
Chapter 41 In order to survive

Suddenly, Ye Lang sensed that the blood flow in the red sand snake's body accelerated a little. He was shocked, and Ye Lang hurriedly and carefully stepped back. Sure enough, as soon as Ye Lang took a step back, the red sand snake in front of him had already floped out of the gravel. His whole body became a curved S-shaped and rushed to Ye Lang, and the small snake's head exposed its extremely commensurate sharp and poisonous teeth and bit Ye Lang's face at a very fast speed.

Ye Lang cut it with a knife, and the sword accurately hit the head of the red sand snake, but only heard "Ding!" With a crisp sound, the head of the snake that was chopped was not cut off as expected, but was shaken out by the strong force, and the long snake body was also pulled fiercely on Ye Lang when Ye Lang's sword did not have time to take it back.

Ye Lang staggered back a few steps, and there was a hot pain in his left shoulder that was pulled by the snake's body, but fortunately, Ye Lang's clothes were wearing a special combat uniform of the Wild War Legion. There was no damage to the place where he was drawn, and it also effectively reduced the strength of the snake's body on Ye Lang.

At this time, Ye Lang did not dare to be careless. He quickly mobilized the pure Zhenyuan power in the core of his heart and ran according to a strange running route all over his body. This strange Zhenyuan power operation mode has long been separated from the true qi operation mode of the [Moon Spirit Sutra], and it seems that it has been opened since the formation of the sea silver dragon. The mode of operation has been changed, and after another understanding of the strange mind method of Jiannu's martial arts memory in the battle with Xinghe a few days ago, it seems that the two have merged by themselves, forming this special operation route in today's body. As long as Ye Lang's heart moves, the true power in the heart core will immediately gushe out and run spontaneously according to this mode of operation, and usually there is only a very weak element force running in the body and constantly communicates with the force in the core.

The red sand snake was hit by Ye Lang's head and was shaking its head dizzy at this moment, and its body was quickly coiled into a circle to protect itself. In just two or three seconds, the snake had woken up, and then immediately curled up and crawled towards the cautious Ye Lang. His blue eyes seemed to stare at Ye Lang fiercely as if they were shooting deep hatred. Sure enough, this red sand snake not only has a grumpy personality and actively attacks any living creature, but also has a strong sense of revenge. Once it is provoked, it will be an endless situation.

Ye Lang took a deep breath and only stared at it. At the same time, his mind did not let go of its every move. His feet moved slowly back and kept himself in a good attack position. This is the experience that Ye Lang learned in more than 30 confrontations with more than 20 red sand snakes and more than 90 red scorpions in this quiet desert!

After more than ten minutes of stalemate, suddenly there was a rapid sound of breaking the air. Ye Lang almost instinctively flew back and blocked the sword in his hand against the door.

"Bang!" A thick snake body hit Ye Lang's chest and quickly wrapped Ye Lang's body, almost at the same time, "Ding!" With a sound, the sword in his hand seemed to have been hit by something. Ye Lang looked at it in a hurry, but was shocked to find that a fist-sized snake's head was biting the blade of Ye Lang's sword with a big mouth at this moment, and the poisonous teeth shining with blue light were shaking in front of Ye Lang's eyes.

This is not the red sand snake that confronted Ye Lang just now. This red sand snake is thicker and longer than that one, and its head is more than twice as big as that one. Ye Lang was so careless that he only cared about the immediate danger but forgot that this place was full of crises. At the same time, the afterglow of the corner of his eyes also saw the red sand snake that had just confronted Ye Lang rushing at this moment. Ye Lang's heart suddenly rose to his throat and almost dispersed. This red sand snake is powerful enough to tear Ye Lang's body into pieces, and then swallowed Ye Lang with its big mouth that is not commensurate with its small head.

"Ah!" Ye Lang shouted, but he can't wait to die now. Ye Lang quickly ran the power in his body and inadvertently transported the power to the sword in his hand. Suddenly, the sword flashed silver light, and Ye Lang instinctively split it forward.

With a "sneer", half of the snake's head wrapped around Ye Lang was suddenly split down by Ye Lang, and the blood of the bright red snake immediately spread away. Ye Lang was stunned and shook his eyes. The red sand snake had just rushed over. Ye Lang cut it casually, and another snake's head flew out. The snake body that lost the snake's head immediately hit Ye Lang's body. An unstable leaf wave leaned back and fell down...

I finally got rid of the snake's body tightly wrapped around Ye Lang and watched the snake's blood fly all over the sky, but I couldn't drink it. This painful feeling really made Ye Lang very depressed for a while.

Until after the snake bleeded, Ye Lang packed up his equipment and continued to move towards the destination.

