Capture the Beast

Chapter 130: Touching

The next day, Jin Ji went to Dongliu Villa without Bingying. But before the third update, he went to the cabin and took something in his hand. It seemed that Ximen Dongliu and others kept yesterday's agreement and gave him what he wanted.

"We are going to the capital." Jin Ji looked at her and just told her.

Bingying changed her direction and asked with a smile, "What's wrong with...what's wrong?" If it was something he could do by himself, he wouldn't take her with him. Since he wants to take her to the capital, it shows that he has something to do with him and needs her to go out.

"Let's talk about it later." Jin Ji obviously doesn't want to talk about it at this moment, but the reason is her. He simply packed up her clothes, took the burden in his hand, and pulled her out of the house. His speed was just enough for Bing Ying to keep up with him, and he did not move forward as fast as a ghost as usual.

Bingying was grabbed by his wrist and lucked to follow his footsteps. Suddenly, she realized that there was such a tacit understanding between her and him - sometimes she even guessed his next move and consciously cooperated with him without saying anything first. She narrowed her eyes slightly and felt that he flew too high with her, and she was a little dizzy. So she smiled bitterly in her heart. It seemed that the fear of highness still could not be changed...

At the end, when Bingying was a little out of breath, Jin Ji suddenly changed his hand and moved her to his arms without letting her consume internal force to fly. Bingying was suddenly relieved. She was so happy that she was so lazy that she quietly wrapped herself around his waist and closed her eyes in his arms to refresh herself.

They are not lovers, but they are so intimate that sometimes even she herself feels strange. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Although she felt annoyed when she saw him in the past, she didn't really want to kill him quickly. Even when she woke up with a strange pain, she still couldn't hate him. She thought and thought that it might be because... He was too silent and rarely communicated with her to teach her to hate. It's really hard to hate a person who is taciturn and ignores people.

Or, because she knew that he was as powerful as he is today and survived the painful death, so she could understand his indifference to anything. If it were her, so would she. Now she just wants to create a situation that is most beneficial to her.

In a trance, her body had landed safely, and Jin Chi held her waist before landing. She had to admit that Jin Ji was actually a very gentle man. Although she didn't say much, she unconsciously showed this kind of considerate gentleness in details, which warmed people's hearts.

"Do you dare to jump?" As soon as Jin Ji's words came out, she found that she was standing side by side with him on the edge of a cliff. She remembered the scene of that day in a trance, but at this time, her ears were so quiet and the clouds were so beautiful that she didn't seem to be noisy that day, and even heard a roar when she closed her eyes.

She shook her head with a wry smile: "A little... afraid..."

"Don't be afraid." Feeling the seemingly bitterness in her tone, Jin Ji opened her mouth as if to comfort her, and she didn't know the reason. Then he hugged her tightly and jumped.

The whistling wind sounded in her ear. Bingying felt that Jin Ji wrapped the whole purple and gold cloak around her body and put her hands around her head and waist, which suddenly made her feel that the sharp wind that had just begun to pierce her body became much softer. She didn't know where it was, and she didn't expect that the cliff was so deep that the cliff in Fengshan Mountain was far less than this. And she didn't know why Jin Ji jumped down with her.

At first, Jin Ji still had a little luck to resist, but after a while, even he couldn't stand it and gave up luck. Bingying naturally knew that he was much more uncomfortable than her. Then she heard a muffled hum in her ear. She didn't know what he had done, and their bodies slowed down.

She breathed a sigh of relief, because their close bodies finally maintained a more acceptable speed and fell down. She couldn't see the scenery around her and could only wait for the two to land - she didn't believe that Jin Ji would suicide, so he would only jump down if there was something he wanted under the cliff.

Time passed very slowly. After the two finally landed, Jin Ji let go of her, spread out a night pearl in her left hand, shining brightly, and she was able to see things. There is a unique hole under the cliff, like a fairyland, decorated with red and lush eyes. She looked around greedily and then turned her head to look at him. She reached out to shake his hand, but he dodged it, but she still saw the blood of her palm and her sleeves were soaked.

"Ah, your... hand..." She whispered and turned to the place where it just landed, and then she saw many plants such as vines on the edge of the cliff. She suddenly found out that he must have grabbed the vine to slow down, which made his right hand hurt so much. No wonder, when the speed slowed down, he only put his left hand around her waist.

Jin Ji ignored her and went straight to the green pool at the bottom of the cliff, plunged down and disappeared into the water. After a long time, only ripples and bubbles slowly dispersed in the light of the night pearl.

Bing Ying looked at it quietly, but she didn't worry, because this man was so capable. She has the illusion that he can do everything at night. As for the day... she couldn't figure out where he would hide.

With the passage of time, Bingying began to panic a little. If he dies like this, she will never go up and will have to die with him at the bottom of the cliff. However, just when she first felt a little panicked, the water was broken, and the man with pride and inferiority finally appeared in front of her again, holding a small red fruit drenched with water in his hand.

