lust to think about evil gods

025 Flying Tree

As time slowed down, Lin Jueyu felt that Zhenyuan in his body was running faster and faster, and his injury also showed signs of improvement.

Dare not dare to heal his wounds wholeheartedly. Lin Jueyu's consciousness always paid attention to the wind and grass around him. Suddenly, there was a fever in his body. He felt that the meridians of his whole body began to expand outward, and even bone and blood also changed, and there was unprecedented vitality.

This is a sign of the regrowth of cultivation. Lin Jueyu was overjoyed. Zhenyuan surged wildly, and his body was as if he had been stretched out by something from the inside out, full of power. He casually stretched out his hand and shot out, and the invisible force formed a nearly transparent palm print in the air and hit the air in the distance.

"Wow!" The air was stimulated by Lin Jueyu's palm and rolled wildly, blowing large areas of woods on the hills in the distance and began to shake.

After venting part of his power, Lin Jueyu looked inside his body and found that the strange flower had been completely assimilated by himself. Its power had been integrated into his meridians, and some memories of the flower appeared in his mind, three words had been flashing, leaving the most Deep impression: "Starry Flowers".

"Starry Flowers?" Lin Jueyu said to himself and continued to look for it in his memory. He found that the flower actually took away the vitality of all the vegetation nearby, so it was full of vitality and true vitality. Unfortunately, Lin Jueyu did not know what level his cultivation had reached. He only knew that his consciousness had been further strengthened, and his whole body was full of strength, and even Gu Mei left for himself. The injury has also completely recovered.

"Damn it! What the hell is Gu Mei doing? Of course, Lin Jueyu couldn't find Gu Mei. He flew up to the sky and looked down. He saw a bare stone valley here, which was clear and could not tell the direction. Moreover, as far as he was concerned, the world was completely strange. He didn't know what was in the southeast and northwest.

"Now that I have become a lonely person, neither good nor evil can go. Alas... It's really annoying." Lin Jueyu's cultivation should be a happy thing, and he was hit by reality again.

"It seems that growing strength is the right thing." Lin Jueyu took out the broken sword, used the "breaking method" that Ling often taught him during the Snow Dome School, and practiced it.

Lin Jueyu turned his body and flew up to the sky, breaking the virtual sword and cutting repeatedly. The golden sword shadow drew the virtual shadow in the air, which was very spectacular.

"Lin Jueyu?" A figure was extremely fast and flew towards Lin Jueyu. Lin Jueyu broke the virtual sword and took it on full alert. When he saw the person clearly, he had to bow down. This man avoided it. He was Ling Chang.

Ling often saw Lin Jueyu's meaning and said, "Now the situation is like this, and there is nothing I can do. Although I knew there would be a difference, I didn't expect it to come so soon." He looked at Lin Jueyu safe and sound, and he was very relieved. He said, "It's good to see that you are fine. But why are you here?"

Lin Jueyu has a good impression on Ling Chang and said, "I know very little about the world. I can only go wherever I go. Master, I'm really confused."

Ling Chang nodded and said, "I know that if I hadn't seen you just practiced swords, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find it here to prove that we are predestined. I'll give you this map. Although it's useless, it's better than nothing." He took out a piece of paper of unknown material and handed it to Lin Jueyu.

Lin Jueyu took a look and saw that there were only some color maps on it, without marking any text. He looked at Ling Chang doubtfully and asked, "This map? I don't understand at all."

Ling Chang said, "On this map, you only need to pay attention to these dark places, because it is a dangerous place and you can't go there."

"Is the danger that there are evil figures with profound cultivation in it? Or a Jedi beast?" Lin Jueyu asked Ling Chang.

"All of them. We are now in this area. Ling often pointed to a piece of gray on the map.

"Thank you, Master. If I can survive, I will definitely go to the Snow Dome to find you and say goodbye." Lin Jueyu doesn't want to say more. After all, he killed the disciples of Tianjianmen and has formed a relationship with the "right path". He is not going to cause more trouble to Ling Chang.

