Capture the Beast

Chapter 86: Fake poisoning

Two or three glasses of wine have been drunk, and Bingying has not seen anything unusual. She is not afraid of poison and will not think of this.

"Yinger, you..." Huangfu Zhenglong's face changed slightly, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a crack. I have to say that his acting skills are very good. In addition to his face distorted by pain and the sweat beads on his forehead, his expression is very vivid - the pain is mixed with shock, and there is some pain in his eyes in disbelief.

Bingying also found something wrong: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

The cronies beside him pulled their sword out of their sheath in an instant. The tip of the sword pointed to Bingying and shouted harshly, "Say! Who asked you to poison the prince? And the next moment, he shouted out, "The prince is poisoned, pass it to the doctor!"

Bingying retreated in panic: "No, I didn't poison..." How could this happen? She never thought about poisoning the prince. She won't be stupid enough to joke about so many people's lives. She must have been framed!

Huangfu Zhenglong has slipped to the ground in pain, but he still looked at Bingying and said, "Really, it's not you?"

"It's not me, Feng Hanlong. I never wanted to hurt you." Bingying's eager assurance, rushed over and helped him up from the ground to lean against him, and shouted to the sword-held bodyguard, "Why are you still stunned? Hurry up and help His Royal Highness to ** and wait for the imperial doctor!"

"Do as she says." Huangfu Zhenglong endured the pain and ordered his relatives around him.

The bodyguard lost his sword and worked with Ximen Bingying to help Huangfu Zhenglong to the inner hall.

Bingying looked at Huangfu Zhenglong, who was soaked in cold sweat, and was also frightened. He must be fine. If he has something to do, she will be doomed. Not only is she finished, but the whole Dongliu Villa is ruined. She is not afraid of poisoning, so the poisoner must be to frame her and poison the prince. But who is going to set her up?

Huangfu Zhenglong lay on **, held Bingying's hand tightly, gasped and comforted her, "If you said it's not you, I will believe you. Don't worry, the imperial doctor... The imperial doctor will come in a moment..." Damn Liu Yuanchen, he must skin him! The toxicity of the five-leaf flower turned out to be so strong that it was so painful that he couldn't kill people!

"Thank you for believing me, you have to hold on..." Bing Ying was saying that the imperial doctor had been 'caught' by the bodyguard. She hurriedly gave way to facilitate the medical treatment. However, Huangfu Zhenglong still held her hand and refused to let go. She had to squat by the bed and handed his hand to the imperial doctor for the pulse.

The imperial doctor quickly took the pulse for the prince. After a moment, he was relieved and said, "Your Highness just ate the five-leaf flower by mistake, not poison. When Weichen prescribes some analgesics, the Prince will be fine after a night's rest."

"Five-leaf flower? What is that?" Bingying asked doubtfully, but saw that the imperial doctor had turned to write the prescription and gave it to an eunuch to go to the imperial hospital to get the medicine.

At this time, Ye Bing was also in the room. Seeing Bingying's question, he replied, "Lord Ximen doesn't know that this five-leaf flower is a strange flower. Its leaves are lavender, very beautiful, but slightly poisonous. If you eat the leaves of the five-leaf flower by mistake, you will have abdominal pain, but you only need to take analgesic medicine to relieve the pain and do not cause much damage to the body.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp sight shooting at him. He felt awe of his heart and knew that the prince was dissatisfied with him, so he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Bingying suddenly realized and turned her head to look at Huangfu Zhenglong and said, "How could His Royal Highness mistakenly eat the five-leaf flower? I was shocked and thought who was trying to poison the prince.

Huangfu Zhenglong just wanted to speak, but he saw Liu Yuanchen coming in.

"I remember that the master was thinking about things in the garden and pulled a few leaves to chew in his mouth. I didn't find that it was a five-leaf flower for a moment. Please treat it. Liu Yuanchen lied un Changed, and then knelt down not far from the bed and pleaded guilty.

"How can this be your fault? His Royal Highness himself didn't find that it was a five-leaf flower. Bingying said disapprovingly. It's just that she was going to inform the eldest brother tonight and ask the eldest brother to go outside the city to meet Lengrong. Now the prince has abdominal pain. Can she leave?

While Bingying was struggling, the imperial doctor had taken the analgesic medicine and took it to the prince. Later, when the emperor and the queen heard that the prince ate the five-leaf flower by mistake, they also came to visit. Naturally, the others retreated, leaving only the emperor, the queen and Bingying in front of the prince's bed.

After the emperor cared about the prince a few words, he said to Ximen Bingying, "Yinger, you will stay in Dongqing Palace tonight to take care of the prince. Now the whole palace is talking about this matter. If you leave, they will be more convinced that you poisoned the prince.

