It was dawn, and everything last night seemed to be wrapped in the night and thrown to the other end of the sky forever with the arrival of dawn.

In the Bichi Palace, Hu Lun recited the holy edict with his eyes.

"... Contrary to the holy will, the servant is disrespectful. Resentment and plotting evil. He spoiled his pride and messed up the harem. Because of jealousy and hatred, he plotted to kill the dragon heir. The crimes are numerous and can be said to be exhaustive. However, as a 'Xianghuang', he also strives for honor. So he dismissed the seal of Shang Yi, expelled him from the palace, and never hired him. This..."

Luo Wener knelt down, stared at the cloud-patterned square brick under her knees, and heard the last two words. Fang leaned to the ground, and her voice was cool and stable: "Thank you... Wang."

Look up and look at the figure in front of you...

He always turned his back to her and stood with his hands behind his back, motionless as a mountain in the dark light.

I have prepared a night of calm, and there are slight waves at this moment, as if it is going to set off a huge wave in the next moment.

She hurriedly lowered her eyes, took a deep breath, and pressed the surging layers, so a voice trembled slightly in the hall, as if it had been blown away by the wind.

"King, take care..."

The figure was slightly shocked and seemed to raise his head. He didn't know where to look. For a long time, he said, "Okay..."

This "good" has since been isolated from thousands of rivers and mountains, and countless lovesickness in the second half of life has been paid in the wind...

She got up and retreated silently. When she arrived at the door, she turned around and left.

Hu Lun clenched the imperial edict, looked at her thin back, her lips trembled slightly, suddenly lowered her head, only looked at the ground, and clenched her teeth.

The room is very quiet, as if everything is still.

Is the master asleep? Why can't he hear the master's movement? Even the sleeves of the robe did not move, and stood so fixedly, as if it had become a dark light in the hall.

However, I don't know how long it took, the snow color on the edge of the sight suddenly shook and suddenly disappeared.

When I raised my eyes again, the hall was empty, and only the curtain floated slightly. The fluorite square brick where the master stood actually left two deep footprints...


On the high Huaxing Mountain, it was covered with snow, but in the snow, there was a white figure, who let the cold wind roll up his clothes, long hair, dancing wildly, and motionless.

The ink jade-like phoenix eyes are like being immersed in ice water, and a flying snow brushed its face, looking at the distance for a moment.

The landing point of sight is two women.

They moved slowly and were going to Puqing Gate.

Eight years ago, he stood here and sent her away.

At that time, there was a black carriage outside the door, and an equally black man picked her up.

But today, the door is empty, and there is only Wanying around her.

The snowy road is slippery, and her body suddenly tilts.

For a moment, he seemed to see himself flying over and holding her.

But after this moment, he found that he was still standing here, and it was Wanying who stopped her.

They continued to move forward, but the closer they approached Puqing Gate, the slower they became.

But his heartbeat gradually increased.

He saw her stop, as if he was about to turn back, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest at this moment.

However, he knew that she would not look back.

And she really didn't look back.

Gently lift your feet, cross the high threshold, and then...

He covered his chest, and a trace of pain was spreading.

Yes, he can feel the pain, which belongs to him and her.

The wind rolled up his sleeve and exposed the Supa tied to his left wrist.

He looked at the handkerchief and smiled slowly at the corners of his lips.

Cloud, do you know? Now, there is half of my blood in your body, and half of your blood in my body. We are truly compatible with blood, so I can feel your heart, wake up with you and sink together.

If you are happy, I will be happy. If you are painful, I will also be painful.

My heart will always follow you, and even if I never see you, I will never be separated.


At the beginning of the hour, Luo Wen'er left the palace.

At the end of the hour, the magnificent honor of the thirteenth princess of the Celestial Dynasty was full of drums and joy in the long snow, and the momentum was great, and slowly entered Shengjing from the Mingde Gate.

At the second moment, Hu Lun led a group of palace people into the Bichi Palace and changed clothes for the master.

He dared not look at the master's face, because the master raised his arms and always let them play with him like a puppet. The master's eyes looked faintly outside the hall, but there was only white snow.

"Xiao Lunzi, what should I do if I regret it now?"

Hu Lun didn't dare to answer, but hurriedly put the big red robe on him.

"What should I do if I want to chase her back?"

Hu Lun still did not dare to answer, but quickly buckled the filiation under his leadership.

"There was a woman who gave up her favorite freedom to accompany me. She cheated me back, and now she has left me to find freedom by herself..."

"Master..." Hu Lun couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and called with a trill.

Qian Yumo sighed, withdrew his eyes, and let someone add the nine crowns above his head.

Feel the heaviness, he raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and his black eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Cloud, I can't be the king in your heart..."


At noon, he entered the palace with a guard of honor, and the Lord of the boundless Kingdom greeted him.

The most luxurious man in the world smiled at the most favored princess of the Celestial Empire, and walked hand in hand on the jade steps.

The ceremony is full of music, and the wedding begins.


At noon, Luo Wener stood at the door of Tianxiang Building, looked up at the signboard with gold on a blue background, and then set her eyes on the crowd who had been squeezed to the door to watch the bustle, but saw her unbelievable and then crying with joy.

She smiled back, but her face suddenly changed, and she spit out a mouthful of blood.


"The shopkeeper's..."



"The shopkeeper's..."