
Chapter 49 Domineering Dragon War

These two are Major Heifeng and Major Yuchang.

Suddenly, the two of them showed a shocked look in the sky facing the way forward at the same time. They found that a thin wind and sand column suddenly appeared dozens of kilometers away in front of them, and the sand column continued to expand and expand, and finally formed a tornado sandstorm, bringing sand and dust to spiral up to the sky. Even though the two were used to seeing the big scene, they were stunned at this time, and there was a hint of unknown foreboding in their hearts.

The advancing suspended chariot also suddenly stopped. Both of them stood up and jumped off the chariot without saying anything. Their bodies landed without the slightest dust, and their bodies were not sluggish at all. It can be seen that their light skills were first-class.

At this time, a man came out of the chariot, and it was the breeze adjutant.

"Adeputy Breeze, what's going on?" The question is about some acute fish intestines.

"I'm about to report, Major Fish Sausage. Suddenly, there was a huge sandstorm in front of us. Adjutant Breeze said with a military salute.

"Oh? How could there suddenly be a sandstorm for no reason? What's the specific situation? Are the sandwolves still there? Major Night asked doubtfully.

"Well, it is predicted that there may be a sandstorm near this place in the next three days. But now it seems that this sandstorm has appeared in advance and changed its position, which is also what puzzles the officials. It's just one thing that is very strange." In the end, the adjutant of Breeze was also a little doubtful.

"What's the matter?" Major Heifeng knows that this deputy Breeze is very principled. Since he thinks there are ten * problems where he can do it. Besides, now in his mind, he cares about which person is the most important and who is likely to be there, so he must ask clearly.

"Major Heifeng, according to the subordinate's detection, it was found that there was a very strong energy reaction before a sandstorm appeared. The lower official suspects that the early emergence and change of the location of this sandstorm may be related to this sudden emergence of strange energy. Adjutant Breeze did not dare to say for sure.

"Strange energy reaction? Is it him?" Heifeng, the two fish intestines suddenly looked at each other and saw the look of fear in each other's eyes.

"Adeputy Breeze, make every effort to move forward to the place where the sandstorm appeared." Major Night ordered in a low voice. After saying that, he jumped on the turret above the head of the chariot again, looked at the place where the sandstorm formed, and muttered to himself, "Don't do anything happen to you, boy!"

The fish intestine followed the black wind without saying anything.

The deputy breeze also stopped talking, turned into the chariot and commanded the chariot to move quickly towards the sandstorm. The sandstorm dragged the bloated "body" and twisted to the center of the storm desert. The slow "pace" is extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has disappeared into the tireless wind and sand flying in the storm desert. What was taken away was the lives of thousands of sand wolves and the hundreds of millions of gravel "housed" along the way, leaving a sand road several meters deep and dozens of meters wide to the sky.

A huge bunker appeared in the place where the tornado sandstorm was formed, and everything around it seemed to suddenly quiet down, only faintly revealing purple-gold brilliance on the gravel at the bottom of the bunker. The silver light flashed rapidly, and a layer of gravel at the bottom of the bunker seemed to be rolling like waves driven by mysterious forces.

suddenly. With a bang, the bottom of the bunker exploded, and a pillar of silver light rose to the sky with a silver figure. The gravel splashed everywhere, and the silver beam of light gradually faded into a shadow. At this moment, a tall figure was standing with its head held high in the sky hundreds of meters away.

Silver apertures vibrated like waves in all directions centered on this figure until it gradually dissipated hundreds of meters away. Looking carefully, I found that this figure is actually a Lin-shaped skin all over the body, with dense scales shining silver brilliance, and silver light flowing like spikes in all joints of the body, especially the two huge spikes on the shoulders, which are even more domineering. This person's head carries a powerful dragon. The head, two huge horns stretched to the sky, and the black hair with silver light fluttered between the two dragon horns. The most shocking thing about the whole figure is the two huge wings stretched behind him, which are domineering.

The whole person floating in the air gives people a strange and strange and shocking feeling of fear that they don't know whether it is a demon, a god, a demon or a ghost or a strange person.

And this person is Ye Lang.

Seeing that the situation was endangering himself, Ye Lang quickly drilled deeper than ten meters under the sand dunes and was no longer able to dive down, so Ye Lang turned the real element in his body into a "protecting dragon" to protect his body. However, the pressure from the sand dunes was not relieved at all, and it was strengthened step by step. A powerful vortex-like airflow formed on the head of Ye Lang, constantly tearing Ye Lang's body and will. The "protecting dragon" could not effectively stop this powerful suction vortex and was absorbed and melted. For a while, the true elements in the body are rapidly converted into qi to protect the body, and the external qi is constantly worn out by layers by the powerful suction vortex. Slowly, the operation of the real elements in the body can no longer catch up with the consumption of external qi.

