I have something to do with you

553 Who are you

"Bell him in..."


"He is injured like this now. I guess he doesn't have the strength to do bad things. Besides, he is still a child..."

Child, what's wrong with the child? The most harmless things are the most dangerous.

"Sanlang, will you protect us?" Luo Wener asked.

Sanlang looked at her, and then at Wanying. His eyes must be: "Yes!"

Even at this time, Luo Wen'er was nervous. She keenly found that there seemed to be some difference between the two. Looking again... Why did her lips break? What's wrong with the tooth marks on the face? And Wanying's skirt... Sanlang's skirt...

Sanlang was not ashamed, but Wanying hurriedly leaned away.

A message popped out... Sanlang was subdued by Wanying!

For a while, he was in a good mood and his tone was cheerful: "Bry him in quickly. However, in order to prevent trouble, it is better to tie him up first. Don't tie it too tightly, he still has injuries..."


"What? Did she carry people in?

Qian Yumo got up and his face suddenly changed.

"Master, keep your voice down, don't be angry, don't be angry..." Hu Lun lowered his voice and kept gianting at the door.

Since the thirteenth princess entered the palace, she only wanted to "achieve good deeds" with her master. He had never seen such a bold woman. As a result, the master was also scared and became a sick little white rabbit. Now he has become the master's "servant", and he has to eat all kinds of food first for fear of being drugged.

He only thinks that it is the right way that this should be done by Lang Hao, because everything is caused by him, and if he is really "tried", how can he get rid of his anger?

So he must not let people know that the master is full of anger, otherwise he will be the only one who is unlucky.

Qian Yumo also realized that he was too impulsive, but Yuncai, that person's identity is obviously complicated. How can you get close to him? You are still pregnant...

At the thought of this, he couldn't help roaring.

His clouds, his clouds... How can he not be with her at this time?

Her easy child...

He was also surprised. Later, she asked Gu Dong and knew that she had stopped the soup for a long time.

When I just learned the news, I was shocked. I arrested Dr. Qin and asked him to get rid of the root of the disaster immediately. However, Dr. Qin said that if the melons are ripe, if they are forcibly removed, they will hurt their muscles and bones.

He began to worry and regret the madness of that night.

However, there is a trace of joy... child, he and her child. How much he wants to be by her side. He can stroke her round stomach, teach the child to be called "father" and "mother" and listen to what the child says in it. They waited for the baby to be born and watched him grow up...

In fact, these are not the most important. The key is the body of the clouds...

However, the thirteen princess is coveted, and he must "forget love", otherwise he can only put the clouds in danger. Even so, he may not be able to keep her safe. He can only send a secret guard to watch her and guard her, but he doesn't expect that something unexpected will always happen.

The two kneeling looked at each other and buried their heads: "At that time, someone attacked our hiding place. We thought someone was going to harm Shang Yi and fight with it, but unexpectedly, it was the enemy's plan to transfer troops. The man took the opportunity to hide in the yard. We didn't want to disturb Shang Yi, but also because Wang Shang didn't want Shang Yi to know our existence. But he was worried and sneaked into the yard. Unexpectedly, suddenly there was a flash of lightning..."

"Did she see you?" Qian Yumo nervously grasped the handrail.

The two looked at each other again and lowered their heads: "Yes. My subordinates are incompetent, and those enemies' martial arts skills are really strong. My subordinates consume internal strength and can't hide..."

It's over. Yi Yuncai's mind must have thought that they were going to harm that person, not to mention throwing that person out. Now, it should be close to protect him.

He was silent for a long time: "Who are those people?"

Looking at the ground: "Look at the kung fu body, you are from Xueling."

"Soling people?" Qian Yumo narrowed his eyes.

Yes, there is civil strife in Xueling. It is said that Nangongyuan did not die at that time, but was secretly protected. Now it is also planned to return to the throne under the actions of that group.

Of course, Nangong Wan could not be reconciled. On the one hand, he claimed that the restorers were impostors and had bad intentions, and that he was the real Nangongyuan. On the other hand, he vigorously attacked and killed the old parts and hidden forces of Nangongyuan.

The Xuanyuan family is one of them, so this injured person is most likely to be...

The hall was quiet, and only the silver garlic sounded softly.

"Lang Hao..."

"Master, you can't do it!" Hu Lun hurriedly knelt down and said, "If the master sends Lang Hao out, what will the master do?"

Indeed, Lang Hao is the best martial arts and internal strength among all. It's up to him to protect Luo Wen'er. The master is absolutely assured, but what should the master do? The thirteenth princess is too terrible. The problem is that he is the one who blocks the knife for the master.

Qian Yumo looked out of the window silently for a long time.

