lust to think about evil gods

039 Black Rain

"God finally treats me well." Lin Jueyu thought fortunately that he stood in the spiritual world and didn't know whether to continue to move towards the place where stronger spiritual objects existed, or to return to find some lower spirits and devour them.

"It's rare that the cultivation has grown a lot." Lin Jueyu decided to turn around here more. Now he has a rebirth mirror in his hand. First, he can directly return to the human world or the demon world. Second, he can enhance his consciousness by using the rebirth mirror to find farther, which is as convenient as a high-power flashlight held by a person walking at night.

Without moving forward or retreating, Lin Jueyu faded his body and added an air mask to isolate himself. Although he was not sure whether it could play a hidden role, the psychology of "bless than nothing" still made him feel more secure.

The Sacred Heart Sword was ready to take action at any time. Lin Jueyu injected Zhenyuan into the rebirth mirror. His consciousness reached a hundred feet away through the rebirth mirror and explored around, but failed to find anything abnormal. It's quiet around, and it's not easy to find a single spirit.

"Well..." Like the sound of some very huge creature gasping, Lin Jueyu looked at the top of his head alertly. It was dark and could not see anything. I don't know whether it was the original, or the stars and moon in the sky were covered by dark clouds like the human world.

With the holy heart sword in his hand, Lin Jueyu shone into the sky with a living mirror. He exerted his divine consciousness to the strongest, but the result was that there was only a large black cloud there, not some strange spirit.

Lin Jueyu suddenly felt a depression for no reason. He once again explored the surroundings, but found that there was still nothing here, but the moisture from nowhere greatly increased the moisture in the air, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

"Will it rain in the spiritual world?" Lin Jueyu ran quickly in the direction of waiting for spirits. He was not familiar with everything in the spiritual world. He was not sure if there were any powerful spirits. As long as he went to the territory of low spirits, the danger he faced would be much smaller. Even if he was outnumbered, at least it would be easier to escape for his life.

"Oh!" There was another deep sound of exhaling. Lin Jueyu looked up at the sky again. His consciousness still couldn't find out what was making a sound there, and it was even more unclear whether it was an enemy or a friend: "I'm killing in the spiritual world, and most of the time there will be no spiritual objects to make friends with me."

Looking around, Lin Jueyu came to a stone wall. The highest part of the stone wall is about ten feet high, and the height of both sides is gradually decreasing, just like half of the cone left by a stone mound after being cut down.

Put away the holy heart sword, and Lin Jueyu took the broken virtual sword in his hand. Under the injection of Zhenyuan, the broken virtual sword emitted a golden light. He stabbed out with a sword, and the broken virtual sword easily pierced into the stone wall and went straight to the hilt of the sword.

"I didn't expect that this time the broken sword was treated as a hoe by me again." Lin Jueyu smiled bitterly: "If you were conscious of breaking the virtual sword, I'm afraid you would have scolded me so much, right?" He shook his wrist fiercely, shot a golden light from the broken sword, blew up a big hole, bowed left and right again, and dug a straight hole about three or four feet deep, nine feet high and five feet wide on the stone wall. Then he got in as a temporary shelter.

In the hole, Lin Jueyu thought for a moment and dug the space inside a little bigger: "At least you can avoid being forced to move by the spirit." With the past mirror in his hand, the divine consciousness shot a hole through the mirror and found that the wind outside was getting fiercer and fiercer, and the yin atmosphere between heaven and earth seemed to be more prosperous.

Lin Jueyu carried Zhenyuan in his eyes and looked out of the cave. He saw the wind blowing outside, and the sound of the wind blowing through the cave was chilling. At this time, he saw countless small black dots falling in the sky. After being blown by the wind, it hit the ground obliquely, making a "shuddling" sound.

"Is this... raining in the spiritual world?" Lin Jueyu said to himself, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

The black rain is getting bigger and bigger, and there are obvious traces of water on the ground. The low-lying local water flow brings together streams and flows towards lower places. Some places have formed large and small ponds.

