lust to think about evil gods

010 Magic Appearance

This day is September 23rd, and the school is crowded with people. Everyone knows that this is because there is a magic group touring in the city. Now it happens to be Suzhou Institute of Culture, and the time is set at 7:30 p.m.

In the school's square, it is already overcrowded. The school has set up a large stage early, with nearly 100 square meters of large, and high-power lights hanging high. Students gathered in the venue in different colleges and classes. It didn't take long after the start of school, and the weather was still very hot. They ate while it was cool at night. Watching the wonderful performance on the stage while holding snacks, it was very comfortable.

Gao Yuemin's class was lucky to sit in the position facing the stage. Now it was time to start the performance, but she didn't see Lin Jiaoyu. Xiang Miaoyu told Gao Yuemin that she couldn't come because she had something to do and told them to be careful. Originally, they were supposed to stay in the dormitory and not go out, but thinking that they would be trapped In an isolated and helpless situation, Lin Jueyu had to leave Gao Yuemin a charm. If she was asked to tear the charm in half at a critical time, she would appear immediately, which relieved.

The first program at the beginning of the magic show was a fireworks show. The magician was a woman about 30 years old. She wore a big red short-sleeved dress and looked mature and generous. After she bowed to the crowd, her hands were stretched out and her fingers were open. The palms and backs of her hands let the audience see nothing clearly. Then, when the hands were folded and rotated, and separated, a silver-white, table tennis-sized ball appeared in the palm of his hand. Throw up, and when the silver ball falls, it becomes two, holding one in each hand. She stood sideways, with her hands up and down. When her fists opened, the balls had become four. Two of her hands were clamped between her fingers. After repeated several times, there were five silver balls in each of her hands. Then she waved and threw all ten small balls several meters high and quickly threw them up, which was dazzling.

Suddenly, the magician's little mouth accurately swallowed these small balls into his stomach, which surprised the teachers and students present. At this time, her right hand snapped her fingers, and a string of sparks flashed. She saw five-colored flames spewing out of her mouth, ears and nostrils at the same time, and her body began to turn around, like one by one. The circle of fire and big and small bloomed as colorful rainbows, and the whole audience immediately burst into waves of cheers and applause.

Gao Yuemin is very excited. She is already intoxicated. She is extremely fascinated. Xiang Miaoyu has powers and is a good martial arts player. Naturally, she can clearly see every move of the magician, but with her eyesight, she still can't see through the magician's tricks, which really makes her a lot more interested in the profession of magician. She I even secretly decided that I must take time to study it before I can rest assured.

However, he said that Lin Jueyu left the school and went straight to the Kongguang Temple in the city. Since he found something wrong with him, he decided to go to the Buddhist temple to listen to the scriptures to calm down.

Not long after the sunset set, Lin Jueyu came here and saw that there was a green and full world, and his heart was relaxed and comfortable.

"I didn't expect that there was such a pure land in the hustle and bustle of the city." Lin Jueyu said a few words to himself and stepped up to the stone level of the Buddhist temple.

This Buddhist temple is not very big. The red tiles and white walls, and even the words on the plaque on the main gate are also a little crooked. It seems that the writing is very poorly written. There is no other sound in the temple except a few birdsong.

Lin Jueyu knocked on the door. An old monk persistently leaned out of the broom and looked at him and said, "Lord, please come back tomorrow. We are going to close the door and rest." With that, he turned around to close the door.

Lin Jueyu naturally won't let him close the door. He stepped forward and stepped on the crack of the door and said, "Master, I have something important. Please inform your host."

The old monk said, "I've said that it's too late now. Let's go!"

When the two were at a cross, a voice said, "Please let him in. He is a guest from afar. How can you be so lazy?"

The old monk gave way, and Lin Jueyu didn't say much. When he went to the entrance, he saw a bald monk in the courtyard holding a string of rosary beads and staring at himself.

Lin Jueyu came forward to salute and said, "I take the liberty to disturb the master's cultivation. It's a sin."

The old monk's eyebrows were white and he frowned slightly. He said, "The benefactor has a fierce spirit, and he dares to ask for it?"

Lin Jueyu said, "The master has a good vision. With the master's cultivation, he should know my difficulties, but recently he has been a little inexplicably annoyed. Because of special tasks, he often fights with life and death, but he never restrains himself and repeatedly commits murders. This time, I came here to ask the master for help."

The host master meditated for a long time and said, "According to the benefactor, it should be a disturbance. Please wait a moment. The poor monk arranges a Dharma hall for the benefactor."

After a while, Lin Jueyu was taken to the Buddhist hall and looked up, but when he saw the golden Buddha sitting with a smile, he could not see what the sitting was, and he did not investigate it carefully. He heard bursts of footsteps ringing from behind him, and the host had brought more than a dozen large and small monks into the hall.

"Lord, please sit down."

Lin Jueyu sat cross-legged on the futon and facing the monks.

The host said, "This is the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. Please accept it and sit down." Hand over a scripture and ask Lin Jueyu to sit down facing the Buddha statue.

Lin Jueyu took over the Buddhist scriptures and is currently sitting on the table.

"Dong Dong..." The sound of the wooden fish was like a nine-day Sanskrit sound, straight into Lin Jueyu's heart.

