lust to think about evil gods

121 Black Water

Jingqi stayed outside the wind wall, and only silently hoped that the Red Fairy and Xu Lie were safe and sound. He tried to rush over the wind wall, but he was soon blown to be unable to stabilize his body, so he had to recover his cultivation while waiting for the development of the situation.

Fortunately, not long after, the fiery red bird stopped flapping its wings, and the wind of the wind wall began to weaken. Jingqi hurriedly seized the opportunity to approach the wind wall and soon passed through the wind wall and saw the red fairy and Xu Lie, who were still in the final settlement. The two were covered with a faint white boundary, which did not seem to be affected. .

Once again, he was stopped by the big red bird. Jingqi knew that it was invincible and bypassed it and intended to approach the Red Fairy and Xu Lie from the other direction, but the big bird was not stupid. It could always stop Jingqi's way, so that he could only stay quietly in the air and look down and could not approach the ground.

Jingqi was so angry that he pointed his sword at the big bird and shouted, "Stinky bird! What the hell do you want?"

The big bird didn't seem to understand Jingqi's words, but there was no reaction, which made Jingqi anxious, angry but helpless. However, when he first moved, the flying sword in his hand was blown out by the big bird again!

"Damn!" Jingqi cursed and moved his mind. The flying sword flew back into his hand and looked at the big bird that he didn't know when it would burst into trouble. He didn't dare to act rashly again.

I don't know how long it took, this strange big bird suddenly roared, with its wings flapping, emitting a faint white light, and pressing straight to the scene!

Jingqi was shocked, but he was already on guard and knew that he was invincible. He spread his body and dodged far away. Unfortunately, he still underestimated the ability of the big bird. After the white light turned the direction, he flew to Jingqi again! Jingqi was shocked and it was too late to dodge. He pushed the flying sword in his hand and slashed it out, trying to cut off the white light.

Unexpectedly, the white light was not an entity. Jingqi cut the empty place with all his strength and immediately shouted that he was fooled. He watched the white light turn into a result and trapped himself in it.

Naturally, Jingqi can't sit back and wait for death. When Yun Zhenyuan wanted to rush out, his heart sank: "My Zhenyuan is not working well!" The last hope was dashed, and he only hoped that he could die faster.

However, the fiery red bird river did not mean to kill the scene period, but controlled the gradual decline of the boundary zone and let him fall beside the red fairy and Xu Lie. The scene period was unknown, and I couldn't figure out the thoughts of the big bird. At this time, I saw the big bird's wings move again, and the wind wall around it rose again!

Although Zhenyuan did not work well, he obviously felt that the world around him was becoming more and more Jingyuan. At this time, he found that his Zhenyuan could operate, and endless heaven and earth Jingyuan poured into the meridians. He couldn't help thinking in surprise, "Is this big bird helping me practice?"

Reporting the mentality of the dead horse as a living horse doctor, Jingqi sat down and began to take the initiative to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. He found that his cultivation had indeed begun to improve.

Leaving aside the experience of the three people, after the demon king left the demon world, he appeared in a dark cave. This cave was very special, because there was no exit behind her, but a stone wall. The sound of water came from her ears, and the powerful divine consciousness unfolded, paying attention to all the movements within hundreds of feet, because For her to know that the "black stream" is not as calm as it seems.

did not turn into a demon, but floated gently in the black stream in the form of a delicate woman. Her hands were really focused, raised their vigilance and moved slowly forward.

The large and small stones on the ground are scattered irregularly, and black water is flowing in the gap between the stone and the stone, and the black water stream is also named after the water.

Suddenly, the demon king's heart moved and thought, "There are uninvited guests so soon." But he forgot that he was the real uninvited guest for this "black water stream".

The water under his feet flowed forward rapidly, and a monster composed of water and stones appeared in front of him. The monster was about one foot tall and four feet, with no eyes and ears, only a mouth and a short tail.

After all, the demon king is the master of a world. He has a profound cultivation and does not panic at such a strange monster, but looks at what tricks this water stone beast can do with great interest.

This strange monster opened its mouth, turned out, and suddenly rushed forward, biting straight to the demon king, trying to swallow her!

The demon king did not move, and opened a boundary outside, allowing the water and stone beast to swallow her.

The sound of "rumbling" came from the darkness. The body of the water and stone beast suddenly exploded, the stones flew around, and the drops of water splashed everywhere. The demon king appeared in the air. The boundary of the demon king had disappeared. She did not look back in the direction and flew forward.

The cave of "Black Watershed" is very high and has no end. After the demon king destroyed the water and stone beast, everything returned to calm. She seemed to become a little impatient and accelerated her speed to fly forward.

"There should be powerful demons here, right?" Although the demon king knows where the "black water stream" is, she has never entered it. Her intention is to challenge powerful demons here, so as to stimulate their potential between life and death, so as to improve her cultivation to a stronger level.

