
Chapter 26 Star Thief

"Ha", seeing Ye Lang's eyes, Heifeng smiled slightly, as if he understood what he was thinking in his heart, and said, "You're right. When I hadn't become a perfect warlock, I was a master with a gun. At that time, I was one of the starry sky thieves!"

"Star Thief?" Ye Lang's sweat, this title may be very famous for others, which can be seen from the confident expression of the black wind, but for Ye Lang, an outsider, what a starry sky thief is, he has no concept at all

"Well," Heifeng was not in the mood to delve into Ye Lang's idea. After looking at the east, he threw the gun in his hand to Ye Lang and slowly pointed to Can Ye, who was thinking about the escape route and said, "Finally, that person will be handed over to you. Let me see how your shooting skills are."

Covering the gun thrown by the black wind, Ye Lang smiled bitterly and tried my shooting? This shooting skill can't be practiced overnight. Can you really kill such a martial arts master with a gun? Ye Lang actually has no grasp in his heart. If it is a plum dart, Ye Lang is full of confidence. However, since there is a chance to practice, why not? After all, Drucker is here, and it is impossible to escape this night.

With a "Kala", after pulling the safety bolt on the gun, Ye Lang rushed to the night with lightning, and his left claw without nails fiercely grabbed the night's face. At the same time, the muzzle on his right hand was raised, and the dark hole was aimed at the night.

Looking at the Canye who rushed over, he originally wanted to block his claws with his palms, but looking at the muzzle raised at the same time in his right hand, Can Ye's heart tightened, and he stepped on the mysterious footwork under his feet. Several dodged to avoid Ye Lang's attack. At the same time, he became more cautious, and his mind was quick. Calculate the way and route of escape.

Originally, this blood clan needed to be defeated by himself and Yun Niang. He was definitely not his opponent alone. Even if he didn't have nails, he still had fangs. What's more, there was a more horrible perfect warlock staring at him. Can Ye's heart knew that his hope of escape was too slim.

Although the walking method of the remnant night is mysterious, Ye Lang's speed is much faster than his. Relying on the ghostly speed, Ye Lang followed the remnant night like lightning. At the same time, the gun in his hand shot two points, and suddenly two bullets shot at the night at a speed rarely seen by the naked eye.

He staggered his feet and moved like lightning in the night. However, in front of Ye Lang's speed, although his walking method was mysterious, it was too slow. Two blood flowers bloomed, and two blood holes suddenly appeared on the shoulders of the night, and blood flowed out.

"That's good," he saw that Ye Lang worked so quickly. The corners of Heifeng's mouth gently raised. Didn't he think of using a gun like this and relying on his own speed to cooperate with the gun? Although this method is too barbaric for the blood clan, the effect is still unspeakable.

"It's been avoided!" Looking at the blood hole on Can Ye's shoulders, Ye Lang secretly said dissatisfiedly that he had escaped the key point.

Then, my feet tightened. Now that I have been dodged, let's continue.

The speed advantage of the blood clan began to play. Ye Lang was like a ghost on the whole rooftop, like a smoke, floating like lightning, looking for the most suitable opportunity.

And Can Ye also stepped on the mysterious footwork quickly, giving Ye Lang no chance, and staring at him.

However, with the passage of time, both of them began to feel more and more anxious. Can Ye felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, and his heart was eager. The blood kept dripping for so long, and his eyelids seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, which was obviously a manifestation of excessive blood loss.

Similarly, not only Ye Lang's heart is eager, but also Ye Lang's heart is also eager. The east has begun to turn white, and a trace of light has begun to shine on the eastern sky. Moreover, Ye Lang noticed that the black wind's hand was raised and put down, put down and raised again. Obviously, his heart has also begun to be anxious. Get up, there is not much time.

"Ji-jiu!" Two more bullets fired at the night. This time, the angle is even more tricky. They are all in the dead corner of the night's sight. The night has long felt the danger flashed by. If you want to hear the sound first and then dodge it, it is impossible. At such a close distance, the speed of the bullet is faster than the sound in the air. The degree of broadcasting is not much different.

Two blood flowers bloom again, and this night is even more dangerous. I don't know if his last dodge did not work.

"It's over!" Looking at the blood from the corners of the other party's mouth and his sudden dazed movements, Ye Lang said secretly in his heart. Then, his right hand was raised again, and the dark muzzle was aimed at his forehead.

"Haha, bye!" But at this time, suddenly the night laughed loudly, then shook it, and immediately threw off his sunglasses, making people see his eyes clearly for the first time.

What kind of eyes are that? I saw his eyes, and I couldn't see the pupils in it at all. Only endless gray clouds slowly changed in his eyes

"Fantasy Sea Light!" Seeing the remnant night when he shook off his sunglasses, a light appeared in his gray eyes, and then his face turned a little pale, and then he kicked his feet and immediately turned into a sharp arrow towards the distance of the factory

"Kka." Ye Lang, who raised his hand like lightning, pulled the trigger. What he got was an empty sound, and there was no bullet in it

"Don't chase it!" Just as Ye Lang was still wanting to chase him, suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lang and said, "It's almost dawn. There are few people around here. Even if you catch up with him, you don't have enough time to find a place to hide, and this guy's illusion ability for escape is really good, even I can't do it either! Just give up the idea of killing him."

"Then let him escape like this?" Ye Lang was obviously unwilling. He was not only angry with him to escape, but more importantly, he knew his identity and must not let him live.

"I didn't expect that this boy is still a perfect warlock in the fantasy system. Although it is only a soldier-level ability, unfortunately, this level of illusion is only at this level. If it were a captain, I'm afraid we would be dangerous." Heifeng was also slightly surprised to look at the direction of the remnant night's escape and said, "That man is not simple, genetic The martial artist and the dual identity of a perfect warlock, as well as strong computing ability and forbearance, should not let him live, and then suffer endlessly.

"Well!" Ye Lang also nodded. No wonder he had been wearing sunglasses even in the black wind. It turned out that his eyes were mutant and had powers, and he even calculated the remaining bullets in his gun clearly. Did he kill those by himself at that time? When they are individuals, do they also pay attention to the consumption of bullets between them? And he even let himself be shot for the last chance to escape.

"It's a mistake for such an enemy to let him run away. It will definitely cause us great trouble in the future, and he knows our identity." Ye Lang frowned and said.

"Let's go back first," he looked at the east, which had turned white, and said slowly, "Let's go to him tonight. As long as he is still in the city, I have a way to find him."

"Look for him tonight? Can people still be found?" Ye Lang looked at the black wind doubtfully and asked.

There was a mysterious smile on his face, and the black wind said slowly, "You will know then. I'm leaving. Be more careful yourself. After solving this person, you'd better leave the city quickly," and the black wind turned into a strong wind and flew in the direction of his store.

"Cut", looking at the flying black wind, Ye Lang slightly pouted. It's really convenient for the perfect warlock. He doesn't look like himself. He can only run back honestly

"Eh? Ye Lang? Why did you come back?" When it was almost dawn, when Ye Lang returned to the hospital, he happened to meet the oncoming blue baby. The blue baby looked at Ye Lang anxiously and worriedly and said eagerly, "Are you still wandering here? The energy of the Yuwen consortium is as big as you think. You'd better run away now, otherwise, you'll be in trouble when they find you."

Seeing the worried appearance of Blue Baby, Ye Lang's heart warmed slightly. This feeling of being cared for by others rarely felt