"Nan Wu, drink Na, Doro night. Nan Wu, Aye..." Lin Jueyu couldn't hear that this was the "Great Sorrow Mantra", but he felt silent, as if he had entered an empty dream.

Lin Jueyu was secretly happy and hurriedly restrained his mind. The spiritual platform was empty, and he listened to the Sanskrit sound to wash away the magic barrier in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Jueyu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, his face was gloomy, and he shouted loudly, covering the sound of everyone chanting scriptures.

The monks in the hall were shocked and looked up. Lin Jueyu had stood up. The people closest to him only felt cold, and their hearts were covered with a large area of ice and snow, and instinctively retreated.

Only the host sang a Buddha's name in a low voice and said, "Everyone quit."

The monks hurriedly withdrew from the hall. Lin Jueyu stared straight at the host and said, "The ignorant little monk actually offended me!" He raised his hand and slapped him on the heart with a "bang" and flew two or three meters away, and immediately died.

"Killing!" A young monk shouted and ran away. Lin Jueyu turned his head and looked coldly. He suddenly rushed out a few feet to catch up with him and slapped him on the back and slapped him to death.

The temple was like pouring water into an oil pan. The monks hurriedly fled for their lives, and they were not Lin Jueyu's opponent. Their speed was not as fast and fierce as Lin Jueyu. Soon, they all died here, and Kongguang Temple turned out to become their place for bones!

Lin Jueyu stepped on the bones all over the ground and walked out slowly like Shura, looking indifferent. When he was still dozens of steps away from the temple gate, he suddenly shouted: "The murderer, stop!"

Ext from the temple gate, there stood a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist priest. A yin and yang fish on his robe looked a little strange. If he walked on the street, he would definitely be regarded as a madman, but this man was by no means crazy, because even Lin Jueyu, who was fierce, felt the pressure on his body and couldn't help staring at him closely. He didn't dare to be careless.

The Taoist priest scolded, "Who are you? How dare you kill!"

Lin Jueyu's mind has lost his mind. No matter what he said, he raised his hand and threw an electric ball over it, and the Taoist priest roared, "Looking to die!" Let the electric ball hit his body, but it is like sinking into the bottom of the water, and he can't afford to change at all.

Lin Jueyu saw that the electric ball was invalid, raised his hands flat, and the two fireballs flashed in the palm of his hand. He suddenly pushed forward and turned into two fire dragons flying out in the wind. In an instant, he swept the Taoist priest. There were bursts of heat waves, and the bones in the courtyard had already been burned into ashes.

The fire rolled up became more and more powerful, and it had evolved into a fiery red tornado. The Taoist priest did not move in the raging fire until more than ten minutes later, when the fire dissipated. Lin Jueyu looked at it, but saw that the Taoist priest's whole body was intact, and his eyes seemed to be about to burst into fire.

The Taoist priest said angrily, "Your cultivation is not easy to come by. Unfortunately, if you don't take the right path, then don't blame the poor Tao for being rude!" Suddenly, he gestured a strange gesture and shouted, "Jiu Xuanzhen!" His hands waved left and right, and a red fog spread away, covering a radius of two feet. Lin Jueyu was in the array and even smelled blood. This nine mysterious array was really strange.

"The demon is killed!" The Taoist priest shouted, his hands were imprinted, and the red fog immediately changed. Many clear red lines gradually appeared in the middle, and the whole began to change. These lines firmly tied Lin Jueyu so that he could not move.

Lin Jueyu realized the danger and spit out a line of white gas. The white gas quickly turned into two wind blades and rotated up and down in the air. The red line was broken where it passed, but it also added a lot of scars to his body. Fortunately, it was all skin injuries.

Lin Jueyu got out of his predicament and subconsciously regarded the Taoist priest as the biggest enemy. Regardless of his injury, he flew up and hit the Taoist priest with his chest. When the palm wind passed, he rolled up a lot of sand and stone, just like the god of war.

"Good luck!" The Taoist priest did not retreat and moved forward. He stretched out his thin right hand, whispered a few times in his mouth, and suddenly raised his two fingers as a sword and pointed forward. He saw a three-foot air rushing forward, and it could obviously see the shape of the sword.

"Wang..." The palms and swords hit each other, making a stinging sound, like a large machine pulling out the air valve. However, the airflow became more and more fierce, and the strength of the Taoist force scattered around, hitting some pitted star spots on the ground. Looking up, the two of them were full of devastation.

The two fought for a moment with Qi as a medium, and their skills were comparable. At the same time, they abandoned it and began to fight for their lives based on their moves and skills.

The Taoist priest changed his finger to palm, and Lin Jueyu also raised his palm to welcome him. Both sides hit each other's gap desperately, but they were always stopped one by one. The Taoist priest was angry and said, "If you really have yours, the poor way has to be strong!" While talking, he slapped Lin Jueyu's heart with a fierce palm. The two were only two or three steps away from each other. How could they escape? Lin Jueyu was lucky enough to meet him. With a loud bang, he seemed to detonate a thunderbolt flatly. The two were shaken away, and the ground was also broken by the force of the two. Pit, the dust covered the sky and the sun. When the dust dispersed, Lin Jueyu had already disappeared.

"Huh! You run fast! Don't let me find you!" The Taoist priest looked at the big pit in the courtyard and the blood stains on the ground and some remaining unexplored bodies and said to himself.