
Chapter 140 God

Yes, although Ye Lang can't cover up the whole mechanical dungeon space, Ye Lang can still do it alone. This Tianmo blood pool was originally built by Ye Lang himself, and every part is very clear, and the core source of the Tianmo blood pool is a drop of Ye Lang's original blood. Ye Lang owns the absolute ownership of the whole Tianmo Blood Pool, so it is not a problem to cover up the Tianmo Blood Pool, which is not particularly large at present.

At present, all soldiers trained outside are qualified to enter the mechanical dungeon and receive blood pool baptism, so as to be reincarnated as Ye Lang's exclusive blood dragon warriors. Both strength and speed will be greatly improved, not to mention the blood dragon family. The talent of the divine court and the skill of blood dragon beastization, so at present, there is only one idea in the minds of the soldiers who don't know how many soldiers can enter the blood pool through the blood battle assessment to get the title of blood dragon.

Whenever they look at their comrades-in-arms who are not much different from themselves, since they came out of the mechanical dungeon, the overall strength has soared. It is absolutely impossible to say that they don't envy them, so in order to get this quota, both the first warriors and the subsequent warriors who joined the Longting are desperately. Until they stand out from the bloody battle assessment, they dare not relax, because once they relax, they will find that the gap between their comrades-in-arms will occur in just a few days, which is unacceptable to all soldiers.

The dragon blood company this time can be regarded as the best group of soldiers that Ye Lang has obtained at present. You should know that the blood dragon warriors transformed through the Tianmo Blood Pool are only mixed-race warriors. The overall improvement ability can't be as powerful as the warriors transformed from Ye Lang's original blood, so at present, in the mixed-blood dragon regiment Generally, the strongest soldiers are only with the strength between the lieutenant and the captain, and this group of hundreds of soldiers from the Dragon Blood Company have not been transformed by the bloody fighting on the battlefield alone. Their potential is great, so Ye Lang does not intend to waste them in the magic blood. In terms of the transformation of the pool, because Ye Lang knows that the Heavenly Demon Blood Pool has the ability to transform the mixed-blood dragon battle, but it also has another great limitation that these soldiers can't break through the general rank in their lives, because this transformation can be regarded as an act of pulling out seedlings and stimulating them through the blood of Heavenly Demon. Source potential, under the control of extreme senses, forcibly develop their potential, which is a mixed thing. For those warriors with low quality, through the transformation of the demon blood pool, at least they are still qualified to experience the elegant demeanor of strong people at the school level, and if it is based on their own cultivation. It is difficult to say whether he can reach the major or not. Of course, Ye Lang kept his mouth shut about this matter. Except for Blue Baby, he didn't even mention it. He only told him the benefits of the transformation of the magic blood pool on this day.

So this time, Ye Lang intends to transform this group of senior soldiers with universal origin. He extremely needs a group of middle-level cadres to serve him. Before that time, there will be many low-level soldiers under his subordinates, but there is no embarrassment of commanders, but Ye Lang does not have the ability to transform them at this moment. At present, Ye Lang's own meridians, which are difficult to protect themselves, are fragmented. It's not easy to get better. If he uses the original blood again, he won't even know how he died, so at this time, he just asked Heim to take them to their security company for training for a period of time. At present, Ye Lang can't say when to transform, because his internal condition is really a little bad.

The last time he attacked a theoist knight, Ye Lang was not injured, but there was still some damage to the meridians, but there was no way. Although Jack's power was promoted to the * period, it was not Jack's own ability. In many ways, he had his own Inadequate, for example, because his own strength has improved too fast, his control of power is extremely poor. Jack needs five points to do what other people's three-point force can do, and the effect may not be as good as others' three-point power, so even if it is a sneak attack, Ye Lang is really worried about letting him go alone, so he doesn't It is impossible not to use the power again to kill a theotheistic knight without paying a price. This theotheistic knight caused a lot of trouble to Ye Lang before his death. His desperate blow still hurt Ye Lang's meridians a little, and in order to avoid the pursuit of 11 thetheistic knights later, Ye Lang But there are a lot of special abilities. None of these abilities need a lot of real power, so the originally better meridians were damaged again in such a chase and escape battle. Ye Lang had no idea to embrace those elite soldiers for the first time. Now what he needs most is time. He needs a lot of time to repair the wounds in his body.

For Ye Lang, time is everything now. If possible, he really wants a time machine to provide him with enough time to develop.


After staying in New York City for a month, the emperor held a huge mass. More than two million of the most fanatical believers came from all over the world, which made the police and agents in New York City nervous for a long time. However, under the seat of a god emperor, thirteen cardinal archbishops, eleven theoly knights, thirty-six church deacons, and countless senior clergy, the dark parliamentary group cleverly picked up its tail.

