
Chapter 14 Song of Forgetfulness

But is it really what Ye Lang thought? That's unknown. After that day, the life of Ye Lang, which Nalan Youruo was far away from, Ye Lang also hardened his heart and focused on calculating the Yuwen family. Until the day he silently left Peking University, he never saw Nalan Youruo again. Other students also noticed the situation here and looked this way, but Ye Lang just smiled indifferently and said nothing.

"I'm going out to meet Zhou Ziyi." Huang Sijie changed the topic and then turned away.

Xu Jiaxi talked about cosmetics and several famous brand clothes with two female classmates. Others also talked about some interesting things from the past. The short cold scene was just revealed and became enthusiastic for a moment.

However, after what happened just now, the atmosphere was somewhat delicate. No one mentioned punishing Ye Lang, but there were more words around Wang Xiaofei.

Although Ye Lang was a popular figure in college, everything is not important after walking out of the campus. Now whether he has a successful career or not is the most important.

From time to time, there are eyes around. This place is like a special circle. These are all students who are currently developing well, but at this moment, Ye Lang has a tendency to be marginalized.

Ye Lang has always been very calm about this, but in the end he stood up and left here and sat with other students. He did not want to be imprinted by other students as a special group.

Cosmetics and famous brand clothing are always the favorite topics of female students, while male students talk about news and current events from football. Half an hour later, 25 people came to the party. There were 33 students in the class, three of whom were studying abroad, while the other five were unable to arrive for some special reasons.

Several initiators and organizers of the party delivered speeches one after another, and the atmosphere was very warm. Then everyone divided into several small circles and chatted.

After a long time, the people left the small business center and will raise their glasses to celebrate the reunion. Without deliberate arrangements, the superiority and inferiority of each table was revealed.

Ye Lang did not sit with the small group of Xu Jiaxi, Wang Xiaofei and others, but naturally sat at another table.

After another speech, it was very casual. Some people toasted at various wine tables, and some people were surrounded by wine tables, making it difficult to move a step and were toasted repeatedly.

A lot has happened in the past year, and everyone has changed a lot. Perhaps because of the stimulation of alcohol, many students have talked about their lives, and some are proud and some are frustrated.

Some people hate their boss for being extremely harsh and always asking for overtime, but the salary is pitifully low.

One female classmate said that her boyfriend was the department manager of a famous enterprise, and another classmate said that her husband had been promoted to vice president of the company, and some people said that her fiancee was the niece of a bank executive.

And more people are silent after listening, and many people's lives are not very satisfactory.

One of the female classmates looked particularly haggard. Some people said that she married a person she didn't like. She was unhappy after marriage. Her husband drank all day long. When a classmate passed by her city to visit her, she saw bruises on her body.

"If you need any help, come to me..." Ye Lang was embarrassed by this very haggard female classmate. She still remembered her shy and simple appearance in college and stood outside the football field and waved her hand to cheer for him.

Seeing that her life was really unhappy, she nodded gratefully and whispered thank you.

"Ye Lang, you'd better change yourself first..." The female classmate who said that her husband had been promoted to vice president of the company said rudely with the role of alcohol: "You see how smoothly Wang Xiaofei is developing now."

The students at this table all looked at Ye Lang at the same time, and then looked at the table where Wang Xiaofei was not far away, where they were all well-developed students today.

"Ye Lang didn't say you. You were indeed a person in college, but everything will change after you leave the campus. You can't work hard." At this table, the male classmate who said that his fiancee was the niece of a bank executive also looked preaching.

When it comes to the people at Wang Xiaofei's table, some of the students here sighed that some people were far worse than themselves when they went to school, but now they can't be compared.

There are also people who are cynical, very extreme, drunken words, saying that those people return to their homes and show off their wealth.

Some female classmates joked with Ye Lang, saying that they only secretly liked him when they went to school, but now they regret rejecting Wang Xiaofei's pursuit.

It's still the original city and the original people, but the mood of the people after getting together again is very different. Night has already come, neon flashing on both sides of the road, and the city at night is still emitting endless vitality. Skyscrapers are towering into the sky.

But if you look down from space, all this seems insignificant, but only a square inch.

Ye Lang is looking for the regret of the past in this big city, but time passed by bit by. The girl Ye Lang was waiting for never appeared. Ye Lang's heart was a little lost. He was about to travel far away and step through the sky to fulfill his long-cherished wish. I don't know how many people will Ye Lang sacrificed with this idea. Ye Lang hesitated, regretted and worried. He also knew how many families would bring sadness and pain to his next actions.

However, Ye Lang still remembers that a girl once said to him, "The feelings are selfish."

Maybe the girl's original intention was not to hope that Ye Lang would understand it, but Ye Lang understood this sentence with a little extreme thinking. He would move for this sentence. Of course, Ye Lang also thought about it. He would not live secretly. He would disappear in this troubled world with those people with a heart of atonement.

Ye Lang, who is drinking wine alone, really needs Nalan's smile at this moment. He needs the power of that smile to support him to go on.

"How has Ye Lang's life been for more than a year?" Many people were very concerned about Ye Lang and asked with concern.

"It's okay. My life is very plain. Nothing special has happened in more than a year..."

Ye Lang doesn't want to talk about these people who care about him. After all, Ye Lang deeply understands that he is not from the same world as them. Although they are together, their hearts are separated like the abyss. Most of the troubles of this group of students is the dissatisfaction in life and the trouble at home. What's wrong with the wife and husband?

At this time, people at Wang Xiaofei's table came to toast and said a lot of congratulatory words. Everyone clinked their glasses, which was very lively.

Those who said they would punish Ye Lang earlier did not clink glasses with him alone until Xu Jiaxi and Huang Sijie came one after another and had a drink with Ye Fan alone.

Later, many people were drunk, and then everyone went to karaoke, and the song seemed to bring everyone back to their youthful student days.

"Once when I was young, I loved to pursue my dreams and just wanted to fly forward

Walking all over thousands of mountains and rivers, you can't go back

Shrmly looking back, I can't help but be at the edge of the sky

I realized that the most painful thing about love and hatred is regret

If you have never been heartbroken, you won't understand my sadness
