
Chapter 147 Parliamentarians

"Ye�. I have just explained this matter to Brother Murphy. Let's go back now. The Senate has issued an order to suspend the invasion plan.

Charlie nod his head, and instantly all the members of the dark clan turned into a black wind and disappeared into the air.

The dark world suffered a great loss this time and was ambushed, which is simply a shame. If no one informs the Bright Divine Court in advance, no one can believe why they portrayed a huge array waiting for their arrival. You should know if there is a giant array. There is enough materials and time that can't be done at all, so there can only be one result of this kind of thing, that is, someone is informing. As for who it is, Charlie and others will definitely trace the problem to the end, because in the dark world, the most intolerable thing at this moment is betrayal.


Howard held a thick file bag, which contained photos of all the soldiers killed this time, as well as traces of the scene. Of course, the photographer carefully followed Howard's order to avoid the bodies of the dark family, and only took countless shots that were acceptable to ordinary people.

Howard thought for a moment and whispered, "I'm also a traitor. Of course, that idiot consul can't represent the United States, so he can't be regarded as a symbol of the United States. So, I'm not a betrayal, am I?" He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ye Lang's number: "How about we make a deal?"

"God, do you have to bargain for everything? Well, well, this incident will bring you unexpected benefits. Of course, it may also bring unexpected disasters. The chances are 50% each. It's up to you... Don't ask me what it is. Although my phone is a confidential signal, you are absolutely interested in this matter. It's good. It's best if you agree, but your side is likely to be monitored... Manhattan? OK, I'll be right there... Nonsense, this is my work machine, and I never use public funds indiscriminately... You... I'm pissed off." Howard hung up the phone angrily. His gray eyes looked strange. For a long time, he laughed: "Damn guy, but he won't refuse my terms... If he is a businessman, he will definitely understand how rare this opportunity is.

Howard is also completely disappointed with the American regional government this time. At the same time, he is also very clear that it is impossible for him to enjoy such a huge cake as the United States alone. He must find a powerful person to cooperate with him to complete his idea in a short time, so Huo Huade thought of a very interesting person at the first time, Ye Lang.

To say who has the most horrible status in the United States at present, Howard dares to say a very responsible sentence, then it must be Ye Lang. With the deepening of Howard's investigation of Ye Lang, his understanding of Ye Lang is constantly soaring, and the more he knows Ye Lang, the more he feels Horrible, Howard's intelligence organization is also very horrible. In his year, almost all the resources were used to investigate information about Ye Lang. How could he not gain anything? Dimly, he knew a little about the dungeon and Longyan Island, and understood himself and Ye. After the gap between the waves, Howard chose to cooperate with Ye Lang instead of fighting against him.

Howard believes that he is still a smart person. As a smart person, he really can't do what he knows he has to do.


Ye Lang yawned, and Baby Lan crawled on him and asked him curiously, "What's the matter? Huh? It seems to be Howard's voice.

Ye Lang smiled and said, "Howard said he had a deal to talk to me... It's really strange, and it's not clear... But I think it must have a lot to do with this incident, so I promised him to cooperate.

Howard rushed to Manhattan in a helicopter gunship. He didn't bring anyone with him. He left all the accompanying agents at the scene of the crime and ordered them to have their own direct instructions before returning to New York, requiring them to supervise the soldiers to clean up the bodies, cover up traces and so on. According to the address Ye Lang told her, Howard found a hotel called the Emperor.

Looking at the luxurious decoration, the tall and wide lobby, he shook his head helplessly: "It seems that in today's society, the leaders of the underworld will live better than most serious people."

Ye Lang had already been waiting in the hall. When he saw Howard come in, he greeted him with a smile: "Oh, welcome, welcome, dear Mr. Howard, it's great that you can come."

Ye Lang hugged Howard and looked very enthusiastic. Howard hugged him helplessly and whispered to him in Ye Lang's ear, "What the hell do you want to do?"

Ye Lang had a strong smile on his face and muttered in a low voice: "How can it be done without this? After all, something unpleasant has happened to us before, right? Isn't I not showing friendship?" The two separated, and the people around them looked strangely at the two people who were obviously wrong, but there were many strange things in the world. Who has the leisure to care about other people's affairs?

They can't imagine that these two people are the ones who can decide the fate of New York City?

