
Chapter 3 Fighting the Wolf

One is that Ye Lang is very disgusted with this group of gays subjectively, and they are executed people. Obviously, they will not be good people. Second, from an objective point of view, Ye Lang's physical condition is very bad at this moment. The internal meridians of his body are entangled like hemp ropes and made a mess, and Ye Lang launched a sea of blood last time. The vitality consumed by the abyss array has not been replenished. Although I don't know why Ye Lang's body is as smooth and smooth as a child, Ye Lang is very clear that he only has a few years to live, provided that Ye Lang does not find his soul in time to supplement the source of life. When his soul is weak at this moment, all the spells can't be used, and even the basic mind induction can't adapt to it. Ye Lang's Taoism is all cost.

But his body showed a strong and broad state, and Ye Lang was very puzzled. Is this the legendary return of light? In addition, his nails and teeth became very sharp, and these unknown changes made Ye Lang's mind a mass of fog.

The extreme weakness of the soul caused Ye Lang to have a feeling of extreme hunger. This feeling of hunger is the main reason why Ye Lang violated the principles of heaven and absorbed the souls and blood of the seven executed people.

After killing these executed people and getting their clothes and the only watch that could be used, Ye Lang began to look for a way out, but the weather conditions in this ghost place have been unsatisfactory. The huge temperature difference between day and night and the fierce beasts hunting everywhere are a major reason to stop Ye Lang from moving forward. .

In order to be safe, Ye Lang, who was in poor physical condition, chose to take good care of himself first, understand the real situation here, and go out to find a way to leave this damn place.

3 seconds passed, and the moon soon rose on the same horizontal line as the sunset. The temperature of the earth dropped sharply, and Ye Lang felt a coolness on his body; in fact, the temperature at this time was still about 70 degrees Celsius.

The huge temperature difference between day and night made the surface of the Black Death Prison full of huge gullies, and Ye Lang jumped forward like a flea. Every time he jumped more than ten meters high from the ground, fully using the explosive power of his legs. Every time he kicked his legs, the ground under his feet would crack. After an hour, Ye Lang came to a valley 50 kilometers away from where he was; next to the valley was a smoking volcano, which was the territory of the explosive dragon.

Baoyanlong, one of the creatures at the top of the food chain of the Black Death Prison; it belongs to the sub-dragon-class creature. Adult Yanlong is generally more than 20 meters tall and 5 or 6 meters wide, which looks similar to Tyrannosaurus rex. It is wrapped in a layer of thick scales on the outside, and the body temperature reaches 3000 degrees. It can spit out the fire of 10,000 degrees of high temperature, the overlord of the black prison star dayland creatures. The weakness is that it is afraid of cold, and it will shrink into the volcanic magma at dusk.

Of course, Ye Lang's goal is not Baoyanlong. The skin of Baoyanlong is dozens of inches harder than fine steel, which is not too difficult for him to deal with. The most difficult thing to deal with is the ultra-high temperature of 3000 degrees on its surface, which deter any creature who wants to attack it with his body. However, if possible, Ye Lang really wants to Try the taste of dragon meat. Of course, now we can only think that the target of the broken army is the wolf.

Although the wolf is not as strong as the explosive dragon, it is 100 times more terrible than the explosive dragon in the eyes of the black prison biological system. There are three reasons for all this: First, the wolf is extremely fast, and people can only catch a black shadow with their naked eyes when they run! Second, the IQ of wolves is very high, which is equivalent to the IQ of seven- or eight-year-old children; and they all appear in groups; there are few wolves under ten. Third, the teeth are strong and claws, and the claws of the wolf can tear the whole steel plate like tearing paper.

Standing on a raised rock, Ye Lang can feel the pair of hostile eyes from the dark cave; the wolf is a very vengeful race; in the past three months, thousands of brothers have died tragically in Ye Lang's hands, which makes them crazy; you should know the power that brings death to others Coercion has always been their patent. But they dare not act rashly, because they know the horror of the human being in front of them. Finally, the patience of the wolf reached its limit, and more than a dozen young wolves rushed out together and vowed to defend the dignity of the wolf clan with their own actions.

