
Chapter 144 Angry Howard

So Ye Lang can only retreat and slowly penetrate from their deputy or subordinates at a lower level.

And Howard once went to see him once when he was only a young commander, but that time he was disturbed by the four guardians around him. You know, the situation at that time was very strange. The existence of the group of night killers seemed to be dead men. They were not afraid of death at all. On the contrary, their moves are all the same moves, and they can also sneak into the shadow. The means are extremely strange, and the ability to control the shadow is extremely terrible. In addition, all of them are strong at the general level. The shock caused by the four people killing Ye Lang together is very great. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Ye Lang can only choose to retreat. Because their shadow control skills alone could not be resisted by Ye Lang in a short time. They could not kill the four of them in a short time. How serious the result would be. Ye Lang was very clear in his heart, so there was no hesitation, so Ye Lang quickly fled. Later, Ye Lang learned that this was a special protection. The team of the highest chief executive in the United States is called the American Sea Dragon Assault Team, which is fully known as the American Sea Dragon Assault Death Squad and belongs to the central government of the United States. American Sea Dragon Expendables

One of the top ten special forces in the world. The American Sea Dragon Expendables is one of the most mysterious and shocking special operations forces in the world. So far, few people in the world know where the American Sea Dragon Expendables will carry out missions, where to serve as a training base, etc. However, this mysterious force always appears when the country needs them most. The disclosed information is that there are only more than 1,200 active-duty American Sea Dragon Sucentai fighters in the U.S. military, all of whom are civilized and strong, because they mainly perform tasks at night and require no less vision than high-end fighter pilots. Entering the American Sea Dragon Death Squad, the cadets have to pass the special military training that is considered to be the most difficult and strict in the world, and sometimes the training is completely * exchange of fire. The cadets cultivate their perseverance and team fighting ability in extraordinary difficulties, and the final 70% of the cadets will be eliminated. Therefore, being a soldier of the American Sea Dragon Death Squad is the highest honor of an American soldier. Ye Lang has nothing to say after learning that he has fallen into the hands of such a team. After all, the American regional government is not a cook. If there is no power in its hand, even Ye Lang will not believe it.

After that exposure, the regional government of the United States began to investigate the strong in the United States and increased the safety factor of the chief executives above the municipal level. Howard's status as the supreme chief executive of the American intelligence organization is supreme. It's good not to assassinate him. Once he knows that someone will fight again After their people's idea, the situation was different. Every time Ye Lang passed through Howard's office area, he could feel several extremely powerful breaths lurking beside him. According to Ye Lang's horrible five senses, none of these breaths were weaker than the young commander, and they followed the street. The eight directions of the district fully cover the work area of senior officials. If any party has a problem, the other seven parties can support it anytime and anywhere. New York City is one of the four administrative cores of the American regional government. There are a large number of senior officials in the United States. It can be said that a responsible word, as long as Ye Lang dares to go crazy. If you take over the White House in New York City, it will definitely cause a major earthquake on the earth. However, just think about it, but you must not really do it. The reason is very simple. Ye Lang can't afford to play and is not so stupid. After staying in New York City for a long time, Ye Lang clearly knows that the whole American region is the earth. The strongest real power government has a very strong power. On the surface, the four kings are likely not their comprehensive deterrent core force. Even Ye Lang himself is a constant card, and various life-saving means are emerging one after another. He does not believe that the American regional government will have no cards. He is not stupid until now. It provokes this level of strong men. Generally speaking, once such strong people lurking in the dark are dispatched, it must mean that the American regional government has reached a critical juncture of life and death. If they don't move, it will definitely be an earth-shaking earthquake and kill tens of millions of people. It will never stop.

In three years, Ye Lang's Longting organization has become extremely powerful unconsciously, and there are branches in major cities. All kinds of talents and soldiers from the Crazy War Legion trained by Ye Lang have been sent to these cities to be responsible for the development of forces. One is to lay the foundation for the future devouring plan, and the other is to exercise the ability of these strong people to deal with problems independently. Ye Lang's Longting cannot always be a gangster organization. Ye Lang has a plan in his mind, a plan that can scare all the people on earth.

