
Chapter 122 New York

A handsome middle-aged man slowly came in with more than a dozen gunmen in black, and many faintly appeared in the woods near the lawn.

Brook whispered, "Don't worry, my manpower will come soon."

Ye Lang scolded in his heart, "Damn it, this is your manor. People broke in directly, and your manpower will come immediately. Damn it." However, Ye Lang still took a moral step to the left and protected Brooke behind him. Brooke nodded gratefully and whispered, "Thank you very much."

The middle-aged man smiled and bowed slightly and said, "Good afternoon, everyone. I'm the second son of the Contis family. You can call me Zulan. Everyone should know my intention, right?

Chuck said gloomically, "Didn't you give three days? Why come here now?"

Zu Lan smiled and replied politely, "Yes, but since the bosses of New York City have gathered together, shouldn't we take advantage of this opportunity? We can figure it out now, so why do we have to delay? Time is precious, and people who waste time are shameful. His eyes lit up, but he had seen a blue baby like a jade sculpture, and suddenly there was a strange look on his face.

There was a noisy sound and the sound of weapons shooting around.

Ye Lang shouted, "We'd better sit down and negotiate. I'm afraid any casualties are not what we would like to see, right? Isn't it, Mr. Zu Lan, if you lose too many people to go back, I'm afraid it won't be good for you.

Zu Lan thought about it for a while. At this point, three of his subordinate gunmen had been killed. He frowned and didn't seem to expect that Brooke's manor would have such a powerful power. He nodded helplessly and agreed.

The two sides sat in the pergola again, and this time the camp is clear. More than 100 people brought by Zu Lan evacuated to protect his rear. On this side, Brooke's more than 200 gunmen and servants stood behind with an angry face. With the manpower of other bosses, New York had an absolute advantage, but Zu Lan did not bring all the people.

Ye Lang vaguely understood that Brooke, an old man, was likely to put all the heavy soldiers next to his stable, so he let Zu Lan take people**. Ye Lang cursed in a low voice: "It's really confusing. Zu Lan is also an idiot. Does such a person want to threaten all the bosses in New York City? It seems that with the support of the divine court, their courage has reached the sky. His words were heard by several bosses and nodded with approval, but they didn't know that Ye Lang even scolded Brooke.

Brook said coldly, "Zur Lan, I hope my subordinates don't have too many casualties, otherwise, we have nothing to talk about."

Zu Lan said provocatively, "Don't worry, we only hurt a few servants' thighs when we came in. By the way, can you represent the whole New York City?"

Brook looked back, including Ye Lang, and all the bosses nodded together to show their support for Brooke. After all, it's the same New York. If you are fooled by Italians like this, don't fool around in the future.

Zu Lan said a little gloomyly, "Well, let's tell the truth. Either you hand over the murderer who killed my father's senior assistant Falk, or you tell us who did it and we will find them ourselves.

Brook frowned and hadn't discussed a name just now. So he told him, how could Zu Lan believe it? Although the Contis family's manpower has arrived now, behind them is the alliance of the whole Italian mafia and the divine court, just a New York city, which really can't bear the consequences of their full fire.

Ye Lang motioned Ruofu to hand over the stack of photos next to him. Without discussing with other bosses, he threw them directly to Zu Lan and said indifferently, "We don't know how to explain. If you want to know the truth, please analyze it yourself. I think you, a nobleman from Italy, known as an ancient family, won't turn against us without any reason, will you?

Zur Lan didn't look at the photos. He looked at Ye Lang for a long time and whispered, "People in China? Strange..." He enlarged his voice: "So, this gentleman from the older China, please tell me your explanation of this matter?"

Ye Lang licked his lips, took out the white jade pendant, gently stroked it, and whispered, "Well, I'll explain it again..." Ye Lang said the mixed watery words from the beginning. In fact, except for the little hooligan, everything else is true. The hiding place of the werewolf was discovered by Jack and Heim and told Ye Lang.