In the past few months, Ye Lang has been feeding on this kind of wolf creature that is very similar to tooth wolves in the past. It's funny. Ye Lang seems to be born to be the natural enemy of this kind of wolf. Whether it is the wolf's rapid or united combat ability, it is ineffective for Ye Lang. Although Ye Lang can no longer use any spells at this moment, his flesh The physical strength is doubling and becoming stronger. Ye Lang is very clear that the world's martial arts is only fast and unbreakable, so Ye Lang has been simulating the running method of the wolf in recent months. With much stronger physical strength than the wolf, Ye Lang is very good. In addition, Ye Lang has never thought of a large ethnic group. He specially found ten The idea of a team of wolves has made Ye Lang never worry about the source of food in recent months. He knows that Ye Lang, who is a fool, will definitely not let go of these wolves, so every time he goes out to hunt, the wolf is his best choice.

At least before he was tired of drinking the wolf's blood, he didn't know why. Ye Lang had never eaten cooked food since he woke up. On the contrary, he fell in love with sucking blood, so now every time he hunted his prey, he collected blood. As for the wolf meat, Ye Lang didn't even look at it. In consciousness, if there are no ingredients, this blood tastes better.

The speed of the wolf is fast in the eyes of others, but it is so slow in Ye Lang's eyes that he can even see the beards and ferocious expressions on their faces. More than a dozen wolves rushed up and tore Ye Lang into pieces; the fragments disappeared, and it turned out that what they shred was just the remnants of Ye Lang.

Ye Lang appeared behind a wolf out of thin air, with his five fingers together and waved forward; a "poof" sound; it seemed to have cut a cloth bag; Ye Lang's arm was inserted into the chest of the wolf and pierced from his back, and the wolf's blood splashed Ye Lang all over.

At this moment, Ye Lang did not choose to avoid, because through this period of continuous fighting with the wolves, Ye Lang has been very clear about the weaknesses of these wolves. In addition to providing high-quality wolf blood to supplement Ye Lang, another of their role is to study the biological system here for Ye Lang. For the research materials, by constantly dissecting the body of the wolf, Ye Lang found that the wolf family was actually no different from the wolf clan thousands of years ago, and they were also iron-headed copper-toothed tofu waist.

After understanding the fatal weakness of wolves, Ye Lang can often kill with one blow and no longer needs to avoid the attacks of these wolves.

Even Ye Lang can actually avoid the splash of wolf blood, but he doesn't want to. I don't know when he likes the feeling of blood splashing on his body. In the past, Ye Lang can basically be said to be a mage type, mainly relying on the skill of Qimen. He rarely enjoyed such bloody close combat. Fun, so he didn't hide. Although he didn't understand why his physical condition became so strange, he found that he liked blood very much. Every time he killed the wolf, he drank all the blood without wasted. Ye Lang didn't care about this. He just thought he didn't want to like wolf meat.

Wolf's blood dripped down Ye Lang's arm to the ground, and the wolf's eyes were covered with a trace of turbidity; it struggled to lift its front paws as if it were going to make a final blow; but when it was lifted to his chest, it drooped weakly; its life had passed away. Ye Lang stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the blood beads on his cheeks, which was astringent and sweet.

The surviving wolf rushed back to the nest with a scream; hid in the dark corner and trembled; after all, compared with the honor of the wolf clan, life is the most important.

"Damn, I haven't played enough, brother." Ye Lang's mouth was full of mockery; he didn't mean to kill him quickly. A wolf has more than 70 or 80 catties of blood that he can eat for a day; Ye Lang never stores food, because he knows that if he has enough food, people will relax; and relaxing in the black prison is equivalent to death.

"It's about to appear. I won't run away again today. It's almost over. I should also go." Ye Lang stood on the rock and quietly waiting for his goal to appear; at the same time, his thoughts gradually faded away. On the earth thousands of years ago, Ye Lang's earth, he was careless. Now he can finally put down all the burdens and live only for himself.
