
Chapter 100 Water Elf's Staff

"No, I will still fight with you again sooner or later. My intuition has always been very accurate. I have a feeling that it is not your real combat power. There seems to be something hidden behind you. I don't want to care about your secrets, but this battle is a must." Qiao rejected Ye Lang's proposal and said resolutely to Ye Lang.

"Oc, as you wish, there will be a day when you will see my real combat power." Ye Lang seemed to look at this war-loving Joe. Ye Lang didn't expect that the last deliberate defeat would bring such a result. Qiao has always been worried and has always been dissatisfied with Ye Lang's doing so.

"We don't need to talk about this matter. Now we have to watch the changes in this matter. The facts will slowly surface. Whether it is robbed by others or not, the Dark Association will find out the matter. At that time, who can get the artifact first?" Still the lazy look, Ye Lang said softly.

"Whether it was robbed or not?" Obviously noticing Ye Lang's words, Qiao's slender Wangyue raised his eyebrows slightly, "What do you mean?"

"Ye, I'm just saying it's possible." Seeing Joe's surprised look, Ye Lang nodded slightly and said, "If it is robbed by others, then Bernie should resist desperately, right? Although the power of a five-level strong man equivalent to a marquis-level is earth-shaking, it will certainly cause great fluctuations, but don't you think it's strange that no one has been robbed of him?

"It's not unreasonable for you to say so." Hearing Ye Lang's words, Qiao nodded slightly and said, "If someone robs it, the power of a marquis-level strongman will definitely attract the attention of many people."

"Forget, let's not think about this problem. There are so many strong people at the marquis and duke level to investigate, and the situation will soon be found out. We just need to sit here and wait slowly." Seeing Qiao frowning and thinking, Ye Lang said with a smile that Ye Lang actually admired Qiao. He had such an achievement at a young age. According to the age exchange value between the human race and the blood clan, Qiao is only 18 years old, but his strength has reached the earl level, which is in the blood clan. It is also rare in thousands of history. Ye Lang is very curious about whether this Joe is from the Bush family or not. Why is it also a top family? The gap between Christina and Joe is so big. Christina has reached the peak of the viscount even under the continuous strengthening of Duke of Mexico in the later period, but Ye Lang knew that Christina was just empty, and she only had one set of the most common combat skills of the blood clan. She did not know any other secret methods and lacked actual combat. Therefore, even if a thousand Christina were placed in front of Joe, it was a second kill, so Ye Lang doubted Joe's origin.

"Eh? Look over there." Suddenly, at this time, Qiao said in a surprised voice behind Ye Lang.

"What?" Hearing Qiao's surprised voice, Ye Lang turned his head curiously and looked in the direction of her finger. He saw a man squatting in the back alley of a pharmacy and roaring in pain. This painful sound

shouted immediately attracted the attention of Ye Lang and Joe.

But it was not the man that shocked Ye Lang and Qiao, but a small cane pinned to the belt, and the dark blue cane bloomed a strong light.

"The Staff of Water Elf." Although they had never seen the legendary water elf stick, as soon as they saw the cane, the idea instinctively flashed in their minds and then looked at each other. Although they didn't know why they appeared under such circumstances, the speed of terror between the two people was still decisive and suddenly turned into two blacks. The sharp arrow shot in that direction.

However, it is obvious that it is not only the two of them who find a goal. It is difficult for others not to find such a big goal

"Humph, have they all come together? Then I will annihilate all of them tonight!" Looking at the blood bats and werewolves that had gathered in the past, the dark mages, the referee Cade muttered with a cold smile hanging from the corners of his mouth.

"There is no mercy, kill me." Looking at the direction of the members of the Dark Association running, Cade announced loudly, and then the clergy quickly killed in this direction.

"God's people, now, those dirty aliens and dirty races have begun to gather. What do you think we should do?" Standing on the roof of the building, the referee Cade asked the clergy in front of him.

"Kill! Cut the grass and eradicate it, and kill it all." As Cade's words fell, these clergy roared loudly.

"Good! Well said!" Cad, who got the answer, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well! Then let's go now! We are the most faithful apostles of God! We have an obligation to clean up the darkness of the world.

With that, Kade, Xingya and Keith led a group of clergy and also rushed in the direction of Ye Lang.

"Damn it, what's going on? This should not be his style, right?" However, Xingya and Case, who followed Kaide, were puzzled. After all, although the other party only has three six-level strong men, there are hundreds of elites of the Dark Association. Dozens of his own clergy are already in a weak position. Why is he still so clear? Blatantly rush over and fight hard?

"Wo." The distance of hundreds of meters is actually not much different from the proximity in front of Ye Lang and Qiao. It is almost teleportation, and the two appeared in front of this roaring young man.

"Roar!" Sensing the proximity of Ye Lang and Qiao, the young man who was roaring suddenly bombarded Ye Lang's body with his right hand. A blue light flashed, and a horrible breath exploded towards Ye Lang.

