Capture the Beast

Chapter 62: Small people are murdered

Bingying returned to her house and repaired a letter that night and was sent to Dongliu Villa by a fast horse and whip. Only four or five days later, people came to Dongliu Villa. In addition to the fast delivery, there were about 20 to 30 people.

When Bingying sent four masters to protect Shangshu Lord He Xi, He Xi still didn't understand why she was so cautious. However, he thought about the cause and effect and felt that the emperor must have hidden something from him, and the real purpose of tracking down the real murderer this time should only be known to the emperor and Ximen Bingying.

So he immediately figured out that this time it was very dangerous, otherwise the emperor and Ximen Bingying would not pay so much attention to it. After understanding this, he listened more to Ximen Bingying's words. He put away all his previous contempt for Simon Bingying, for fear that he would lose his life after facing her.

Lengrong also stayed in Fengshan and ran to the pharmacy all day long, pounding with new drugs. Bingying knew that he was trying to eliminate Xuezhu's poison, so she didn't disturb him and waited for his good news.

Huangfu Ruoxi recovered from the pain and also accepted some cross-examination by Bingying. Unfortunately, he has never heard any secrets from his mother or wet nurse, so naturally he can't provide Bingying with powerful clues.

This night, Bingying and He Xi once again went to the bedroom before Liangfei's death, hoping to find some clues that had not been found before. And the reason why she chose to explore at night is that Concubine Ning may pass by during the day. There are many eunuchs during the day, and she can't confirm who is the eyes and ears, but it's different at night. As long as someone approaches, it's basically schettering. However, the two were disappointed again, and the good concubine did not leave any secret letters in the bedroom.

"Lord He, that's not right!" Bingying suddenly remembered something important and exclaimed.

He Xi was stunned and then smiled, "Why am I wrong? Lord Ximen." He finally changed his name to Ximen Bingying as 'adult', because after a few days of getting along with him, he found that Ximen Bingying was really a good catcher who was as careful as dust. His serious attitude when doing things was also appreciated by him. It seemed that she was not as good as he thought before.

Bingying hurriedly corrected, "It's not that Lord He is wrong, but that we are all wrong. Lord He, please think that the good concubine has been living in the cold palace since she was ill. How could she hide the clues in this palace that she had just moved into?

As soon as He Xi heard this, his eyes lit up and clapped his palm and said, "Yes, we should go to the cold palace to investigate!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then hurried to the cold palace where the good concubine had lived for more than ten years to find clues. After some toss, the two still found no evidence and couldn't help but be disappointed. Is it true that the good concubine didn't leave anything?

Bingying frowned, sat on the stone steps in front of the cold palace and muttered, "If I were a good concubine, and since I was not crazy and pretended to be crazy to hide a big secret, then... I would never leave this secret..."

He Xi saw her sitting aside and talking to herself, knowing that she had an old problem again and was focused on the case. He didn't bother her, but walked behind her and listened to her self-spoken analysis.

"It's just that I've searched all the front and back, and there's really nothing. Unless..." Bingying continued to meditate, "Unless it is hidden in an invisible place?"

She immediately stood up and walked straight to the cold palace as if she hadn't seen He Xi. She walked all the way to the good concubine's dormitory. After wandering around, she said to herself again, "If it were me, where would I hide this secret?"

Bingying stopped making a sound, but carefully looked at the layout of the room, and finally sat on the edge of the bed, imagining the place where she might hide secrets as a good concubine. At this time, she suddenly noticed that someone jumped from one roof to another and finally stopped on her head. Although the action was extremely light, she had been specially taught by Ximen Dongliu to listen to the skills, which naturally could not be hidden from her ears.

The tile was gently moved slightly, and it was possible to peep with one eye. Bingying was clear in her heart and immediately grabbed the ceramic pillow and shouted to He Xi in surprise: "Lord He, come and see, the good concubine engraved the secret on this ceramic pillow, which said: In the third year of Ningwu, the queen gave birth to a prince..."

Before she finished her words and He Xi ran over, the roof was destroyed by the palm of her hand, and the dirt tiles fell one after another. Bingying quickly swept to He Xi's side, grabbed his arm and took him to a safe place. Then she found that the man in black who fell from the sky grabbed the ceramic pillow in her hand. She smiled and simply gave him the ceramic pillow.

The man in black was slightly stunned. He probably didn't expect her to give him the ceramic pillow engraved with secrets so readily. But he immediately grabbed the ceramic pillow in his hand and fled in the direction of going.

"Would you like to run? No way!" Bingying shouted and stretched out her hand to the face of the man in black. At the same time, her body also followed the man in black, and moved much faster than the man in black.