After listening to Ye Lang's words, Zu Lan couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then began to look through those photos.

For a long time, Zu Lan's lips were a little dry and asked, "Please give me some red wine." Brooke motioned a servant to send a bottle of original red wine, which was opened by the person behind Zu Lan himself.

Zu Lan said gloomyly, "So it is..." He suddenly smiled nervously: "You said you would have to think about giving us a long answer. Is that because of this? Because these are unbelievable?

Ye Lang knows very well why Zu Lan laughs so much. The civilization of the dark family on the earth has long been wiped out, so most ordinary people on the earth do not know the existence of the dark family, while Mars and the earth have been a cold war period for the past 30 years, and the communication between the two stars is less, so ordinary people do not know the darkness. The existence of the clan is also very normal. During this period, the dark clan invaded the earth and seized the land of the bright divine court. Family forces like the Contis family cultivated by the divine court acted all over the world to collect resources to prepare for the future jihad, and Ye Lang played by two major means because of this. Conflicts between clans take the opportunity to develop.

Ye Lang nodded and said, "Yes, if I were you, I would also suspect that we killed Xiaoxiong for the sake of territorial competition and accidentally injured your representative. And the things found at the scene are really unbelievable. We can't explain... No, we are having a meeting to discuss how to end this incident with you.

Zu Lan nodded, carefully picked up the stack of photos, put them in his suit pocket, gently tapped the table and said, "That's all for Fak's matter. I believe that our family is unwilling to fight with every word you said... So, let's talk about something else, please Who received Xiaoxiong's territory?

Ye Lang stood up and bowed slightly to Zu Lan and said, "Unfortunately, I received this position. I'm sorry for what happened to Mr. Falk. If I can do anything for him, I will never refuse." A year after arriving in the United States, the night waves gradually learned the hypocritical and complicated etiquette of Europeans and Americans.

Zu Lan looked at Ye Lang a little unexpectedly. He thought that the person who received the hero's territory must be a powerful boss in New York. Who knew that it was an outsider like Ye Lang... Well, Zu Lan began to think: "Well, that is to say, this Chinese has strength beyond our imagination. Otherwise, how can he gain a foothold in New York?

He smiled and said, "Well, that's you. We want to continue to complete the agreement reached between our Contis family and your Mr. Xiaoxiong. Not only our family, but the whole "Italian" family wants to complete this agreement.

All the bosses looked moved, and Brooke stammered and asked, "What kind of agreement is so important? It's just a drug transaction of 150 million federal dollars. Does it need to be so solemn? Any of our boss can complete this agreement.

Zur Lan looked at the people behind them, thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "You go back to the hotel to wait for me. Without my order, you are strictly forbidden to go out." The gunmen behind him quickly lined up and went out, leaving only three assistants tightly

Zi Lan clapped his hands and praised him heartfeltly: "Great friends in China, can you tell me your name?"

Ye Lang bowed like a famous actor of a musical and said proudly, "My name is Cang Yan."

Zu Lan nodded: "So, Dad, are you or you willing to cooperate with us? We can talk about the distribution of benefits in detail.

All the bosses looked at each other, and they were really bold Italians, who suddenly made their business into their territory...

While other bosses were still thinking about it, Ye Lang already laughed irresponsibly: "As long as you make money, why should we think so much about heavenly things? Or are you afraid of death?"

Several bosses roared: "Who is afraid? But we just want to find a suitable plan.

Ye Lang leaned on the seat with a smile and exchanged strange eyes with Zu Lan. While cherishing each other, they found that the other party was a cooperative person. Ye Lang sighed that Zu Lan's reckless impulse could be used, while Zu Lan marveled at Ye Lang's interest theory.

After the grand banquet, Ruofu drove to the headquarters with an drunken face. Ye Lang said to Lan Baobao, "It's so simple. As long as there is something good, any hatred will be put aside, and any powerful relationship will be put aside. And we can make good use of this fool and let him become us. The eyeliner inside the divine court. There is a reason why Ye Lang said this, because according to Hans's investigation, there are many loopholes in the plan implemented in the divine court. It seems that it is not the decision of the highest level of the divine court, but more like a move made by a high-level person who wants to obtain any benefits, and the phenomenon of fighting for power and profit within these secular families is also particularly Seriously, as long as there is a profit, these people will be willing to do it.