"I understand what you think and know that you must have difficulties. Well, I can only give you a word as a teacher. Don't give up hope at any time." Ling Chang has been standing in the air with Lin Jueyu. At this time, he flew in the direction of Tianjianmen, and Ling Qing was sent back to the Snow Dome School to pass the message.

According to the instructions of the map, Lin Jueyu's further west is the nearest dangerous area. For him, he would rather fight with the blood of beasts than stay with hypocritical human beings. His soul is human, but his body is a beast, so he is extremely adaptable, unlike the human body, which is not degraded without magic formulas or sharp weapons. Law self-preserving.

Flying thousands of miles to the west, Lin Jueyu found that the climate here had become cold, and his heart was a little strange. He put away the map, took the broken sword in his hand, covered a range of more than 100 feet, and carefully flew forward.

The scene in front of him has changed into a vast white world, but it is not a snowfield, because there are countless towering trees, and the thickness of the trunk has reached the level of dozens of people hugging. Looking down from above alone, Lin Jueyu estimated that the height of these trees is dozens or nearly 100 feet, which is simply appalling!

Lin Jueyu flew down to a tree. He shattered the ice and snow under his feet, breathed the cold air, and felt the piercing chill. Zhenyuan flowed, and his whole body was very warm and comfortable.

"This is really a good place." Lin Jueyu looked around from the tree while talking to himself. The information fed back to him by his consciousness showed that there were no creatures in the forest, which made him more vigilant.

"Gig..." Lin Jueyu heard a sound of wood rubbing. He looked through his consciousness and almost screamed. It turned out that these trees were moving by themselves!

The soil near the roots of these trees began to crack, and then the roots stretched out from the soil, and then the whole tree rose up, completely separated from the earth. What's more, these trees actually flew up!

Lin Jueyu quietly looked at all this and took back his body with his broken sword. Zhenyuan flowed secretly to resist the cold. He prayed in his heart: "I hope it won't be found by these trees." After all, he is just an outsider. Although he never shrinks back from the enemy, he doesn't want to hold a grudge against these trees.

The trees gathered together, like wild geese moving south, coming from the direction of the shadow of the trees under the sun, and the place they went to was actually the north!

"What a wonder. Trees can fly and go to cold places." Lin Jueyu was curious about whether the trees could fly, so he decided to quietly let the trees fly north all the way to the destination.

The trees did not fly fast, but they flew steadily. Lin Jueyu sat cross-legged on the tree and silently submerged Zhenyuan, which was regarded as a rest.

All the way, the trees flew for a long time and came to a colder place. Lin Jueyu opened his eyes and looked down and found that there was a snowfield under his feet!

"What are you doing in the snowfield?" Lin Jueyu almost couldn't help saying it. Fortunately, he closed his mouth in time. The glacier under his feet reminded Lin Jueyu of the snowfield north of the Snow Dome, where there were also endless glaciers. I don't know if they were connected with these glaciers.

Suddenly, the trees under him stopped flying and began to fall one after another. Lin Jueyu looked up. The scene was very spectacular. Thousands of trees formed into a large area, occupying a range of hundreds of feet, which was still crowded with each other.

"Boom!" The trees under Lin Jueyu shook violently. He saw that these trees began to take root in the snowfield. The ice on the snowfield broke inch by inch, turning out fresh soil, and even white air fog from the ground in some places! There is a hot spring under the glacier! This scene feels as amazing as watching live fish swimming in boiling water.

Until the trees were all rooted, when Lin Jueyu felt that he wanted to go down to the snowfield to have a good look, the ground began to shake again. He saw these trees sticking out some roots and intertwine with each other, just like human shaking hands, and then there were light spots flowing through these roots, which looked very strange.

"Roar!" A roar came from a distance, and the earthquake became more and more severe. Countless glaciers began to collapse, turning into small ice, and then sliding towards the low-lying areas to fill the valley.