Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 11 Opening the Coffin

After hearing my words, Fatty Ma's originally smiling expression stiffened.

I repeated what I just said, and Fatty Ma stared at me with wide eyes, with a curious face.

I asked, "What are you looking at?"

Fat Ma was silent for a while and replied, "I'm watching if you are fascinated by ghosts. What's wrong with these coffins?"

"No," I quickly explained, "I just think there may be something we need in these coffins."

Fat Ma looked at me again, and then seemed to understand my words. He looked at me with a smile, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Lao Sun, you're right."

I was confused by his words. I haven't reacted yet. Fatty Ma has put his hands on a coffin.

I was a little nervous, so I asked quickly, "What are you going to do, Fatty Ma?"

Fat Ma looked at me in surprise and replied, "Of course it's opening the coffin!" Do you want to come and help?

I subconsciously nodded.

Ten pairs of coffins were placed in front of me and Fatty Ma. Except for the last pair that has been opened, the other nine pairs were tightly covered.

I was not so close before, and I may not feel anything. At this time, after being completely close, the trace of terror that breeds from the bottom of my heart always ripples in my heart.

I asked, "Which pair should I open first?"

Fat Ma looked at it with his round eyes and finally said, "Just open the pair next to the empty coffin!"

In the dim light, I glanced at Fatty Ma, and his expression was not relaxed. Maybe these coffins were really ominous.

I hesitated for a moment and said, "Or don't open it."

Fat Ma looked at me and sighed, "Let's open it."

I didn't answer.

The outer body of this coffin is all painted black. When I write these two big words on the front and back of the coffin, I can see at a glance that this is the ghost text.

But there are many strokes of these two words. I try to recall these two words that I have learned, but I don't seem to have these two words in my mind.

"The coffin nail is still good," Fatty Ma suddenly said. I'm afraid it will take some effort.

Because the coffin cannot be directly destroyed, only one nail can be loose.

Fat Ma took out a bra from the old military uniform pocket he was wearing. Slowly insert it into the gap of the coffin, and then slowly exert force.

The lid of the coffin creaked and creaked, but there was no obvious sign of loosening.

Fat Ma said to me, "Sun, when I pry open a little, you can use a dagger to get out the loose nails."

I nodded.

Fat Ma began to fight from a corner of the coffin. When the hammer was inserted again, the raised corner obviously began to loosen, and the loosened nail was like a tooth that was about to fall out of an old man.

I used a dagger to assist the force, and the nails were pulled out by me. After all, these coffins have been around for some time.

Fat Ma then changed to the middle. Not surprisingly, the nails were loose until the nails fell off in the second corner of the coffin.

Fat Ma motioned me to retreat a little, but he gritted his teeth and the sound of the coffin was lifted.

I hurried forward, and Fatty Ma had already pasted the edge of the coffin.

When I saw the scene in the coffin, my heart hung in my throat and suddenly answered that it was empty! This proves that my previous speculation is correct.

Fat Ma wiped the sweat from his forehead, sighed, and scolded, "Mom, there is nothing, which makes me nervous for nothing."

I didn't answer. In this environment, I don't know what to say.

We exchanged eyes, which means that the second pair reached a consensus, and we continued towards the second coffin.

The appearance of the second coffin is the same as that of the first one, and the only difference is that the two big words at the front and back of the coffin are different.

I suppressed the breath in my heart, and Fatty Ma's brazing slowly pried open a gap from the coffin. Repeatedly, the second coffin was also opened by us.

Similarly, it is empty inside.

My previous speculation is getting closer to reality.

Except for a pair of coffins that were opened as firewood and the two coffins opened by Fatty Ma, there are three pairs of coffins, and the three pairs of coffins are all empty.

I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fatty Ma's mood was obviously relaxed and began to hum red songs in his mouth.

Fat Ma handed me a cigarette from his pocket. I didn't want it. He took a sip of it himself. I don't know when the coffin board was about to be burned out, and thick smoke began to come out. Fatty and I coughed.

I said, "What kind of cigarettes do you smoke? These cigarettes are enough for you." Fatty Ma coughed and scolded, "Sun, don't talk sarcastic things."

At this time, the light also became darker. In this tomb, which is neither big nor small, the visual distance becomes pitiful.

I turned on the flashlight, and Fatty Ma asked me to close it. He also took the coffin board and borrowed the power of his volume. The coffin board soon collapsed.

The firelight was rekindled.

But we ignored a problem. In this narrow space, oxygen is limited, and combustion requires oxygen. I suddenly thought of this problem, and I said to Fatty Ma.

Fat Ma said that I was too worried. This tomb is not closed, but completely connected, and there will be no such situation.

After Fatty Ma smokes the cigarette, we are ready to fight against the third coffin.

I trampled out Fat Ma's still burning cigarette butts. Fatty Ma scolded, "Mom, if this pair is still empty, I will light them all with a fire."

We were about to do something when suddenly, a voice sounded, "I can't open it."

I immediately reacted and looked at the sound source. It was actually the clay figurine just now.

Fatty Ma and I both held our breath at this time. The clay figurine was coming towards us and couldn't see our facial features at all. After waiting for Fatty Ma and I to react, he said familiarly, "Comrade, do you have any smoke? Give me a bite."

After hearing the words, our mood calmed down. Fatty Ma handed him a cigarette. He took it and put it in his mouth, and then said, "Can you borrow a fire?"

Fat Ma drew a match and lit a clay figurine.

He took a deep breath, and then sniffed hard and said, "What kind of strange smell is this?" Soon he walked to the fire and then said something that surprised me and Fatty Ma: "Comrade, who is burning the coffin board?" Then he muttered: Did the same person look at us strangely while talking?

After hearing this sentence, Fatty Ma was no longer vague at present, and he stepped forward with a clay figurine's hand and shouted, "Comrade, thank you for your hard work."