Feering the destructive power contained in the other party's punch, Ye Lang's face changed slightly, and then he stepped back a few steps like lightning. At the same time, he quickly completed the transformation of the battle form. His right hand also cut towards the other party. Hundreds of small blood-red cold blades suddenly enveloped the other party. They often Use the blood blade.

"Puffing." However, when the blood blades were cut on the other party's body, a blue light emerged, and those blood-red cold blades suddenly disappeared like mud cows into the sea.

However, at this time, the young man did not pursue, but still held his head and shouted in pain. It seemed that as long as Ye Lang did not approach him, he would not take the initiative to attack.

"His situation doesn't seem to be right." At this time, Joe had retreated more than ten meters away from the man and said to Ye Lang with a frown.

"Ye." Ye Lang nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, looking at his appearance, it seems to be because of the staff of the water elf. Moreover, his strength is also a little stronger than the Bernie mentioned in intelligence. The blow just gave me the feeling that it was almost reached the level of a six-level strong man at the duke level."

"Duke level? That's not what we can deal with." Hearing Ye Lang's words, Joe shouted in surprise.

"I haven't arrived yet. I'm just said that it's almost there. Now his energy point should be more than 100,000." Looking at the man shouting in front of him, Ye Lang muttered, "However, I have to kill him to take the water elf's staff."

"Oh? What can you do to get close to him? You think it's paper-covered with a blood mask of nearly 100,000 points? Hearing Ye Lang's words, Qiao continued with a mocking face and said, "Come on, show me. I'd like to see how you are going to get the protective cover formed by 100,000 blood. I, Qiao, think I can't break it. If you can break it, what if I can give it to you!"

Joe's words are obviously a mockery from the heart. The actual combat power of the two of them is about 2,500 at most. If they want to break the protective cover of nearly 100,000, it is simply a dream. The brute force is simply a fantasy. No wonder Joe doesn't believe that Ye Lang can do it, and even said that he will give up the artifact. This shows how unreliable Ye Lang is going to do what he is going to do.

"Oh? I really broke this protective cover. Do you really don't want this artifact? Joe, does the man keep his word? Ye Lang looked at Qiao with a funny face. He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest. Time didn't wait for anyone. If Joe infected him, there would obviously be trouble. Ye Lang had many scruples. Ye Lang was very satisfied with Joe's words.

"If you can open this protective cover, what will happen to you, and I will try to get the time to open the return ring for you? Do you really have the ability to open this protective cover? I'll wait and see." Qiao said coldly, and then stood ten meters away from Ye Lang to show his innocence.

"Well, the game begins."

With that, Ye Lang's face became cold, and then slowly walked to the man holding his head and roaring in a low voice.

"Roar!" It seemed that he felt Ye Lang's approach again. The man suddenly raised his head and roared at Ye Lang. There was a warning in the roar. From his crazy eyes, it could be seen that he had no consciousness, but only the most basic instinct.

"I'm going to decide the stick of the water elf today!" Seeing the other party's crazy warning eyes, Ye Lang's heart resolutely said. Then, Zhenyuan in his body surged up, and stimulated by Zhenyuan's power, the ghost lamp Ye Lang had obtained before had also lit up and turned into a giant green. The copper lamp suspended above Ye Lang's head, and a trace of ghost flame burst out.

As Joe said, the generation wants to break the protective shield of nearly 100,000 with 2,500 points of blood, which is simply a fool's dream, and it has to be successful before a large number of strong people arrive, but the members of the dark forces and the bright forces are unbelievable. Everyone except the duke leader of the Douglas family is the enemy.

In fact, Ye Lang did not intend to break this protective cover head-on from the beginning. This person has an artifact. Doesn't Ye Lang have it? If it had been half a month ago, Ye Lang would not have foolishly made this bet with Joe, but the current situation is different. In this half a month, Ye Lang got a little benefit from the ghost lamp, that he mastered how to trigger the green wick of the ghost lamp. The Yin-eating inflammation practiced by Ye Lang was the introduction of the ghost flame. Son, in addition to the most powerful fantasy function, the only means of attack is Guiyan, a kind of flame between heaven and earth. Originally, it was impossible for Ye Lang in the earl age to start this attack secret method, but in a practice, when Ye Lang inadvertently put a trace of fire seeds into the ghost wick, However, he felt that there was a trace of connection between him and the ghost lamp. After that, Ye Lang tried his best to study how to use the ghost lamp to fight, which was the reason why Ye Lang was so confident. Compared with the person controlled by the artifact, Ye Lang was the person who really controlled the artifact, at the same level. In the confrontation, will the results of control and being controlled be the same?

"Roar!" Seeing the huge black fire ball bursting out of Ye Lang, although the man was unconscious, a trace of fear instinctively flashed in his eyes, and he eagerly roared at Ye Lang threateningly.
