Capture the Beast

Chapter 89: Restore Memory

A pair of thin, white and slender hands are beating on the strings. The owner of the hand is still wearing a silver mask, and there is no skin on his face, even his eyes. His sitting posture was very good, and a few wisps of black hair fluttered in the air due to the internal force, adding a little evil charm.

The woman in red stood ten feet away from the man, hanging her head and peeking at the corners of her eyes, fascinated by the fascinating movement. She is puzzled. How could she look so attractive under such an arrogant and evil temperament?

Since the last time the Lord in order to confirm the authenticity of Huitianwan, she inadvertently removed her mask and licked the Huitianwan with her tongue, she couldn't help dreaming all night and dreaming that the Lord did to her that kind of action that made people blush and heartbeat. Although she knew that it was impossible, she couldn't but be delusional, and she was more infatuated with the Lord after seeing it.

"Red Night, do you think it sounds good?" The Lord suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice seemed to be a little softer than usual, although it was still piercingly cold.

The red night immediately replied, "It sounds good." All her mind was on him. In fact, she didn't hear the sound of the piano he played before, but no matter what he played, she would feel good.

"See my finger clearly."

Red Night fixed his eyes, and his soul was scared three points. It turned out that the Lord was not playing the piano, but just plucking the same string with his fingers. But she said to the monotonous and unpleasant sound of the piano - beautiful.

She knelt down immediately, and her trembling voice showed her fear: "Lord, forgive me. Hongye is just thinking about why the Lord wants to help Huangfu Zhenglong." She is not afraid of death. She is afraid that the Lord will not want her and throw her away like a waste.

The Lord seemed to have no reaction, but firmly said his opinion: "Women love to lie."

At the moment he finished speaking, his fingers gently touched, and the string that had been played with by him broke. And where it broke, there seemed to be a fierce air wave dispersing and hitting the chest of the red night. The strong wave caused the plum blossom layer on the Meilin ground to be overturned, involved in the air, and fell back.

The red night fell five feet away from the original place and silently spit out blood, so he stood up with the pain of his body. She knew that the Lord didn't like someone to love him and care about him, but she couldn't control her heart. Even if she was killed by him one day, it was her own fault.

"You are my proudest killer. Don't let me down." The Lord's chin was slightly raised, which was regarded as facing the red night once. The piano in front of his knee had broken into wood chips and stained his silver robe, but when he touched his hand, the debris disappeared and shifted his position.

The red night was excited and swallowed blood and tears into his stomach: "Yes, Lord, the red night will not disappoint the Lord!"

"Huangfu Zhenglong can find out the whereabouts of the treasure of the country. Ximen Bingying is the key." The Lord drifted to the red night, with a healing pill between his fingers. When Hongye stretched out his hand to get it, he gently loosened his fingers, and Hongye had to turn his palm to catch the falling healing pills.

"The lives of these two people will be handed over to you. One person had an accident..." The Lord's voice gradually faded away, and the following words were not said, but it was more threatening.

Red Night took healing pills and recuperated the inner breath in place, but I couldn't stop doubting. Huangfu Zhenglong will check the national treasure in order to enrich the treasury, but Ximen Bingying... What did she think and couldn't figure out what this matter would have to do with Ximen Bingying.

However, the Lord has always known the inside information, and this time he must know something, so he has this order. Anyway, she had to follow the Lord's instructions to save the lives of the two. Thinking of this, she closed her eyes and planned to rush to the capital after healing.

The capital, the palace, and the queen's bedroom.

The queen has long lived in this palace and has moved to the Dragon Hall with the emperor. And few people set foot in this palace, of course, except for the prince.

Huangfu Zhenglong took Liu Yuanchen, who had just returned to the palace, hurried into the underground prison and went straight to the cold cell. Now that I have got Huitian Pill, today is the day to restore Ximen Bingying's memory.

Leng Rong is blindfolded at this moment, and his hands and feet are chained to the wooden shelf, but there are no scars all over his body, and his robe is also very complete. However, he has already become a euge, and his fierce emotions have passed, and he just wants to die.

Huangfu Zhenglong took the dagger from the tray beside him and approached Lengrong step by step. With a cold smile on the corners of his lips, he finally... can finally kill this beast!

At this time, everything was ready, and the cold robe was untied, revealing the weakest place. And his heart was surrounded by bandages to bandage the wound, which was to prevent blood stains from penetrating his robe later.

Huangfu Zhenglong inserted a knife into the cold face's chest without hesitation, and looked at the cold face with no pain, but he was happier. He guessed right. Leng Rong really wanted to die, but it was a pity that he would not be so cheap and cold! Leng Rong must live to atone for his crimes until the day he is willing to stop.