And Ye Lang dares to say this from the source of the ghost lamp. As an artifact, the artifact field of the ghost lamp is the two characteristics of fantasy and flame war Kai. First, Ye Lang has controlled the characteristics of flame war Kai, but the fantasy still relies on six reincarnation eyes to master a trace of fur. This illusion The art of the realm is too profound. Ye Lang has barely mastered the use of several illusions by his talent for more than a year without the help of a professional fantasy master, and this time he hit the idea on that Zu Lan.

After being in the underworld for more than a year, Ye Lang's biggest feeling is the importance of intelligence. With intelligence, he can get the most benefits at the first time. In the dark world, he has the Douglas family to provide him with information, and the Bright God Court has never had any intelligence organization to serve him. Today's encounter This Zu Lan is really the best. Ye Lang doesn't use him as an intelligence puppet, which is simply sorry.

Early in the morning, when Ye Lang just got up, Hans brought a message that made him very funny: "Boss, Zu Lan will meet you."

Ye Lang was still thinking about how to contact this fool, but he didn't expect that he came to the door by himself. Isn't this sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth? Ye Lang said happily to Hans, "Go and wake up the baby. She has to continue to play with this vase. This attracts a fat little sheep all of a sudden."

Hans heard Ye Lang's order, but did not carry out Ye Lang's order. Instead, he stood there and said with an embarrassed expression on his face, "Boss, Sister Lan is behind you, and she heard all the words just now."

Ye Lang is the most first-class person to observe. He knows that he has said something that Blue Baby doesn't like. Although this blue baby is playing a vase, he doesn't like others to say that she is a vase. Ye Lang has not understood the contradictions so far. Of course, Ye Lang also knows that if there is no remedy, Ye Lang will be troublesome.

patted the slightly angry baby Blue and coaxed her, "Good boy, go wash your face. Well, that damn Zu Lan came and said he wanted to visit me. I guess he came to visit you. How about waiting for this bastard to solve other things..."

Blue baby changed his face and snorted coldly, "I'll deal with him now, and then I'll deal with you when I come back." Despite wearing only a thin pajamas, he had to rush down. Ye Lang grabbed her with one hand and held Blue Baby's ear and warned her, "Well, good boy, just let him know that you are mine. Kill him? I'm afraid the whole New York City has turned against us. After all, he is the god of wealth now. Let's see what he has done.

A straight tuxedo, carefully sorted out his appearance, and waited in the reception hall of Yelang Villa with a large handful of tulips in his hand. Several black men led by Hans were entertaining several people he brought, and the amber-like liquor flowed into their wine glasses, and then they were It was sent into their stomachs.

Blue baby was still wearing a silver dress that he was used to. After half a day of Ye Lang's persuasion, he was unwilling to resist the impulse to smash Zu Lan and the flowers in his hand. He quickly took his tulips from Zu Lan's hand and casually threw them to the side. Ruofu with a cheap smile. Ruofu was stunned and seemed to want to sniff the flowers with his nose that had not washed his face for a few days. After thinking about it, he still gave it to Hans at will. Hans was not interested in flowers and casually threw them to a black man behind him. The strong man frowned and looked at the tulips in his hand and saw an empty brandy crystal bottle beside him, so he inserted it with one hand.

Zu Lan looked extremely embarrassedly at the carefully selected flowers turning into a poor 'bonsai' in just five seconds. He pretended to smile indifferently and hugged Ye Lang. Ye Lang hugged him with both hands and gently pasted their faces according to the etiquette.