The man in black found that he could no longer escape from the roof, so he turned to play with Bingying and took a slap before hurriedly fleeing out of the hall. However, at this time, the guard outside the hall has been called in by He Xitong and is rushing into the hall. As soon as he saw that the situation was not good, he remembered the task and picked up the ceramic pillow and smashed it on the ground - the ceramic pillow suddenly became a pile of fragments.

At that time, Bing Ying stretched out his left finger and grabbed the man in black's jaw, then touched his acupuncture point with his right hand, and then took out a soybean-sized pill from his mouth. She threw the pill on the ground with some disgust and wiped her hand on the man's clothes in black.

"Do you want to commit suicide? Sorry, I learned your method of suicide ten years ago, and I won't make such a mistake again in ten years. Bingying clapped her hands and looked at the man in black who was fixed by herself with satisfaction.

The man in black stared at her, and some were unwilling to lose into the hands of a woman.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, in fact..." Bingying was about to say that there was no secret carved on the ceramic pillow, but halfway through the words, she was stunned - this was really crooked... She slowly walked over and squatted down in front of He Xi.

He Xizheng pieced together the broken porcelain pieces one by one and carefully did not move half of them. But Bingying quickly stopped him - it was not safe here. If the first man in black comes to destroy the evidence, a second will come, especially now the inner guards are all here.

Although He Xi was puzzled, he still gave up the broken porcelain and stood up when he saw the hint in her eyes. He thought that Ximen Bingying must have her idea, and he'd better wait and see what happens.

So after Bingying randomly disrupted He Xi's piece of porcelain, she also stood up and continued her unfinished words to the man in black: "Actually, there is no inscription on this ceramic pillow, but when I heard a movement on my head, I knew that you were coming to destroy the evidence. Therefore, I took a little trick and grabbed the ceramic pillow and deliberately told Lord He that I had found evidence to attract you. Otherwise, do you think I will be so generous to give you the ceramic pillow and let you break it? You absolutely can't steal anything from my hand.

Her words were not only for the man in black, laughing at him for being hooked, but also for the bodyguards who had surrounded the cold palace. After saying that, she tore off the black cloth cover on the face of the man in black, looked at him, and sneered and said, "You look like a dog, but how can you do something worse than a pig or a dog?"

As soon as this sentence came out, some of the guards couldn't help laughing, and the laughter made the man in black even more angry. Unfortunately, his skills are not as good as others, and he can't do anything about the woman in front of him.

"You guys, take him with me to the God's House. I'm going to interrogate him in person." Bingying ordered to this group of internal guards, and then said to He Xi, "Lord He, please wait for me for a moment. This is the place where the good concubine once lived. I will clean up here before leaving."

With that, she rudely peeled off the robe of the man in black, and then noticed the movement around her and put the broken porcelain pieces on the ground in her robe.

Fortunately, He Xi was still relatively smart. At this time, she understood her good intentions to protect the evidence, so she smiled and said to everyone: "Look, Lord Ximen really respects the good concubine. If the fourth prince sees it, he must be very moved." He was also careful and cleverly interpreted Ximen Bingying's behavior as Ximen Bingying's relationship with the fourth prince, so much respect for the good concubine.

The bodyguard waiting at the door even claimed to be, but thought that it was all because of his lover?

Bingying finally put all the broken porcelain pieces in her robe, and then she was relieved. The evidence accidentally found has been broken. If someone comes to grab it at this time, it will be difficult to protect these broken porcelain pieces no matter how high her martial arts skills are. At that time, the handwriting will be difficult to distinguish, and the role of the so-called 'document' will be lost.

Then, Bingying stood up and waved to the guards and said, "You don't need to take the prisoners. You all go down."

The guards looked at each other in con'spect. Why didn't they need them? Didn't you just say that they would take the prisoners to the God's house together?

Looking at the surprised expressions of the crowd, Bingying sneered in her heart: If she is still stupid enough to hand over the witness who has been arrested in the case, I don't know if there is Ning Fei's ear, then she is not stupid, but an idiot.

Bingying clapped her hands, and the four masters who had protected He Xi's Dongliu Villa came to her side. After listening to her instructions, they all nodded gently. Then, the four masters were picked up by the man in black who had ordered the acupuncture point and walked to the divine arrest house.

"Lord He, please." Bingying smiled and arched her hand to He Xi. He Xi is an imperial envoy, and he naturally has to participate in interrogating the man in black.

He Xi happily led the way, and he had to sincerely admire her meticulousness again. If it were him, he would have handed over the man in black to the inner guard. Maybe... At this moment, the man in black has been poisoned.