The speed was lowered again, and the demon king hung in the air. After the divine consciousness unfolded, she found no sign of the existence of creatures. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but she soon had an idea.

The demon king said loudly, "The demon king is here, and other demon kings don't appear quickly!" The sweet voice broke the silence and echoed from afar in the "black water stream" cave, and even brought the sound of "huh" wind.

"Demon King, haha..." A voice like scrap iron friction came from the front, accompanied by creepy laughter.

The demon king's consciousness unfolded, but found that the sound in front of him was just a mass of airflow. He suddenly flew over and came to the front of the air mass and said, "Are you also a demon? It's really valuable to survive in this 'black stream' for so long.

"Demon King, for the sake of the Lord of the world, leave quickly, otherwise there will be great trouble." The airflow drifted away and disappeared.

Naturally, the demon king will not appreciate it. It is not her style to escape without seeing the enemy. She raised her voice and said, "I don't care what kind of demon you are. Since I have come, I will never stop until I reach my goal."

"In this case, the demon king, please come with the little demon!" Just now, the airflow appeared out of thin air and floated forward. The demon king followed closely and secretly raised his guard.

After crossing nearly a hundred feet away, the airflow stopped and said, "King Demon, you have come to the 'Welcome Hall' in the 'Black Water Stream'. Take care."

The demon king said lightly, "Slow walk without sending."

According to the feedback from the divine consciousness, the demon king found that the only special but there was no water flow, and the front was also full of stone roads. He couldn't see anything like a palace. He satirically said, "It's just a big cave. How can it come from the palace?" Suddenly, he stopped talking and dodged aside. A dark force flowed like running water through the place where the demon king had just stood.

The demon king shouted, "It's so sinister. It seems that I overestimate you. You are not demons, just little ghosts who hide their heads and tails. They can only sneak up and plot."

"Hit!' In the black water stream, how can you, a foreign demon, be presumptuous!" An angry voice came from the top of his head. The demon king did not have to look up and knew that it was a dragon that made this sound.

The demon king said to himself, "I didn't expect that there would be a dragon in the 'black water stream'. It's really strange. If I could have a dragon mount, how majestic it would be."

"Bah! The little snake demon dares to speak rudely in front of my black dragon. I think you are impatient to live!" Jiaolong's body turned into a strong and burly man. His hands and dragon claws did not become human hands. Obviously, they were kept to deal with the demon king.

Although the black dragon is very strong, the demon king is still not afraid of it and smiles and said, "Yo! What a fire. Your dragon clan disdains to be with my demons. Why did you come to the 'black water stream' to accompany the demons again?

The black dragon was furious and stopped talking nonsense with the demon king. With his hands and dragon claws, he actually twisted out a twisted space. This twisted space expanded in an instant and forced the demon king to leave.

The demon king's consciousness has clearly detected the black dragon's every move, and the power of the distorted space is also slightly different. He knows that he must not be touched by this distorted space, otherwise he will suffer extremely heavy damage. Although such damage is not fatal, it is tantamount to handing life and death into the hands of the enemy under a great discount of strength.

The demon king wisely chose to retreat, but saw the black dragon's distorted space expanding more and more slowly. Finally, he paused for a moment and then quickly disappeared.

When the black dragon saw the demon king's withdrawal, he scolded, "It turns out that the famous demon king is also greedy and afraid of death. My black dragon is an eye-opener."

The demon king shook his head and said, "No, no! Your dragon clan has always only known how to fight hard, and its stupidity is probably worse than the insects and ants in the earth. If I take action for a small role like you first, I'm afraid you will end up with hatred!"

The black dragon was furious, grabbed his claws violently, and several vigorously flew out, trying to tear the demon king apart!

"It's really overpowerful. Since I'm in a hurry to die, I will fulfill you." The demon king waved his hand lightly, and the sharpness drawn by the black dragon's claws actually flew back, and the situation was even more fierce!

The black dragon was shocked, scratched with his claws, and powerfully resolved the demon king's counterattack with three waves of claws. He was shocked and angry. He turned back into a dragon shape, and his body caught fire in an instant, but the flame was black, with a big mouth and four claws came out, rushing to the demon king.

The demon king still did not retreat this time, but spit out a small mouth and spit out a ball of green. The green is very conspicuous in the dark, and the dragon clan is born to see things in the dark, and even sees the demon king's demon spirit clearly.

The green air suddenly came up and rushed straight into the black dragon's mouth!

"Roar!" The black gas seemed to have been greatly injured. He didn't care about attacking the demon king. He fell to the ground and smashed the stone ground inch by inch. Suddenly, the flames went out, and the Yuanshen attached to a small stone and was bounced out.