Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 7 Organ

I also heard it. I quickly bypassed a few big trees and went up a small slope. Fat Ma also followed quickly.

The echoing voice became more and more real, and the ground was like boiling water, which was boiling enthusiastically.

I couldn't suppress my excitement and even said to the fat man with suspicion: "It should be here"

Fat Ma said to me, "You wait for me here. I'll be right back." About two or three minutes later, Fatty Ma came over. Holding a shovel in his hand, the whole is in the shape of a letter U, which looks very sharp.

Fat Ma also handed me his flashlight and said, "Help me light it." I took the flashlight and watched the fat man's behavior.

I saw that Fatty Ma's shovel could be stretched and stretched. Fatty Ma adjusted a length and said to me, "I'll try it first."

I didn't say anything. To be honest, I was still a little nervous at that time. After all, it was the first time I did this kind of thing, but Fatty Ma was very familiar with his movements. He went down with a shovel and hit it deeply. When he pulled it out, he brought out a lot of dirt. Fatty Ma took a flashlight from my hand, then lay down and shined inside. About a few seconds later, Fatty Ma said vaguely, "Yes...Yes..."

I was also anxious behind him and asked, "What on earth is there?"

Fat Ma stood up and said excitedly, "There is a baby, there is no time this time."

I also looked down. Sure enough, it was empty inside and a cold wind blew from below, which made me shiver. It seemed that it was really a tomb. I still don't believe it. It's so easy to find this grave. Is it a mistake, or am I really talented in this industry?

Fat Ma woke me up and praised me, saying that I was hidden. I was still puzzled!

Fat Ma made the hole that had just been made bigger, and the soil fell straight down, and there was a trill sound. I don't know when the thunder stopped.

It's really a thunderous day. Someone must have done something wrong. I inexplicably remembered what Fatty Ma said before. It seems that...

Fat Ma cleaned up for a period of time and said to me, "It's done. You wait outside first. I'll go down to explore the way first. Touching the baby is my specialty."

I'm also happy. After all, I've never done such a thing. It's false to say that I'm not afraid.

I should accept the fat man.

The fat man took out the rope from somewhere and asked me to find a strong tree to tie it. Then he went down slowly.

The Chinese word is to touch the baby.

I waited outside for a few minutes. After a while, Fatty Ma's voice came from below and asked me: Sun, you can come down.

After I heard it, I didn't hesitate.

Climbing the rope, we slipped down. We landed in a tombway, with a tail in the front and back, and there was a moldy smell everywhere. I asked Fatty Ma, "There are two ends in this tomb road, which way to go."

Fat Ma said carelessly, "Just towards me, you break the back."

I saw that he was very casual, and I reminded him, "Do you have any basis?" Fatty Ma's words slanged and finally said, "Sometimes this kind of thing can only depend on luck," he handed me a dagger to protect me.

I took the dagger and held it tightly in my hand. Suddenly, there was a feeling of something wrong in my heart. So I said to Fatty Ma, "Be careful."

Fat Ma was bold and said to me, "Sun, don't be afraid. What about me?" Fatty Ma said careless.

The construction of the whole tomb road is quite regular. Fatty Ma said, "Look at this tomb road, it can't be wrong this time."

I think of what my grandfather said before that ordinary palace nobles or rich families will set up institutions when designing tombs. Generally, there are bows and crossbows, sand and mercury, and moreover, organs emerge one after another, and many inverted people died tragically.

I remind Fatty Ma again to be careful.

Fat Ma began to laugh at me as a coward and said that I was worried.

He also talked about what he experienced when he fought in the northeast a few years ago, and he could recognize it at a glance.

I saw that he was so confident, so I stopped my suspicious heart.

Fat Ma and I are continuing to push forward, because the area of the tomb is relatively narrow, so the flashlight is very good.

The previous feeling of something wrong became more and more real, and I subconsciously reminded Fatty Ma to be careful.

Fat Ma looked back at me and said to me, "Sun, you can't go on like this. You have to follow me a few more times in the future and practice your skills."

At this time, that feeling had directly entered the bottom of my heart. It was not good. A sound sounded in my mind. I felt that my scalp was numb. I didn't care so much. I grabbed Fatty Ma's hand and pulled it back vigorously.

Because the fat horse was relatively large, he only pulled back a few steps and fell to the ground. Fatty Ma is about to speak.

A lot of crossbows were shot from the wall one centimeter away from his front foot, and there was still a cold light under the light of the flashlight.

Fat Ma couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and I also wiped my sweat. If there is such a small step at night, Fatty Ma will be shot directly into a sieve.

After all the crossbows fell to the ground, I shouted at Fatty Horse.

Fat Ma was still sitting on the ground in a daze and didn't wake up. I kicked him, and he hit him with excitement and said, "Grandma, I'm scared to death. I almost explained it here."

His voice was still a little weak, and it could be seen that he was really frightened.

Fat Ma slowly stood up, looked at the bows and arrows that fell on the ground, and said to me in an aggravated tone, "Lao Sun, I, Fatty Ma owe you a life."

I joked and said to Fatty Ma, "Thank you, Fatty Ma."

Fat Ma turned around and looked at me, and the corners of his eyes turned red. I thought he was going to cry. For a moment, I didn't know how to deal with it. Unexpectedly, he sneezed. After he came out, his saliva sprayed on me.

I almost scolded my mother, but I didn't expect him to scold first, "It must be Li Jie's grandson who hurt me behind my back."

I was short of breath for a moment. After a while, I said to Fatty Ma, "Be careful." Fatty Ma didn't refute me this time. Instead, he began to praise me.

There was a mechanism in the tomb just now, which was stepped on by Fat Ma. Fatty Ma and I carefully crossed the barrier.

After walking for a while, I'm not sure, because our stealing hole is hit in the middle with two ends, so I'm not sure which side to go right, which can only be blame for my poor learning.

He walked forward for another while. This time, Fatty Ma had a long heart and stopped talking nonsense.

Fat Ma suddenly stood up, and I said to Fatty Ma, "What's wrong?"

Fat Ma sniffed hard and said, "I smell the baby." With that, he accelerated his pace.

I still can't help reminding him to be careful.

Fat Ma was complacent and couldn't listen to me at all. He began to walk forward quickly. I had no choice but to follow him. Fortunately, there was no accident until Fatty Ma stopped. At this time, we had come to a relatively spacious place with a whole area of about 40 to 50 square meters, surrounded by soil. It is compact and looks smooth. The ground is paved with bricks, and there is a platform in the middle of the tomb with a coffin.

Fat Ma's judgment is correct. This should be the tomb, and the coffin is put into the coffin here.

As soon as Fatty Ma entered here, it was like a headless fly stringing around, and then came back and said, "No, no."