Under the main seat of the guests, Blue Baby sat directly on Ye Lang's lap, as if he were tired of his arms as if he had no bones. Ye Lang has recently developed a habit of touching the softness of the blue baby's waist. After watching Hans give Zu Lan a glass of wine to his hand, he waved gently and said, "Mr. Zu Lan, what can you do in such an early morning?"

Ye Lang's eyes narrowed slightly, but his eyes stared at Zu Lan. If he really came for Baby Blue, then this partner would not be important.

Zur Langu said to him: "Dear Mr. Cang, how many subordinates do you have? What about Mr.heim? Why don't you see him?"

Ye Lang's silver eyes turned strangely for two weeks, and Zu Lan's eyes suddenly looked at it. Ye Lang slightly carried a trace of real power and penetrated his mind: "Mr. Zu Lan, why do you have to investigate my subordinates so clearly?"

Zu Lan's spiritual defense line was almost defeated when Ye Lang's first word came out. He stammered and said without any control, "Oh, Mr. Cang, I want to discuss something with you alone. Of course, I need to work harder for future partners."

Ye Lang smiled quietly and said a faint 'oh'.

Zu Lan shook his head and suddenly woke up. He was a little surprised by his gaffe and said to Ye Lang, "Mr. Cang, you see, in fact, in addition to family affairs, I came to New York this time, I also want to..."

Ye Lang patted the blue baby's head and said easily, "In addition to the family's affairs in the Golden Triangle, you also want to find an ally linked to your direct interests... Well, it's very interesting. Do you have any other considerations for your family? Or...hehe, the second son of the Contis family. What a pity, the second son without inheritance.

Zu Lanjing's white face suddenly turned slightly red and became silent. His fingers gently twisted the wine glass in his hand and looked at Ye Lang carefully. Ye Lang looked at him, then at the nervous assistants next to him, and suddenly laughed: "Mr. Zu Lan, you have brought so many people to New York. Are there only a few people around you that you can trust?"

Zu Lan took a gentle sip of wine, and the blush on his face slowly dissipated. The corners of his mouth squirmed a few times and sighed, "I don't tell you the truth, the social activities that can gain social status and power are all Cruise. What I can do is to run outside for my family. Anything that may offend other forces or governments is mine. I have always been afraid that one day when a powerful force asks the family to hand over me, I will be sacrificed mercilessly.

Ye Lang asked a little strangely, "So, your situation in the family is embarrassing. But, why? Especially why did you come to me and give me a reason.

Zu Lan took a deep breath and said in a deeply hateful tone: "I'm not a child recognized by the family. I'm the illegitimate son of the damn old Contis. Haha, they brought me back to my family and raised me. They probably had a dog. Cruise is different. His mother is famous and a well-known family in Rome. She was born with 100% aristocratic blood. What about me? What am I? The essence of the old man. Bug and my mother, a bastard born after the illegal union of the egg of a depressed senior social flower.

Ye Lang looked at the majestic Zu Lan, who used to be in Brooke's manor, with a little pity.

Zu Lan seemed to have found a place to vent. He held the glass made of natural crystal in his hand tightly, and the glass suddenly made a 'squeaky' sound, which made Hans next to him frown painfully. Zu Lan almost howled: "Do you know what Cruise's bastard scolded me when I was ten years old? He said that if the bastard old Contis used a condom that night, I would be flushed into the sewer... Fucking son of bitch..." Then, there was a series of greetings in elegant Italian.

Several of his senior assistants quickly came over and gently patted him on the shoulder. Zu Lan's red face suddenly returned to normal. He took a long breath and said to Ye Lang, "I'm sorry, I'm out of state. I'm really sorry..."

Ye Kang is very satisfied with this result, as if his 'fantasy' has worked. He confused the other party's sight with the ripples of energy ripples in his eyes, and then used Zhenyuan power to go straight into the other party's brain, making him out of control and spit out all the secrets buried in his heart, and then he kept giving Zu Lan a series of psychological hints, and then let him serve himself.

Z Lan looked at Ye Lang deadly. Ye Lang patted the blue baby, motioned her to sit on the armrest of the sofa next to her, and said seriously, "There is another reason why did you choose me as your candidate collaborator?"