With such a strong team, no one dares to touch the reverse scales, so for a while, all the dark forces in New York City disappeared.

And the emperor got something and then led his subordinates back to the Vatican.

In general, the divine emperor will never leave the Vatican, because he is the spokesperson of the gods in the world. The divine emperor is the living representative of Christ, has supreme power, and is the spiritual leader of Catholics. The God Emperor is a knowledgeable and highly prestigious person for life. The election of the new emperor is a sacred and solemn thing. According to the tour guide, the conditions of the candidates are very strict. They need to go through multi-level, step-by- step formal study and years of training. Finally, they must obtain the certificate of the Vatican Bible College to become a priest and then become the archbishop of the diocese. Elections were held at various electoral levels around the world, and in the end, 117 archbishops were concentrated in the Sistine Chapel and isolated to participate in the election. The competition was very fierce, and only a two-thirds majority of the cardinals could be elected. Fischer is the current 165th Bright God's Court - Pope Benduk XVI. Most of the emperors are nobles in Italy and are rarely held by personnel from other countries and regions. During the election, countless devout believers waited in the square. The list of election results was ignited, and when white smoke came out of the chimney of the palace of God, it showed that the new emperor was successfully born and the believers took a reassurance pill. If a round of election is not smooth, the election results will also be ignited. After certain treatment, black smoke will emerge from the chimney of the palace. The believers continue to wait for the emergence of the new emperor in the square.

The Emperor enjoys the highest legislative and judicial power, can enact or repeal ecclesiastical regulations, appoint personnel to form the Holy See, create diocese, appoint bishops, and "never be infallible in ethics and faith."

An important part of the actual power of the Emperor should be to have the personnel appointment and removal power of bishops and priests in various places. At that time, the church's power was widespread in various countries, and the church occupied a large amount of wealth and land, so the personnel appointment and removal power represented a very large amount of power. Since the religious reform, the federal government has controlled the church in its own country and no longer obeyed the orders of the divine emperor. The divine emperor gradually lost the power to "interfere in other countries' internal affairs". The only area of his rule is the earth and the Mercury where he is stationed. Generally speaking, His Majesty the Emperor Fisher will never leave the Vatican, where He needs to guard the divine realm and control the four world. His move must mean that something great has happened. You can imagine how serious this incident is that even the God Emperor has taken action.


What impact did the arrival of the Emperor bring to the disaster-stricken regional government of the United States? On the other hand, Ye Lang was very happy.

Ye Lang stood in the corner of the closed training ground and watched more than 100 soldiers from the Wild War Legion standing in a neat phalanx, full of momentum.

Ye Lang roared loudly: "Brothers, you are all my best brothers. Thank you for your willingness to come to the earth to help me. Thank you for your trust in me, thank you for coming to New York City and accepting my command... I, Ye Lang, promise that as long as I am in a day, we will be the strongest.'

Ye Lang did not talk nonsense and punched the floor. Hundreds of thick cracks spread more than ten meters around him, centering on his fist, and the concrete floor cracked with a crash.

Ye Lang pointed to Heim and said, "He will lead you to the forefront of the earth's soldiers. I hope you won't let me down."

Ye Lang smiled a few times and said to Heim, "Thunder Tiger will be your deputy... I want to buy another piece of land and make it look like a virgin forest in South America. I want these Martian kids to taste in the swamp of the virgin forest. Heim... If I don't call you, you don't have to go back to your old nest and look here more."

Ye Lang turned to the gate and suddenly told Hans, "Get me about 20 mad pythons, fifty sabre-toothed tiger beasts, and 100 flying-winged beasts into the forest... I think Heim will like it."

Heim nodded calmly. For him, even a hundred pythons and small water snakes were no different.

Although it is not possible to transform them at this time, regular training is essential. Thunder Tiger, a group of soldiers from the Dragon Blood Company, are the most powerful and high-quality team among Ye Lang's men. Ye Lang will not relax their training at all. This can be regarded as a gathering of Ye Lang. All the benefits of a few years and the Wild War Legion.

These benefits are not objects, but living people. What does Ye Lang need most now?

That is a large number of middle-level cadres to control the regime. He needs a lot of living forces to control the training of the lower gangsters. Even if it is possible, it would be great to train these 50,000 gangsters to become the strongest iron-blooded soldiers. For Ye Lang, his heart is more or less beaten. With such an idea, but the training of 50,000 people is not a small matter after all, and you have to make a good plan.