My consciousness suddenly blurred and I was shocked. Don't fall into a coma at this moment. At the critical moment, Ye Lang quickly sank all his divine consciousness into the core of his body. This was the first time that Ye Lang had immersed his consciousness into the core of his heart, and a new feeling immediately rose in his heart. However, Ye Lang did not dare to enjoy this feeling at this time. The core of his heart suddenly burst into a dazzling light. A stream of pure Zhenyuan flowed out of it endlessly, and then flowed through his whole body, running the "Silver Dragon Battle Power Formula" in the meridians of his whole body, constantly absorbing the scattered vitality between heaven and earth, transforming into pure Zhenyuan power, circulating A week later, a small amount returned from the top of the head of the heart nucleus to the body of the heart nucleus, and a large number of true elements were transformed into "protective dragons" to protect the body. But even so, the transformed qi is still not enough to consume. Ye Lang sinks his consciousness into the heart nucleus to stop the reflux of the true element. Not only that, he also needs to extract a large number of the true element in the heart nucleus to convert it into a "protecting dragon".

With a decision, Ye Lang immediately blocked the Zhenyuan from flowing back from the top of the core of the heart, and converted the Zhenyuan from heaven and earth into a "protecting dragon" to compete with the powerful suction vortex outside the body. But before long, Ye Lang found that this could not stop the consumption of Zhenyuan's conversion into gas, and even Ye Lang's body seemed to be pulled outward by the powerful suction vortex. A chill gushed out in Ye Lang's heart. If he was swept into the vortex, he might be completely smashed by this vortex. With a fierce heart, Ye Lang stretched his body and began to encourage all the true elements in the heart nucleus, and then let the heart nucleus burst out in an all-round way to support the consumption of qi.

Suddenly, it appeared unexpectedly. The ghost eye pendant shined dazzlingly under the eruption of Zhenyuan. The next moment, thousands of silver light emitted from the ghost eye of the ghost eye pendant and kept shooting in all directions. It immediately passed through Ye Lang's body. Miraculously mutated after Ye Lang's body was passed through by light, and pieces of scales on Ye Lang's body surface Slowly formed, and then, the spiked armor at each limb joint on the dragon scale armor and the wings behind the body emitted different columns of light, and each column of light shadowed every joint of the body. However, in the blink of an eye, a shining dragon scale skin had formed on Ye Lang's flesh. The "protecting dragon" also kept moving on the dragon scale armor, and the powerful suction vortex was no longer helpless for Ye Lang. The whole process made Ye Lang reflect in his mind without revealing anything. The shock in his heart was indescribable, but at the same time, his heart was also full of endless joy and happiness. Although he knew that he had this powerful transformation ability, Ye Lang would not control this ability at all. Ye Lang's origin of this dragon beast transformation He has all the characteristics of the blood clan, but it is a little different from the blood clan, which makes Ye Lang wonder for a while what's going on.

However, if it hadn't been for the successive occurrence of accidents, Ye Lang would not have been able to look at his transformation so truthily. This powerful feeling finally made Ye Lang's uneasy heart feel a little better. Ye Lang, whose heart was filled with powerful power, did not notice the ghost eye pendant on his body. The two ghost pupils that originally sparkled with dazzling light have become extremely obscure at this moment and have long disappeared from the previous power. Obviously, Ye Lang's strength is not without a price, but Ye Lang doesn't know much about this price.

I finally escaped another disaster.

After a while, the divine consciousness separated from the core and returned to the body, allowing the divine mind to probe out the movement around the scan. I found that the powerful suction vortex was actually a super dragon sandstorm. The center point of the sandstorm was right above Ye Lang's body, and he sighed in his heart that he was not an ordinary decline! Fortunately, at this time, the tornado sandstorm had begun to change its direction and moved away step by step.

The sandstorm disappeared for a moment and came and went quickly.

Ye Lang trembled all over, and then flew from the sand dunes to the sky and stayed at a height of hundreds of meters. Behind him were silver wings covered with huge scales. The flying in the air depended on these two extra wings. Unexpectedly, these two strange wings were at hand. Suddenly, there was a burst of joy in his heart, and at the same time, a proud and domineering spirit in his chest unconsciously flowed, and the agitated Ye Lang couldn't help roaring from his mouth.

"Black wind, listen, it's a roar." The fish intestine standing behind the black wind said with a shock.

"What a familiar voice." Heifeng was also shocked, but said doubtfully.

"What a profound skill. I think I'm worse!" The fish intestine sighed.

"Is it him?" The night and the fish intestine looked in the direction of the roar, and suddenly looked at each other and said together.

"Deputy Bree, add maximum power and move in the direction of the roar." The black wind suddenly became much calmer.

The sound clearly sounded in the ear of the breeze adjutant inside the chariot.

"Yes. Sir." The voice of the adjutant breeze came through the loudspeaker of the chariot. At the same time, the speed of the chariot increased again, leaving a shadow of the road on the sand dunes passing by. And standing on the roof of the chariot

The black wind and fish intestines were not affected by it at all. Instead, they carried their hands leisurely and stared at the direction of the roaring.

Ye Lang suddenly stopped and stopped roaring. Because the shock of Ye Lang is happening in front of his eyes.