Yinger... I'm sorry... I hope you don't forget everything sweet between us even if you remember everything... The cold consciousness is gradually blurred, but you still can't let go of the only woman who makes him care about everything. But until the moment of his death, he felt happy because he really had her and was the first one.

Huangfu Zhenglong looked at Leng Rong and choked, pulled out the dagger fiercely, resisted the impulse to stab Leng Rong with thousands of knives, and turned around angrily. He dropped the dagger on the ground and looked at Hui Tianwan angrily. If he hadn't wanted to die like this, he wouldn't have given such a precious thing to this beast!

Liu Yuanchen consciously retreated and went to the divine arrest house to find out the news. As soon as Bingying recovered her memory, she immediately resurrected Lengrong. And after that, the cold days were wonderful.

In the God's House, Bingying is eating quietly and talking with Lin Ruo from time to time. The atmosphere at the dinner table is also extremely harmonious, which is a little gratifying.

With a 'pop', Bingying's chopsticks with a piece of fish in her hand fell on the table.

Wen Chenyang couldn't help laughing when she saw her stunned expression, "Little sister, even if I forget to kill the fish, you don't have to be so surprised that the fish is alive, right?" But then, he stopped laughing.

Bing Ying only felt that her heart was beating so fast, and the blood all over her body was surging out. She gasped, and her hand that threw away her chopsticks covered her painful chest. It seems that something is about to be lost from the body, and it seems that something is forced to squeeze into the body. Good... It hurts!

"Yinger, what's wrong with you?" Lin Ruosu, who sat next to her, first found something wrong and hurriedly reached out to help her. And everyone else also stood up and quickly rushed to her side, asking all about concern.

Bingying wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it. In the end, it only turned into two words: "Okay...pain..." After saying these two words, she no longer knew what was going on in front of her. She fell softly and quickly grabbed her in Wen Chenyang's arms. At this moment, all she knew was that it was like a movie rewind. A lot of memories and plots flashed through her mind, and every inch of cells were shouting to make her remember.

"She said it hurts so much. She hurts. What should I do? What should I do?" Lin Ruosu was stunned by this daughter again. She really didn't know how to take care of her. Why does my daughter faint in pain? God, how long are you going to torture my daughter...

"Don't worry, auntie. I'll take the little sister into the room first. Auntie quickly asked Xiaoxing Xiaoren to invite the doctor to come and have a look." Wen Chenyang hurriedly said and left with Bingying in his arms. Maybe giving some truth to the little sister can make her more comfortable. That's what she used to do.

Lin Ruosu suddenly realized and quickly pushed Xiaoxing Xiaoren to invite the doctor. And then she followed Wen Chenyang into Bingying's room and watched her daughter burst into tears. Dongliu went to inquire about the whereabouts of Lengrong, and she hasn't come back yet. She is really useless as a mother...

Fortunately, the medical center was next to the God's arrest house, and the doctor came soon. Wen Chenyang gave up his position to the doctor, who set up Bingying veins and frowned tightly. After a while of diagnosis, the doctor's face kept showing surprise, shaking his head and smacking his tongue.

"Dunuch, what's wrong with my daughter?" Lin Ruosu was anxious and finally couldn't help asking.

The doctor diagnosed the pulse for a while, then put down Bingying's hand and got up and said, "Madam, the eldest lady is not sick, but..." He shook his head first and then sighed, then sighed and shook his head again. Finally, when he was about to die of urgency, he asked, "Is the eldest lady been drugged, and now she is recovering. ?"

The people in the room looked at each other in con's face, and no one answered, and even Lin Ruosu did not intend to answer this question.

After all, it's just a doctor outside. How can you tell him about this kind of thing? Lin Ruo thought about it again and again, and finally avoided the importance and said lightly, " Doctor, we don't know the reason why my daughter lost her memory. But that doesn't matter. The important thing is that the doctor said that my daughter is recovering? Does the doctor mean that my daughter's body is fine, just recovering her memory?

The doctor frowned: "Actually, I'm not very clear about this problem, but Mrs. Zhuang can rest assured that there is nothing wrong with the young lady's pulse. If it's really as the owner's wife said, the young lady is recovering her memory, then it will be clear in a moment.

What the doctor said really worked, and there was really only 'a moment'.

After a while, Bingying did not shout for pain, but looked straight at the top of the bed and ignored anyone.

After a while, Bingying was not in a daze. She got up and ordered Xiaoxing Xiaoren to prepare hot water. She wanted to take a bath.

After a while, Bingying drove everyone out of the room with a frosty face and began to bathe alone.

No one knows what happened to her, but maybe everyone has reached a consensus in their hearts: she has regained her memory.

Liu Yuanchen got the news of the divine arrest house and guessed the general idea, so he rushed back to the palace to recover his life.