The task of the Dragon Blood Company requires detailed planning and accurate execution. The training plan given to Ye Lang by Heim is mainly aimed at five aspects. After training, the members of the Dragon Blood Company mainly perform the following five types of tasks: Unconventional War (UW) using guerrilla tactics. Guerilla warfare is characterized by the use of unconventional tactical operations by small-scale mobile combat teams, including destroying enemy supplies, fetting, ambusting small groups of enemy troops, blasting and other "running away after fighting" operations. Overseas internal defense (FID) provides training for foreigners to build friendships. In Operation Desert Storm, Heim trained the Dragon Blood Company in sea, desert infiltration and other skills in order to enable the Dragon Blood Company to adapt to high-end battles in various environments. Direct Action (DA) - is advancing towards the enemy's target. Missions may include attacking land or water targets, rescuing hostages, ambush enemies, etc. Counter-terrorism operations (CT) include direct operations against terrorist activities, as well as counter-terrorism operations to prevent terrorist activities and protect citizens and the military. Special reconnaissance (SR) - includes conducting preliminary surveys aimed at collecting information, equipping observation posts and other types of surveillance activities (including public surveillance and covert surveillance aimed at collecting information). This may include collecting hydrogeographic data (beach and hydrological survey) to facilitate landing or tracking the enemy and reporting their location. When the Dragon Blood Company does not receive the task, it will continue to train and learn new skills while consolidating basic skills, so that they can be more comfortable when receiving the task.

This is the most needed special force that can do anything at present, and the arrival of the Dragon Blood Company just solved the biggest problem in Ye Lang's heart.

With such a force, Ye Lang's mobility is much stronger when he moves people. The role of the Dragon Blood Company can be regarded as a support force. When there is a problem with any unit, they can continue to fight anytime and anywhere, perfectly complete the tasks required by Ye Lang. The dragon blood company must be able to fight in any kind of environment, otherwise, their existence will have no meaning. For Ye Lang, there are many ordinary troops, and he doesn't need so many ordinary troops at all. What he needs most now is one that can persist in all aspects. The troops of war.

If more than 130 members of the Dragon Blood Team can do the project required by Ye Lang in this training, Ye Lang will consider arranging a blood beast as a war horse. In this way, their strength will be further strengthened, but now the training has just begun, very Under many circumstances, Ye Lang will never promise benefits easily. They will not cherish what is too easy to get. Without paying any price, Ye Lang will equip them with war horses. Although it can strengthen their combat effectiveness, they can't maximize the effect, because they can't learn to cherish it. In front of you, if you don't pay for labor, the fruit of victory will not taste sweet.

So in Ye Lang's organization, no matter how good the relationship is, if he doesn't pay for the organization, Ye Lang will never give him any benefits, even if it is a blue baby.

This is the reward and punishment system set by Ye Lang, an absolutely fair and just system, because it even includes the throne system. In Ye Lang's organization, including Ye Lang's current hegemon throne, all people's rights depend on their own ability to fight for. Every three months, the members of the lower level of the pyramid can apply for a challenge like the members of the higher level. If the challenge is successful, they can instead sit on the throne of power, which also includes Ye Lang's position.

For example, the position grab system formulated by Ye Lang Longting organization requires that it must be between the upper and lower levels, and it is absolutely not allowed to challenge the level. For example, Ye Lang, as the highest leader, has the qualification to challenge him, there are only four people in the Longting organization.

*Heim, an arms expert at the peak, *Jack, the assassin at the peak, Hans, a wind and fire warlock at the peak, Lieutenant General Ruofu, and Blue Baby, forget it. She doesn't have that idea and ability at all, so she is excluded. If you want to challenge Ye Lang, a warrior who is one level lower than these four, First of all, they need to defeat Heim and others at their top to be qualified to apply for a challenge Ye Lang in another three months. As long as they have the ability to defeat Ye Lang, they are qualified to sit on the hegemony that belongs to Ye Lang.

The implementation of Ye Lang's plan can be regarded as a manifestation of absolute self-confidence. The existence of this plan has its advantages. Although it is a little adventurous, it can be regarded as extremely low by Ye Lang's variability and state alone. In terms of ability, there are indeed many people in the world that are more powerful than Ye Lang. However, those who can be qualified to challenge must be the old heroes who have done their best for the Longting organization. How can they convince the public without virtue? Therefore, this is the second requirement. They must accumulate enough virtues. If the combat effectiveness is strong enough, it doesn't matter if they are in power. This is the most interesting system of this position-grabbing system. In one place, Ye Lang's absolute self-confidence means that no one can take away his position, and anyone who wants to challenge him needs to accumulate a lot of achievements to challenge. In this way, the development of the organization will only get better and better, and Longting will only become stronger and stronger.