On the way, Ye Lang began to slowly recall that when he was in the killer camp, the instructor told him some information about survival in the wild. The war just now has seriously exhausted Ye Lang's physical strength. If he can no longer find blood or water, I'm afraid Ye Lang will become the first tragic crossing in history. He died of thirst here.

"Wow, why didn't I think of this? It took me so long to remember. I'm really stupid."

Suddenly, Ye Lang seemed to think of something. His originally pale face gradually became red. His eyes shot around quickly, and soon chose a target and strode to a limestone 100 meters away from him.

At this time, Ye Lang suddenly remembered what he saw on a popular science channel about how to find water in the desert, and this method was obviously also applicable in this desert thousands of years later.

The leaf wave remembers that the ground is relatively humid, and there are grass, white thorns, triangular leaf poplars, sycamore trees, willow trees, salt cypress, incense and other plants. Generally, water sources can be found. Water can be seen digging under these plants.

And Ye Lang was lucky enough to quickly find a limestone area with white thorns and found a thin stream of water in the cracks in the rock layer.

Ye Lang tasted the taste, immediately frowned again, and the water in his mouth was immediately spit out.

"You can't drink." This is the first feeling in Ye Lang's mind at this moment. This is actually salt water, and the concentration is not low. This kind of salt water can't be swallowed at all.

But Ye Lang was not discouraged. Instead, he immediately took out his toolkit and began to look for it.

Soon Ye Lang found all the tools he wanted and began to be busy near the limestone.

Ye Lang knows that in places where there is wet sand or bitter salt water, in order to obtain drinkable fresh water, you can dig a 1.5m diameter and 1m deep sand pit covered with a transparent and clean plastic film, pressed around with stones or sand, and then put a small stone in the middle of the plastic film to make it funnel-like. A water container is placed under the tip of this funnel-shaped film. The sunlight evaporates the water vapor in the wet bunker through the plastic film. When the water vapor encounters the plastic film, it becomes water droplets and drips into the container along the funnel-shaped plastic film. According to the experiment, this simple solar distillation method can produce about 1.5l of fresh water per day. In winter in the desert, bitter salt water can be frozen in containers to dilute it. Frozen is drinkable fresh water.

The temperature of Mars has always been high, and the sun's irradiation ability is still good. After several hours of hard work, Ye Lang finally collected a pot of fresh water to save his life. It was not until the moment when the sun went down that Ye Lang put away the kettle and began to dig caves to rest in the desert. The temperature difference between day and night is huge, especially in the Martian region. The temperature in the desert at night is frighteningly low. In the past seven days, Ye Lang has suffered a lot.

And through the lessons learned in the past few days, Ye Lang deeply understood how stupid it is to make a fire in the desert.

There are many ways to keep warm, but making a fire for heating has always been a common behavior of human beings. The same is true for the first night of Ye Lang, who had just arrived in the bloody desert. Ye Lang, who did not realize how serious this problem was, ushered in the first wave of fierceness of beasts in the tenth minute after he just fell asleep. Attack, there are many nocturnal creatures in the bloody desert, and most of them rely on heat sensing to find prey. Ye Lang's fire is like a bright light in the night, which immediately attracted the eyes of the night beasts in all directions.

If Ye Lang hadn't launched his transformation ability in time and fled quickly, I'm afraid Ye Lang would have died on the first day. However, although Ye Lang was only a little scared, he lost a lot of equipment. Most of the equipment he brought from the camp was lost that night, which is why Ye Lang The most fundamental reason why we have run out of food on the seventh day.

So Ye Lang, who learned a lesson, no longer dares to make a fire if he sleeps at night. On the contrary, he usually looks for some high rock layers to dig caves, which can not only avoid the harassment of night life, but also avoid the invasion of cold air.

When Ye Lang, who had cleaned up everything, lay in the rock cave, he remembered the magical scene at noon.

At this time, Ye Lang began to think about why he had divided the two red sand snakes at once. As a matter, the snake skin of the two red sand snakes was extremely tough, and it seemed impossible for Ye Lang to split the sword in his hand. Ye Lang thought carefully about the thrilling scene just now, and suddenly his mind flashed. He remembered that Ye Lang seemed to have inadvertently transported the power in his body to the sword in his hand. Is that the reason?

Ye Lang's tester transported Yuanli to the sword. Sure enough, the sword immediately flashed with silver light, and Ye Lang casually split the rock layer under his feet. The sword silently scratched through the rock layer, and a three-foot-deep knife mark appeared. Ye Lang was happy and excited. His grandmother's, there is no need to be afraid of these snakes, insects and scorpions in the future. After coming, won't I be stabbed one by one? Thinking of happiness, I not only dance a little.