In summer, the willows are drooping and the wind is gentle.

I heard that the clouds planted a lot of flowers. When the wind blew, the courtyard was full of fragrance.

He stared at a wisp of cloud that seemed to be still on the palace wall... Clouds, I hope he is that person, at least, he won't harm your heart...


When the teenager woke up, he found himself lying in a clean and soft**. The bed curtain was a lake blue veil, which was not expensive, but looked very comfortable.

The room is not big, clean and tidy. Except for the necessary tables and chairs, there are no other accessories. There is only a white glazed porcelain bottle on the table with a rose.

Although it is one, it is graceful, far better than thousands of purple and red.

Unconsciously, I remembered that he climbed to the window sill last night and saw a woman standing up in the bathtub... His skin was like jade, his hair was like clouds, and he was covered with water, shining in the candlelight, as if it was covered with a layer of fog.

She raised her hand and went to get the bathrobe on the screen... He saw her slightly bulging lower abdomen. Even so, her figure was still graceful, with indescribable charm.

In fact, all this is seen through the screen, but I don't know why it feels so clear.

When the door sounded, he immediately looked at the door, and his eyes turned dark in an instant...

However, he hurriedly got up and fell back. He just saw that he was actually tied **, but the binding method was a little special... He tied his limbs to the bedpost, leaving a rope of about two feet, which made him less uncomfortable and relatively free to move. No wonder he didn't notice it just now.

The girl who came in hugged her arms, walked to the bedside and looked at him condescendingly.

However, the beautiful big eyes suddenly stared, but it instantly returned to normal.

She waved her head back, and another man appeared and looked at him condescendingly.

This young man is really beautiful, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. His eyes are like wine. He stands with this girl and really matches him.

As soon as the young man raised his finger, he grabbed his pulse, so a true spirit that was not very pure but also strong patrolled his body for a week.

He secretly wanted to laugh. Since he fell under the window yesterday, he closed all his skills, which could not be detected at all.

The young man really shook his head.

The girl narrowed her eyes and said, "If you don't have any ability, why are they chasing him?"

He nodded secretly, which makes sense!

It's just that they didn't study this truth in depth, or didn't know how to study it. They just widened their eyes and didn't take a while...

"What are you doing?" The girl pushed the young man away and wiped the saliva on her face, full of shame.

Indeed, what did the young man do when he grabbed the girl and opened his mouth again?

The girl stared at him fiercely.

Girl, you're right. I'm really superfluous, but I'm like this... I can't avoid it.

"Brother Sanlang..."

As soon as the door rang, another little girl came in.

The little girl is fresh and tender, like a little daisy on the grassland in spring.

The first one... Call her "big girl" for the time being, and immediately look at the young man fiercely.

"The shopkeeper said, let me see if the man woke up last night..."

Little girl, look at "I". What do you think that young man is doing?

"Oh, Brother Sanlang, why are your lips broken? Does it hurt or not, Mei'er will blow for you..."

The eldest girl immediately stared and separated the two. Thinking about what was wrong, she walked to the door, but did not leave. She just turned her head and stared at the young man.

The young man walked slowly to the door.

"Ah, Brother Sanlang, Brother Sanlang, wait for me..."

Hey, didn't you come to see me? How did it all go?

The teenager looked at the door, thought of the mystery of these three people, and smiled unconsciously.

Rewind**, and Fang felt pain in his right back.

Yesterday's meteor hammer was really cruel. If he hadn't taken a step forward, I'm afraid he would have to pierce it directly.

I tried to move and found that the bone was intact, and this dressing was also good.

untimes, I remembered the figure who took a bath...


It was not until Luo Wener entered the wing room and stood by the bed that she understood why Meier smiled and couldn't explain it clearly, and only urged her to come and have a look by herself.

This teenager, who looks fifteen or sixteen years old, is not tall and thin, which is nothing.

The skin tone is flat, the face is flat, the eyebrows are flat, the mouth is flat, and this is nothing. The key is the eyes... What's going on?

When he was unconscious yesterday, he looked at two lines that were not long or short, but his eyelashes were a little sparse, but this would open...

It was as if someone pinched the corners of the eyes on both sides and sewed them tightly, leaving only a hole, which could not even accommodate the enlarged pupils. As a result, it turned out that the two eyes were facing her.

She took a step back and covered her stomach... Baby, don't be afraid!

has endless regrets again... Looking at such a face, I don't know if it has any impact on the baby's appearance.

The abominable Mei'er is still smiling behind her.

Actually, she doesn't want to judge people by their appearance. The key is a very special period...

She took a step back, turned her head, took a deep breath, and stabilized her mood: "Who are you? What's your name?"