Zu Lan licked his lips and said in a low voice, "First, your power is much larger than the surface. It seems to have something to do with Mars. Don't ask me how I know it. Anyway, I just know it."

Ye Lang was surprised by the information channels of the Italian family and began to warn himself that he must be more careful in the future. He nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Zu Lan is interested in investing in my business, so we have a certain relationship, but it is a general intimate relationship. You go on."

Zuri looked at Ye Lang, moved his lips a few times, and expressed a kind of sincerity and frankness in his eyes before continuing to say, "Second, after Xiaoxiong died, three bosses in New York City were killed overnight. I'm afraid everyone in the world knows that you did it."

Ye Lang didn't say anything and looked at her calmly. Zu Lan continued to analyze and said, "The second article proves that you have a very strong latent power, and I need these strengths. The third is even simpler. Other bosses in New York City and even the whole United States will not support me wholeheartedly at the risk of offending the Contis family by helping me. They will even take the initiative to sell me in exchange for the friendship of the Contis family, what do you think?

Ye Lang didn't say anything and went straight to the point, "So, what benefits can I get?"

Zulan simply said, "Help me master a certain family strength so that I can finally take over the Contis family... It's very simple. As long as you and your allies on Mars say a few words of pressure, I don't need you to pay too much... You can be my brother."

Ye Lang's eyes showed a faint trace of pity, which was just a poor man struggling to survive under strong pressure and dangerous environment. Zu Lan said very simply. It seemed that as long as Ye Lang said a word, he could ascend to the position of his parents, but the genius knew how many bloody storms would go through.

Ye Lang doesn't want to get involved in these right and wrongs. No matter who the Contis family is the parent, what does it have to do with him? Anyway, he only needs an intelligence puppet. However, after seeing Ye Lang's long meditation, the panic and despair in his eyes made Ye Lang's heart move slightly, and his crystal-like mood couldn't help but ripple slightly.

It seems that it is better to have one more head-level intelligence leader. If you want to get more benefits, you have to take more risks, which is very clear to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang grabbed a sharp paper knife on the right, stretched out his right hand, and gently cut a cut on his index finger. The red blood flowed out, and then handed the knife to Zu Lan.

Zu Lan was ecstatic and quickly separated a long and deep opening on his right index finger. He put his wound together with Ye Lang's wound. Drops of mixed blood fell on the handmade carpet in Nepal, which made Hans next to him feel distressed again.

Ye Lang said in a low voice, "Now, there is my blood in your blood."

Zu Lan went on to say, "With the testimony of the Heavenly Father, we become brothers connected by blood."

Ye Lang said, "We will never betray each other."

Zualan said gloomily, "We will face all the storms and waves in the future together."

The bloody oath is the highest oath of the underworld. Although this oath has no practical binding force, it is a spiritual recognition, which can be understood as a matter of face. What is the underworld? To sum up, it is power, and what does power bring? It must be the highest enjoyment and face. The most important thing for underworld people is face, and the highest level of this face is the bloody oath.

Ye Lang is willing to make a bloody vow with Zu Lan, that is, he recognizes Zu Lan and will give him the best help. How can this not make Zu Lan happy? This bloody vow has forced Ye Lang to stand, so the possibility of Ye Lang to repent is absolutely low.

Ye Lang pulled back his hand and said lightly, "Hans, prepare a good Italian banquet. We need to entertain our brothers. Call Mr.heim back, and he should meet several subordinates of the Zulan brothers. Well, everyone was mobilized back, and there is no possibility of conflict now. Inform our troops to gather and go out at any time..."

Zur Lan said excitedly, "So, Mr. Cang, what do we need to do now?"