Yuwen invincible came to this world 500 years earlier than Ye Lang. He wanted to find this person in Ye Lang's limited life and kill him. Just thinking about it, you will know how difficult it is. A 500-year-old man is the peak strength of the emperor? So what will exist now? Emperor? Emperor God? Or have you been super god and stepped through the void? Ye Lang is unknown. At present, the only news he knows about Yuwen's invincibility is that he intervened in the Light God's Court and the First World War five hundred years ago. Since then, the legend of Yuwen's invincible has been widely spread in the dark world. The existence of the three flying night fork and the existence of the Kyushu artifact tripod. They are all extremely horrible. Ye Lang is the creator of the three flying night fork. He knows very well what kind of taboo existence will grow into after Yuwen's invincibility. Ye Lang is very clear that the flying night fork is a taboo product of the demon realm, which is a kind of horrible existence at the top of the biological chain. Flying night fork The strongest of the family can become a world-class strongman and a super god. Therefore, with the existence of these three flying night forks, Ye Lang dares to guarantee that Yuwen's invincible life will certainly be very happy. In addition, the existence of the three Yuwen brothers, this group of enemies under the starry sky 500 years ago, do not know that they have grown up. At some point, the gap between Ye Lang and them is so big that it is impossible for Ye Lang to revenge without special means.

It has been three years since the establishment of Longting, and its sphere of influence covers the top ten mainstream cities in the United States. The leaders of major branches are all strong officials from the fierce battlejun tuan. *, the four administrative cores of New York City, Chicago and Las Vegas are stationed in Ye Lang's hands. In addition to New York City, where Ye Lang is personally stationed, there are strong people at the level of the blood dragon clan who have recently been transformed by Ye Lang.

The purpose of devouring the American regional government is very simple, that is, Ye Lang wants to build a country! Establish an underground kingdom.

The federal government of the earth implements a feudal system, which is very similar to the posture of the ancient Zhou Dynasty. The emperor stands in the central government, and the major princes [regional governments] can pay tribute every year. As for the foundation of Ye Lang's founding is here. The replacement of regional governments, the federal government does not interfere, as long as the annual number of tributes is not small. The federal government doesn't care who is the ruler of the regional government?

The only thing Ye Lang needs to worry about is that other regional governments will intervene in his control of the American regional government, as well as the intervention of the Nalan family. You should know that the top force attached to the American regional government is the Nalan family, Nalan Youruo, the woman who once made Ye Lang feel sad. The family, when he first came to the earth, Ye Lang and the Nalan demon moon of the Nalan family had a relationship. Nalan demon moon, also known as the blue baby's handkerchief, once thought that when there was a need, he would go to the Nalan family to take out the token given to him by the former woman to win the help of the Nalan family. As long as the letter has a lot of benefits, it should not be a big problem to change a government leader, so Ye Lang did not pay attention to the American regional government at all. Ye Lang's ambition is very strong. In order to fight against Yuwen's invincibility, he needs a lot of resources to serve him, so he wants to dominate the earth and he wants to become The rulers of the earth establish hegemony, rule the four directions, and use the power of the country to fight against Yuwen's invincibility.

This is Ye Lang's plan in the next ten years!

Three years have passed, and Ye Lang has just controlled part of the American regime, which makes Ye Lang very dissatisfied. He has just controlled New York City in the four core cities by now. For example, *, Chicago and Las Vegas have not been able to intervene, so Ye Lang is very dissatisfied. Knowing that Ye Lang is scheduled to dominate the earth for ten years and has not even succeeded in occupying the United States so far, Ye Lang is still a little dissatisfied with this, as if he still has greater ambition.

Dominating the earth to fight against Yuwen's invincibility, establishing dragon court hegemony and self-improvement is the strongest road that Ye Lang thought of. He wants to become a generation of kings.


It was another dark night, in a sea east of New York, two small submarines secretly approached the coast, and twelve shadows climbed out of the submarine, and then almost ran straight to the shore. About a minute after they landed, the incompetent American soldiers found these twelve figures.

A soldier directly aimed a Gaussian blocking gun at a shadow, but the non-commissioned officer beside him stopped him. According to the above, if there is no large team of hundreds of people, it is strictly forbidden to make any movement. The non-commissioned officer was even swearing: "Wipe the toilet when you go back. Damn it, do you want us to waste our credit?"

Twelve black shadows toured the vast beach, and then laughed and deliberately made a loud noise.

The more than 30 American soldiers who were ambush nearby were really depressed. They did not dare to move. Looking at the shadows shouting in a strange language, they were really angry. But there are orders above, and they dare not violate them.

The twelve shadows deliberately made fun of themselves for a while and found that there was no movement. They greeted each other with satisfaction, and then made a sad whistle. The two miniature submarines immediately retreated and dived into the water.

The shadows continued to wander around for a while, discussed with each other, divided into four groups and dispersed, leaving the beach.