When she had time to say anything, he pinched her cheek, and the little red fruit was stuffed into her mouth and forced to swallow it. A coolness rose from her throat. She coughed twice, but unexpectedly found that there was no pain at all.

"What is this?" She tried to speak, but there was no pain before, but her voice was still hoarse.

"Baby that can make you comfortable." Jin Ji said it without hesitation, but it made Bingying's heart tremble - a little ambiguous. It was inevitable for a woman like her to think about it.

Bingying smiled dryly: "It turned out to be a throat cure." She glanced at his bloody hand several times, and she really couldn't bear the clean and slender hand being abused because of her. This is by no means sorry for him, but he just doesn't want to be violent...

"It can only relieve pain and can't restore the throat." Jin Ji's voice cooled down, hugged her with his left hand intact, and began to climb to the top of the cliff.

Bingying opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but finally didn't say anything. She saw him holding her with his left hand and climbing up the rock with his injured right hand, which was very difficult. At this time, she had no choice but to shut up, because what she said was just a distraction, and she couldn't climb up by herself. Even Jin Ji's powerful light kung fu can't be achieved without relying on external forces, so she doesn't have to be delusional.

She thought: I will definitely wrap him up later, because occasionally she also has to hold the right hand.

Bingying is very relaxed when going up, without consuming internal force or being blown by the wind. Hard work, only Jin Ji. Even if he is extremely skillful, he can't stand this cliff, not to mention holding a woman in his hand. Several times on the way, both of them fell down a distance, and it was still the vine that played a big role. Jin Ji eased his internal breath with the help of the vines and gradually approached the top of the cliff.

Bingying's face was stained with something wet. She knew that it was the blood dripping from Jin Ji's injured right hand after scratching the vines, and her heart couldn't help tightening. Pain, I'm afraid it's a kind of pain, isn't it?

Finally, the two reached the top of the cliff.

Bingying felt Jin Ji's body trembling, and for the first time, she felt that his breath was no longer stable and messy. Before she thought about it, she reached out and touched his chest, and a continuous stream of true qi entered his body through her palm. Then, she heard him say, "Now, it's easy to kill me."

Of course, she knows that now he is almost exhausted, and it will soon be dawn. But she didn't say anything and still did the previous action. It was not until she was a little exhausted that she withdrew her hand. What's good for him to kill her? Waiting to be caught by Huangfu Zhenglong and locked in the palace to be a canary? With Huangfu Zhenglong's current power, she will never let go of her, a woman with Ximen Bingying eyes, right?

"Are you cold?" Recalling that he had been in the cold pool for so long, she naturally asked for concern. After being tired for so long, she worked hard for so long and was injured, just for the little red fruit to cure her sore throat. Even if she is cold, she is still a person and will still be moved.

Jin Ji sat down and crossed his legs to recuperate. In a short time, the heat appeared on his head. It seemed that his recovery speed was very fast. Bingying didn't take action just now, and now it's too late to repent. Of course, there is her own help to Jin Ji.

"It's dawn." Bingying reminded him when she saw that he was motionless and didn't know when he was getting weak. She doesn't know where it is, but now she is a little hungry and wants to go somewhere to eat.

Jin Ji didn't make a sound, but he whistled, and then an unmanned carriage appeared on the top of the cliff.

Bing Ying sighed softly, this man is really... step by step. He seems to have arranged everything properly. I'm afraid this carriage has already been waiting here, right? And the horse actually listened to his orders... When she saw him stand up, she walked to the carriage, turned her head and looked at her, and immediately understood that he was going to take the carriage to the capital.

Watching her walk this way, Jin Ji slowly said, "There is dry food and water in the carriage. Your task is to protect this box during the day, but not at night." After saying that, he lay down in the box of the carriage first, and then the box was covered.

Bingying stood in front of the carriage and was stunned for a moment. Is it possible that he lay in this big box every day? Even if you don't suffocate, you will be numb because your body curls up for too long. But what can she say? Originally, if she wanted to bandage his right hand, she automatically swallowed it. She could only sit in the carriage speechlessly, picked up the dry food and began to fill her stomach.

I don't know when the horse has begun to walk. The mountain road down the mountain is a little bumpy, but at least there is a road, and Bingying doesn't have to worry about anything.

Chewing the cold and hard steamed buns in her mouth, Bing Yingzi thought about the trip carefully, but still couldn't figure out why Jin Ji did this. Isn't it ridiculous that she felt ridiculous and was moved to think about his purpose? However, he chose to walk with her in the daytime... but for the first time.

A little choked, but she still picked up the water bag and took a sip. She tried to get the steamed bun down, but her eyes fell on the big box at her feet. Jin Ji... It's right here! She remembered what Jin Ji told her last time - "I only have martial arts at night. During the day, I am another person..."

Who is it?

Bing Ying stopped eating and looked at the big box thoughtfully. She didn't move for a long time. Halfway through his hand, he couldn't help shrinking back. What if... even if it's just... he lied to her to test her?

