Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 23 Corpse

I looked at him, his hands were trembling like twitching, and he looked extremely nervous.

Yes, the bronze coffin may have been opened, and his secret may lie in the jigsaw puzzle that Fatty Ma said.

When we came forward again, the position of the bronze coffin lid moved half an inch, and there was a small gap with the coffin.

"It should be possible to push it away," I said.

The clay figurine nodded.

"What are you waiting for?" Fatty Ma said impatiently. With that, Fatty Ma pushed the coffin lid with his hand, and the bronze coffin lid rubbed against the coffin body and made a sound.

Fat Ma rubbed his hands and said, "I want to see where you are."

However, Fatty Ma's strength was obviously not enough. Then the clay figurine and I joined the camp. The three of them tried their best to breastfeed and pushed the coffin cover half away.

Fat Ma and I have basically run out of strength and keep gasping. The clay figurine had already stood in front of the bronze coffin and looked inside.

Fat Ma put his hand on his shoulder casually and asked, "What's inside?"

Because we didn't have time to see it, the clay man moved and didn't say anything.

We didn't wait for him to answer, so we looked into the coffin, and then we were almost the same as the previous reaction of the clay figurine.

I was stunned! There was no sound from each other.

Feel any unnecessary sound will wake up the existence in the coffin.

We exchanged eyes with each other, looked abnormal, and slowly retreated...

At this time, a strange scene appeared, and the corridor door was closed before and suddenly opened.

The three of us didn't hesitate at this time. We shook our footsteps and ran back, never dared to look back.

After we ran out of the main tomb, the stone gate closed again.

All three of us broke out in a cold sweat, and my spine is now cold.

"Let's go," I said in a panicked voice.

Fat Ma cursed: "Mom." It's a response to me. The clay man nodded, but the three of us dared not mention anything we had seen in the bronze coffin before.

We walked in this dark corridor, and I asked Fat Ma to give me a cigarette. After I lit it, I coughed loudly because of the excessive inhalation.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, take it easy."

I have another cough and can't stop.

Fat Ma came up and patted me on the back, but it didn't work at all. I continued to cough. Suddenly, I felt my throat hot. I covered my mouth with my hand, and the blood was all stained on my hands.

After that, I got better. The clay figurine handed me the water, and I rinsed my mouth and took another sip.

The mental state is depressed again.

When we went out, we didn't distinguish the road, so we went down. After passing the patio-like tomb, we passed through a tomb room and arrived at the tomb where we had opened the coffin before.

Go further down, where the corridor is located.

When we got to the place where the previous ten coffins were located, we stopped, all the coffins were opened, and then we didn't stop. After all, it's over.

I sighed.

When we were about to get to the location of the corridor, the clay figurine asked us to stop and check the situation. The previous corpse worms brought us a big shadow. If it hadn't been for the clay figurine, we would have died.

The clay man ran away without waiting for us to answer.

Of course, Fatty Ma and I can't let him take risks alone, so we also caught up. Fatty Ma suffered a little injury to his foot, so the speed was a little slow!

When I was about to walk out of the corridor, the clay figurine had returned and spit out a few words: "A man died."

Fat Ma and I were shocked when we heard this. Did one person die?

I bypassed the clay figurine and walked to the place where the corridor was located.

I saw a corpse lying on the ground, which was covered with corpses and insects.

My flashlight pipeline is very dark, and I can only vaguely see a rough idea.

Those corpses are making bloodthirsty sharp and harsh sounds.

After the clay figurine set off a cold fireworks, the dazzling light lit up the whole space.

These corpses living in a dark environment are frightened and flying around, making more miserable and horrible sounds, constantly looking for dark corners.

It was at this time that I saw the body lying on the ground, which was completely lost, but I could recognize who he was.

Fat Ma wiped his eyes and wanted to see more clearly.

I was frozen in place, and I didn't know what I was thinking at that time.

The clay figurine looked at me with a wrong expression and pointed to the body on the ground and asked me, "Is it your friend?"

I nodded and said, "That's right!"

Fat Ma finally saw it clearly before he said, "How can it be this boy!"

It's Li Jie. I can recognize him from his clothes, but why he appeared here, but this problem is no longer important. After all, he is dead.

Although we had a bad relationship with him before, all this was insignificant in the face of death.

At this moment, my heart is mixed. A living person actually died like this.

After a while, Fatty Ma said to me, "Let's get him out and bury him!"

I nodded subconsciously.

Is the light of the cold fireworks slowly shrinking? When it is about to annihilate, the cry of the corpse insects fluctuates everywhere.

I don't know where the clay figurine got a torch. This dark creature is actually most afraid of light.

When I approached the body, it was full of holes.

The face is fragmented, and the skin has turned black, with no original features at all.

Fat Ma said to me, "I'll just do this kind of rough work."

Fat Ma said, and suddenly, Li Jie, who was lying on the ground, sat up straight and was scared violently. His eyes widened and looked straight at us. I calmed down and shouted tentatively, but there was no response.

Fat Ma saw it at a glance and said, "It's back to the light," he said, and he didn't feel dirty, so he carried Li Jie's body on his shoulder.

The clay figurine was playing torches and kept paying attention to the situation around him for fear that these corpses would take advantage of the opportunity to rise.

Especially when I smelled the smell of blood, the previous sharp harsh sound began to become restless. The clay figurine was afraid that something would happen, so let me and Fatty Ma move faster.

I answered, and I climbed to the top of the corridor along the pillar of the corridor. We came down from there before, and our only exit was also on it.

After I went up, Fatty Ma handed over Li Jie's body to me.

At this time, the clay figurine said, "No," and the corpses began to fly out of the dark corner.

Stay in a slightly dark place where the light of the torch cannot be found, and they will attack at any time.

And the torch doesn't seem to last long. This is a temporary torch made by the clay figurine.

It was a little difficult for Fatty Ma to go up. I asked Fatty Ma to give me the rope and took a lot of effort to get Fatty Ma up. At the same time, the light of the torch was already weak, and I saw that the corpse worm was about to jump up...