"" A very rhythmic sounded. Lin Jueyu found a black spirit through his consciousness. This spirit was walking forward shallowly in the rain. From its appearance, it looked like a person. What's more strange is that water appeared on his body, like a black object after being watered. Same.

Soon, Lin Jueyu found the second and third spirits, and he saw more and more spirits appear. There are beasts, birds, and even a few big crabs!

"I hope they didn't find me..." Lin Jueyu put his hands together to pray.

Unfortunately, the reality is often different from people's wishes. Through the naked eye, Lin Jueyu has seen these spirits looking at his cave, and then came this way one after another. I don't know why they don't fly, and their footsteps are slow and heavy.

"It seems that I have to kill again." Lin Jueyu became smart this time. He used the rebirth mirror to locate a destination for himself and illuminate a place. In case, he can escape as long as he jumps into this place.

The holy heart sword was held in his right hand and the broken sword in his left hand. Lin Jueyu leaned his body to avoid being attacked by the gap found by the spirit. After all, he had no way to know which the materialized spirit was stronger or weaker than that did not have an entity.

The first spirit entered the cave where Lin Jueyu was located. Lin Jueyu's holy heart sword stabbed out and fell into its chest. The spirit turned into a black fog and drifted back, but soon recovered. Under the action of the black rain, it turned into an entity again and walked towards the cave, but it had been robbed by another spirit. First opportunity.

"This black rain is really evil. Even the Sacred Heart Sword can save the spirit!" Lin Jueyu's holy heart sword stabbed out again and killed a spirit. Similarly, this spirit recovered in the black rain and continued to walk towards it.

"Is there anything wrong?" Lin Jueyu looked at these spirits in surprise and thought with emotion, "If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that the endless spirits in the spiritual world will exhaust me to death..."

"Roar!" There was a roar not far away. Lin Jueyu saw the spirits near the mouth of the cave get out of each other. A huge spirit, with long fangs, shaped like a pig, rushed over fiercely, "bang!" It hit the mouth of the hole. It turned out that it was too big to squeeze into the hole.

"Good opportunity!" As soon as Lin Jueyu's holy heart sword was collected, the broken sword turned into a golden shadow and flew out in an instant, stabbing the head of the strange pig!

"Roar!" The strange pig was pierced by a broken sword, and the wound on its head was black. It turned around and rushed into the black rain. It crashed everywhere and hit a lot of spiritual objects, but it soon recovered, aimed at the cave again, and ran faster and hit it!

"Bum!" The collision of the strange pig collapsed a large piece of the hole, and many stones fell down and were arched to the side with its nose!

"Damn it!" Lin Jueyu cursed secretly, and a large number of Zhenyuan were injected into the broken sword, and flew up with a sword!

The strange pig was cut off by Lin Jueyu's sword, and the rest of his body fell to the ground, turned into black gas and floated back into the black rain, but this time it did not turn into a body again, but floated there without gathering nor scattered.

Lin Jueyu really wanted to rush out to break the virtual sword and kill the four directions, and then use the yuan god to absorb the essence of the spirit, but he did not do so. Instead, he took out the Sacred Heart Sword. Under the injection of Zhenyuan, he flew into the rain outside the cave and instantly stabbed a lot of spirits. He did not let the Sacred Heart Sword pass through the body, but inserted it like this. In the bodies of spirits, prevent them from recovering again.

At the time of effect, it is obvious that many spirits quickly turned into black gas after falling into the Sacred Heart Sword, but due to the effect of the Holy Heart Sword, the black gas has never been materialized and weakened until it finally disappears.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The loud sound accompanied by the vibration of the ground attracted Lin Jueyu's attention. He suddenly thought of a great danger. If the very huge spirit was solidified and trampled down half of the stone mountain, wouldn't he be buried alive?

You must make a decisive decision!