"But His Royal Highness is..." Bing Ying was stunned. Who spread it?

"Yinger, we all know that the prince accidentally ate five-leaf flowers and caused abdominal pain, but the key is what we said. Others don't believe it." The queen gently blocked her words, "Now that the matter of Concubine Ning has just passed, you can't let outsiders think that the prince is poisoned, which will make the villain take advantage of it."

The emperor also said majestically, "What the queen said is what I want to say. Ximen Bingying, listen to my words: I ordered Ximen Bingying to stay in Dongqing Palace all night until the prince recovers from his illness.

"I will obey the Holy Oracle." Bingying had no choice but to kneel down and take the order.

Seeing that she obediently took the order, the emperor and the queen left the Dongqing Palace together. Although the queen did not agree with such practices, the emperor advised her to put the country first, and the queen had to act with the emperor to show Ximen Bingying.

After the emperor and queen left, although Bingying had been sitting on the edge of the bed with Huangfu Zhenglong, her expression looked very sullen. She just had a trace of doubt in her heart, feeling that she seemed to lack something, or as Huangfu Zhenglong said, she lacked her own persistence?

Huangfu Zhenglong took the medicine much better at this time. Seeing Bingying's back to him, he asked, "What's wrong with you? Unhappy?"

Bingying sighed and said, "Maybe Your Highness is right. I seem to have lost something very important."

Huangfu Zhenglong was stunned, and then a faint joy rose in her heart. She finally began to care about what he said? He coughed softly and asked again, "What do you think you have lost?"

What did you lose? In fact, she is not very clear. She always feels that she is at the mercy of others, and no matter who says it, she can't refuse it in an appropriate way. She doesn't like this feeling very much. Bingying was silent and said in a low voice, "It should be... courage. In fact, many times I feel like a puppet. People around me do what they ask me to do. Although I occasionally have the impulse to resist, I don't know how to resist after all.

That's because you are obedient to cold words. Even if you subconsciously resist him, you won't really resist him. Huangfu Zhenglong said in his heart, but he knew that this was not the time to make it clear to her. Instead, he comforted her and said, "Don't you believe in coldness? Don't think too much, but hurt yourself.

Bingying turned around and looked at him. Seeing that his expression was much softer than usual, she was inexplicably moved. Everyone around her seemed to be very kind to her, and she didn't know how to repay her. However, his answer made her feel more uneasy. Since she fell ill once, her parents and elder brothers seem to have been telling her to believe in coldness and coldness. It's like... everyone is more afraid than her that she doesn't believe in cold face. Now, it's strange that even the prince said so...

"Would you like to hear about our past?" Seeing that she was still suspicious, Huangfu Zhenglong tried to divert her attention. At this moment, she obediently let him hold her hand because of his pain, and even he occasionally slipped the skin on the back of her hand and never broke free, making him feel that even if he lay like this all his life, it was worth it.

"Okay, if you say you're tired, just take a rest." Bingying was also feeling a little embarrassed to be alone with him, but he was a patient and didn't pose much threat, and she felt a little relieved.

Huangfu Zhenglong started from the first day she met her and talked until they went to Dongliu Villa, and then when she left Dongliu Villa to go to Snow Mountain.

Bing Ying listened with great interest and felt as wonderful as listening to other people's stories. Did she really have that much before? Does she really not listen to anyone, not even the prince and the emperor? She is a little happy, but a little sad. She doesn't seem to have that kind of courage now. No wonder... Even the eyes of her arresters looked at her strangely.

Huangfu Zhenglong continued to talk about the fact that she refused to ask her parents for marriage. When she entered Beijing as a catcher, she didn't say any more. At this time, Bingying was already a little sleepy under his deliberately soft voice.

"I regret that maybe I shouldn't have forced you to escort me to Dongliu Villa with the death of Wei Yan. If you weren't the eldest lady of Dongliu Villa, you wouldn't have known Lengrong, let alone become what she is now. I..." Huangfu Zhenglong suddenly felt that his arm sank and looked down, but saw that Bingying had tilted her head and fell asleep.

There was still a dull pain in his stomach. He originally wanted to take her to bed, but he thought that she might be awakened and destroyed the quiet atmosphere, so he still couldn't help taking action.

"Yinger, don't worry, I will never let the cold face ruin your life. I will restore your memory without hurting you and let you continue to be the proud and handsome Yinger who makes me angry. Huangfu Zhenglong assured in a low voice, slowly moved towards her, leaned his head against her, and slept contentedly.

Bingying slept a little unsteadfastly. In a daze, she felt that someone was always calling her name, but she didn't want to wake up, because she was dreaming that Lengrong had safely escaped from the prison...