Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 17 Dream

Suddenly, I felt full of strength, like an invincible general.

I walked towards Fatty Ma with a bronze sword in my hand. Fatty Ma was being pressed by a zongzi, and two were about to come forward. I put my sword at the head of a zongzi, and the head of the zongzi fell to the ground.

Maybe my behavior angered these zongzi. They forced me one after another, but at this time, I didn't have any fear. Holding a bronze sword, I rushed forward again. A sword stabbed a zongzi, and black blood splashed all over me, but I still didn't stop. I felt a stream of blood in my body. Burning, I just want to fight at this moment.

These zongzi are obviously not as strong as the previous one. I chopped them randomly, and these zongzis are almost dead and injured.

I scanned the situation of this battlefield.

Fat Ma and the clay man have come together. Both of them are covered with blood. It seems that the injuries are not light. Looking at them, my eyes are a little erratic. Then a strong pain came.

I saw with my own eyes that a layer of armor was growing on my body, slowly covering my whole body. The tingling feeling was like hot oil pouring on my skin, which hurt the bottom of my heart.

In a trance, I seemed to hear Fatty Ma shouting at me, and the voice of clay figurines, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away from me, more and more erratic.

The pain forced me to start shouting, and I could feel that my consciousness was getting more and more blurred....

After a while, the pain dared to disappear, and I felt a burst of relaxation all over my body. I looked at my body. I don't know when the armor had faded away, and I returned to my original state.

I shouted Fatty Ma, but no one answered, and then I shouted Mud Man, which was equally silent. At this time, I paid attention to the surrounding environment, and I was shocked. I was no longer in the original tomb.

At this time, I stood on a long bridge, which was very long. Below is the cliff, and the sound of the cold wind tearing like cloth and silk, recalling it in my ear.

Just as I was curious about where this is, suddenly, the whole world suddenly became dark, and I dare not move, because there is a cliff below, and if I don't pay attention, I will be doomed.

The cool wind made my heart feel cold, and a sense of uneasiness began to grow in my heart. At this time, when it was about to become fear, the other end of the long bridge lit up, which was actually a faint blue light.

I've seen that team of strange people before. Am I caught by them? I stared at the blue light.

Suddenly, in the blue light, a person I know appeared. It was a hill. There were waves in my heart. How could the hills appear here?

I shouted her name loudly, but I didn't get a reply. The hills seemed to see me, looking around blankly, and my face was extremely pale. Suddenly, a touch of blood appeared on my pale face. Then she was shouting loudly, but I couldn't hear what she was shouting. Suddenly, she strode away, but She couldn't run away from the light, as if she was painted as a battle of trapped beasts. The expression on her face seemed to be more and more painful, and my heart was inexplicably tled.

I hurriedly ran to the other end of the long bridge to help her. Just as I was halfway, the hills seemed to have lost their fighting spirit and jumped into the cliff.

At this moment, I feel that my heartbeat is about to stop, and the whole world is starting to collapse. I hate that if I run faster, nothing will happen to the hills?

Just when I was in despair, the hills appeared in my sight, and my pale face was as pale as washed starch. I slowly stretched out my hand to pull her. Slowly, she seemed to shed tears. I wanted to wipe her tears. The next moment, she cried like rain, but it was not tears but human blood flowing from her eyes. I was shocked. I asked her what was wrong, but she didn't seem to hear my voice.

I suddenly panicked again. What should I do? What should I do? The blood flowed more and more, and finally the hilly skin began to bleed. After a while, my whole body was drowned by blood.

I was a little panicked. At this time, I suddenly heard someone calling my name, as if it were Fatty Ma's voice.

The voice was getting louder and louder and more real. "Wake up, wake up," Ma Pangzi shouted, and I vaguely saw Ma Pangzi's big face.

Fat Ma opened his teeth and said, "Sun, you finally woke up."

I blurted out what was wrong with the hills.

Fat Ma said doubtfully, "What hills, oh," Ma Fatty deliberately lengthen the sound, "Old Sun, I understand. When we go out, I will help you propose marriage to the hilly girl."

I said in a weak voice, "Fat Ma, don't talk nonsense."

Fat Ma laughed a few times and didn't tease me.

The clay figurine also came forward and asked, "Is it a nightmare?"

I nodded. But he didn't say the content of the nightmare.

I slowly stood up and looked at the body of Zongzi lying on the ground, "What's the matter?"

Fat Ma came forward and said, "Sun, don't you remember what's going on?" I shook my head to show that I didn't know anything.

Fat Ma wanted to say something, but the mud man stopped him.

Fat Ma laughed a few times, but didn't say anything, and then asked me if I was still sick.

I shook my head to show that there was no problem.

Let's take a break. The clay figurine suggested that they were all wrapped up. I asked, "Are you seriously injured?"

They said it was okay, and I also knew how Fat Ma looked. The clay figurine was a little weak but not serious, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

After experiencing this life and death, there was no direction for a while and I didn't know what to do next.

The three of us sat on the ground and began to rest without saying anything, and the flashlight was extinguished, and no one could see anyone.

For good, it was just a dream.

About half an hour later, Fatty Ma got up and said, "Keep working."

The clay figurine and I did not refuse. We stood up and left the tomb, and no one mentioned the bronze sword.

And the bronze utensils and other treasures in those boxes are not interested, but I know that Fatty Ma must have taken a lot away.

Through this tomb, we seemed to have entered a lobby, which is large, as large as half a football field. The light of the flashlight shines in. First of all, I was stunned by the two stone-carved mythical beasts. These two mythical beasts are a little too high. Most of them are three meters high, which is very majestic.

And the whole tomb is extremely well decorated. The ground is paved with blue stones and bricks, and the sound of stepping on it is like listening to a period of history.

There are several large pillars in the tomb, and there are several thick beams above the pillars, which have made the whole tomb solid for thousands of years.

Just as I marveled at the craftsmanship here, the clay figurine said, "This should be the main tomb."

I think so, but why is there no coffin here?

Fatty Ma pointed to the top of my head with a flashlight and said, "Sun, look at it."

I looked along his fingers and suddenly felt nervous. There is a huge bronze coffin hanging on the top.

is more than twice as large as an ordinary coffin.

And in the tomb, except for two large stone carved mythical beasts, it is empty, at least within my sight.

Fat Ma's foot was injured before, so his movement was not very flexible.

Fatty Ma muttered, "I don't think there is much gain here. That bronze coffin hangs so high. Damn, it's not intended for us to open the coffin at all."

I heard Fatty Ma say this, and I want to laugh a little. After someone dies and is buried, he will want you to open the coffin.

The clay figurine also looked a little serious, not at all the kind of ridicul as when they first met before. After that, he spit out a few words from his mouth: "If it really doesn't work, let's stop working."