Ye Lang said coldly, "Honey, please calm down. Even if I help you with all my strength, what can I do with the Contis family? We need to accumulate strength, do you understand? To put it bluntly, it's money, money, money. With money, we have arms, and with money, we have elite subordinates. With money, we can buy important people from your Contis family. With money, we can win the support of other Italian families. Without money, you can only be a dog in your life, and there is the problem of the divine court behind it. Don't think that they will have no objection to the replacement of a family owner, so this depends on your own ability. If you can't get the divine court, don't want to be the position of a family owner.

Zu Lan suddenly realized: "So, what do you mean?"

Ye Lang said lightly, "I need funds to maintain the operation of the team, and you need to attract enough support, at least after you come to power, you will not be condemned by the divine court, understand?"

Zu Lan nodded fiercely: "I understand what you mean. This time, a theoist priest of the divine court asked us to dominate various places and gave us a lot of funds. I will take out part of it, and the relationship between me and a red archbishop is very good. As long as this matter gives him enough benefits, there will be no problem."

Ye Lang hummed, "Well, we can probably embezzle your family's billion federal coins every year. That's it. Give me a billion federal coins, and Mr. Heim can train a small army to come out. I have registered a similar security group. Dear Zulan, if you have a trusted candidate, let them come to accept Mr. Heim's exercise.

A senior assistant of Zu Lan muttered, "We also have good gunners."

Ye Lang said indifferently, "Mr. Heim is the best arms expert in the world, and I have always believed this." Zu Lan looked at the assistant with reproachful eyes, who quickly lowered his head to show his obedience to Zu Lan.

Ye Lang sighed and said, "That's it, Zu Lan, if you don't deal with the wound on your hand, you may not be able to wait to sit in the position of the owner. Remember, you can discuss with Mr. Jofu how to embezzle your family's funds. Mr. Jofu is a genius in embezzlement, fraud and money laundering. You can discuss it with him.

Ye Lang said a little funny: "At the same time, let me officially introduce some of my assistants. Miss baby, my lover, may become my wife in the future. When I don't care, she is in charge of everything. Mr. Hans, one of my drivers, housekeepers and, of course, is second only to Mr. Heim's gunman.

Looking at the shocked eyes of several Zu Lan's subordinates with satisfaction, Ye Lang continued to introduce: "Mr. Heim, the best arms expert on earth. Mr. Ruofu, the world's top hackers, scoundrels and fraudsters, will be your best partner. As for the last Jack..."

Ye Lang thought about it and gave Jack a definition: "A violent maniac who likes boxing, but his strength is not as good asheim, his speed is not as good as that of Hans, and his brain is not as good as Ruofu. I don't think it's necessary. You'd better not alarm him."

Zu Lan heard what Ye Lang meant, that is, Jack is a dangerous person. If it is not necessary, it is better not to deal with him. If there is anything important, he will find the baby's wife when Ye Lang is away, and Hans when the baby's wife is away. As for Heim, he is only responsible for killing people, and the scoundrel also ignores his goodness at other times except when he is corrupt.

Out of politeness, Ye Lang was about to introduce his important confidants. A black man directly under Hans came in and asked Ye Lang to say, "Boss, there is something wrong in Manhattan. You need to go out in person."

Ye Lang closed his eyes and pondered for a moment and said directly to Zu Lan, "Mr. Ruofu and you go to the hotel where you are staying now. Be careful not to be seen by Ruofu. You should carefully discuss how to handle and transfer money on the amount of the goods, and I will deal with the affairs over there. If there is something wrong with my territory, I'm afraid it's not good for some of my plans.

Zu Lan stood up understandingly, stretched out his right hand with a piece of cloth and held Ye Lang tightly. Without saying anything, he took Ruofu and went out directly. This time, his harvest is enough to satisfy him.

After Zu Lan left, Ye Lang laughed. The laughter was full of irony. It was not only Zu Lan who was satisfied this time. Ye Lang set up a puppet seed in Zu Lan's heart. It was impossible for Zu Lan to get out of Ye Lang's control at all, and in any way, he was going to get the support of one billion federal dollars. And do you still have to run to help Heim train the army and send talents? As long as you enter Ye Lang's house, no one can go out, and as long as the plan is successful, Ye Lang can successfully install a senior spy in the Bright God's Court to prepare for his next step into the divine court. It is no wonder that Ye Lang will be so happy, and it is this lovely Zu Lan who brings all this.