An American officer hammered his sore waist, got up from the thin sand and cursed in a low voice: "What do these damn Martians want to do? Pioneers exploring the way? It seems that they are coming soon? You have to report it, otherwise the officials above will let me squat in a black house.

Howard was the first to get the news. He pondered for a while, regardless of the late night, using his privilege to force a secret cabinet meeting, regardless of whether several bosses were directly woken up by his agents in **.

Looking at the sleepy chief consul, defense minister and other ministers, and at the leaders of several other intelligence departments belonging to his colleagues from a unified external perspective, Howard threw a stack of photos on the table: "Gentlemen, look, the situation is not optimistic."

Under Howard's sharp eyes, the slightly elderly chief consul finally struggled out of the palm of the Mo hand, casually picked up the photo, turned it over, and casually threw it away: "Oh, how many black shadows are worthless? Isn't it? Gentlemen..."

Born in a military family, he is also a retired general. The defense minister took the photo and asked hesitantly, "Small submarine? Huh? Smuggling people? Is there anything important? Howard? Just for these people, do you force us to concentrate on meetings by almost commanding things? It's two o'clock in the morning, sir..."

Howard said rudely: "I want to understand why the underworld leaders in New York City, in some cases, behave better than some of our government officials... They have a sense of crisis, gentlemen, they know that a large organization is going to encroach on their interests, so those poor people An attack was launched, but they failed... However, you, the rulers of our American region, didn't find anything.

The chief consul frowned and gently tapped on the table: "Mr. Howard, pay attention to your words, thank you..."

Howard reported with a helpless wry smile: "Twelve people, they infiltrated our coast with two submarines. Near that coast, I remember the last time I asked Mr. Chuck to garrison a brigade of soldiers. This is the information they came back."

The first reaction of the incompetent chief executive was: "Cuck, are you crazy? Use the strength of a brigade to guard a short section of the coastline in order to catch stowaways? I finally understand why the defense budget always exceeds the standard, and what is the reason why you don't have enough money.

Several ministers laughed and made a soft voice, so as not to provoke Chuck's reaction too much, but enough to make him embarrassed laughter.

Chuck suddenly untied his shirt and loosened his tie: "Howard, give me an explanation. Yes, last time you reported that Martian forces may commit some illegal acts on our land, so I have provided you with enough people. What else are you going to do? Mr. Chief Consul, I asked you for your opinion last time, and you agreed.

The chief consul blinked his eyes and seemed to have such an impression. Well, then he blamed Chuck. Anyway, Chuck is a loyal dog and has to be comforted. He laughed: "I didn't forget, Chuck, I was joking just now... It is absolutely impossible for a brigade to catch and steal. Passenger, I hope you don't care about the tone of my voice.

Chuck nodded with satisfaction and turned his eyes to Howard.

Howard spread his palms: "Well, I don't think this is like a smuggling, but an invasion, gentlemen, a Martian, large-scale, powerful and destructive act of aggression."

The chief consul is a little nervous: "How many people are there?"

Howard guessed, and then added his own judgment: "About 2,000 people, sir, no more than 2* at most."

The chief consul obviously relaxed: "Well, it doesn't matter. The soldiers of a brigade can kill them... Gentlemen, if there is nothing 'especially' important, maybe we should..."

Howard looked at the idiotic Prime Minister angrily: "Sir, please listen to my explanation. They are not ordinary people, they..."

The Prime Minister said solemnly: "Mr. Howard, you are the director of the FBI, so these things should be handled by you. Your power does not lie in randomly finding a reason to gather all the cabinet members... Next time, I will not allow such a thing to happen again. Love. It's just 2,000 stowaways. Even if they are terrorists, I'll give you another brigade, and you should be able to kill them... Although such a large-scale smuggling really doesn't pay attention to us, it's not worth fighting. Do you need me to send out the air force and aircraft carriers?

"Ha, I remember that a small fleet also went to the French port, didn't I? What else do you need? Sir?"

"That's it, you should be satisfied... Martians? It's a Martian. As you said last time, then, I will try to express a little indignation to them in a more euphemistic way... That's it. All right, let's break up."

Howard looked helplessly as the big shots hurried out. He knocked on the table angrily: "You idiots, have you ever seen the smuggling of military miniature submarines as the first sentry? This is aggression... Damn it."

Howard laughed at himself: "What can I do?" Yes, I'm just the director of the FBI. My power is only limited to what I'm doing now... What else can I do? You bastards hold the supreme power, damn it."

Yes, in any case, it's only 2,000 people. Do you need to make a fuss?