Ye Lang led the way and took Howard to his room. Hans, Heim stuck the door left and right, and stood outside the door proudly. Ye Lang told them, "No one is allowed to come in. If anyone has any idea, send them to see the king of hell." Jack curled up on the sofa like a snail, holding a marijuana in his mouth, and rolled his eyes at Howard.

Howard looked at Jack and said coldly, "Young people, drug abuse is harmful to health. Don't you understand this truth?"

Jack rolled his eyes and said, "Ah? Really? Um, maybe... Would you like one? Colombian origin is marijuana, with a little Indian tobacco, which is very fragrant.

Howard rolled his eyes feebly, sat far away from Jack, sat on a sofa, casually threw the thick file bag on the case in front of him, and said, "Cang Yan, this is what I'm talking about. The big shots you brought to know, some of them are determined opponents, no Is that so?"

Ye Lang sat next to him, quickly grabbed the file bag, took out the photos inside and looked through them, and said loudly, "Aha, it's so beautiful, oh... I mean *, yes, these * seas are so beautiful... Ah, what do you mean?

Howard looked at him: "To be honest, do you think there is hope for a country under the leadership of an incompetent consul? When a country's defense minister can't seriously analyze intelligence, is there any security in this country?

Ye Lang muttered, "The FBI director of a region can visit people like me alone. Is there any secret?"

Howard's eyes widened and looked at Ye Lang with a ferocious light.

Ye Lang quickly smiled and said with a smile, "Ah, I think, yes... Ha ha, a country must be led by wise leaders and a steady and alert defense minister to have a future... Do you want to overthrow the government?

Howard was surprised by Ye Lang's last words. After thinking about it for a long time, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I have this idea, but it's not the time yet."

Howard whispered: "There are all the soldiers present, the confessions and signatures of the soldiers who can speak, and the video recorded by the battlefield information sharing system. Of course, some plots have been deleted, and only some pictures that normal people can understand... Don't ask me what scene was deleted, that's something you can't understand... In order for you not to have nightmares in the future, it's better not to know..."

Ye Lang pouted: "Your biggest problem is self-righteousness. Don't I know those things? Maybe it's just that some dragons and phoenix unicorns have changed, which will scare you stupidly... Humph." He asked Howard with a smile, "Value, sir, where is the value? I can't be in too close contact with those big shots, otherwise your FBI will trouble me... God, dear sir, I don't want to take risks.

Howard said gloomically, "Give them this information... After half a month, they can play freely.

Ye Lang shook his head: "I don't understand, I really don't understand."

Howard showed a trace of sneer: "You understand... Those incompetent consuls will block any relevant information, just like what they have done in recent years. Yes, they will block the news, and then, even if these soldiers evaporate from the world, their families will be warned that for their safety, it is strictly forbidden to make any voice against the government... There are many such records in the top-secret files I have read. Do you believe it?

Ye Lang nodded: "Of course, I believe that an idiot can be successfully re-elected when public opinion is most unfavorable to him. Of course, some measures need to be taken... Ah, but my risk is too big. It's likely that after I give this bag to a big man, ten snipers will turn my body into garbage bags when I go out of the door.

Howard looked at him deeply: "So, how about using this action in exchange for my department not interfering in your affairs in the future? Cangyan, it's worth it... It's really worth it..."

Ye Lang shook his head: "It's not worth it, sir, it's not worth it... You are now interfering in my affairs, but you can't do anything about me. On the contrary, I got some fun in the competition with you. So, I don't think your indulgence in my acts of evil deeds, murder and looting is of great value to me.

Howard looked at Ye Lang fiercely: "Well, I can find a charge to stay in the FBI detention room for 20 days a month at any time in the future. Do you think such a life will be meaningful?"

Ye Lang crossed his legs disdainfully: "Aha, then, I will immediately go to Beijing to settle down, or Tokyo, Seoul, anywhere, and the mainland market is more extensive, isn't it? Sir."

Howard felt a little helpless about Ye Lang. He could only say, "Well, how about you do me a favor?"

Ye Lang pulled out a cigar, and Howard's eyes immediately shook twice and looked at him angrily. Ye Lang played a trick with his cigar in his hand and didn't light it. He said with a smile, "I don't need your so-interference in my affairs. You don't interfere, but you can tell other departments of the information. I'm not a fool. I just need you to owe me a favor, and a favor is enough.

Howard looked at Ye Lang and thought for a long time before slowly nodding.