Zu Lan's arrival has simply doubled Ye Lang's power, and his mobility has become more powerful. Since then, there have been more means to fight against the divine court.

On the other hand, Zu Lan has begun to withhold the family's funds at the instigation of Ruofu. In order to better carry out his plan, Zulan has returned to Italy overnight and began to win the support of several key figures within the family and support him in handling some of the family's businesses.


Thirty-eight hours later, on the highway from the airport to Manhattan, the two toll stations were all cleaned up. Heim's subordinates left five people in each toll station, and the rest were black subordinates of Hans in uniform, one with warm smiles and giving cars. It's very professional to tear tickets and collect money. In the toll booth, those real staff curled up on the floor as if they were tied up a puppy, with their stinky socks in their mouths, which must be uncomfortable.

Jack and Heim immediately followed the vehicle that came to meet the three intelligence personnel, a modified black car. Looking at its heavy chassis and extra wide body, Heim whispered to the headset and said, "Attention, it's a bulletproof car. Everyone is ready for heavy weapons. There are no light automatic weapons. What effect... At the same time, pay attention to blocking the police."

Jack said happily in a game tone: "Their license plate number is NY5438. Well, pay attention. After letting them go, they will seal the highway for us. After all, it's not a good thing to hurt too many innocent people."

The two-framed car followed the black car in front of them. The black car was hung with a special license plate. The people at the toll station passed him and Heim's car without squinting. Then they put down all the railings, hung the red prohibited sign, and the special three-legged horse was also placed at the toll station. In the passage, these fake toll collectors roared away.

Ye Lang stared at the highway three kilometers away on the mountainside in the distance. His eyesight was getting better and better. He didn't need a telescope at all. He could almost see every small sand on the highway. Several subordinates reported in the headphones: "On this section of the highway, there are more than 50 ordinary people's vehicles, boss."

Ye Lang said indifferently, "They are destined to say damn words, and we can't help them and act arbitrarily."

There is definitely something wrong with the bulletproof car, because Jack's car is too close to follow, and they instinctively feel dangerous, and it's really abnormal that they can't see a single car behind Heim's car. They accelerated, and the powerful horsepower of the modified turbocharged engine drove the heavy body to fly.

Heim smiled and raised his Goslom gun and directly broke the windshield, leaving a small white dot on the tail of the car in front of him.

Jack laughed at him ruthlessly: "Heim, your gun is too weak to break their first steel plate."

Heim looked at Jack with dissatisfaction and said, "Their car body can resist the close-range shooting of a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. It's not a pistol like me that can be hurt. It's just to tell them to run faster... Enough, go on, don't rub it."

Jack muttered, "Do you know how to shout?" However, he still obediently slowed down the car. In front, in the flower pond in the center of the road, a fire flashed. The heavy bulletproof car moaned, and the three wheels glided forward for a while. Then it barely balanced the center. The four tires emitted black smoke and continued to soar.

Jack speeded up and roared: "Fuck, this bulletproof car must have been modified in Germany." Heim looked at him puzzledly, and Jack roared, "Damn, only people in Germany can make such a strong thing, 30 kilograms of S*, which can't blow him up." Heim looked strange and could not answer Jack's words that he didn't know whether it was praise or criticism.

An extended and aggravated red container truck suddenly turned from the right lane and stopped in front. The bulletproof car turned crazily, but the speed was so fast that he loaded his head into the container truck and stopped.

More than a dozen men in black turned over the highway from the roadside. The large-caliber shotgun in their hands roared crazily and beat the bulletproof car into pieces, but the 20cm thick bulletproof glass was too strong. Although the shotgun was powerful enough, it could not be bombarded in.


There is still something wrong, so I sent it directly. Only 5,000 can be updated next month.