She still remembers that last time, in order to confirm the fact that he can't do martial arts, she forced him to stay until dawn before attacking him, but was scolded by him for being 'stupid'. At that time, he was discouraged and knew that he would not weaken after dawn, but now... Now he has admitted it himself, but she doesn't dare to believe it.

"Ji Ji? Are you there?" She leaned forward and knocked heavily on the surface of the box.

What answered her was the sound of the carriage moving forward, and there was no cold sound of frozen people, so she knocked a few more unsuccedentally and retreated to her seat. I don't know whether Jin Ji deliberately ignored her or really lost consciousness, and she didn't plan to open the box to see it rashly so as not to be fooled.

As soon as her normal curiosity was abandoned, her heart calmed down and she closed her eyes slightly to refresh her mind in the swaying carriage. She vaguely thought that there was no one to ride a horse and the carriage automatically ran to the direction of the capital, so she admired Jin Ji's horse taming. It seemed that this was also an 'old horse's way of knowledge'.

At night, the box opened automatically, and Jin Ji sat next to her, as if her body was numb. But after a while, he said, "I didn't trust the wrong person."

Bingying looked at him for a long time and couldn't help laughing. Why do you think it's inappropriate to use the word 'trust' between her and him! However, this relationship is really strange, saying that hostility is hostile and friendly.

Jin Ji looked at her and smiled indifferently. After she laughed enough, she asked, "After completing the task, do you still want to be a catcher?"

Bingying condensed her expression and shook her head: "I don't want to." Although he promised her what she wanted. But if she goes to do something fast, will she have to work for Huangfu Zhenglong again? She doesn't want to... face her old face all day long. She immediately thought of an important question and blurted out, "What am I going to do on this trip to the capital?"

"Approach the queen and get the blood jade on the queen's neck." Jin Ji saw her look up and explained patiently, "That is also one of the secret keys, and you must be in charge of it. However, if the blood jade psychic is not willing to transfer, it will break itself.

Bing Ying touched her nose and thought that Jin Ji knew too many strange things. But now the three maps are in his hands, and it seems that only the last two steps are to go - Xueyu and her. In fact, she also has some expectations, because she wants to live a quiet life and doesn't want to be a puppet of anyone anymore.

I don't know why, she believes what he said - as long as she completes the task, what she wants and gives. She is convinced that he will not break his promise to embarrass her again. But what will happen during the mission... She can't guarantee it. With a slight smile in her heart, she thought so.

"The queen is moody, and this task is a little difficult." Jin Ji stretched out her hand and pressed it under her eyes, and her voice sank: "But your eyes... I believe it will play a great role."

Bingying smiled and said, "Is it because the queen will also think that my eyes are similar to the original Ximen Bingying?" So, she will use me to deal with her husband. Since Jin Ji did not restrict her from going out, she has often gone to the teahouse in the day and listen to the gossip after tea and dinner - the emperor and the queen have a bad relationship.

Both of them have the same stubborn temper, but the emperor is the bully. The queen conveniently used the power of her mother's family to compete with the emperor. In just a few months, the emperor naturally could not fight the queen. On the surface, he swallowed his anger, but in private, it was ruthless torture. This is no longer even a secret among the people.

"In a word, I want her to hand over the blood jade to you." After saying that, Jin Ji sat firmly on Mount Tai and stopped talking.

Bingying didn't hear it and didn't promise him. At this moment, she remembered the Xiangzui Township that Jin Ji bought for her, and she will live in Xiangzui Township in the future. Just... How can I see the noble queen as a brothel woman and even take the willing blood jade from her hand? She frowned slightly and felt a little difficult.

But if according to Jin Ji's words, her eyes will work... then the queen will have to see her. Thinking of this, she frowned even more. Is it possible to see Liu Yuanchen and Ye Bing? If you go to the palace to dance as a dancer, it is a way. It's just that she doesn't know how to dance here - sword dance, it's almost the same.

She smiled and thought that the naughty factor had not completely faded, which really made her feel strange.

Thinking of another thing, Bingying couldn't help keeping Jin Ji quiet. Perhaps because she didn't have a sore throat now, she was still a little happy: " By the way, why did you bother to find that little red fruit today?" She just wanted to know how this man, who actually hated her, could do something that might only be done by coldness.

Thinking of Lengrong, she was stunned again. The man who died for her... Her first man, who worshipped her husband... Inexplicably felt a little guilty, which made her disgusted.

"You have to speak, otherwise how do you complete the task?" After a long time, Jin Ji came up with such a sentence, which was the answer to her question.

Bing Ying is relieved, and it's right to think about it. The queen can't talk to a person who doesn't even want to talk. She can't even say a word and can't get the willing blood jade.

Later, I thought about it, walked around, returned to the capital, and had a relationship with the palace again. It was really a bad fate. She just hoped that this time she didn't want anything, didn't want to love, didn't want to have family affection, didn't want to be fast... She gave up her ideals, and didn't lose herself again.