Ye Lang laughed loudly: "Well, it's a deal."

Howard breathed a sigh of relief and said hesitantly, "I don't know if I'm doing it right... Really, I don't know."

Ye Lang said indifferently, "Come on, sir, it's not a big deal anyway. Why blame yourself like this? I'm just surprised that there are so many of your subordinates, and it's good to do this kind of betrayal of secrets. Why don't you let them do it? If your FBI wants to stink a government, although it is not easy, it is not difficult, is it? Falsifying evidence is your strength.

Howard looked at Ye Lang and said seriously, "These photos are real. I saw them with my own eyes."

Ye Lang muttered, "I didn't say these were fake. Anyway, many of them used to be fake. You must admit it."

Howard smiled bitterly: "Yes, I admit it."

Ye Lang asked unrelentingly, "So, why don't you do it yourself?" Are you afraid?"

Howard shook his head: "No, frankly, I just want to make my heart feel a little better... I made a decision that must be done, but I really can't order it myself. Maybe it's for peace of mind. It's such a thing. Anyway, that's it... There is nothing else. I'll say goodbye.

Ye Lang didn't send him, so he let Howard leave like this. Jack spit out a breath* and said faintly, "Boss, there is no benefit. There is no benefit at all."

Ye Lang kept looking through the photos on the case and said strangely, "No, there are many benefits... Once this evidence is punched out, it will be a shocking blow. As long as the United States is in chaos, our world will come. It seems that we will find someone to be the chief consul to play.

Jack was not interested, spread his hands and feet softly, and lit a piece of marijuana.

Howard's arrival can be said to fully recognize Ye Lang's hegemony. What he just meant was obvious. He needed to find a wise partner to share the benefits, but this partner must figure out the relationship between the two. Jack failed to understand the dialogue between the two, which was also normal, because Jack himself is not a person who likes to think about problems with his brain, so he doesn't have much idea at all.

; This time, Ye Lang was also a little surprised by Howard's unexpected visit. He did not expect that the guy he had set as the enemy would choose to turn to him at the last critical moment. Ye Lang looked at Howard's figure with great interest in his heart. He muttered to himself, "It's really worthy of being an old fox. He knows the current affairs and knows that I'm going to attack him. The timing is so good. He is a talent. If it can be used for me!"

In fact, Ye Lang still appreciates Howard, an enemy who has been dealing with for a long time. You should know that there are few people who have been able to fight against Ye Lang for so long and have not fallen behind. Although Howard has to suffer a small loss every time, Ye Lang is very clear that those are small frictions, which does not hurt their muscles and bones at all and does not move at all. If such a resourceful talent can be completely used for himself, the result will be obvious.

In this American devouring plan, there is already a lack of a puppet leader. The dialogue between Ye Lang and Howard made Ye Lang realize a problem. Would it be better if he supported a capable leader to rule the American region? Of course, if the leader himself Will the talents from the American Rights Center be better? After thinking of this problem, Ye Lang immediately focused all his eyes on Howard, the director of the FBI.

As the director of the FBI, Howard has been in office for 15 years and can be regarded as a long-term senator. He is also a member of parliament at the core of American rule and has a high status in the hearts of local residents. If he is elected as a consul, I believe that the number of support is certain. There are many, and the benefits of this are that Ye Lang is very clear. Those who win the people win the world. If they want to rule a region better and fail to win the hearts of the people, there must be no way to achieve long-term stability.

So choosing Howard as the consul of the American regional government will definitely be an excellent choice, and it is also in Howard's interest. I believe Howard will definitely not refuse his request.

Ye Lang likes this kind of mutually beneficial thing from the bottom of his heart. Howard is also a talent who knows current affairs. It is the easiest to cooperate with this kind of cooperation, and Ye Lang also likes to cooperate with such people.

The next day, Ye Lang took several of his subordinates to the gate of a most luxurious villa in the west of New York City.

"Boss, what are we going to do? How can you come to this place? You seldom set foot in this place on weekdays.

Jack, who followed behind this, asked doubtfully. This villa area is a famous gold nest in New York City, which is full of celebrities. Ye Lang has never been particularly interested in these people in the past, so he has never thought of anything to do with this group of people, but only since yesterday, Ye Lang and Howard After a close talk, Ye Lang appeared in this gathering place in a blink of an eye. It seemed that Ye Lang had some unique ideas. ...