Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 19 In the Bronze Ghost Coffin

After the bronze coffin landed, a lot of dust was raised and a lot of noise.

After everything landed, Fatty Ma had bulged his round eyes and kept looked at the bronze coffin, but he did not dare to touch it.

This bronze coffin invisibly exudes a sense of majesty. In this main tomb, the bronze coffin is hanging in the center of the whole tomb.

"Isn't it buried for peace, but how can this coffin hang high?" I said the doubt in my heart.

But these two people failed to give me an answer.

This bronze coffin is twice the size of an ordinary coffin. Normal people will shrink when they get old. If you follow this

Speculate, what is buried in this coffin there? People? Is there such a tall person? These are unknown to us. If we want to know, we can only open this bronze coffin.

Fat Ma continued to observe the bronze coffin with a flashlight and muttered, "Sun, why are there so many strange patterns on the coffin?"

Fat Ma's words interrupted my thinking. When I heard the sound, I also observed it carefully. When I entered my eyes, it immediately hooked my eyes, as if there was some kind of magic.

After looking at it for a while, "I really want to see these patterns somewhere," I blurted out. Fatty Ma looked at me in surprise. The clay figurine seemed to be attracted by my words, and his eyes were brightly.

I know they are all waiting for my next article, but I don't know how to explain it, as if I've seen it or not.

Fat Ma waited impatiently and urged me, "Grandson, don't sell it, you can say it!"

After the meeting, I said dejectedly, "I can't say it."

Fat Ma and the mud man's eyes suddenly withered. Fatty Ma said, "Lao Sun, it's okay. The organization trusts you."

I shook my head, and I really couldn't say it.

The clay figurine said, "I believe you."

After hearing their words, I felt some satisfaction. I continued to look at the strange patterns on the bronze coffin, which seemed to have nothing to do with the murals seen in the tomb outside.

But where have I seen them? These patterns don't look like humans or some kind of beast, which are relatively abstract.

I don't have any clue, but a certain feeling is telling me that I have seen these patterns.

I subconsciously reached out to touch the bronze coffin. When I touched the bronze coffin, it seemed to be beating. I quickly withdrew my hand and was about to sweat all over.

I didn't say it immediately. I was afraid it was my illusion. I looked at the bronze coffin carefully. I cautiously tried to touch the bronze coffin again. The beating had disappeared. It seemed that it was really my illusion before. I looked at the mud man and Ma Fatty. Although their look was serious, it was still in the normal range. I couldn't help but feel at ease.

These patterns are abstract and strange, completely traceless, as if they have no head and no tail.

After a while, the clay figurine shouted, "What do you think this is?" Fatty Ma and I quickly came up, and the clay figurine pointed to a series of strange runes on the bronze coffin and said.

Fat Ma looked confused and asked me, "Sun, do you know what it means?"

I squatted down and exerted the light of the flashlight to the extreme. After reading it, my face turned pale and my breathing became heavier.

Fat Ma looked at me and asked me anxiously, "What on earth is written?"

The clay figurine was also pale, as if sweating, but he didn't ask me.

After a while of silence, I spit out word for word: "Three people will be buried." After saying that, my face was like ashes, and the three of them were buried. Fatty Ma and I were not the right three clay figurines.

Fat Ma scolded: "Bullshit! If you dare to ask me to bury him, I think he is tired of lying in it and wants to come out for activities. Although Fatty Ma scolded happily, I could feel the disorder in his words.

The clay figurine's face froze. After a while, he spit out from his mouth: "Are there any other hints?" The voice trembled a little.

I shook my head, and it was the funeral of three people.

The clay figurine spit out the blood in his mouth, and there was a faint tendency to stand unsteady. Fatty Ma hurriedly supported the muddy man and asked with concern, "Are you okay? Why did you suddenly spit blood?"

The clay figurine wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, shook his head, and broke free from Fatty Ma's hand as if he was unwilling. He continued to ask me, "Is there really no other hint?"

I shook my head again and asked him, "What's wrong?"

The clay figurine laughed a few times, and his voice was a little sad. He said, "I'm afraid we have encountered a ghost coffin."

After the ghost coffin landed, it was as important as a thousand, which made us stable, and the space calmed down at once.

The clay figurine continued: "My master once warned me that encountering such a coffin may herald the end of your career, and you will definitely die," he sighed leisurely.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

And Fatty Ma looked at it, "Even if you want to die, you have to pry open its coffin before you die." After saying this, Fatty Ma seemed to be a chill coming.

"What the hell," I'll go to this tomb first to see if there are any other treasures. After leaving this sentence, Fatty Ma walked away.

I didn't care. The clay figurine froze in the spot without moving. I said, "Don't be discouraged. Maybe it's not necessarily a wading us," I said in the tone of Fatty Ma: "* Teach us to break all superstitions."

The clay figurine seemed to be insensitive to my words. I said a few words, but I didn't say anything. In fact, I have no foundation. Thousands of years ago, the coffin could predict that three people would enter this tomb in the future. Thinking about it, I felt incredible and inexplicably afraid.

I calmed down and continued to look at the coffin carefully.

Suddenly, the clay figurine said, "Let's get out of here first," and the clay figurine ran up. I was afraid that the situation was wrong, so I quickly caught up with it.

But just as the clay figurine was about to enter the entrance of the corridor, suddenly a stone door completely closed the corridor. The clay figurine closed the door, and his face was as ugly as eating a dead child.

I also stopped and saw that the retreat was blocked. I also felt that I had lost hope, but I can't be chaotic now. As long as we don't die, there is still hope to go out.

Fatty Ma turned around and looked here, hurried over and asked me. I pointed to the closed stone door. Fat Ma suddenly understood.

He scolded angrily, "Mother, son of a bitch," and continued to turn around to find the baby.

I patted the clay man on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, there must be a way."

His master had a great influence on him. He was too sure that his master's words were right. I couldn't comfort him for a moment. Of course, I dare not object that what his master said must be false, but as long as he is not dead, there is hope.

Suddenly, Fatty Ma shouted, "Mai man, can you still be a little promising? Come and find the baby with me."

When the clay figurine heard this sentence, he seemed to be stimulated and scolded Fatty Ma and said, "I was a teacher at the age of five, and I went to the ground with the master at the age of five. Damn, I am not promising." With that, he ran to Fatty Ma.

I also followed. I don't know where Fatty Ma came from and made strange things. To be honest, I have to admire Fatty Ma's persistent spirit of touching treasures.

The two of them got together, quarreled a few words, and then calmed down.

I continued to walk towards the bronze coffin and stood in front of it. I was stunned. I put my hand on the bronze coffin again. Suddenly, the beating came back. I was stunned and shrank my hand back and looked at the bronze coffin.

Is it an illusion again?